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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 195 196 [197] 198 199 ... 374

"Woah!" He cried out, genuinely impressed with her quick maneuver. She swung her massive improvised weapon at him, and in the blink of an eye he retaliated by drawing his blade.

While he was quick enough to block her massive strike, the difference in power was so immense he was launched straight into the ceiling with so much strength he could feel his bones grinding.

Even more surprising was the fact that in an unbelievable display of acrobatics, he back flipped and landed on the ceiling with his foot before sending a burst of fire to  propel himself back onto the ground, landing gracefully in less than a second. With a wave of his blade, the flames converged and danced all around the two, growing and intensivying into a 1000 degree conflagration that surrounded them, leaving no room for escape.

And yet, the flames did not move towards the woman any further, despite the incredibly disadvantageous terrain he did not seem to want to spoil this battle by taking the easy way out.

But was he seriously intending to settle this with a melee? Despite the harshness of the fire around them, his stance and skeletal smile seemed casual, friendly even. He shook his head as if to tell her to make her move.


The pirate let out an exalted giggle at her response, she had wonderfully dodged, and he didn't remember holding back on that! But he wasn't so cowardly as to cower in the back-lines and shower the entire building with flames. With that in mind, the fire that kept him afloat vanished, and he fell right onto the floor where the emerald girl had previously landed. All it took was a split second glance for his feet to smack the ground and he raced with speed that seemed right out of this world.

Fast, and it wasn't just his body. His already incredible speed was boosted by his magic, each step was followed with a propelling burst of fire not unlike that of a smaller scale rocket jet, causing him to dash into motion with far greater speed, crossing hallways in seconds and eventually soaring right above her.

"Then it looks like I, Lorenzo Remei, will just have to beat it out of you!" He roared before sending a kick from above that would release a powerful wave of flame to engulf the entire hall.


His eyes widened for a second when he felt golden silk brush against his shoulder. His weapon flashed in order to strike the transgressor down, but he was one step too late regardless. He could only watch as the mongrel and its companion crashed into the ground, causing a cloud of dust to cloak the air around the three.

Magnificient, how utterly splendid, that is probably what he would have said any other time. But this was quite the complication. How idiotic, it seemed he had fallen back into his old habits once again and let an opportunity slip by. Nay, worse, he had left himself open like a babe from the start. Ahh, this was vexing, this would surely spell his doom.

He could have done better, nay, should have done better. How laughable, how inexcusable. And yet, he was anything but angry. His eyes pried the two as if he was observing a paradox, a completely and utterly alien specimen down to the very soul. Could it be that he was now growing wary of her?

Vanguard smiled, how absurd, it was enough to make even the hardiest of warriors smile.

"Well, now. The time is ripe to put an end to this ridiculous farce, don't you agree? Allow me to re-introduce myself. My name is Vanguard. Ahh, it is no name you need to trouble yourself with remembering. Tis that of a fool who once went so far as to defy the gods for a pitiful ambition, and I have carried his curse ever since." He spoke as softly as ever, without a trace of hostility in his words.

If he truly wished to keep fighting, the most logical course of action would have been to charge back at them. Could this mean that there was a chance, as small as it was, to settle this once and for all without further bloodshed?

But at that moment, he frowned and his words turned sharp, grave, much like a teacher scolding a student, and yet his voice also carried curiosity, like there was something fundamental he simply could not pin down about her.

"I must say, I am utterly lost. I had looked down on you, yes, I admit it as a grave error on my part. One I will not be so callous as to repeat again. And yet, you had a perfect opportunity to strike me down. Why didn't you? What is Medaka to you?"


"Ahh! So you're heroes! You should've just said that from the beginning instead of using big words, you doofus." She smiled and stole a spoonful off Shirou's ice-cream cup. "I'm a hero too, y'know? Though I'm definitely stronger than you, hmph!"

She then proceeded to flex, as if to show off her incredible muscle strength.


"Hah! You sure got some weird hobbies, hanging around like that." She grinned before daintly closing the distance and giving the boy a playful boop. "And no, I have to say, that was anything but frightening. You should've used a chainsaw or something if thats what you were going for."

She took a healthy breath and looked down at the kid. He felt anything but human, both in smell and touch. It was more like looking at some doll. Oh well, not like she cared, but she had no reason to be rude.

"Name's Costin. Nice to meetcha!" She said before offering him her hand.


Despite all reason and sense, the creature's head and broken bones snapped back into place, and  in the blink of an eye it came back at him with unparalleled fervor. From the horrendous sounds, he must've certainly seen it coming, so how did that beastly maw manage to wrap itself around his metal vessel? There was no blood, no feel aside the coldness of metal, and yet the impossible had just happened.

The invincible warrior had been bitten.

The metal giant turned towards the blonde, only to glance at the feral pup with a pitiful glare. He had no love or appreciation for feral beasts or unthinking monsters. In the end, something as lowly as a mongrel could never hope to gain Vanguard's respect, but he would acknowledge its heart as one with valor, its bite as a weapon that struck true.

The pain that its fangs dug into his spirit was real, he had granted the beast a chance to offer its heart and it did so in earnest. Although there was no true damage, the beast had finally stood out from the background in his eyes. But it was strange, the bite was nothing, so why did it hurt so?


"Who gave you permission to touch me, mutt?" He murmured with a dull monotone that concealed a wrath that was about to burst from his vessel, like a can of bubbling rot sealed for eons about to burst and ravage everything in its surroundings. He gave it a chance to do something, and as admirable as its stupid courage was, it was able to do nothing.

Ahh, but he was anything but angry. No, if anything, you could say that the wolf did manage to bite something off him, if only for a moment. That is, his eyes's mask. Right now, the impossibly unbridled, cold and unfeeling fury was Vanguard's true face.

All it took was a moment, an instant, but in that moment he grabbed the beast's head and lifted it off his metal chest by an inch, revealing the futility of its action for all to bear witness.

"Blinded by rage, I see. In this case you won't need these will you?" His voice trembled, but was unflattering and calm all the same, to the point even the most composed would find it ill advise to remain any closer from that beast. Thick fingers of metal dug into the beast's eyes and grabbed him by the rear of its sockets, leaving the animal to hang by its skull.

But despite the absolutely brutal stance, he showed impossible restraint as he merely held him above, keeping him in place without exerting any unnecessary force to crush him further. Aside that, he raised the wolf by its head so high it could not as much as lay a scratch on his face. It was force unlike what a human could ever experience, but it was still nothing.

Looking at that statue that gripped the wolf with such power, one couldn't help but think he gave off the impression of a ____ from a fairy tale.

"I cannot." He told the blonde creature as if it was the only truth in the universe, but for the first time he truly acknowledged her. "That is the one thing I cannot allow."


The pirate soon soared high above the tower's roof and gazed down with marvel at the destruction she survived and caused. The smoke was enough to stop his familiars, his children who had fought by his side so bravely. This was what it meant to suffer the tragedy of war, how he knew this pain all too well...

Yes, this was it, this was perfect! Clashing against her might just enliven him a little more! The worst possible mistake the girl could have committed had already been transgressed, impressing this burning hound was the last thing anyone should desire.

For even he could not control himself when his leash broke, something that was just about to occur.

"HAHA HAHAHAHA! HOW WONDERFUL!! YOU'RE STRONG WOMAN, WHAT IS YOUR NAME!?" He roared with a dramatic wave of his hand, but the three massive fireballs that detached from it might make the answer more difficult to hear as they flew downwards, homing towards their target.


Much to her disappointment, the butterflies did explode, and with surprising amounts of power as well. You could compare each butterfly to a grenade, a sentient grenade that just noticed something was attacking them. Swarms neared her location in order to reach her from all sides, chasing her down again. Ten less mattered little, but the butterflies could communicate between each other, and the one resting on the pirate's hand gave him enough information for him to whistle in surprise.

"She sure is trouble." Despite just saying that, he grinned from ear to ear. Sadly for her, she had just make the mistake of revealing her position, the sort of thing that spelled defeat on the battlefield. After laying her hands on his own children, she should forget any hope of receiving mercy from him.

While his brave jewels distracted her, he stomped the ground and generated a massive burst of flame to take flight, propelling himself along the building's wall to scale it and reach the girl's destination in what was to be a matter of seconds.


It had been a good while since she had ran so much, naked at the very least, but things should wind down a little right about now. After all, while she had dealt with that little pest and found an interesting toy, one problem had remained unattended. Her new clothes, her poor clothes that she had to work so hard to get were lost, torn, completely and utterly ruined! If this wasn't a crime, she didn't know what was!

It was enough to make her cry, life was simply unfair. What kind of fair and just god would make a pure and cute maiden like herself become the victim of creeps ogling at her?

No god of hers, she could tell you that much, and if it came to that she'd drag Jesus, Buddha or whatever down from that comfy chair and stab his face or something. That would teach that sick pervert a lesson, hmph!

So she gave them cute little looks and glances, noticed they had started following. Fools, muhaha! She would make sure they'd never wear pants again!!!!

Anyway, once they followed her into an alleyway, the Nexus became about 45% cleaner, the street 300% messier and she was 100% clothed! They'd taste pretty bad, so she just made a cute dress out of their blood, all smooth and frilly and made with fabric knit with blood. Well, unless you licked it it wouldn't look any different from a really nice and very red dress.

So with that out of the way, she left the street as a completely new, reformed and elegant vampire lady with the most wonderful of dresses, and it showed! Genius, simply genius, her master plan was simply flawless! She even had really nice red high heels that perfectly complemented everything, which made having to bear with the stares instantly worth it! Blood too, of course, but was it hers or theirs?

Alas, this was a mystery for another time. More importantly, as the empress walked around with her new clothes, she noticed the most curious thing. At first, she assumed it was some sick prank, the smell was just wood and not much else to it, but why the hell would someone hang a puppet on a streetlight like that? It was simply absurd, illogical, she had to know more!

Thus, she did the only thing a reasonable and civilized person would do in this situation and asked the puppet.

"Um, you okay there?"


His eyes widened impossibly, then he was cut, then swords parried, and he was cut again-


Another slash-

*clang* *clang* *clang*

The hundreds of sparks only served to illuminate and reveal the ghastly phantoms. Slash after slash, from the left, from the right, from above, from behind. He could not tell her slashes apart until they were about to strike him, and each exchange brought his shell closer to destruction. One slash, one parry, and a wound would appear on his body before he could prepare for the incoming attack.

It was absurd, an utterly and impossibly demonic display of power and skill that was ripping his body apart little by little, exchange by exchange, as if the clash of steel was the ticking of his clock counting down to a grim demise.

His cuts became wounds and each wound grew more severe as he was forced into parrying the insane attacks the moment they came at his body, and even evading them became more and more impossible despite the gulf in speed between the two. He slashed and twisted his body and ran back and evaded desperately, but nothing he could do was enough to prevent more wounds from appearing on his body.

And yet, even with his body littered with wounds that made him entirely unrecognizable, the demon fought. One final slash came at his throat, and perhaps out of utter desperation he smashed his blade onto her sword with all his power, all his might, to the point his blade trembled with energy and released a wave that blew both back, the one thing tearing and severed being the ground where they once stood.

Another cut appeared on his arm, this was hopeless, and yet he couldn't stop, as if it was the one thing he couldn't do. Despite suffering wounds that would kill a human ten times over, he struggled and stood and fought. They were in the same positions they started in, with Engetsu landing right on the crater that signaled the beginning of the fight. And yet, the lack of a single scratch on the opposing warrior made it all too clear who the victor was.

His hand trembled, his sword shook, but his eyes could not be more decisive.

"What's there to understand? You're just an insane murderer!!" He struck the one way he still could, and released a wave of pure energy from his blade, then another, and another, illuminating the night's battlefield with countless blue petals.


The young girl tilted her head and looked at the two with the most curious of red eyes. "Huh? What's a bounty?"


The pirate looked at the green girl with admiration. It wasn't often you'd find a strong woman, let alone such a quick witted one. If possible, he'd have liked to clash steel with her under different circumstances, a different flag. Oh well, he truly was too much of a whiner lately. But looking at how she had lost his birds, he couldn't help but laugh. This certainly looked bad, but for now all he could do was act.

With a snap of his fingers, the birds split into dozens of butterflies, each flames which slowly but steadily grew in size and power before circling the building, guarding each possible exit like countless shining stars. All they'd need to do for now was guard all possible exits and make sure she did not leave.

He traced a complex symbol of flames and sent a message to the bird near Mason, which he'd relay immediately.

"Mason, change of plans. This building will be enough, but make sure to seal it from the inside and outside. Can you do that quickly?"


"Ho! That's quite useful, I knew I could count on you." He grinned from ear to ear. "There's a warehouse storing guns and weapons for a rival gang. There should be about a good dozen of armed men, maybe more. Do you think you can manage that?"


The girl smiled as happily as ever and quickly resumed eating, emptying her mind from all doubts and enjoying the moment. She ate pretty fast honestly, and it was a miracle she didn't catch a terrible case of brain freeze.

More importantly, she was happy, even if she felt guilty for feeling such a thing she wanted to cherish this feeling a little longer. Even if she couldn't forgive herself, she hoped they'd at least forgive her.

"Thank you." She smiled a little weaker, but it looked twice as sincere.

"So, what do you two do?" She asked, finally a little curious herself.


The bullets came at him at impossible speed, shot by what could only be described as a true master among master marksmen. Surely a single of these bullets could spell a man's doom, and he was facing a rain of these devastating projectiles. But against the impending avalanche of gunfire, he dashed to the side. As more came, he swung his weapon and blocked it. One bullet, then the second, then the third, and in but a second he had blocked more than a dozen.

His much slower movements defied both common sense and reason, the mere sight of his weapon's movements was something that dwarfed logic. But the fact he would use such a weapon and demonstrate his skill was a testament that he considered her something that could hinder him.

All it took were the slightest movements of his wrist to deal swing upon swing in the dozens, as if his weapon had come alive. He zigzagged to avoid the few stray shots, but even that proved to be less of an advantage than one would think. Before projectiles, no, before anything, the only way to attribute his tremendous movements would be to compare him to an unstoppable wall advancing upon his position, deflecting bullet after bullet despite the absurd difference in speed and numbers.

How many battlefields would one have to brave in order to meet such a storm head on? The thought was horrifying in itself, you wouldn't be able to call anyone so devoted to battle a human. Some legends are best sealed in fiction, never to be awakened, and he was one of them.

But less human than him was the beast that charged so fervently at him, it took a special sort of devotion to charge a storm without hesitation. Seeing him, Vanguard couldn't help but smile in admiration. How admirable, how deplorable! To think a hound so noble would fight so bravely for the sake of a comrade, it was enough to warm one's heart. Enough for him not to strike him down as he stood.

It was incredible. No creature, nay, not even the mightiest of titans would show hesitation. But more incredible than his suicidal heart was the audacity and foolishness that would make a beast believe something like this sufficient. Oh, but William did call him a shepherd. But wouldn't it be remiss for him not to guide such a lost lamb back towards the righteous path?

Thus, Vanguard spun in the blink of an eye to avoid the great beast faster than it could even react and grabbed it by the throat with crushing force. His speed, skill and strength were nothing short but inhuman, thus it was only fitting he'd use an inhuman weapon.

"Shall we dance?" He spoke softly with the gentlest of smiles.

And in that moment he used their combined momentum to twist his body with unmatched speed and slammed the creature onto Annabeth like a bat, delivering a blow with enough strength to shatter the ground where all three stood before twisting the beast over his body and delivering a monstrous pile driver over both of them.


"Hah! That's the spirit son! I think I'm starting to like you more and more." She laughed, grinning from ear to ear as she took a predatory stance. "Whelp, see ya!"

With that, she leapt forward in order to leave, running past the man with beastly agility since the convenience store was kind of in the same direction Marcus was standing in the first place. But before she left and disappeared into the distance, she purred into his ears, words that were enough to chill someone to the bone.

"I'll be waiting."

When he turned around, she was already gone.

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