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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 192 193 [194] 195 196 ... 374

"Home-ruuuuuun!" She cheered gleefully as she bashed her head and sent her flying, much to the cheers of her imaginary spectators. She was like a star right now, proudly hanging her makeshift bat over her shoulder like a world renowned baseball player.

Her all too adorable and proud smile was suddenly interrupted by an explosion. Her entire frame disappeared in a blast of heat and light, and a cloud of fire and smoke replaced her body. Suddenly, the smoke cleared, only to reveal a tattered, bruised but otherwise intact body of a diligent child shielding her, and the vampire holding him right in front of her with the most innocent of smiles.

"Aww, dammit! You got his coat dirty..." She disappeared right as soon as she uttered this words, appearing right above the blonde opponent with her trusty bat brandished in the air. While she had seemed casual, she wouldn't have used something else to block such an attack unless she considered her a threat in some respect. No matter how you looked at it, her battle wits were as sharp as ever.

Now leaping above, she rose with incredible speed with the full intent of crashing down on her foe with a mighty blow. "Guess I'll have to kill you!"


"Heh! You're even sharper than I thought! I should have brought some deodorant. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were some superdog." He noted with good humor, not trying to deny the accusations in the slightest. If anything, this was quite welcome, even exciting.

"You wouldn't have made such a mess of these poor lads if you weren't strong yourself. Speed, power, perceptiveness, and with your fixation on taking life from flesh, I can't buy the fact that hitting things is all you can do. You're closer to these no-good leeches than I ever could, why wouldn't a poor man be scared when faced with a freak like yourself?"

His words would seem condescending in another context, but his tone was too casual and friendly for such things to come off as insulting. It was more like a quip you'd reserve to an old friend, one that couldn't help but make him chuckle.

"Well, that's none of my business, but it does raise the question of whether I'm next on the menu or not."


The pirate backed away as if confused. "Eh? But if that was the case, why wouldn't she just deal with her herself? Isn't she supposed to be stronger than me?" He asked him casually before giving him a light tap on the shoulder. "Well, don't worry too much about it. Trouble seems to take a liking to me wherever I go anyways. You did your job excellently, so be proud of yourself." He added in a positive light.


The skeleton tilted his head, as if confused by the boy's reaction. "Huh? Ah, that's kinda obvious. Did you seriously not realize until now?"

He brushed the boy's hand to the side and shrugged, speaking dramatically but straight to the point. His tone was harsh, but it was far from unkind. If anything, it was patient, much like a teacher's.

"Think about it for a second. If she died, that would be it, the end of the line. There would be nothing to lose, but we wouldn't gain anything either. Capturing her was ideal, but even then, what good would come from that? Bring a chained bird over to our side? Or do you suggest we should torture her for information? If someone captured you like that, would you not do everything in your power to bring them down, even at the cost of your life? Why, I'd bite my own tongue off and commit suicide on the spot."

His nature was revealed this instant, displaying a fealty as ardent as hell itself. He did not care about orders or the like, his thoughts weren't that of some cur who would blindly follow. Seeing that the current situation would be disadvantageous, he chose his cards to grant his master the greatest advantage. In that sense, his treason was as great as his loyalty was absolute. Though he'd be lying if he didn't admit there was... personal bias involved in this decision.

Ah, this made him quite a liar after all, didn't it?

"You can whip a beast or chain a man, but you can't control someone's heart that way. If you expect results, offer spoils worthy of recompense. Give her an empty victory, so that her doubts and unfulfilled debt may bind us closer than any chain, and bind her to our dear master in turn. That is how you win hearts, do you understand, Mason?"


"Nah, I let her go." He answered him as casually as ever, like it was no big deal. Its like he had just gone out from a walk in the park, or finished track practice. No biggie.


The same shiver as before made the man reconsider, but even the lightest drop of sweat on his forehead wouldn't change his stance. He'd almost fool him into thinking he teleported, but the rustling of his coat's feathers told a different story. Fast, terrifyingly so. He'd be hard to hit, and considering all these corpses he was more than an evasive fly.

By all means, this was a legitimate and real threat. Even if he seemed affable enough, perhaps even likable, this wasn't enough to lower his guard.

"I was looking for interesting things, and lo and behold I stumbled on a wonderful sight. Besides, I wanted to make a friend." He said with the same huge smile as ever.


Eerie as it was, Blackmore didn't drop his smile. He was still analyzing the whole ordeal, trying to figure out what this boy could be. Perhaps some failed experiment? Or a vampire. The thought that thrilled him the most would be if he was something beyond his imagination, something he couldn't think about in the first place.

He held out his hand politely to decline his offer. "Well, mama did always say you should try new things. But I also wasn't the sort to listen to my mama in the first place. Sorry, again, but I'll pass."

He sighed and downed another beer in one gulp, burping nonchalantly."Honestly, I'd rather have a nice dry aged steak, or a suckling pig. Slowly roasted and well spiced, sitting in a bed of potatoes. Well, to each their own strokes I guess."

He gave the kid a friendly pat on the shoulder, the sort that told him that it was okay and that he could just keep going. More food for him after all.


Blackmore's grin somehow widened and he laughed heartily at his earnest response. This was just too messed up, to think he was knee deep in such a mess was too much for his poor heart to handle. He just had to laugh.

"Sorry, I'll have to pass. You're an amusing fellow though, and a hopeless glutton to boot. If I can be frank, I like you. How long have you been eating with such... enthusiasm?"


Blackmore looked at the boy with an inquisitive look before shrugging. "Oh well, more for me I guess. Then again, you've got some pretty sick tastes yourself." He said before gulping another bottle. His words might come off as harsh, but there was absolutely no reproach in his tone, if anything it was accepting, even friendly. "Why not freeze them for later? It's not like a fridge is a rare commodity, even around these parts."


"I like the way you're thinking, kiddo!" She cheered with a huge grin. Truly this was a wonderful friendship, the one way she could express such a wonderful feeling was by grabbing the doll by the foot and dashing forward with so much force the ground deformed under her step.

In the blink of an eye she leapt right at the bloodied girl's face in order to savagely beat her to death with the makeshift club that was Coppelius. Each strike was deadly and precise while carrying speed and power befitting of an embodiment of beastly ferocity. Meanwhile, the broken spears began to glow a powerful crimson around the four as they came closer and closer to explode like grenades.

"Die you peeping toms, die die DIE! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"


While she had the mannerisms of a mad dog, Costin was far from an idiot. Honed from countless battles, her intuition was the sharpest thing in the world. She noticed the faintest of lights flashing behind her, and her instincts had her react immediately. Red flashed in her eyes and she spun in the blink of an eye, and a dozen streaks of red darted in the air like blurring spears of death. Her throw was sloppy due to being reflexive, but it didn't make the bloody knives less effective, and among the targets she also aimed for the telephone held  by the blonde's hand.


The girl fell silent all of a sudden and looked down, turning much gloomer than before. She then proceeded to punch the orange haired man on the shoulder, her white hair covering her entire expression save for her mouth.


She then immediately darted out of the table, running out of the ice-cream shop as fast as she could. School, family, homework. All these things would have been nice, if only it was so simple. People had parents, but she wasn't a person. A weapon didn't need feelings, so why were tears starting to stream down her face?


The orphanage... she didn't want to come back there. Never again. They tried to put something in her food and drag her to the white room again, so she ran away. Playing with that man out of a selfish whim would just hurt everyone.

She'd never have a family.


The impact was simply out of this world, it was like being hit by a raging elephant. Any sane man would rather dodge and get out of the way of such a blow rather than meet it head on. Of course, he played his part diligently and was pummeled away into the wall, giving her the window of opportunity to escape.

His skeletal hand traveled to his  struck chest weakly. His ribs were cracked, and he realized that the damage was more than the impact let on. It was as if he had been filled with energy, some sort of anathema. The poisonous force wasn't enough to kill him, or rather, it wasn't the right kind, but it still put him in a weakened daze as he had to recollect himself.

"Hehehe. Ow... I felt that." He laughed it off, completely satisfied by this result. He walked out of the burning rubble and dispelled all the flames in the area, extinguishing the waves of heat instantly. With that, he left the floor and jumped out of the window acrobatically before landing right behind Mason.

Everything had gone exactly as predicted, there was little to be surprised about. In the end, he couldn't win. Well, he did manage to get some enjoyment out of this, so it wasn't a total loss. More than that, he was closer to realizing his wish than before.

"Well done Mason. Mission accomplished." He grinned from ear to ear before giving the kid a good ol pat on the back. If he was in sub-optimal shape he didn't look like it.


Blackmore whistled, astonished by his perceptiveness. "Impressive, I'll keep that in mind!" He answered jovially and earnestly, noting just how sharp Astarte was and just what this could mean. He had a million reasons to decline the boy's offer, but refusing would be rude, which was reason enough to humor the offer. He pulled a large pillow from under his coat and six large bottles of beer, though they looked laughably small compared to the massive man. Finally, he laid the pillow down and sat on it before handing the boy a drink.

"Looks like you'd need something to wash it down, pal." He added in good humor before popping his own bottle effortlessly and gulping down its contents. "Pwahhhh... Name's Blackmore. Do you come 'round these parts often?"


Blackmore could feel a shiver run down his spine. Dozens of questions coursed his mind at the moment. Normally, someone would keep bluffing, or try to defend himself. He saw no point in it, fighting would be useless and he was already figured out. He laughed it off, laughing as if he had just been sucker punched. He couldn't say he was mad, but this might be more trouble than he could chew.

"You're sharp!" He, as in the real one, noted gleefully before walking out of the larger door, though he struggled to squeeze himself out of the way and broke some of the concrete in the process. The projection turned into a humanoid mass of pink energy and static before shattering into shards that dissolved into nothing. Just why was he so happy, he sounded like a kid who had just found himself in a candy shop.

He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment and held his hands up. He wasn't hostile, he didn't want to be. If possible, he'd rather make friends today. He almost stepped over one of the mangled bodies, but he softly kicked it away and had it roll gently right to the boy's lap.

"Sorry, I didn't want to join these poor fellows. With a stomach like mine, even a feast for kings wouldn't be enough, so relax. Didn't think I was that sloppy though. What gave me away?" He asked him with a huge, good natured grin.


"Fancy spot for a picnic, eh?"

Speak of the devil, and the boy's worries somehow managed to come true. Looming on a rooftop above him, a giant mountain of a man squatted above, his wide grin practically reflecting off the moonlight as he looked down on the curious gourmet. He didn't expect to catch such a fancy sight, but then again he was the sort of guy who kept attracting trouble.

But leaving a stone upturned and not trying to decipher just what the marks underfoot meant just wasn't his style. Hah, hopefully he didn't just flip a boulder out of a volcano. If possible, he'd rather not fight against such an eerie personage.

Which was why he let his projection do the talking while he remained hidden, watching the scene unfold discreetly from a veiled window. Analyzing him first would be the best course of action.

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