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Messages - Kat

Pages: 1 ... 240 241 [242] 243 244 ... 282
"You sure about being back there? It's kinda cramped." Law said. Reaching over the stick, he managed to get a hand on the open window of the car, pulling the passenger door shut. "And if you're worried about people looking around, being in the back looks far far stranger than being up front with me."


'Shut up.'

"I'm at least safe here" Mordred snarked at Law. She was pretty insecure for a Servant that could crush whole armies with her sword.

Ash patted Ellen's back and said, "I didn't know either.  Just lick her throat closed and we can find someone . . ."

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon.  Last time you were here, you made it pretty fucking clear you weren't going to be back," a male voice said behind Ash.

"And bloody hell," Ash said with a sigh as she turned around to see Deacon Frost, "Bugger off Frost."

"And here I thought you and your moral fag of a mentor didn't go around turning people.  Why don't you introduce me?" Frost said with a smirk before putting a cigarette in his mouth and lightning it.

Ellen obviously did not recognize this man, though he and Ash seemed to be familiar, in a kind of belligerent manner. She opted to keep her mouth shut for now and observe what will unfold. After licking the wound of the woman, as her sire told her.

Video Games / Re: Dark Ages: Polandball
« on: June 08, 2014, 12:04:04 AM »
Couldn't procure 3D map, but, I seized Kiev which makes me dangerously close to reforming Slavic faith, and some counties there and here:

Year 910, my King recently died and his successor ascended.

His wife controls half of that Bohemian blob west to me.

Ukraine's cock buttraping me even though it's because I carved Kiev.

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:48:01 PM »
Define "legitimate way". Personally, I think that all methods of obtaining property have, at their root, some sort of arbitrary or illegitimate principle behind them. Either the land was taken by force by some guy hundreds of years ago, claimed by virtue of "I stuck a flag in it first" or sold to you by someone who did one of those two things.

Ah, the alleged sins of the father still affecting the child in your perspective. No, it does not matter what an ancestor of a person did centuries ago, it matters that the property is recognised by the legal system and registered accordingly in case of estates. Now that the legal system protects property from unlawful takeover, theft is pretty much illegitimate. Protecting lifes and property of the citizens are primary functions of the state and most people agree on that even though some extend the list of those functions.

Sorry, but charities are not always sufficient. To claim that you can just leave social welfare to charities and that everything will be fine is a laughable notion, and one that is disproven by every situation in which is it actually put into effect

Charities and non-government organisations, as well as local governments, do good job in my country, in my opinion at least.

The state's function is not to control and manage every aspect of social aid system, it's to set laws that allows others to help more effectively. It should do what needs to be coordinated at national level, not everything.

Video Games / Re: Pokemon Megathread 2.0 (Rave about Y and X in here)
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:10:09 PM »
Spoilers are your friend.

Ramona winched as she was bitten.  Ash moved to Ellen and noticed that Ramona was just more uncomfortable than anything, and started to get paler and paler.

Bloody hell, she's already donated once tonight, the vampiress thought as she reached out and stroked Ellen's hair.  She said in the other girl's mind, Stop.  She's already given tonight, stupid bint . . . we'll find someone else.

(Elf, you like twists?)

She ceased when she realized that when prompted by her sire. Ellen felt pretty awful about that I didn't know... she told Ash., her conscience weighting on her.

Real World Topics / Re: Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:55:28 PM »
I think that act of theft is breaching of personal rights of other people to own things they acquire in legitimate way. There are charities and other organisations that can help people in need without them resorting to go against the approved legal system, though I think it's the government's role to think of more comprehensive solutions to problems than deal with stuff that non-governmental organisations and private people manage. I call it delegation.

I plan either to pass whatever I acquire in prospective life to my closest relative (perhaps not children, but maybe to my younger sibling) in case I die. But I aim for increasing my lifespan if the fruits of future biological breakthroughs allow me to, by centuries or even more, so I would be alarmed if I could not reliably hold on what I earned during my possible long lifespan.

"Hey, there's nobody around. It's fine," Law said.

I must admit her reaction to that was quite...



Law opened the passenger side door for Mordred, walking around the Firebird before hopping into the drivers seat. The muscle car came to life, the motor purring into motion. "So, come on. I'm not going to fall asleep just yet."

Mordred was still pretty shaken with what happened, and still slightly red on her cheeks. "I'm taking the backseat" she declared "That way you won't plan anything uncouth, Law" She got pretty defensive, it seems. As she said, she hopped in the back of the car.

Ash was behind Ellen and the blood whore Ramona didn't even look at them.

"Two hundred for a pint," she said, holding out a pale, shaking hand.

Ash pulled out two hundred bucks, laid it into the woman's hand and said, "If your not clean, its your ass."

Ellen was quite disconcerted, but hid that from others. Or at least she tried. Overcoming her hesitations, she approached the woman and digged her fangs into her neck. It was quite instinctual for her, it seemed. The girl was not on verge of starvation, so she could restrain herself.

Wow, it's so good she thought to herself while savoring her new type of drink she was supposed to take sustenance from this night on.

At this rate they will fuck, sooner or later. Prana transfer, ofc.

Real World Topics / Right Wing or Left Wing?
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:29:26 PM »
Well, I'm kind of interested in how people here classify themselves according to the classic political spectrum, after several talks on that topic through with some of fellow DSMers.

Of course, please be civil.

I myself classify as a right winger who is pro free market, mildly interventionist (I frown on overblown social spending. Give the rod, not fish), pro LBGT rights and, too be frank, anticlerical (I treat with suspicion every attempt of religious leader to meddle in affairs of the state)

Ash led Ellen into the club and walked up to a waif-like girl who looked about twelve but was dressed in a PVC cat suit.  The girl's crystal-blue eyes widened when she saw Ash, and Ash asked above the trance den, "Where's Ramona?"

The girl pointed to a couch in the corner where a very human young woman, with thick scars covering her arms and throat, was sitting.  "There's dinner," Ash said to Ellen and pointing.

The situation was quite awkward for Ellen. She was supposed to drink blood from the young woman, that she understood, but it was something new for her, to be honest. She walked up to the woman, hesitating, and said: "Er, I'm new to this... And I'm hungry", as if expecting some kind of approval first.

Law couldn't help but grin at his Servant's expression. Really, the only word that could sum her up was 'cute.' He ruffled her hair a little more. "You're really not making me want to do this any less by saying that you know."

Enough was enough. She quickly dashed backwards, out of Law's reach "N-no more of this!" she protested energetically, waving her hands in haphazard and incoherent manner "What if people are staring at us?!" Well, girl, they probably would be more puzzled at the uncanny speed with which you distanced yourself from him. That was no humanlike speed.

'Admit it'

Admit what?

'You like having her around.'

I don't. I do find her constant belittling of you rather nice though. It feels good when someone other than me is doing it

Law rolled his eyes, before he gave Mordred a pat on the head as she walked past him, ruffling her hair a little bit. "Well, don't worry, because I won't. So quit pouting"

Mordred blushed. Furiously. That was unexpected move of her Master. Which obviously caught her off-guard. "I-I'm not a dog or s-something! I-it's embarassing!" she stuttered, her cheeks still crimson red. Really, all the pretense of dignity evaporated.

"No, it's just... you're kinda being adorably enthusiastic." Lawrence shifted his grip on the car door a little bit, as he got the hunk of metal in place.

A few bolts later and the Firebird was as good as new. "There. Hop on in. Let's find a place to crash for the night, then we'll have some fun."

"Are you mocking me? Calling a knight adorable is disrespectful" Being adorable in a grumpy way reeked of hypocrisy on her part. "Fine, I'll forgive you graciously. A future king should be magnaminous." Mordred grumbled, making her way to the car "Okay, drive, I hope you won't disappoint me".

Video Games / Re: Dark Ages: Polandball
« on: June 07, 2014, 09:41:08 AM »
Fine, I will send updates here after I finish another decade. This time maybe with 3D map!

Doujin Projects / Re: The Law Unto Herself Chronicles
« on: June 07, 2014, 08:38:53 AM »
(Next month we will conquer that purple prose vampire story . . .)

I know which one you mean, ofc.

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