Aboard the Noah's Ark, countless members of the Nexus chosen elite had the magnificent ship's doors open to them. Amongst these masses of chosen ones, a smartly dressed young lad in a pristine attire stood out among the rest, his features threading the thin line between the most gorgeous of women and the most handsome of men. It was almost something beyond human, something that drew even the eyes of the other members of this crowd, though not all for the same reasons.
"Who is this boy?"
"I've never seen someone like him in the previous parties."
"Could he be a newcomer?"
"Heheheheh, such a pretty face won't help a kid forever."
Voices over voices ushered but eventually quieted down until he blended in with the crowd, and people stopped taking note of the strange youth and resumed their affairs. Some time later, one could find him at the dining tables, helping himself to bottles of champagne along the company of a triplet of beautiful girls.
"Ahhh, this brings me back. To think such a vile poison would be perfected even further in the last years." He sighed, wings hidden but a few brightly colored feathers falling down the floor. He twirled a glass before allowing himself to a healthy sip. One of the girls giggled and fed him another crab cake, wwhich caused his cheeks to redden only slightly as he munched down on it greedily.
Was he not so busy freeloading, he would have noticed the snake lady in his path, traveling so quick the risk of a most troubling collision was imminent.