Ron was really putting his new form through its literal paces, circling around Annabeth every so often while sniffing everything and trying not to get drawn into the urge to chase horned prey runner and sink his teeth right on in. Besides, what if he got sick or something?! He didn't know where the creature had been.
Well, besides a clothing store. And then a warehouse, now that she had gone right in there. Either way, he had reasons not to chase her. It had nothing to do with hoping for more ear scratching from tasty red lady.
His head perked up at the mention of 'wallet.' He approximated a nod, took another sniff of the air and the pollution and grease and meat and okay his mouth was salivating now, stop it.
So he barked, and started running off in the direction he was pretty sure he had been at last night before he... blacked out. Off Ron went toward the river bank, upstream from the Nexus Docks, weaving through peoples' legs and looking back to make sure his companion hadn't fallen behind. All that was left of the people he recalled before the black out was...
... a trail of blood, and dried scraps of something that may have been meat or bone at some point. Torn fabric could be seen here and there, as well as a ruined pair of shoes. The wallet was open inside down on the pavement by the shoes. There was no sign of the bodies.
swallowed what he could, into the water, washing the scent off, quiet time now
Ron froze, his hair standing on edge, at the sight before them. His mouth faintly recalled the juicy flavor as he realized he was lowering his mouth to an old scrap of flesh.