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Messages - Kat

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Video Games / Re: PlayStation Portable: 2004-2014
« on: June 04, 2014, 11:40:31 AM »
I have bitchin' emulator anyway.

Role Playing / Re: role playing ideas thread
« on: June 03, 2014, 09:17:33 PM »
pls no

To say they seemed to fit Mordred to a 'T' was an understatement. She looked like some tough biker chick, though Law still had to suppress the urge to pat her head and call her a good girl. That damn puppy like enthusiasm about everything was starting to become infectious. Then the realization about what he'd forgotten to grab her earlier hit him.

You horn dog

'Shut up it was an honest mistake'

Still, I know you aren't complaining about it at the moment...

'God dammit I didn't think she'd run off and grab a console and not a god damn pair of panties or something!'

You're implying spirits need clothing. She probably prefers to go au - naturale or whatever that french term is.

'You aren't helping.'

Oh, you think I'm actually talking right now to help you with this?

'No, so shut up this is awkward enough a subject without you laughing at me about it.'

"Uh, Mordred? Don't they feel a little... uncomfortable without something underneath?" Lawrence's ears were turning a bright red now. This was not what he was expecting to have to discuss today.


'Just... just shut up.'

"What do you mean?" Modred honestly asked Lawrence. It did not register on her mind to wear underwear since no such things existed in her age. The Holy Grail only gave Servants knowledge that was necessary, though it could possibly be that due to her botched summoning she was given less information than she should have received in a normal Holy Grail War.

A bit minimalistic, but I'm genuinely busy today.


'As much as I hate to say it I think your joke might be coming true Driver.'

You should listen to me more. You'd be more happy overall.

Law frowned a little bit. "I'm not 100 percent sure on getting that. Just throw it in the cart for now." Law was looking through some jackets, taking a red one and eyeing his Servant. It should fit, if he was judging her size right. The cart had a tube top and a pair of short shorts in it already. Summer was already here in the nexus and in any other get up she'd look a little out of place judging by some of the other women he'd seen. "Hey, you like these clothes I've got in here better? Try them on, and then we'll get something to eat, and then do a little more shopping."

"Uhhh, they are certainly much better than those baggy clothes" Mordred confirmed. She picked the other set of clothes and went to the dressing room. She returned to Law. "Yeah, these are much better, Law!" Certainly she seemed to be more content about this set of clothes than the previous one.

"It'll work fine. It can double as sleepwear, if you prefer that." Lawrence turned around, heading back into the women's clothing section. "Pick a few things you like. We'll get something to eat afterwards."

Mordred headed energetically towards the entertainment section. Some time afterwards, she returned holding a box that apparently contained a PS3. "Hey, I wanted to know what is the most popular entertainment here in this age, and those merchants said I could pick up this box." she presented proudly the box to Law as it was kind of trophy "I don't exactly understand what this 'PS3' is but it might be fun!"

The PS3 included a copy of a fighter game called All Star Battle.

Ash winced at Ellen's words and looked at Lycodrake and Enkidu.  She said, "She does need to feed soon before the bloodlust overtakes her."

She turned off the stupid phone and then pointed.  "See, okay, you go this way and you'll see this large tower that's obviously overcompensating for something.  Go to that tower and keep heading south west after that.  That should take you to Shawnee."

Then she looked at Ellen and said, "Come on now, before you drop."

"I know, I know. I'll either faint or go crazy from the hunger, I think" confirmed Ellen. She did not know where Ash planned to get the blood 'donor', so she opted to continue following her. After all, she knew the way.

Thanks for reminding. Could link me last Ellen's post though? I got lost.

Law pulled into the shopping center's parking lot, hiding his car in a distant corner of the lot. He could see Morded, even in her spiritual form, nearly as clearly as he could see anyone else, but she shone in the moonlight like nothing else could. This effect faded a little as he entered the mall, the florescent lights casting a different look over the proceedings of his spiritual companion. Hastily, Law made for the dressing rooms, grabbing a T-Shirt and a pair of shorts for Mordred that he thought might fit her. She could wear those while they picked some other stuff out.

"Hmphh, I hope these are not cheapest garments you could find" Mordred grumbled as she emerged out of the dressing room, now materialized. Luckily, there were no people around at the moment to be puzzled as to how a young woman came out of nowhere despite nobody seeing someone like her entering this section of the mall. The T-shirt she wore was kind of baggy and one size too large for her, reaching a nice bit past her waist - around the hip level. "These 'shorts' are fine enough, but isn't this shirt too long?" she continued complaining, with a kind of grumpy expression on her face.

"Let's get to shopping then. I'm pretty sure I passed a mall on my way here..." Law mumbled, turning towards the giant business complex, the Golden Rule's flagship shopping center. "I'll pay. So you're looking forward to seeing more of the city and the like? I mean, it's not like I can really go anywhere out of here at the moment, so poking around shouldn't hurt."

Upon hearing Law's mention of paying for the future expenses, Mordred was suspiciously content about that, as if she was up for something "Ah, it feels so nice when the liege rewards his knight" Yeah, definitely suspicious. After all, she haven't done anything yet "Let's go! I will go around in spirit form for now, so the peasantry won't stare at me in surprise" That said, Mordred dematerialized, sticking around in ghost form that Law could still see.

The door had a size Fuck Huge footprint in it, along with being covered in blood from the splattered vampire. It wasn't worth salvaging. "Son of a bitch." Law got back into his car. "I'm not sure how I summoned you - what I was doing was supposed to seal a spirit up, not call you up. I mean, you're stronger than any I've seen before. And you look and act like a flesh and blood person; I bet you'd even bleed. And what are Magic Circuits? Magical electronics?"

"By the way, Mordred," Law said, shifting the Firebird back into drive. "I need to get you something that doesn't look like you just came from a Renn Fair."

"Umm, Magic Circuits are something magi have to turn life force into prana to, you  know, do magic or something." Mordred tried to explain as best as she could "I'm not a magus, so I can't explain it in detail"

"You are right, the common folk of this era are not used to knights clad in armor. And I won't need to go into spirit form that way!" The girl was strangely enthusiastic about the latter. She probably was not interested only in battling other Servants.

"Really? Sounds like quite a sweet deal the wish thing." Lawrence was careful with turning to the right, now starting to approach the scene where his door had been jettisoned into a vampire. Moving it into an alley or something for the time being so it didn't get wrecked and he could come back later for him would be for the best at the moment. He needed to find a place to stay soon. This place at night was giving him the chills. "And you can go ahead and call me Master if it's more comfortable for you."

"No, I don't think it's fair. I mean, I know your name so it's like equivalent exchange. " protested Mordred, insisting that it's not a problem for her "And if there are other Servants here too, they might learn you are my Master if I call you so..."

"Yeah, I'm no wizard. Not even close to one." Law scratched his nose as he pulled into an alley close to where Hakuman had burst out of his car. "I'm just some guy who got a lucky break really."

"No way, you don't have Magic Circuits?!" the Servant was really surprised. After all, it was a common knowledge all Masters are magi or possess Magic Circuits in order to keep their Servant in the world. How Law managed to materialize her without being a magus was a puzzle to her "Then how did you summon me, even if by accident?"

I mean, you are talking internally with your Geist?

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