Anyway ye Rider is banging Angry whatecr, which is weird because she ain't the Angra that fucked up the Sak even though Rider said she is, but whatevs this means that even if Satoshit and Inferno Sexcop start fighting Rider won't show up anyway
Well, it's not the "same" Angra but it's still Angra. Plus, Rider is a sadist, so she finds the idea of torturing someone enjoyable, and her morals aren't as strong as Sakura or Shirou, at least when dealing with people who aren't her friends. And, Angra is hardly the nicest person who ever lived, which means Rider is less likely to sympathise with her.
Still, I am wondering how Rider should act from here. She's a sadist but she's not
evil, and Angra is acting rather sympathetically right now. I would like her to have fun with Angra, though, because it's hot....