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Messages - Milbunk

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Kayneth is just going to keep wandering and doing his own thing for a while unless someone wants to interact with him. Any takers?

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

As he glanced through the map he scanned the director for any places of interest.

There we a few candidate that would suit someone of Kayneth's stature but they would need to be seen firsthand. The pictures and descriptions alone were lacking after all.

Taking the map and directory with him, Kayneth went to leave but then remembered something.

'Do they even use the same currency?'

It did not matter to him, as he approached the cashier his eyes began to glow in a deep blue.

As the young cashier began to scan the books the prices popped up on the screen.

"That'll be 15.87"

As she waited for Kayneth to pull his wallet out his eyes made contact with her own. The deep blue glare that Kayneth gave began to calm the girl and in an instant she was made to be completely under his control.

"This should suffice."

Taking a twenty dollar bill out he waved off the change and safely walked out of the store as the girl shook off his optical enchantment.

"Now where to go..."

Glancing around the bustling street he noticed the occasional businessman walking by. It was precisely one of these gentlemen that Kayneth began to walk towards.

This time, rather than using an enchantment, his demeanor was enough to cause the well dressed man to stop in his tracks.

"Excuse me, you seem to be well enough off. And as such I expect that you know your way around this city? Well then, take me to these places."

The man confused by the sudden approach of the strangely dressed man had no choice but to listen to Kayneth's commands. With a shrug he began to walk towards the first hotel in the list.

Expect the next part sometime before Friday!

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald

Even though he was in a different world now his internal alarm clock would not allow him to oversleep. Awakening slowly it took him a few moments to remember his current situation. Glancing around the plain room he could feel a dull pain enveloping his body.

While the magical energy in the air was functioning properly, he couldn't help but remark that it felt different somehow. Almost as if it was a foreign food that he couldn't quite get used to.

But regardless everything else seemed to be in order, preferring to keep to himself even in this new world, Kayneth silently left the room and headed for the exit of the great mansion that he temporarily resided in, the few magical instruments he had retained safely tucked away into his coat pockets.

If he wanted to get a better grasp on the situation he needed to find a more permanent abode. He needed something that would last a very long time and would be safe from most attacks.

With these thoughts in his head he began to head towards the nearest market he could find. Luckily in the drags of the great city such a thing was very common.

Walking through the automatic glass doors, Kayneth immediately headed towards the direction he believed would hold various maps of the city. His goal, to find a residence, and he would start with the most familiar residence to him.

'Hotels, hotels, where could they be...'

I feel like moving slightly quicker this time around:

Current Results:

1. Go towards Tohsaka: TheMegas, Mike1984
2. Listen to Berserker and leave:
3. Face Tohsaka, shake head, and motion for her to come instead: Council, Bdoom, G-Man, mAc Chaos, Sinon, Nihilm, Nuclear Consensus

I think unless we get some huge votes within the next twelve hours or so that I'll end voting then. So let's say midnight tonight CST time.

1. Go towards Tohsaka: TheMegas, Mike1984
2. Listen to Berserker and leave:
3. Face Tohsaka, shake head, and motion for her to come instead: Council, Bdoom, G-Man

Things seem pretty tied right now, it really could go either way.

Yeah the votes were pretty much one sided in this so I didn't think it was a big deal, here is the next part though!

Silence perforated throughout the room the only sounds leaking into the air being the slow monotonous tick of the clock and the quieted breathing of Shirou and his Servant.

“Hey Berserker, you know a whole lot about this Grail War stuff, what should a Master like myself do in order to get ready?”

A smile danced across Berserker’s face, delighted that his Master was always ready to learn about the next step. “Well my Master, sitting at home all of our days is something more befitting of the Caster class. With our combined experience it would only be a matter of time before someone found this pleasant abode, regardless of if we wanted them to do so or not. Therefore, it is my belief that perhaps we should take a stronger initiative. Therefore lowering the chance of our own base of operations being discovered while also researching into the other Masters and Servants.”

A few moments passed as Shirou attempted to translate Berserker’s long-winded explanation as a puzzled expression danced across his face. “So, you mean to go out and patrol, or something?”

“Yes! Precisely!” His eyes shut in glee and his grin got even larger as Berserker’s sudden remark made Shirou jump back in slight surprise.

Shirou had made up his mind, reaching towards his cellphone that lie on the desk a few feet away he returned the reply to Berserker. “Oh, uh alright. I was thinking about going to work today but because of the past few days I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I took the day off.”

He quickly began to press the buttons on his phone until he came across the familiar name sketched onto the screen.

*Shinto General Hospital*

Quickly pressing the call button he waited a few seconds as Berserker looked in curiosity at the strange device.

“Hello, may I speak to Dr. Midori?... Yes this is Nosuke… Alright thank you…”

As Shirou began to explain his situation to the hospital Berserker took out a small blank notebook from within a pouch at his side and began to quickly write down a few notes muttering the occasional nonsensical word as he went.

“Yes, I’m really sorry about this… Yes I’ll do my best… Thank you for your concern… No I don’t think that’s necessary… Alright I’ll see you in a few days… Goodbye.”

Finishing up his call Shirou turned towards Berserker who was still rapidly writing into his notebook.

“Perhaps… No no it would need more angle… But what if?... Towards the center?...”

Unsure about whether to interrupt or not, Shirou set down his cellphone and quietly snuck around Berserker’s unmoving figure as he began to get ready for the patrol ahead of them.

After taking a quick shower, and doing various other morning rituals, his pajamas were replaced with a simple white long sleeved shirt and jeans. Winter in Fuyuki tended to last far longer compared to other cities even if it meant that the weather itself tended to be far milder. But it never hurt to be prepared in case the day was cold anyways.

Yet as he returned back to his room backpack in hand Berserker was still writing into his notebook, unaware of all the time that had passed since Shirou had left him.

Now Shirou was starting to get concerned. He had never really seen Berserker this focused on something before, he attempted to peek around the knight’s shoulder as he glanced at the notes being hastily scribbled on the parchment.

“Uh, Berserker? Are you busy? Should we postpone the patrol for later? I don’t mind, I could find something else to do until you’re ready… Berserker?”

“No no, far too simple… The colors… Shifted three more degrees?”

In between the quick motions of Berserker’s pen Shirou could make out odd sketches that seemed familiar. Glancing around the room Shirou realized that the designed and notes on the paper greatly resembled that of his own cellphone. But as the sketching continued on the designs began to differ further and further from their original design. Various odd shapes and wirelike designs had been added onto it as if to add some complexity to the simplified design of the phone.

“Uh Berserker? Berserker!”

Knocking on the great steel plates that protected Berserker’s body, Berserker finally reacted to the interruption towards his thoughts.

“Hmm? Master, is something amiss? Have your finished your message?”

‘He must not be aware of all the time that has passed. Still, it was interesting to see a new side to him, so I’ll leave it at that.’

As the knight turned to face his Master once more, Shirou responded. “Yeah, I should be fine now, I’ve packed a small backpack full of things that might help us, shall we go on a patrol now?”

The focus disappearing from Berserker’s face his smile returned once more as he nodded. “Excellent Master! Very well then, let us go towards our patrol!”

Just before they could make their way out of the apartment, Shirou, unsure if Shinji was still in the apartment shouted towards his friend’s room about his intentions for the day. And just before he left, Shinji’s head stuck out of his door.

“Hey Nosuke! Make sure you get back by ten tonight. We still gotta plan out Saturday, that is, if you’re still up for it.”

A sudden realization had come across Shirou’s face, he had nearly forgotten about their next job. Well there was still some time before he needed to really worry about it so for now he would just keep the thought in his head and focus on the patrol.

“Don’t worry about me Shinji, I’ll see you then.”

Thus with a final wave of goodbye, the Master and Servant left the quiet apartment and into the busy streets of the bustling city below.

The young boy with fiery red hair and eyes of green watched out of the large glass windows as the plane on the runway in front of him began to ascend off the runway and into the large clear sky.

He continued to watch, eyes on unblinking as the plane eventually faded from view and into the sky.

He continued to watch his face unemotional and unmoving even as the plane was long gone from the sky and the terminal had emptied of people leaving only himself and his associate.

“Young Master Archibald… Shall we be going now? I think it would be best if we begun our own preparations as well.”

“I suppose… I must continue my studies regardless... Leave the preparations to Caster… Continue your daily duties… We still have a week until we are to arrive.”

“But young Master…”

“Silence… This War is under my own domain and not yours. It will do your best to keep that in mind. Understood?”

“As you say, young Master. As you say…”

The two quickly left the terminal and back towards their residences near the clock tower.

As Shirou calmly walked through the busy streets he couldn’t help but wonder about the invisible man walking beside him.

‘Berserker? Is there anywhere specific you wanted to go? You’re a ghost right? So this new world must be amazing to someone like you right?’

‘Yes, indeed Master. Though the Grail has already given me the knowledge of the current world it still amazes me to see certain things first hand. Those horseless carriages for example. If we would have had those during my time, things would have gone far better!’

Turning the corner Shirou began to approach the center of the city. In his mind the best course of action for them right now was to get a good view of the city as a whole, maybe then Berserker might be able to help plan a course of action for them.

And as they walked they passed alleyway after darkened alleyway. Shortcuts or paths to hidden locations out of sight from the public who walked close by, Shirou would occasionally glance towards these paths only to freeze with Berserker as he approached one such alleyway.

‘So you sense it too, Master?’

In the dark open alleyway stood a girl who was leaning on the nearby brick wall. She stared at Shirou her hand open and outstretched and plain for him to see. Through the dim shadows a pale red shown forth a clear mark that Shirou understood all too well.

“Is that Tohsaka?”

It had been a few years since Shirou had seen her, their graduation in fact. But her thick black hair and aqua eyes were still strong in his mind.

Shirou began to walk towards the alley but was stopped by Berserker’s invisible body who stood in his way.

‘Master, something seems off. I have a bad feeling about this. Please  do not go on there. I am afraid you might never come back out.’

These words made Shirou halter, what did Berserker mean?

‘Berserker, that’s one of my old acquaintances from when I was in school. Why would I doubt her?’

But still the second doubts were already flooding Shirou’s mind. Why was Tohsaka in that alleyway and motioning for him to come forwards. Should he listen to her? Or listen to his Servant?

1. Go towards Tohsaka
2. Listen to Berserker and leave
3. Write in...

I don't really recall anything specifically mentioning that they could or could not, it just made sense as an ability for me to add as half-bloods can at least sense inhuman things and it would help make sense for event joining and that kind of thing.

It would make sense to be a part of his half blood lineage to sense stuff like that.

Yep as things stand we are going to be supporting Berserker.

I'll accept the no cheating at magic but is detecting magic alright?

I'm fine with the consent part but by no Roa do you mean I can't have SHIKI change to Roa or I can't have Roa as a voice in his head period? (Even if I never plan on having him manifest at all anyways.)

When do you guys think you'll get around to updating the accepted characters sheet?

Name: SHIKI Tohno

Race: Half-Demon (With vampire impulses)

Age: 18


Physical Attributes

Strength: Exceptional

Agility: Exceptional

Constitution: Superhuman

Magic Ability: Low-Medium (He himself is not aware of his magic capabilities even if he has them.)

Other Abilities:

Close Combat Specialist: SHIKI is best described as a professional killer. By using either his own razor sharp claws, a knife, or his blood combined with his unnatural strength as a half-demon he can easily match normal humans in a close combat fight, combining that with his ability to see the lines of life he can take out opponents far stronger than himself.

Vermillion Blood Manipulation: SHIKI’s demon blood has granted him the ability to manipulate his own blood in any way he chooses. So long as it is his own blood he can control it at will shaping it into any form he wishes, he does not need to be in contact with the blood,  just as long as it is in the general area.

Vermilion Immortality: Shiki’s demon blood has also granted him the ability to reshape the insides of his body as he chooses. This allows him to survive even the greatest of injuries, so long as his head is not destroyed he can even recreate destroyed hearts.

Mystic Eyes of Life Perception: Being familiar with death and because of a connection with the Serpent Roa has granted SHIKI a unique ability with an awesome power. He can see the lines and points of life of living creatures and by cutting or stabbing this points can end their existence. The stronger the being the harder it is to see the points but these lines themselves do not cause him any pain or stress to see.


Robes: Shiki prefers to wear a simple blue robe that often exposes his bare pale chest. The robe itself is just an ordinary robe and there is nothing special about it.

Origin: He was on the run from Akiha, his death was certain there was no escape she would suck the very life out of him. It was then that he finds himself in the Nexus city away from the chaos undergoing Misaki during his life. Occasionally the voice in his head talks to him but by pure force alone he can contain it. The only thing that can bring the voice out currently would be his utter death but then he would be dead.

Weaknesses: Medicine, Holy Weapons, Bloodthirst

Likes: Akiha, Shiki, Killing?

Dislikes: Kohaku, Shiki, The voice in his head

I think trying to have an aircraft carrier is in the same vein as summoning Gilgamesh or Karna in order to have a city wrecking fight.

Is it possible? Sure.

But should you do it? No I don't think it'd be a good idea, despite this being a freeform RP everything needs to have its limits and I think a line should be drawn here.

Also let me modify my previous Kayneth question, does anyone want to have Kayneth join their party?

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