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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 193 194 [195] 196 197 ... 374

The vampire snorted. Just how stubborn could someone be? Picking a fight for some dress wouldn't have sounded so bad 10 minutes ago, but that self righteous dumbass didn't get her wet one bit, and there was no way a cowardly shit who hid in the back while giving her a look that smelled of nothing but killing intent could satisfy her.

Simply put, this would be a total and utter waste of time, she wouldn't clean the blood in her veins by pumping them with even more shit. Looking at her, digesting something like that might give her mad cow disease. Well, if they hit her first, that might be a different story.

"Let's go." She gave Coppie a friendly slap on the shoulder before dropping him on her back, turning tail and leaving.


"Of course I go to school, dummy!" She pouted, turning away with her arms folded. How rude, she definitely went to school! Last week, she...

She broke down on the table, her hands covered on her head in pure unbridled terror. Her eyes spoke of pure and utter doom, as if she had forgotten the most vital thing in the world.

"Shoot, I forgot about the test!"

And on that day, the world knew of a great tragedy.

She rushed at the man and grabbed him by the shirt, her eyes desperate and imploring for salvation. "Please, you must help me. How do you multiply!?" She asked in pure and utter desperation.


"Huh?!" The vampire raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl with an amused smile. It was as if she was a retarded child asking to be kicked around, and those did tend to make some pretty funny noises, so of course she'd laugh a bit. Was she really trying to pick a fight with her? Reeeally? Wow, okay son!

But jeez, this kinda made things a helluva lot more difficult for her. It's not like she was the type to say no, but can't a girl have some privacy nowadays!? If this kept going, she might have to stab a bitch. Oh right, she still didn't answer the question.

"It's a dress..." She answered nonchalantly her before shaking her head as if the blue haired girl was hopeless. "Oh dear, are you seriously gonna bother me right now? I'm trying to have a peaceful walk here. C'mon, shoo."


If only for a second, the vanguard stopped and chuckled bitterly. Would he be smiling or weeping right now? He didn't know which one he was meant to do, in the end he could do neither.

"I don't know. Perhaps I'll crawl into a ball and die, or perhaps I will just keep destroying this world until it fixes itself. The truth is I have no idea how to save anyone, nor do I have the ability to save everyone. Well, I suppose I'll just have to keep trying until either I or this fate breaks. But isn't that what you're looking forward to?"

His hand slipped from his forehead and he sighed before looking up at the night sky. He remembered once again of that wish he had when he was nothing but an ignorant child. He wanted to reach for the stars. Even now, his hand reached above for things that he could never obtain.

The small motes of light slipped from his fingers, and he couldn't help but find satisfaction as his hypothesis was confirmed. It didn't matter what path he chose, destruction was inevitable. Him, those he loved, those he was meant to save, those who had nothing to do with any of this, the world... no matter what he did, one of them would perish, perhaps even all of them. In this case, none of his decisions mattered. He was free.

So what if there was another secret path? The thought had never eluded him until now, or rather, he had chosen to dismiss it until now. But having fell so low, he no longer had a reason not to try.

"The ending doesn't matter, but even after a million tries I'll strive for it all the same."

And with that, the warrior of metal walked forward, carrying on until he disappeared from the forest entirely.


The winds swept the earth and thunder coursed the skies as he caught up with the scientist, and with his final swing there was a flash so brilliant it was blinding. And yet, this rage had unclouded his vision, and Vanguard opened his eyes. If he did it again, it would just be a lie, wouldn't it? Nothing would change.

So when the blade caught up with Relius's neck, something incredible that could only be described as miracle occurred. The blade stopped, the scientist's throat was surrounded by the axe's curves. However, rather than cutting him, they pushed him onto the ground, pinning him and drawing blood from his neck.

Defenseless and bound by a monster's strength, his head was still attached to his body. If this was not a miracle, what was?

And yet, he would never be able to perform something so grand. He was simply tired of dancing to an all-repeating tune, be it divine or orchestrated by that man, so he cleared the entire board. He was tired, and his desire was exactly as he stated. He wanted it to end. If his mask had not melted away, would his face be one of spite, mockery or pity? Perhaps one would never know.

The truth is, he didn't. But while his axe's touch was as cold as ice, his voice couldn't carry even such a feeling. In his soul, he spat his words, but all they spoke of was regret.

"Did you seriously think I was unaware of my own actions? I know the thousands of corpses laying at my feet better than anyone. Each of them will be promised to a better world when the time is ripe, but i'm not going to live there, and neither will you. There is no place for me in a world without sin. I am a monster. What I do is evil."

He might have known from the beginning, no, he knew from the beginning. He couldn't say that he had just realized it, but he had no wish to hide any longer. For the first time, his endless hatred was directed at someone other than himself. For the first time, he truly wished to slay someone who wasn't himself. But he couldn't.

"Which is why I cannot kill you. That would be a hero's duty, and I am no such thing. Not anymore."

The weapon released the man's neck, freeing him from the unerring pressure as  the beast of metal  laid his axe to rest on his shoulder tiredly. For the first time, he felt exhausted, or rather he had finally chosen to recognize this feeling.

And he walked away, clutching at his skull as if a terrible headache just befell him.


The clash pushed the doll closer and closer to the brink of destruction. This time, its arm was cleaved off entirely. No matter how durable, no material could withstand such a blow empowered by heavenly lightning itself. This exchange was ultimately one sided and devastated everything surrounding them. Trees and nature wasted away under thunderous blows and scalding flames, and the apocalyptic warrior shattered everything in his path without restraint.

The metallic legend  burst away from the fiery explosion, the injuries were minimal at best. In less than a few seconds the distance was closed once more, and his weapon wrapped in a sea of lightning would pour down on him like a final curtain. Nothing would be able to resist such an onslaught, the next moment the puppet appeared it would be annihilated. Such thoughts weren't passing in his mind, it was just a fact. You might as well call it fate, but the truth was that he knew all along.

He refused, he rejected everything, he cut down all in his path including his own self, until all that was left was a wretched beast. Instead of confronting his sins, he became someone else, a vanguard that would drown in filth for all eternity as he tried to hold everything in his hands. The moment lives began to slip away, he had already gone too far.

And now that he had cut away even that, all that was left was a living corpse, hacking away with the only weapon he had, strikes weaving with such skill and obsession you could compare him to a demon lord from a fairy tale.


There was a boom, and both the puppet and the puppeteer vanished, but not before a devastating blow was dealt on the doll, severing its shoulder from its torso. Had it not teleported in the nick of time, it would have been cleaved in half.

There was another boom. Then another, and in a few steps he was barely a few feet away from Relius as an incarnation of wrathful lightning, baring a gaze as silent and hollow as it was haunting. Without losing any of his finesse, he swung his weapon with immaculate precision, the pressure alone ripping the debris away from the earth as his blade swept through the air to strike him down.


Vanguard stared at the dying man silently, That arrogant scholar, how dare he speak of fate in front of him?! He'd rip the tongue off his body, so he may never utter that accursed word ever again.

He would not be a sleeping slave of fate. His words had no weight or meaning, they didn't matter or change anything at all! No chains would ever bind him, no  shackles would restrain him. He would absolutely save everyone. He had to save everyone. It was the only thought keeping this machine running. That man was an impediment, he couldn't be allowed to linger a second longer in his world.


Magical circles and formulas whirred around the metal titan, and lightning exploded from all around him, cloaking his weapon to the point it looked like he wielded a mass of thunder. A rusty, unpleasant grinding sound lingered from his body, as if his gears where clenching and about to shatter one another, but it was deafened by the lightning's screams, the screams of hundreds of souls weighing on his back.

The price of these sins was too much for any man to bear, so he had stopped being human. His body was more than a mask, it was an armor to protect himself from others, from the world, and most of all, from himself. Now that it was broken, he laid bare, and the truth was that he had nothing other than the weapon in his hands, and power so overwhelming it became blinding.

His muscles compressed like a whip desperate for release, and with an ear splitting boom he leapt, bloating the moon with his brilliant power as he reached heights that dwarfed even the tallest trees of this forest, displaying his weapon high above the heavens so he may plummet it down with an all consuming swing and take that man's life.


Had his kick stopped, or had the puppet's movements been fast enough? In all the commotion, it was impossible to tell, all that was left was a burning explosion, flames roaring all around the warrior's imposing figure before it vanished in a massive blast.

Fires roared, the glowing light reflected over the scientist's doll's cracked face, but there was no sound. And as the smoke and fire faded, there was a faint blue glow. In the end all that was left was a machine, its artificial flesh melting off uselessly, burned skin faded into ash in order to reveal a ghastly phantom entrapped in a shell of metal. Its hollow eye sockets breathed no life, its teeth seemed to clench but were but an uncomfortable centimeter apart from one another. Clothes, skin, expressions, such things were nothing more than masks.

But even for its creator, such a sight would be something that would surely inspire terror into one's heart, this vessel had been forged in a corpse's image after all. For what is dead may never die, and even if the dead do not speak, they are not silent.


Relius Clover

After the devastating combo of blows, Ignis disappeared in a flash of purple light.  "Would you go through all this effort were it so easy?" he asked almost callously as he charged forward.  A spear like limb appeared from his shoulder, threatening to skewer the warrior.  Less than a second later, another limb appeared from his torso, threatening to pierce him in the leg.

Would it be worthwhile if one could snap such an ideal into reality?

Effort, huh?

The warrior's eyes changed for a second. Was this melancholy? No, it couldn't be right. A hand suddenly shot towards the robotic arm and crushed it, grabbing Relius with the useless appendage and twisting him upside down. "Because I want it to end." He murmured as he made the scientist fly.

Its other spear didn't even have the time to shoot past his face before he slammed the man on the ground with a deliberate motion that made it seem more like he accidentally dropped him. There was a terrible boom, dust erupted everywhere, but it was nothing in compare to the kick shooting towards the floored man's chest like a meteorite.


"And yet you are fine with such stillness? You disappoint me." He said as a matter of factly while his blade swept through the air, clashing with the puppet's blades to block its vicious attack.

There was a great shock wave, gusts of wind, and one could see the two forces struggled to overwhelm one another. Between his and the doll's glare, there was the subtlest of glows where their steels connected.

However, the moment of respite was short lived, for the warrior spun his weapon and his foe's balance with an incredible motion, throwing her off as he dodged her bladed body before striking her to the left. His booming motion threw her off balance, revealing an  then to the right, pummeling her metal body until cracks formed all over the puppet. In less than a a few seconds, he had trashed the doll with an avalanche of blunt strikes, giving it absolutely no chance for respite.


"I see." He said nonchalantly with a smile, rubbing his chin while he pondered on just what to do with this poor man. "Ah, I've got it. It's nothing too risky, but it might be good enough for you to prove yourself. Just act as a supplement of eyes and ears for now, if you could report interesting happenings, that would be great."

Before he could even complain, he gave the mage a friendly pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about running into any problems, just keep your eyes and ears open and I'll make sure no harm comes to you. Ah, and next time, please don't fry strangers. Cleaning bodies can get so messy..."


And I believe you do not share my sentiment? As a man of the sciences, do you not seek change?

The warrior's movements were incredible. With a fluid motion, his weapon changed course and smacked the drill, parrying it straight onto the scientist's attack and crushing his robotic claw, forcing both back. Taking yet a step forward while he shifted to the side, he used this opportunity to release an unbelievable pressure from his body as lightning erupted from the dancing warrior.

But in compare, his voice was as casual as ever, as if they had talked about such things for thousands of years. "Then what drives you forward, friend?"

His weapon had reversed and he pointed the shaft's blunt end to the two, his stance suddenly became more akin to a spear-man's as he unleashed a devastating flurry of thrusts, each attack fluid and graceful as a dance, his onslaught as overwhelming as a machine gun's and each impact capable of dwarfing cannonballs.


There was a boom, and his blade was stopped short by yet another puppet, sparks flying where the two blades clashed. The hero however did not seem at all surprised, as if he had repeated this same motion with the scientist hundreds of times, though it was the first time he did it while assuming this form. It was no different than having a pleasant chat over tea, if it wasn't accompanied with brutal murderous strikes, an onlooker might assume this was a discussion between old friends.

He smiled pleasantly as he crushed the earth underfoot, causing the ground to tremble while his weapon slipped away in a deadly zigzag.

"Not at all. My hand just slipped. Besides, you are aware of my feelings over such stagnation."

His words were accompanied with a deadly swing down at the man's left shoulder, only for the blade to inexplicably plummet towards Relius's right like a comet.


"Hmph. You truly do not change..."

Without any warning, a flash of light and harsh steel flashed with immaculate precision, flying towards the man's neck in a heartbeat with a swing so deliberate it might be accidental.


The warrior shook his head. "I'm afraid no. Could it be I am that forgettable?" He asked the scientist sarcastically. "Either way, I wonder, just what have you been plotting behind my back?"

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