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Messages - Kotomine_Rin

Pages: 1 ... 197 198 [199] 200 201 ... 374

The pirate snickered and waved his arm dramatically. "Why, as big as my ego!" He declared pompously.


"Hahaha! Nonsense! I am a pirate, it is in my nature to cherish jewels and gold on one hand and cold steel and gunpowder on the other." He  laughed her hostility off curtly, as genuinely cheerful as ever. "Well, I try to be a straight shooter, especially when it comes to hearts."

Was he flirting with her or threatening her? It was hard to tell, but he didn't sound hostile at all. It was the sort of casualness you'd expect from an old friend. He turned to Mason and grinned from ear to ear. "Hey, how long will it take for you to ready the thing?"


Impossible! Stirke after strike, a dozen and more and her head was still attached to her body. Reach, speed, Engetsu had the absolute advantage in both and yet his blade couldn't even near her. It was as if he was fighting against a wall of swords, was their gap of skill that absolute?

Before his mind could wander any further into that train of thought, sparks flew one final time and something impossible happened. His sword was shoved to the side, his whole body nearly tripped to the ground and her blade came flying upwards like a snake to claim his arm at a speed that should be impossible for her much slower swing.

His eyes widened as he realized parrying was impossible from this range, for him. Thus he immediately tried to shift his weight away with impossible agility, moving against the momentum and dodge with his lightning speed, but he was one step too late and his arm was split from his shoulder as if she had just cut air, flinging his sword behind him and causing his entire expression to widen in horror.

One final step crushed the asphalt beneath him and he darted back as quickly as he could, but the blade came flying at the exact same time with speed and ease his mind could not even comprehend. Shifting his body skillfully in such a way even the nimblest of creatures could not replicate, it was only thanks to his instinct that had him catch his blade midair, and he parried  a flurry of three deadly blows each intent to splitting his head from his body, sending sparks flying in a dance of steel.

The nightmarish distance grew up to 15 meters after that clash, but it was far too short for his comfort. His breath was heavy, his eyes focused and as wild as a beast, but before that swordsman he was prey. His sword in one hand and a stump as the other, he did not seem to bleed anything more than a strange glowing blue aura that stream upwards like the lightest of gases.

"I appreciate your optimism, I really do, but do you think she'd rethink her attitude after all this?" He said, gripping his blade with so much ferocity it looked like his fingers were about to meld together. He didn't tremble, but for the first time he learned of fear.

A slight cut opened along his neck, bleeding the same azure aura. "Tch!"


The undead chuckled in good humor, taking her jest with stride. He liked her already, that one, a bold woman was always a thing to behold. "Ho? Do I really look so suspicious that I'd need an ulterior motive to greet a lovely emerald in my way?" He answered casually, snorting a reply as snarky as hers. Then, he flicked his fingers and a rose of thorns and fire appeared in his hand. 

"And what if I did, little flower? Heh..." He said before dropping the beautiful construct down below, scattering petals and letting it lie beautifully before her feet. For a romantic, he sure was old fashioned.

Lorenzo Remei

The pirate grabbed the woman by the shoulder and his fire almost felt like it could genuinely burn her. "I won't. I won't let anyone die." He declared with the entirety of his soul, words so bold and fiery they scorched more than the flames of hell.

Then, he turned to the kid. "Hehe, looks like we're partners now." He said in a cheerful casual tone before rubbing his head and messing up his hair.

It didn't take long for the birds to do their work, and even less for him to intercept the woman his boss was after. This was one of his talents, and an area of expertise for the matter. So as the vampire walked along the streets, he waited for heron a rooftop, sitting nonchalantly with the boy at his side right under his great coat to keep him warm.

And then, she came near enough for him to get a good look, and he judged that he had gotten the right lady. Grinning from ear to ear, he decided to be a gentleman and say hi to the little girl under his burning feet.


Costin Andrei

Fancy moves, the lot of them! But she had little eye for strategy or common sense at the moment, all she wanted to do was slaughter them like cattle on christmas eve so their feints and complex moves were entirely wasted. She didn't even try to dodge or bloc, she just spun around madly with her swords in order to slash everything in her way in blind murderous glee, not caring if they dodged or parried or hit her in the process.


Bullets hit her squarely in the chest, but failed to pierce her heart and she simply kept going. Her blood hardened just when she saw the cheeky fuckwit, as if a bullet would put an immortal monster down, a rocket launcher would've been more effective.

"C'mon, c'mon! Is that all you got? Hahahahahahahahaha!" She laughed as she kept chasing, this time forming three swords in each of her hands that eerily resembled black keys from the church, covering herself from harm while she kept drawing closer and closer.

Costin Andrei

The vampire gave chase, oblivious to the world surrounding her, basking in the cool night and bathing under the stars and the moonlight as she leapt over the cars and gave chase to her cute little cattle. Their smell sent euphoric bliss into her as she gave in fully to blood lust, a pair of unhinged scarlet eyes practically glowering over her target. She'd rip them and shred them and grind them to pieces, and the thought was so joyous she couldn't help but sing with the melodious tune of a bloodthirsty angel.

The itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out!

She leapt even higher than before, dancing around the cars with skill and acrobatic prowess that made her nimble naked form seem more like a cat's than a human's. Her torn coat fluttered behind her like wings, contrasting her beautiful bare skin as her two red eyes eclipsed the moon entirely behind the car. And her blood lust quite literally exploded, with such a sheer intensity it acted like a tangible aura that rained down on his prey like a heavy downpour of needles and killing intent.

Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
And the itsy-bitsy spider

She opened up her arms and blood poured from her fingernails, turning into a set of ten incredibly sharp knives of blood as the final leap had her soar high up above, chasing behind the vehicle. Her features twisted as she kept leaping and twisting around, and in a final boom of mad laughter she swung down her deadly weapons in order to skewer the vehicle's wheels.


The girl shook her head and smiled before taking a mouthful of ice cream all at once. "I shaid i'mch fshine!" She cheered, doing her best to convince them. No, not really, she wasn't fooling anyone, the one she was trying to lie to was only herself.

She hated this, she should have just kept her mouth shut. She didn't mean to cause anyone trouble, but now all three looked sad because of her. This meant she needed to be three times as happy to make up for it.

"See?" She said, closing her eyes and tilting her head as cheerfully as she could.


The giant man clad in bright pink looked at him with an enigmatic smile, as if it was the only expression plastered on his face. However, that proved to be wrong, because the crescent moon in his lips dropped and he seemed to frown. It wasn't a displeased frown, nor did it have any sort of ill will towards the wizard. It was more of a pitiful look than anything.

"This guy was in a gang. Honestly, I can't imagine what madness took him to mess with someone like you, nor do I particularly care about any politics that were... sparked with his little misconduct. Anyways, long story short, he is dead."

There was a solemn silence, one that stretched almost to an uncomfortably long degree, then he smiled even wider than before, like he had just gotten to a joke's punch line.

"Put two and two together yet, or do you need me to spell it out for you?"


The poor sword sighed. Well, it was worth a try, but he guessed he kinda knew this would be the outcome from the get go. In this case, even if he had little chance alone, he'd have to rely on him in order to fight these monsters. He wouldn't give them a breath of respite.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes began to glow a brilliant blue.

He took a stance and glared them with an unearthly intensity, but that moment was as faint as a flash of light, for the next instant his ghostly foot had already crushed his previous location and the demon crossed the distance between the two, his blade unsheathed long ago and swung down through a decisive yet unpredictable stroke, delivering four feints in a single slash like an azure serpent in order to claim her head, the declaration of the upcoming flurry of expert swings that would come immediately thereafter.


It was about time Vanguard had his fill, the feeling of wholeness as his reserves filled was one he was ashamed to admit to find quite pleasurable. What a truly terrible day, to think she would have the audacity to show up so soon. He'd have to commend her for her stubbornness at the very least.

The giant didn't even care to turn and face the blonde crone or her two helpers, and yet he couldn't help but smile with uncharacteristic gentleness, the sort that would bring someone comfort and ease of heart if it didn't adorn his face.

"Perhaps. Perhaps you should have been wiser than to come here with a mutt and a gun for hire. I can't tell if you're looking down on me or if you want these two to die this badly. I've said it once, I'll say it again. You cannot take it, and I cannot give it away. "

His voice was soft, there really was no anger or irritation in it, no such emotions would have troubled it anyways. If you had to compare his words to something, it would surely be silk, and yet there was an innate sense of dread that the syllables slowly crept into one's heart, the sort of dread all men try to escape, a fear of an unknown inevitable fate that they would meet once he decided to cease speaking.

He was honestly quite surprised. He didn't expect someone with such an ancient soul brimming with quality he would hardly see in a common man would be, well, so sentimental. He was honestly pondering on what would cause her to entertain such foolishness. If it was for her own sake, for her own soul, he could understand. But the notion she would go to such lengths to claim her soul and yet forgetting this one crucial detail was simply baffling.

And then, he realized, and his tone as his voice turned mocking, derisive, as if he had just understood the most quaint of jokes.

"Ahh, but I see. You simply hate to lose, don't you?" He snorted, "It is quite unfortunate for you, but so do I." 

He rose and for the first time he bothered to look at the two transgressors with a smile that mixed happiness and pity. In an instant, a weapon appeared in his hand, a blade unlike anything in the world that seemed to glow as the moonlight reflected off it.

"I'm only going to say this once. Leave. If you turn around, I will forget your faces, this will not have happened, and life will go on without any disturbance.  I'm sure Medaka will be anything but thrilled at the sight of your heads, so I would ask you two to be reasonable."


Fair? That thing, for he didn't even dare associate with such a terrifying presence, had a cruel sense of humor. But just looking at the blade gave him a chill. Such palpable blood-lust, even the battlefields he'd raze were a drop compared to this. And yet, the one that unnerved him the most was not the weapon, but the murderer adorning it.

He didn't like the look of that one, it was too piercing for his liking, made him feel too naked for comfort. For a second, every single one of his combat instincts screamed for him to flee, run away, and never look back. It was this instinct that told him this was not a foe he could defeat.

"A three versus two? That is hardly what I'd call fair." He japed, trying to ease the tension in a relaxed manner, but his guard didn't lower one bit. He'd draw his blade in the blink of an eye, he just didn't want things to come to that. "I don't know what these people have done to you, but we're not here to fight. Why don't we settle our differences over tea and cake?" He asked the two with the most jovial smile he could muster at the time.


The hero's cloak veiled him from the night. He was walking with the same calm dullness you'd expect from a corpse, yet his eyes were flickering with life. He often enjoyed looking at the stars and making shapes out of their formations. Sometimes, he'd even dream of foolishnesses as trifle as reaching up and catching these shining lights in the palm of his hands.

Then he learned of what lied beyond the heavens. It changed him, surely, as it would have any man, that much he knew from the beginning. Well, he didn't care whether he'd break or shatter, his desire was still the same. He simply couldn't stand these millions of lights looking down on him so mockingly, even now he'd look up at the skies, reach up and close his hands as if to reach for something he had lost and forgotten, like a memory.

Vanguard smiled. How foolish, he was still too small. He needed something to make him just a little taller, somewhere to rest his useless feet and jump so high the earth would look like a pebble. Would he keep soaring then, or would his craving crash down along with his body and break once more?

His answer.

Which is exactly what a tall castle was for in the end. It was about time he took a closer look at the fruits of his labor, and perhaps even apologized to him.

He had been quite uncouth as of late, surely one would excuse the wild temperaments of a senile wretch as himself. Ahh, but he wasn't quite the one to blame either, was he? A mere phantom? How laughable, even now the truth would keep stirring his heart as if he was in a storm of emotions, a true roller coaster so to speak of.

"Good grief, the walk hardly seemed this long the last time I took these steps." He laughed as if there was something inherently funny about, to put it bluntly, everything. Settling for a fairly thick portion of the forest, yet brimming with life and warmth, he sighed and let his breath release what seemed like a colossal weight off his shoulders.

He sat in the middle of these trees, these hands of life that reached as desperately for the stars, yet were chained and bound by the earth. These thousands of unfulfilled desires weren't so different from him, he almost pitied them. Surely that couldn't be helped either, for his soul was still far too large, even rotting as it was, and mundane feed did little to sustain it.

He took another breath and circles and letters formed around him, like extensions of his hands reaching out to the forest, ancient words of power long forgotten were grasping at the trees. And then, from the smallest critter to the largest of trees, the lake, the fish, the stone, the dirt and the life surrounding the man of steel slowly began to wither and crumble to grant his sustenance.


Blackmore grinned. "Well, to put it bluntly, I'm on a job." He reached for his pocket and handed the poor wizard a picture. It was a gangster, more importantly, it was a man who had the misfortune of crossing the wrong mage.

"Does this picture tell you anything?"

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