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Messages - Kat

Pages: 1 ... 235 236 [237] 238 239 ... 282
Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 03:15:06 PM »
Who the heck quote movies here? As for me, I bring up legitimate arguments from the field of bology and psychology. Our brains are hardwired to help relatives first over strangers because we spend overwhelming majority of our history as species in close knit nomadic packs that competed over resources. Homo Sapiens Sapiens as species is 200000 years old, and our hominid ancestors exhibited similar behavior for millions of years. It takes another millions of years of changing the nature of species.

I have flexible work hours due to being self hired, but once I get a commission, farewell to Cross Effects, farewell to BL, goodnight sweet Crusader Kings 2, I'm doing my job swift and efficiently because my client trusts me (I got even positive recommendations from my former employer. I worked for shale oil industry lobbyists and they even let me write a letter to American ambassador) even if it means I have to write stuff for 24 hours straight (my record).

We can take it to debate thread, but the general consensus is that employee in return for pay should devote his attention during work hours what your employer expects you to do since the contract is binding for both sides.

I'm now self-employed (accepting commissions from clients), but during one of internships if I just went on browsing internet instead of helping students under my care nobody would blink an eye about me getting fired because I obligated myself to do this.

I would get fired if I browsed internet during work hours for any reason other than what the employer specifically expects me to do so.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:38:07 PM »
I said in extreme way.

People still hire their relatives, prefer to spend money on their children over anonymous Ethiopian orphans unless they are filthy rich and want to boast and pay more attention to their families.

It must be so deeply ingrained that socialists here want to abolish state alimony fund so tax payers won't pay on strangers' children just because their mother or father evades paying money.

I distinctly remember

Inb4 FSN Rin and world peace

Hey Mike, I know it sounds impossible, but do you know what perfectly functioning couples participate in? Sex. You know what you sex gives you besides prana? It feels good.

And perfectly functioning young couples often do it often.

I asked BL experts since I trust their judgement.

Sakura should be able to form a contract since it's basics of basics for a magus. But without contract, only sperm carries prana.

Either it's because Rin is superior magi and Sakura a shit one in terms of actual ability, or they simply have sex because they are a couple.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:17:32 PM »
Most people are selfish. People who are extremely altruistic are often also not right in the head (fictional example - Emiya). Being selfish and prioritising yourself and closest people over every single stranger is actually beneficial from the evolutionary standpoint if not done in extreme way.

Then don't fucking read it.


What if that makes people uncomfortable? It never crossed your mind?

Hail Satan (666th post).

Zolgen chuckled, "Very well, I would have expected no less." Then Zolgen's form began to break up into many insects, from spiders, hornets, and even his bladeworms. All of them leaving through the open window. "I will return once the contract is suitably written." His voice echoed from the insects all around.

"Oh, and child? You should really not ogle your servant like you where. It is rather immature." And with that, all the insects where gone, back to their duties around the city.

"Disgusting" Mordred commented on his construct's true form. "No wonder he is untrustworthy, the inside reflects his true nature. But he did some thing funny, Law. Were you looking at me in suspicious manner or something?" she frowned.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 08:28:18 AM »
Yeah Umbra, whatever dude. Humans should always reach further, the word impossible is an excuse when it comes to philosophy and technology.

Get down to Earth. There are things that are certain, like that the heat death of universe is foregone conclusion.

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