Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - April 13, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 50912 times)


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Tohuw Balagan

Tohuw turned his head and smiled in relief as he saw his master. He knew she would come eventually! Waving with excitedment, he jumped in glee before running up to her and hugging her.

"Oh hi Irisviel! I really missed you. :) Um, what happened? It's a pretty long story, um..."

Tohuw scratched his head in embarassment. Taking a deeeeeep breath, like super deep, he began to tell his passionate tale with passion, not taking a single breath or pause inbetween.

"So I was walking trough the city minding my buisness in jolly jollyness and heading towards the party when I stumbled upon a poor girl looking for something. (Points at Medaka) She was looking really hard, I could even see her grief in her face. It was so sad I actually became a little wet on my eyes there. Wow, I know right? I get pretty sentimental sometimes. Like that one time I cried when watching Titanic. Really sad, I cried. Anyhow, being the only hope she had to find what she was looking for, I could never turn a blind eye and ignore her! So I sat down and had a little chat with her, pretty sure she shared all her problems and worries to me at some point. Being the good, trustworthy and helpful friend I am, I talked her trough her hardships and helped her dreams not be dreams! That is how we became friends and decided to go spend the night watching movies. Or did we spend the night watching movies and then decided to not let our dreams not be dreams? I really can't remember honestly. Anyhow, I don't remember clearly, but we ended up in a crater. Haha, right? You probably ask, what were you doing in a crater? Well, honestly, I have no idea! Swearsies, pinky sware! But it was really scary, I hate lonely places. To my horror, I found her injured, it was really bad. Like, really really bad! I was so scared, but I couldn't let my new friend die! So I ran as fast as I could, trying to find you to save my friend. You healed me so it should be easy for you to heal my friend. So I arrived hear jumping around town and tried to enter, but I couldn't get in! Then, I met this guy over there who says he's the brother of the lizard terrorist who tried to murder me earlier today. Honestly, I don't really believe it. I mean, he is too cute to be the brother of some nasty reptile. Right? (wink wink) Anyhow, we chatted for a bit, but then he tried to burn your house down for some reason. Haha, I mean, I like barbecue like the next guy, but that was just too much. Being the good servant and humble friend I am to you, I could not let your property be sullied by fire! I tried to calm him down by showing him my collection of toy knives, but he kiled by best friend! That's when things got really nasty. We ended up arguing and slapped eachother around for a bit, but I lost my mood and gave up. I guess he wasn't a good friend after all, because I definetely wouldn't have given up if he was my friend. But oh well, the other friend is still alive and well. Mr.Over there even helped fix her, but he says she isn't done yet. I really needed your help, I even called you but you wouldn't answer! I guess I should've sent you a letter before I called, but I couldnt find any birds. I don't think there were any birds. I'm sure if that guy over there was a bird, he'd tell me. Wow, I am really talking a lot about birds eh? Did you know that lizards are the ancestors of birds? Food for thought. Anyhow, now that we all are here I say we put our differences behind us and have a good time together as best friends forever and ever. The end."

Done. He was finished. Panting and gasping for air, he took small breaths and smiled, bowing to his master with complete and absolute respect.

"Any questions?" He asked weakly, his breathing still heavy from all the talking.


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"A lot of people would judge.  And point, there would be screaming involved and then the running starts.  After that people get out the torches and pitch forks and that's never really any fun," the blond vampire said with a sigh, "And curly hair's not too unusual.  Okay, for a Japanese person it is, but not overly so . . . I don't know when to leave things alone and I sort of know what it's like to really need help and not get it.  So when I can I help."

She shrugged as they approached the front counter.


"Well, it can't be helped.  It is Fuji-nee after all," Shirou said with a grin, "Everyone spoils her because who her grandfather is."


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Sakura laughed as she recalled good memories, chopping away at the potatoes and vegetables.

"Ouch!" She yelped as she cut her finger with the knife. She put down the knife and quickly put her finger in her mouth.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Irisviel tapped her foot as Towuh went into a ridiculous monologue, waiting for him to finish.

"All right, so Toe, what is the meaning of this?" She asked once again, even more sternly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Rider frowned at Rin's words, sensing the obvious desire the girl had to leave, presumably to explore the city.

"I haven't, sorry, I only arrived here yesterday", she said, before addressing the girl's real issue.

"And, Rin, I can understand if you wish to go out and take a look around the town, but Vanguard is right. Whoever killed Faust is dangerous, there's no sense in getting ourselves killed avenging him. And, even if we are careful, Sakura will still worry immensely. She lost one friend tonight already, the thought of losing her sister would be unbearable to her."


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Richard Maxwell

Just before he could celebrate his victory against the black goo, it reformed back as quickly as it broke. To his dissappointment, it seemed things wouldn't be that easy. And then, it opened.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW!! EW EW EW EEW!!" Richard cried in disgust. Or terror. Definetely more of the former of the latter, not that he'd admit the latter was ever present. So in the end, he shrieked in disgust.


"What is that...thing?" He asked with a shaky voice, backing away slightly. Slightly. It was watching him, he didn't like it one bit. Neither the eyeball, nor the being watched thing.

J-just go away. Shoo!


"Damn, this thing is stubborn fellow, amirite? Let me try too." Unlike Richard she wasn't bothered as much by the black goo watching them. However, she felt slight irritation that such bunch of black jelly casually reformed after Richard's attack. Such boring thing, blocking them from what was ahead, should have just gone away. She blasted at the black goo, thinking that it would be vaporized for good.


"A lot of people would judge.  And point, there would be screaming involved and then the running starts.  After that people get out the torches and pitch forks and that's never really any fun," the blond vampire said with a sigh, "And curly hair's not too unusual.  Okay, for a Japanese person it is, but not overly so . . . I don't know when to leave things alone and I sort of know what it's like to really need help and not get it.  So when I can I help."

She shrugged as they approached the front counter.


"You must have had it tough in the past, right? I guess it would be too long story for a single night. Mine would be too. I've fought too much for a guy who haven't made it past 30 yet" he said, his past weighing on him a lot. He had tried to live a normal and peaceful live, but his experiences shaped him too much to forget about whatever happened in his turbulent youth.

(OOC: I had to turn out Skype, but don't worry, I will post other post(s) I owe today, and possibly reply if those I just posted get a reply)

« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 04:41:42 PM by Kat »


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And this confirms that I'm a prisoner here.  Rider will keep me here for Sakura's "own good".  Even tough she has Shirou and Rider . . .  Attempting to sneak out would just end up badly.  Great, just great.

"Yare, yare," Rin said with a sigh, "It can't be helped.  Since we can't do anything, could the two of you leave me alone so I could get some sleep?  Not like I have anything better to do here anyway."

She had a feeling that Sakura was going to monopolize Shirou in the kitchen; she didn't blame her "sister" (even though This Sakura wasn't Rin's Sakura, but that bit of logic was apparently lost on everyone else in this damned house) for wanting to be with her lover.  It wouldn't be the first meal I've skipped anyway. 

There were times at the Clocktower, while in the middle of an experiment or what not, she'd work herself to exhaustion and just fall asleep on an empty stomach.  Her stomach sank at the thought that she lost all of her research and notes that were back in her reality's London in both her lab and her flat.  All the work she justified her life with was now gone, out of her reach and utterly worthless.  Someone else might find it and use it in her absence and there was nothing she could do about it.

Tears began to sting her eyes as she turned away from Rider and Armor-san.   "Just leave me alone, okay?"

Tohsaka Rin cursed the way her voice throbbed when she made that request.


"You could say that," Forest said with a smirk before noticing the exhausted expression on his face.  "Come on, Gintoki, you look like you're about to drop on your feet.  Let's get you a room and into bed.  I'll give you my contact information if you need anything else."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 05:23:22 PM by Elf »


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"You could say that," Forest said with a smirk before noticing the exhausted expression on his face.  "Come on, Gintoki, you look like you're about to drop on your feet.  Let's get you a room and into bed.  I'll give you my contact information if you need anything else."


"Alright, alright, I'll drop by tomorrow if I know where you hang out during the day, in case you need something to get done. Of course if I won't wake up you or something." After all, she probably slept when humans like him walked around. 


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The blond vampire grinned and said, "Its a deal."  Then grabbing some of the Motel 6 stationary and a pen, she wrote down her phone number and address.  There was also a very crudely drawn map as well.  All of these things she handed to the Asian.

"Art's not really my thing, I'm better with music," she said with a wiry grin, "But my building looks like an old factory or warehouse."


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Her safety was simply imperative. Not only for her own sake, but to ensure his master's happiness. He simply had no reason to disagree with Rider's point.

However, while Vanguard was many things, he was not blind. Rin was clearly hurting, she didn't even need to bother hiding her tears. He could tell she wanted to go outside. Of course, it didn't concern him one bit. Her grief and her tears were meaningless when compared to his cause, it went without saying that to leave now would be the height of folly. Especially without Faust.

There was simply nothing to gain from objecting to Rin's demand, nothing he could possibly achieve from it. But despite that, Vanguard didn't like this one bit. This was leaving a bad taste in Vanguard's mouth. A very bad taste. He was never one who could ignore a woman's tears easily, and besides...

How could he make everyone happy if he couldn't make even one girl happy?

Of course, he knew this was a bad decision. He was well aware there was nothing to gain from this, while he could lose everything he worked for. But that was. Not important. It didn't matter. If she truly wanted to go outside, he would help her.

He didn't know why, he didn't really think about it, but he felt like if he couldn't at least do this much, then he wouldn't be able to do anything ever again.

And that was unbearable.

Fuh, did I grow soft already? Come on, being sentimental isn't like me...

No, he made up his mind. Walking up to Rider, he knelt, lowered his head and begged her one simple favor. His voice was unlike before, it wasn't a voice befitting a stern warrior. It was strange, but his voice sounded more human than ever before.

"Rider, could you leave this room for a moment? Please."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 07:19:20 PM by francobull3 »

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Rider frowned as she heard Rin speak, tears filling her eyes, feeling bad for the poor girl. It was obvious that she felt somewhat trapped, and Rider could sympathise with that. At the same time, though, going outside now was just suicidal and pointless. She had nowhere to go, and Sakura would feel abandoned and sad. She didn't want to hold Rin prisoner, not even if Sakura demanded it, but nor was she going to let the girl just leave out of the blue in the middle of the night, and especially not when Sakura had just suffered such a traumatic loss.

Before Rider could address her, though. Vanguard approached and knelt before her.

"Rider, could you leave this room for a moment? Please", he said.

Rider looked at him suspiciously. She wasn't sure of his loyalty to Sakura, and Rin's display of sadness had been pretty moving.

"Why?" she said, simply.

Then, she turned to Rin.

"I understand if you want to leave, but please at least stay tonight, and talk to Sakura tomorrow. Sakura is feeling very down right now, and she only found you a few hours ago. If you leave now, it will hurt her a lot", she said, sympathetically.


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Rin heard Armor-san say, "Rider, could you leave this room for a moment? Please."

"I understand if you want to leave, but please at least stay tonight, and talk to Sakura tomorrow. Sakura is feeling very down right now, and she only found you a few hours ago. If you leave now, it will hurt her a lot," Rider said.

Rin gritted her teeth.  The anger was easier to deal with.  She could mold the anger into something useful, use it to help her focus.  She spun around and faced both of them.

"And I've lost everything I've spent the last five years working on.  All of my research.  All of my work.  Everything.  Everything I've worked for, everything I've sacrificed means nothing now.  I won't get it back; I don't have the means to get it back.  So. Please. Leave. Me. Alone," Rin said, her aquamarine eyes flashing as she glared at them. 


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Vanguard glared at Rider. Before he could even justify himself, she blabbered and blabbered on and on. It was simply unbearable. He didn't even let her finished, his while body overwhelmed by something he could not even describe. But then, Rin glared at both with boiling anger. As soon as she spoke, Vanguard felt something stir inside him.

Impulsively, almost as if on instinct, he pushed Rider against the wall and roared like thunder.


The armor glared at her. It was not anger directed at her, in fact he couldn't really be described as angry. It was more desesperation. But even that wasn't quite it. It wasn't something that could be rationalized, it wasn't something that could be described with words.

"You keep talking about Sakura, Sakura, Sakura, Sakura. Must everything always be about Sakura with you!? Have you even stopped for a second and considered what Rin wants? She wants out. She is Sakura's sister, not her pet and It is neither your, mine or Sakura's place to interfere with her wish. To force Rin to cry for her sister's sake is no better than forcing Sakura to cry for Rin's. It is is not right. Sakura should have faith in her sister. She should not cage her against her will. I will not allow it." He said clearly, his words filled with resolve.

He spoke calmly, sternly and clearly to Rider. However, it was very clear that Vanguard was troubled by Rin's display.

Then, he realized just what he had done. Vanguard cursed his foolishness, that idiotic sentimentality of his. Had he not learned since those days? It was that very thing that doomed all that he tried to protect. So why, why had he gone so far for a mere woman? A woman he had no interest in and a woman who had no use to him.

He didn't... he didn't know. He was simply being idiotic.

But something deep inside him, something he thought he had lost or forgotten pushed him to speak. As soon as he let Rider go, Vanguard lowered his head in shame and spoke in a much less frantic, somber tone.

"I've made up my mind. If Rin leaves, I leave too. One night. Just one night. I promise on everything I hold dear, I will not let her be harmed by anyone. If all she needs is one night, I wish to at the very least grant it to her. If I can't do that much, of what worth am I to protect anything? So please, please don't force me to leave her cry. I beg you."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 11:58:53 PM by francobull3 »


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Re: Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1768 on: September 01, 2015, 03:44:30 AM »

Shirou blinked as he heard Sakura yelp.  He turned around to see her sucking her finger and he sighed before walking over to her.  He gently took her hand and pulled it from her mouth.

"You need to be more careful, and don't suck on it.  You can get it infected if you do that," Shirou said, kissing the underside of her palm before guiding her to the sink.  "We need to clean it out and see how bad i is.  If its too deep you may have to heal it."


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Re: Re: Cross Effects 3.0 - The Third Time's the Charm? In Character Game Thread
« Reply #1769 on: September 01, 2015, 03:58:10 AM »

Sakura smiled at him. She was really happy he cared so much about her. It was a really minor cut, one that she would be able to fix with an application of a negligible amount of prana. She was about to go with Shirou to bandage it up, but then she heard a lound, immense crash upstairs, as if a fight was about to break loose.

"IDIOT!" She heard Vanguard roar. Sakura was scared. Frightened that something terrible was happening. She called out to her little defenders, and those not so little. She called to them and willed them to hurry upstairs, to attack and consume any interlopers, anyone foreign.

“Senpai, wait here!” She yelled as she broke free and ran upstairs, her hand glowing white with a ready magic spell.

She burst through the hole in the wall, looking around desperately. Vanguard was holding Rider against the wall and Rin was crying. Why is my sister crying. What is going on?

Insects began to ooze forth from the wall as she asked, “What’s happening, what’s going on?” In a frantic voice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end