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Messages - Kat

Pages: 1 ... 236 237 [238] 239 240 ... 282
Fanfiction / Re: Fanfic ideas thread
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:56:32 AM »
It is becoming cheaper and cheaper.

Let's face, it boils down to certain fans being discontent with prospect of Sakura being independent from Rin and striking it on her own outside Japan.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:34:32 AM »
From one of guys who actually produce 3D printer:

“The most common myth that’s propagated by the media is 3-D printing will replace entire manufacturing and it’s clearly not. Moussa says in a recent interview. “We will never, ever be able to produce plastic parts as cheaply in 3-D printing as you can in injection molding. In volume and customization and in prototyping, there is just no chance at all to be as efficient or productive as mass manufacturing techniques. ”

That was surely a long winded talk. Mordred fought herself not to show signs of boredom. But when the man reached the part when he mentioned she should fade over time without support of magical energy, it piqued her interest:  "It looks like I actually don't spend much energy in his presence. Hey, maybe that's abnormal about him? Because it seems as long as I don't use my Noble Phantasm I can go almost forever without extra prana''

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:57:36 AM »
More important is if these materials are actually ecological. Cheap materials that increase polution are bad news. Sustainable development is more important than providing everything for free (which is wrong because it turns people into freeloaders).

Future of the planet is more important than socialist delusions.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:26:18 AM »
No, but they're cheap.

Cheap means often that it is of shoddy quality and dangerous to environment. Are we going to wreck planet just to make everyone have everything?

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:17:28 AM »
Found FSN Rins quote:

"But don't get me wrong. If the Holy Grail will truly grant any wish, permanent world peace is the worst wish ever.
It means there's nothing, right? A world without conflict is dead. If things aren't moving, all they do is rot."

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:09:57 AM »
with the existence of things like 3D printers that will allow printing just about anything you might want from cheap building-block materials.

These materials are not free. Also many 3D printer products are inferior to the original.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 11:58:42 PM »
Isn't that Extra Rin?

No, normal Rin. Reread.

Post scarcity economy is a utopia of deluded socialists, since it is impossible to provide everyone with everything unless we trample on their rights and keep them at the same low level. There will be always richer and poorer.

Elf is very busy person. She has a day job and other responsibilities, so we try to not encumber her.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:25:30 PM »
No, Nasu also expressed idea that world without conflict as envisioned by Harways would be a horrible thing. It has nothing to do with corrupted Grail. Rin also pointed out in FSN that world peace would be horrible because lack of conflict means stagnation.

Anyway, I asked Elf, not you. Stop answering the question for her.


Fanfiction / Re: Fanfic ideas thread
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:16:50 PM »

Law had to admit, this wizard was a cut above what he'd expected. "Well, I'm not sure how I summoned her either, so we're both in the dark on that one." The gun lowered a little bit, the hammer still pulled back, but Law's finger had left the trigger. "I don't know how I can answer any of your questions when I don't know anything myself though. And you still need to answer Mordred's questions." Law said.

Looking at Mordred, Lawrence sighed. "Do you think we can trust him for the moment? I'm tougher than I look you know."

"Okay, it is not that he can reach you faster than I can react. I will have my eye upon him, but I guess we do not need to be on guard too much" stated Mordred, dematerializing her sword for time being.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:05:31 PM »
World peace and lack of conflict would make us stagnant as species. Nasu is right saying it is an horrible idea.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 07:58:04 PM »
Actual military conflict, though, is only good at making us better at fighting, at least in concept. I think that, because we have evolved to be war-like creatures, we do focus a lot on war and achieve a lot through it, but I don't think that is necessarily a fundamentally "better" strategy than other sorts of "conflict" (such as finding ways to obtain more food).

Military conflicts have hastened our technological progress.

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