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Messages - Kat

Pages: 1 ... 237 238 [239] 240 241 ... 282
Saber is dense.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 07:38:28 PM »
I interpret this Nietzsche's statement as the fact that the conflict is drawing the best out of humans.

Bonobos are still climbing trees, humans are the highest primates. Being a pacifist does not make you thrive.

Real World Topics / Re: Debate Everything
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:54:57 AM »
It's just a cheap cliche.

This was actually written by a philosopher:

"Man is evil"—so said to me for consolation, all the wisest ones. Ah, if only it be
still true today! For the evil is man's best force. "

Fanfiction / Re: Fanfic ideas thread
« on: June 10, 2014, 10:42:11 AM »
Why would Rin want to send Sakura to the other side of the world, where absolutely no-one can watch over her and they can basically never see each other?


Karna would shrek Morrigan.

Vasakti Shakti, people. Hindu master race.

Zolgen smirked, “why shouldn’t you try and kill me? Well mainly because this is simply a construct, it would be a waste of effort.”

He chuckled a bit before continuing, “As for how I know about the Grail War and Servants? Well, it is because I helped create the grail itself, and it was I who created the system which summoned heroic spirits as servants and bound them to a master.”

His smirk dropped and he looked at Law, “Truly though, you were simply a passing interest with your odd spiritual presence. But imagine my surprise when you summoned a servant, especially since there is no grail functioning in this city.”

“Now boy, would you lower your weapon? You as well servant of the sword, the hostility is unneeded. I wish no harm upon your master, only answers. It has been a long time since my interest has been peaked like this."

"Only answers? You turn up here without invitation, delay us in our travel." pointed out Mordred, withdrawing her sword a bit, but still ready in case something happened "We should too ask questions. Answer honestly, do you know about any other Servants being here? I don't think it's coincidence I was summoned here, even if there is no Holy Grail here as you claim"


She listened patiently. She did not know what happened, but she realized that was certainly something beyond her abilities. One thing was clear to her though: Ellen did not like that Frost guy for his attitude, but kept her mouth shout.

Mike, don't argue with McJon1's wisdom. He is a miracle.

Ash shook blood off of her and her jacket.  It was even thick in her hair.  Frost was licking it off of his lips and she noticed that his eyes had taken that strange, blood filled look again. 

Frost called out, "Well, if you're wanting to make a forest out of dead people, I suggest heading to fucking Golden Rule.  The son of a bitch who runs it is apparently the major fucking player here in Nexus City.  You want to make a mark, deal with him.  Can't miss it.  Big golden tower because apparently the guy has a tiny dick."

Kyle approached with Ellen in tow, the dark-skinned werewolf's eyes wide with disbelief.  She squeezed blood out of her hair as she looked at the retreating Vlads.  Or rather Vlad, Dracula, and Alucard, who apparently liked her. 

"Ash, you okay?"

Ash shook blood off her hands with a sigh and answered, "Bloody ducky, love.  We have a bit of a problem here."

"No, we have a fucking revolution right there," Frost said, gesturing at the three of them with a wide, fanged grin.

Ash glared at him and then looked at Kyle.  "Take her to Forest, get her safe.  I'll follow those three.  The fellow in red likes me you know."  Then she looked at Ellen and said, "I promise things normally aren't this bedlam."

The place looked as if tornado went through and smashed things apart. Her sire was bloodied, and if not for the fact she was now a walking corpse Ellen would feel nauseous. Apparently being a vampire means that no longer a sight of blood is something shocking.

"I don't want to know even what happened here, I've had enough stress this night" she complained "I'll go with Kyle"

Youtube, LP archive, Complete Materials etc. are big things. I don't have time to go looking through the entirety of them in order to prove your point. Either actually provide the evidence or accept that I am entitled to my opinion.

You are so lazy. They already provided references. What kind of (alleged) academic you are that you don't feel like checking sources independently?

Literally most people agree that EMIYA gained a boost from the contract.

Is it again this bullshit that a minority's view is as legit as majority's?

Mike, common logic already suggests EMIYA needed a contract to achieve his power level. Otherwise, why he would contract in first place if he was enough strong to save people he wanted to save?

It's not a funny joke sheet.

We should create REAL Crimson Moon. Just for mental exercise, since it is unplayable.

Crimson Moon ruined. Stahp.

….Never have I thought I'd see a Lantz-level Sheet from someone other than Lantz.

Well, this Mordred is no weaker than Kairi!Mordred because even though Law is not a magus, as a Sin-Eater he is ridiculously efficient at maintaining her.

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