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Messages - Kat

Pages: 1 ... 238 239 [240] 241 242 ... 282
EMIYA is max Shirou plus a boost from becoming a CG. Shirou will never be as strong unless he contracts with the world.

Excalibur is STRONGEST holy sword. That's really an overkill. Out of NPs only Ea and one of Karna's NPs are stronger (as they are Anti-World and Anti-Country respectively).

Erm, Clarent is not Excalibur....

And, honestly, I think you're underestimating Rider. Still, it's largely irrelevant because I don't want to fight Mordred, and if I ever did need to then the "no killing without permission" thing comes into effect....

Clarent is A+, so actually little weaker than Excalibur, and still stronger than Bellephoron even if the same Rank (can target more people for example)

She has also Mana B, so she is not immediately petrified by Cybele.

Also notice Rider BARELY penetrated Alter's beamu with the support of Rho Aias. Clarent is little weaker.

Rider's desire to not die

Understandable, since Mordred is stronger that Shirou!Saber.

If you don't mind squeezing into the back seat with Zouken, Law's got some room.

Haha, that would be comedy gold. Mordred is already holding him at a sword point for stalking. Not that she will kill him, but a bodyguard is wary of intruders, of course.

“Honestly, parading servants around in such clothing. Has my system truly just become a tool to satisfy the base instincts of children?” 

A calm voice echoed though the firebird, the disapproval was obvious in the tone. All the while magical binding spells wrapped throughout the engine of the car, locking it in place.

“In truth however, I am far more curious how you were even able to summon a servant in the first place boy. Do you mind explaining it to me?”

And there, in the back of the firebird sat a man with blue hair dressed in traditional Japanese clothing. Yes, in the back of the firebird, riding bitch, was Zolgen Makiri. 

“Well boy?”

Mordred wished she focused more on what was happening around than bickering with her Master. She turned around materialized Clarent and pointed it at the magus. If he tried to attack Law, his head would roll faster. "Hey, mind your manners" she certainly didn't like the way he adressed her Master "Do something funny, and I'll make sure that won't pay off"

He laughed.

"Think of me as a psychotic, self-indulgent asshole if you want. Most people would probably agree with such description. With two/three variants, I guess."

The girl seemed like a good person if a bit cheeky. At this point, she was still a mere acquaintance so, he refrained from unfolding his life to her. His eyes fell on the bar and he grinned.

"Oh well, time's running and it appears your sire didn't feel like going on a rampage. Wanna check on her?"

She did not take his statement too seriously, because would genuine asshole brag like that about being an asshole? She felt as he did that to screw with her, but she refrained from commenting.

"Yeah, I don't have much time either, better see what she is doing now"

"I won't pat your head if that's what you're worried about," Law said. "Just get up here and buckle up, please."

"Fine, fine" Mordred complained, making her way to the front seat "Just drive wherever you want since I don't really care about the destination"

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 08, 2014, 08:28:03 PM »
You gave me an idea.

Funny Valentine as your CE character, right?

Paladin's eyes widened with surprise when the blast of lava melted the werewolf that had just hit him. However there was no time to ponder where the unexpected aid had come from. The other werewolf was distracted by the sudden death of its companion, so Paladin moved in, and with a single strike the beast was decapitated. With that done Paladin sheathed his blade, and look over to find the person who had helped him. There. A man in a wagon who was also being watched by many creatures.

Paladin made his way towards the wagon, but when he saw the looks that the creatures were giving him and the man in the wagon he unsheathed his sword. Some of them began to focus on him. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife, and Paladin began to get a little worried. He was not equipped to fight a crowd. He stopped right by the front of the wagon and said, "I hope that offer for a ride is still available."

Geralt, after he gave the werewolf he slain a proper burial, went on patrolling No Man's Land. His amulet detected bunch of monsters and he followed the direction. After he reached the area, he spotted two men in the area, watched over some creatures, one who was a swordsman too and the other one sitting in a wagon. "Need a helping hand?" Geralt said, unsheating his silver blade just in case.

Okay, Geralt is in No Man's Land.

Is there any room for joining in other characters there, if you don't mind?

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 08, 2014, 07:25:17 PM »
He is a man of word, and is popular among 90 % of American citizens.

He should be the mayor of Nexus City.

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 08, 2014, 07:04:04 PM »

I salute back.

Best President. Weaponizes American flag.

This should be new American anthem:

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 08, 2014, 06:55:49 PM »
My President is Funny Valentine.

Embrace American way of life.

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 08, 2014, 05:02:55 PM »
Yes, but so is discriminating against the poor because they are poor. The government should protect everyone, not use their power to enforce one-sided rules on the poor.

So discriminating rich is okay for you? Double standards. Law should treat everyone equal. The police officer should equally protect the property of a poor person as well as the rich person's.

Those rules are agreed on by people.

Except that part of the "democratic process" is holding views that differ from those of the government. Your statement explains why the law is as it is, it does not mean that I should believe that that law is right.

Plus, in any case, I believe in freedom over democracy. I believe that a reasonable level of democracy is necessary for freedom to exist (because, without it, you either suppress dissent or you end up with a revolution), but freedom is the goal I am for, and I have no issue with there being restrictions on what the majority can enforce.

Tyranny of minority over democratic rule. Way to go.

So? This is not an argument about legality.

The reason the law is like that is for two reasons. Firstly, because the government needs the support of the rich to obtain power and secondly because, yes, a system in which the government said "we'll allow theft as long as you're poor" would not be workable.

Plus, the government most certainly allows taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. It's just that it calls it "taxation" rather than "theft". The reason theft is legally prohibited is not because it is always wrong, but because there is no way you can design a legal system that can distinguish between when it is right and when it is wrong. However, because people do broadly-speaking support the concept of stealing from the rich to give to the poor, the government implements a system of taxation in order to do so on their behalf.

Notice that taxation is used to protect the people and everyone should contribute to the effort. Without taxation there is no military, police force, basic healthcare, et cetera. If a government decides to overly tax rich in misguided "social justice", the rich can simply emigrate to other countries, withdrawing their assets and ruining the economy since the private companies are main source of the jobs. The rich and middle class people giving workers place where they can legally earn for living are the basis of a healthy economy.

"It's illegal because it's illegal" is not a justification. Further, I'm pretty sure that said rule was changed by a government that did not have majority support to make the change and which could only do so because it isn't an issue most people care enough about to stop them.

It's illegal because it is the will of voters represented by people who draft and enact legislation.

No, but who you see as a "good guy" is a pretty big indicator of your morality. People would not consider Robin Hood a hero if they thought theft was always wrong.

People root for various people, and it is by no means indicator of their morality. Are those Loki fanboys pure evil then?

High relative to Somalia, yes. Not relative to most of Europe or other developed countries.

In the same tier as other developed countries.

Sure, because people in the US South are exceptionally good at brainwashing, and corporations are exceptionally good at using the media to convince turkeys to vote for Christmas. Plus, even though there are poor people in the US who vote Republican, even there they are in the minority, and I think that even the ones who do so are doing so mostly because of social issues (i.e. their adherence to traditional Christian values) rather than their economic policies.

People not adhering to the vision of dogma shared by a tiny minority - they must be brainwashed.

Yes, of course actual ownership is more stable and secure, but my point is that it is not necessary. A homeless person gains far more by having somewhere to live than a non-homeless person gains by actually owning their home.

So you imply that person shouldnt own house she probably earned for by own work?
This is somewhat true in the case of the more radical right, but the radical right tends to appeal to poorer people by demonising someone else and blaming them for all the problems (in this country, ironically, it's usually the Polish or other Eastern European EU citizens...). They are also, oddly enough, generally less capitalist than the more moderate right-wing parties.

And, honestly, I don't get the impression that the moderate right is "on the rise". Further, even where they are, they are not generally gaining votes from the truly poor, but rather from the middle classes. And, they do so by acting as if the poor are the cause of their problems.

The majority of the population is not extremely poor. As a result, the extremely poor can be marginalised and left out of the democratic process without the government losing too many votes (which is something Thatcher realised in the 1980s, hence why she is so hated by much of the 60-odd % of the population that never voted for her). But, if the government takes that too far, the result will be revolution (or, at least, riots, like the ones we had in London a few years ago).

Also, Eastern Europe lived for 50 years under an extremely oppressive "communist" government, so it is not overly surprising that you guys associate socialism with oppression, and property ownership with freedom. In reality, that is not true at all, it is merely that particular form of socialism that is oppressive.

You demonise the rich and blame them for all problems, then.

What revolution? These people were looting stores, which is how criminals behave, not peaceful protesters.

Part of freedom is that you can do what you want with money you earned. I should be free to own a house, not fear that misguided left wing radicals will try to 'redistribute' my wealth. If that ever happens, I'm banding with other like minded people and protest. If the government responds with force, we have right to defend ourself and expect international communist to save us from dictatorship.

Real World Topics / Re: People Love Robots
« on: June 08, 2014, 04:13:27 PM »
inb4 Robot Sakura.

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