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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 194 195 [196] 197 198 ... 374

"As vague as ever I see," Vanguard responded, allowing himself a bitter smile. "Such an attitude makes mistrust hardly unwarranted. Still, if you are so curious, why don't you simply read that soul? I've already imprinted my own memories into it, or at least, the least redundant ones."


"Yes, and it is quite dull and boring. Haven't you learned that answering a question with a question is the height of baseness? Don't change the subject." He said flatly, as unamused by that man's antics as ever. Nay, perhaps even more so now.


Tch, too relentless. He wouldn't be able to use it under these conditions. But more than the situation it was their words that had the demon frown. He launched back, avoiding her range by a hair's breath. He knew these countless clashes would yield no fruit, but that wasn't his goal from the beginning. He just tired to split her from his friend so she wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

Now, he could fire away freely.

He wouldn't be able to use it at full power, but he didn't care. He'd increase the distance while  relentlessly releasing his energy as waved of destruction to slowly chip away at her, maneuvering around and away from her at fantastic speeds, faster than the human eye could even recognize, and forcing her on the defensive.


Oh. She left...

The warrior didn't care in the slightest, though he did rub his chin to ponder on  what exactly to do next. Catching her wouldn't be an option, however...

Just before he could come to a conclusion, he felt a presence behind him. No, it wasn't quite right. He knew he was there from the beginning, the link was useful for things like that. You could say he only chose to acknowledge his existence.

"Of course not." He answered sheepishly before tossing him a curious blue orb, that of an older acquisition. He turned to the scientist he was already so accustomed to and gave him a curious look. "I tried to contact you prior, but you wouldn't answer. Did something happen?"


The girl grinned as she walked peacefully with her new bat. He looked pretty sturdy, this was surely her lucky day. However, before she could test him on the nearby trees, she heard someone call out to her.

She sighed, how annoying. The two reeked of familiar emotions, but she really wasn't in the mood for playing right now.

Just kidding.

" 'sup?" She asked the angry looking girl with as much nonchalance as you'd give to some retarded toddler, except toddlers are at least useful as shields. She looked more like the thing she'd bash the shield onto.

Lorenzo Remei

Flames roared and danced madly around the pirate, coiling around his large frame like burning gears that ground the rubble into dust and released waves of intense heat scorching all over. Beasts of fire emerged from the embers, from large birds of flame to oxen and even sea life, all these creatures emerged from his body only to twist and contort into his blade, giving birth to three great white sharks.

It was so hot, so bright, that even looking at it was near impossible without risking blindness. The flames just crashed into one another like waves, wrestling like animals until his blade danced in the air, and when the girl came at him to strike, he responded with a charge of his own, running at her with zeal and fiery resolve.

"Let's dance, little lady!" He roared before thrusting his blade at her throat with full killing intent, signaling his creatures behind him to come forth and decimate her as soon as his blade struck true.

Lorenzo Remei

The pirate watched impassively at the destruction around, then noticed the boy. Just before he could do anything, he held his hand out and spoke gravely, ordered him with fierce authority that made his flames look like embers in compare.

"Stop, Mason."

As soon as he said that, the ground beneath the boy crumbled. The butterflies he had released hadn't been sitting around doing nothing, he had already considered the possibility of him interfering. With the ceiling of the floor under the boy shattered, Mason would fall under, only to be cushioned by the rubble. At the very least, the wall of flames he released around his opponent and him once more would completely split the kid from this fight.

"Heh, you're amazing. I didn't think you'd actually make it. But that was crude, even with your crazy strength you should've known better than to come at a swordsman bare handed." He scolded her, but there was no disregard for his opponent in his words. On the contrary, he had nothing but the deepest respect towards this stranger who kept fighting so fiercely, not only as a warrior or a pirate, but as a man.

But it was strange. With her body like that, all it would take would be one more shot to finish her off. Whether she was alive or not didn't matter in the slightest, he was only asked to deal with her. While he was cocky and confident in his abilities, he wasn't blinded by arrogance, he simply refused to take the victory laying bare before him. It's almost like he was striking up a conversation in order to buy time. Almost like he was letting her regenerate.

"I guess in this sorry state, you'll hardly be able to touch me. Looks this is the end of the line, huh?"

He took a combat stance, ready as ever. If this was simply misguided chivalry, he would certainly know better than to give up a decisive victory, even against a woman. But strangest of all were his words that he whispered to her, low enough that no one could overhear as they came right through the embers that surrounded the girl.

"Listen. I'll give you a single chance. The next instant we clash, jump to the right. My attack will fly right past you, use that chance to get in close and blow me away as far as you can. I won't get up for a bit after that. Surely I don't have to tell you what to do then."

Even the most hard headed would be shocked by these sudden words? Just what was that pirate planning? Was he serious, or was this simply an attempt to deceive her and make sure he would not fall into a trap? These questions meant nothing, in the end, only one thing would determine the outcome of this fight.

Would she trust him or not?


The girl pondered for a bit. To tell the truth, the ice cream was delicious, and she definitely had room for more.

She didn't want to cause the two too much trouble though. They were really nice to her, she felt wrong to selfishly take from their kindness. So she shook her head and smiled.

"No, I think I'm fine. Thanks though!"

And then, she gave Shirou a kiss on the cheek.

Lorenzo Remei

Strangely enough, while the girl came flying at him, the flames all around the two disappeared. The pirate had flinched, her kick was a few feet away from reaching him.

"You underestimate me!"

No. The glint was barely visible, but he had switched positions so he'd be closer to his own fire. The inferno was now focused in the tip of his blade, shimmering as if it were alive. And as she came flying, he saw it only fair to respond in kind with an attack of his own.

He slashed forward, and there was a wave, a burst of fire and destruction much stronger than any previous attack, a pure blast of magic and flame carried with full killing intent that crushed the asphalt where it charged. If one had to compare it to something, it was an infernal tsunami burning everything in the swing's path.

Once the smoke dissipated, the entire hallway was revealed to be in scorching ruins. Metal and concrete was burning, and the walls and floor looked like they had just been hit by a bombing due to the fiery impacts. If there was something left of her, it was probably no less seared then her surroundings, and most likely unrecognizable from the coal black ground filled with fiery veins.

His mana had taken a hit from that, but even with her regeneration, he could keep going. He had given her too many chances already.

Still, he did not lower his guard. She was strong and clever enough to warrant that, so he might as well be cautious. "Hey, still alive?" He asked her, wherever she was, with some modicum of concern.


The warrior scoffed and did not spare the cur as much as a glance, as if his reaction didn't even register to him. His face was simply a blank slate, and the mask just happened to have been chipped away. It's not that he didn't acknowledge her strength, its just that he found her so loathsome he simply couldn't consider her anything more than a thorn that he left in his side for too long.

"Don't make me laugh, please, my heart won't be able to take it. I grow tired of your empty threats."

A hand laid on his hip while his axe laid ready for her, and somehow the lack of regard to fake some grander emotion made his words snider than ever. He was just looking her as a thing, something unfit to be even considered a human. His eyes were tired, his smile only half as present, but most of all, his glare pitied and scorned the blonde girl.

"Protecting those close to you, proving your superiority and gaining the soul back. One action would have excused the other, but you have shown a stubborn tenacity in fulfilling neither. Have you run out of minions yet to do your dirty bidding? You act like you don't care, but in the end you're just guided around by your selfish whims. That's disgusting."

Still, he couldn't help but agree with her statement. And so, he bowed as if to show her respect.

"But if you are truly so intent on slaying me then by all means, please try your best."


Woah! Was she insane?! He didn't think she'd actually walk through a 1000 degree wall like that. If he kept things up like this, he'd be the one running out of steam. This was honestly getting exciting, if not a little scary. Was this what people called deja vu?

Heh heh heh...

The pirate spun and avoided her initial blow before leaping over her with a great trail of fire, but this was getting seriously troublesome. If he hadn't been one step ahead, this would have been nasty, and she had almost managed to tear off his coat. Landing right behind her, he took a swift step back before releasing three devastating fire-bolas from his hand that would explode once they bound their target.



The girl blinked and looked at the two with the most quizzical eyes. Just who was this Julius guy? What were they talking about? This was so weird.

Before she knew it there was no ice cream left.



The heretic tilted her head and looked at the boy with a curious stare, as if she was listening to someone talking in some alien language. She pondered really hard on the meaning of his words, looked through her scrambled brain in order to find some sense through her memories. Suddenly, she smiled and put her fist in the palm of her hand as if she understood.

It burns.

"Ahh, yes! I think I had one too." She answered cheerfully before picking the boy up effortlessly and putting him on her shoulder. "I think we're gonna get along great!" She grinned wolfishly from ear to ear.


More waves came at the girl, but she nimbly slashed and dodged away. WHen they proved insufficient, his foot slammed on the ground and he dashed with impossible speed, crossing the distance in the blink of an eye, leaping from wall to wall until he was right above her in her face. His glare was harsh, intense, but even in his indignation there was an unshakable composure to his words.

"Of course it's insane. Nothing wrong with being what you are? Don't make me laugh..."

And with these words, the battle resumed with harsher swings, his blade glowing with a blue hue and releasing wild bursts of energy with each clash. His two hands gripped on his sword harder than ever, to the point his fingers looked like they melded with the weapon. As more slashes came, hundreds of sparks flew as steel clashed against steel, and when that wasn't enough he'd distance himself and sent more blasts away.

His teeth ground against one another while his feet gracefully pushed over the bricks and stones of the building's wall, spinning and dashing to the left, to the right, displaying immense prowess in his movements and his strikes like a dance of steel.

The two were clashing dozens of times in a single hair's breath, escalating as their movements scaled the surrounding buildings and carved walls and windows to shreds. His movements were nimble to the point he could practically walk over such buildings, his higher ground gave him an absolute advantage, and yet it still wasn't enough. But he didn't care, he fought with the grace of a true hero and the brutal abandon of an unbelievable beast, so something like an unsurpassed wall was nothing to him.

More importantly, he was angry. There was nothing pleasant or glorious about this battle to him, he hated the very idea of such senseless violence in the first place. But he couldn't stand his opponent in the slightest, he rejected her and everything she stood for, because strikes he clashed against with were all too familiar.

"You're nothing but an over glorified butcher's knife and a crazy lunatic. You might be two, ten or even a thousand in there, but you will always be alone."

Staring at an old mirror was too unpleasant for his steel to bear, he grabbed a ledge and flipped over in order to gain momentum over her and swung his blade with even greater strength, sending orange and blue sparks flying all over.

"So quit making excuses for yourself and GROW UP!!"


The lack of resistance to the blow forewarned her of his evasive manuevers before she felt the result of the followup, but her body protested at the strike to her tendons and muscles. Despite her attempt to make up for the difference between them, the outcome was natural. He was faster to begin with, perhaps faster than anything else she'd faced, and his weapon was far swifter than her improvised block of metal.

But his offensive power wasn't a threat so long as he didn't strike a weakpoint in her skull. Skin split and bones rattled where he struck her joints, but at her neck the sword was warded off by hardening hair which covered her skin.

Irene practically vaulted to her hands and spun from her hips, pushing him off with a sweeping kick reminiscent of capoeira. In the second immediately after, she rolled into a crouch facing the skeleton, pulling her platform to cover her. The blackened metal stood between them as a shield for only an instant before she threw it.

The broken down ventilation box flew at Lorenzo, daring him to avoid it. Would he rocket to the side, slide under, or vault over it straight at her? It was likely the latter, and equally likely that he knew she wanted just that.


Hah! So her hair really was emerald, he hadn't fought such a tough cookie since, well, ever. Due to the recoil, his body flinched back and was wide open for her devastating kick, but in a surprising display of nimbleness he used the momentum to flip upside down over his hand and block her blow with his sword, thus protecting his precious smoked ribs at the cost of being blown away to the other side of the hall.

Flipping back and over, he grinned and gritted his burning teeth in anticipation, and as he landed on all fours he witnessed her impromptu weapon flying straight at him with monstrous strength.

Dodge? How? He could  move left, right, above or below, but she knew he could from the getgo. No, that vixen was planning something, he could feel her devious plot rattling through his bones. Swifter than ever, he thrust his palm and released a fireball of intense fire that exploded right into her box, shattering it into a bunch of melting pieces. Dust and smoke littered all over the place, but luckily the hole above gave enough for the flames to feed.

Casual as ever, he wiped the soot off his coat and gave the girl a honestly friendly laughter. "Woah, that was close. You're pretty good! Shame about your weapon though. Well, I never said I'd fight you fairly." His blade cut the air with a swift slash and the flames behind him parted, only for the wall of fire behind the woman to grow even thicker as it circled her frame, giving her but a 10 meter distance from the column of flame.

"Sooo, how does that drink sound about now?" He asked her like he expected a comeback of sorts.


Confusing, that was the only thing he could note on their trivial exchange. She was ancient, perhaps the closest thing to his own magnitude when it came to age, he could tell from the look of her soul. Powerful, that much he could no longer deny.

In this case why couldn’t she see it? She should know, just as he had come to know, there was no place in this world for sentimentality. Could she truly be such a fool that she’d forsake victory for such a petty reason? For a mongrel?!

His weapon cried to annihilate both, but he had no reason to close the distance. It simply waited for them to make their move, not bearing any blood-lust and yet desiring to bring down the final curtain upon his enemies. The realization made his smile crawl back into place, like a crescent moon befitting a foolish jester mocking them both, and most of all, himself.

“Nothing. His battle is over. The end of the line. You don’t need to trouble yourself, worries and anxieties are reserved for those who have a future. Please remain at ease, I intend you both no harm.”

His foot shifted to the side. There was a rolling sound, that of bones cracking and snapping, and the edge of his weapon prickled her skin before pulling something out.


The opaque shape produced a beautiful blue hue as it collected around his weapon's blade, ripped from her body and forming shape that resembled the beast’s lover so much. Were her last thoughts of home? Or her father? Or perhaps victory. Perhaps she did not think at all. Perhaps she could only think of him.

But even as she cried, even as the tears rolled down her cheeks and reached out for him, her spirit began to crumble as it was gradually digested. She struggled to reach them so desperately, with a body as thin as air. This was by no means something that devalued her, a common soul would have failed to remain conscious. And yet, even if her body was as light as air, she was crushed by an invisible force, unable to close the distance and escape.

They cannot even see you. A voice whispered in her ear, but there was no sound. It was as if she had been split from the world. After all, to the living belong the living, a world they could see was no place for someone like her.

Her mouth twisted into a pained cry, and after a second that stretched into eons, she crumbled away and ceased thinking. As a valorous warrior fallen in combat, she was allowed her eternal heaven as fuel to the infernal machine inside his soul. The final trace of her existence was a single tear that shattered as soon as it touched the ground.

Her death had already been set in stone, this was a fate that did not allowed for any divergence. He was simply the executioner that swung his deathly guillotine in the name of destiny.

Thus, he was her fate, as she was his. There was no wrong in what had just been committed, he did not even think upon it. It was better to allow a spirit to rest forever as part of his cells, to aid his fight against the tyranny of the divines that removed all possibility from the hands of his fellow men. But in the end, his action was no different than that of the gods who fuel themselves on the souls claimed into paradise.

In this case, he would become his own paradise. He needed no forgiveness, nor did he ask for salvation. He was fine with being damned for all eternity as an echo of failure. But with this power, with these souls, he would definitely save everyone! He wouldn't lose anything ever again.

“Poor thing. Dragged into a battle she had no business fighting.”  He said, his expression nonchalant, impassive and devoid of any feeling or emotion. He had stopped smiling, and yet it didn't look like he was looking any higher on the two.

"To think you two would push me this far. If this isn't a loss, I don't know what is. Still, the bitterness of defeat is nothing in compare to the shame, wouldn't you both agree?"


"Hah, aren't you a flatterer! Not at all though, its pretty surprising actually." She grinned casually before slapping him on the back. "So what were you doing up there kiddo? Enjoying the view?"


She swung away with massive strength, but as soon as the weapon came for him, he threw his upper body back like as if her weapon was a limbo bar and spun aside with elegant movements befitting a dance. Her blow was strong, wide and impressive, but it only managed to graze his cheekbone before he went for a quick counter.

Shifting around her frame, slipping even faster over the fire under his feet, he whacked his blade on her Achilles heel with that same motion before dashing to her blind spot behind her with immense speed. Hehe, too shallow, but what he lacked in brute force he made up with his speed, agility and skill. Meet him at the local circus, Miss Unknown.

He readied another swing at her elbow, kneecap, neck, any soft and vulnerable body part. He was more than willing to unleash a flurry of sharp and quick blows behind her.

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