Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - October 21, 2015—June 23, 2016  (Read 41133 times)


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Tohuw Balagan

Tohuw's face was unchanging, his tone and attitude as affably cheerful as ever.

"My, my, Medaka. You sure don't know how to read the atmosphere do you? You should get kicked by a horse and die for interfering in another's love like that."

Then, his smile grew somehow even happier and gleeful, and he spoke up in an innocently gleeful tone.

"Of course I love her. You don't know anything about love do you? You just love people, but it's not like you ever loved someone! Lol."

Cherry Lover

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Rider let out a small chuckle at Rin's response to Sakura's assertion, before Rin answered the question she had asked in Sakura's stead. Considering it to be an acceptable suggestion, and seeing no objection coming from her master, Rider did as Rin had suggested, picking Sakura up before allowing Rin to climb onto her back. Moving quickly but carefully, Rider quickly got them back home and they entered the house. Rider could sense Sakura's excitement as she ran to the living room where she would, presumably, find Shirou, and followed after her with equal excitement, curious to see what she had in store. Sakura, however, had other ideas, asking Rider to wait outside.  At first, Rider felt a little disappointed, but Sakura had asked her to remain in earshot, so she clearly did want her to hear what was going on. Most likely, she just wanted to give Shirou some privacy.

Hmm, I wonder what she has. Some sort of outfit for him, maybe? Rider thought, uncertain about the need for privacy.

Standing just outside the room and listening in intently and with excitement and anticipation. Rider could hear Shirou pipe up almost as soon as Sakura entered, greeting her cheerfully and asking about her day. However, Rider could tell from the sounds of Sakura's footsteps that she was walking towards him and, as she drew closer, he spoke up once more, his voice full of confusion as he tried to ask her what she was doing. Rider frowned, wondering what was going on until, suddenly, Sakura dropped a bombshell.

"Senpai, marry me", she asked with far less emotion than Rider would have expected.

Wait, did she? Rider thought, momentarily confused.

Then, she connected the dots.

Oh, of course..., she thought as she remembered what Rin had said, and the protective way Sakura was acting towards her bag.

She must have got a ring in the shop. That's what Rin meant by "give it to him so he can give it back to her".

A bright smile came across Rider's face as she came to recognise what Sakura had wanted, and what it meant. She and Shirou were going to get married.

After so long apart, that must seem like a dream come true to her, thought Rider with a smile.

However, almost as soon as the smile had formed, it disappeared as she heard Shirou's shocked response.

"Sakura are you serious? You shouldn't make jokes about stuff like this", he said.

An angry and confused look came over Rider's face on hearing his response.

Is that a no? Surely Shirou would never do that to her..., Rider thought as Sakura began to tear up.

Rider breathed deeply, holding back her desire to eviserate Shirou instantly for making Sakura cry like that, hoping that it was, in fact, just a misunderstanding. And, sure enough, Shirou soon grabbed Sakura into a hug, and gave her a firm response.

"Stop. I didn't mean it like that", he said. "Of course I'll marry you. We'd been talking about it before you disappeared, right? Why wouldn't I want to?"

Rider breathed a sigh of relief on hearing his response, before breaking out into another bright smile. She noticed the nervousness and uncertainty in Sakura's next question, but she knew everything would be OK and, sure enough, Shirou reacted positively, confirming the arrangement as the two of them continued to hug.

Uncertain what to do and wanting to go in to congratulate the happy couple, Rider sent a message to her master.

Should I come in now? she asked, not even attempting to hide her excitement and happiness at this new turn of events.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"All, right, here I go," the girl said before she decided to drop trow right then and there.  Before Forest could say something Kenzo grabbed her hands with what Forest was becoming to realize was his natural enthusiasm.

"Really!? You think so? Really!?" he asked, his face alight like a Christmas tree.

Forest laughed and said, "Yeah, I really do.  Come on, it sounds totally . . . metal."  Then she looked over to the girl and said, "Um, before we get all unclothed, maybe we should introduce ourselves?  Just an idea."


As soon as they returned to the Matou house, Rin knew what was going to happen.  Shirou would be confused, then go along with it and then everyone would congratulate the happy couple.  Rider would be ecstatic, and Vanguard would be pleased because it was going to his plans.  Whatever those where.  Rin wasn't sure what the suit of armor wanted, but he was scheming, that was for certain.

She found a bottle of whiskey in the kitchen, grabbed it, and headed to Faust's workshop.  She felt a chill as she entered it and gritted her teeth.  The idea of cannibalizing his work to further her own made her stomach knot.

It was an all too common practice at the Association, and one Rin didn't agree with. 

She turned on the light, opened the bottle of whiskey and said, "Come on Dr. Faust, let's see if there's anything I can use here."


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"Once the vampire started speaking like in delirium, Gintoki couldn't help but try to smack her in the head. "Oi, people are watching, you donutsucker."

Shinobu caught the man's arm in an iron grip just as he was about to pull it back. Then she spoke slowly "I would advice you to not lay hand on me again lest you find yourself armless." She looked into his eyes as she contined "I am only refraining from such because it is what my master would have told me to do were it not for his abscense. Cherish this rare chance you have gained mortal, cherish it and grow like a tree expanding from it's roots."


The girl was strong, not overpoweringly so, but he was sure she could be his match in strength. So they now turned mountain gorillas like her into vampires? Poor joke. "Hey, it's in poor taste for the boke to lash out at the tsukkomi like that. And I'm the one buying you those friggin donuts, you will share with her or next time I will smack you with my bouken.", his deadfish eyed stare pierced Shinobu disapprovingly. He attempted to pull out himself from her grip.



"All, right, here I go," the girl said before she decided to drop trow right then and there.  Before Forest could say something Kenzo grabbed her hands with what Forest was becoming to realize was his natural enthusiasm.

"Really!? You think so? Really!?" he asked, his face alight like a Christmas tree.

Forest laughed and said, "Yeah, I really do.  Come on, it sounds totally . . . metal."  Then she looked over to the girl and said, "Um, before we get all unclothed, maybe we should introduce ourselves?  Just an idea."

What was metal in that, she thought. It was just a wooden sigh. Foreigners were odd even if alive. Then the girl asked Rikuyo to give her name. If she wanted, then why not. "I'm Rikuyo from Nakana village. Just call me Rikuyo, I ain't some noble with a last name." she replied, finishing stripping down without waiting for the girl's answer.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2015, 05:42:55 PM by Kat »


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The girl was strong, not overpoweringly so, but he was sure she could be his match in strength. So they now turned mountain gorillas like her into vampires? Poor joke. "Hey, it's in poor taste for the boke to lash out at the tsukkomi like that. And I'm the one buying you those friggin donuts, you will share with her or next time I will smack you with my bouken.", his deadfish eyed stare pierced Shinobu disapprovingly. He attempted to pull out himself from her grip.


The vampire chose to follow the movement of Gintoki's arm, using that momentum to propel herself towards him and subsequently knocking him to the ground on his back. Shinobu herself lost her balance as well but she had prepared for it and landed on his waist pinning him down. "When I give you advice I suggest you listen to it human, it is for your own self interest to do so. If you think I am enraged by the prospect of sharing donuts, I have to regretfully inform you that you are gravely mistaken.". 


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He disliked such condescending attitude, reminding him of those guys that invaded his nation. He wasn't nearly as militant as Zura or Takasugi, but even a Buddha would lose patience with such people like her. She was pinning him down right now, so he had no choice then to try to do what he did with another dead woman walking. To roll to the side trying to get her off him.


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The sudden push from the man below her to the side surprised the blonde vampire who couldn't brace herself in time and therefore followed him in the roll.  She hadn't counted on the man being so strong and now their positions had been reversed, embarrassment overcame her as she wasn't used to being pushed down. "H-hey what do you think you are doing human?".


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That wasn't his intention, but he was now the one on the top. "N-nothing, I just tried to release myself!" He explained, still pinning the girl down. "I'll get up if you won't try to knock me down again. And don't call me "human", I have a name. Just like you have probably one. Let's call a truce and forget about it."


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The man was still pinning her, she was sure her master would laugh if he saw her now, the once mighty Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart-Under-Blade pinned to the ground by a mere human. "How far I have fallen to be pinned down by a man consumed by his own lust. What should an unfortunate vampire like this Oshino Shinobu do in that case?".


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"Maybe take this samurai's, Sakata Gintoki's hand, and get up?" He stood up, extending out his hand in conciliatory matter. "You are pretty strong, are you sure they don't mix up strawberry milk into your donuts?" Very few people matched him, but he had penchant into running into them. Just like people who could see Stands kept running into them.


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"My strength comes from being a vampire of great experience" the blonde vampire said as she took the samurai's hand and was pulled to her feet. "And no I do not believe milk actually works that way or have I been missing something?". Shinobu kept eyeing the silver haired man as she said this thinking that his blood would probably be really tasty if his body was in such a physical state.


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Shirou and Sakura

Sakura glared at Shirou, dumbfounded at the stupidity of his comment. Shirou, for a moment, wondered what the problem was, until he heard Irisviel's response. As soon as he did, he frowned deeply, and looked down to the floor, feeling utterly awful for being so insensitive.

"I..I'm sorry", he said, clearly extremely contrite.

He paused for a few moments, and then spoke some more.

"Are you O.... Sorry, sorry, sorry", he said, catching his stupidity this time.

"Shirou, please, just stop talking", Sakura said, rebuking him for his stupidity.

Sakura wasn't angry with him, as such. After all, he was only trying to help. She was more disappointed and annoyed at his stupidity. As a mother, she knew how it would feel if she was told her child was dead, even an alternate version, and she certainly sympathised with Irisviel's plight.

However, despite her sympathy, she had no idea how to react. How do you comfort someone who just learnt that their child was dead? Instead, she simply approached Irisviel, offering to take the woman into a comforting hug if she desired.

Irisviel shook her head at Sakura. “Why don’t you two go have dinner, I’m not feeling good right now, and I think I’m going to go take a nap.” She told them with a pit in her stomach.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 12:08:20 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakagami Kenzo

The demon grinned and gave the girl a thumbs up. One was totally weird and kept talking about things that made no sense, and the other came from a village he never even heard of. Well, he didn't mind any of that. He was happy to have company.

"Name's Kenzo. Sakagami Kenzo! She's Fore. Nicetomeetchapy!"

Then, he walked up the naked girl and gave her a friendly slap on the back.

"Hope ya like it pal. I'll cook something for us and then I'll join you. Okay?"


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Sakura and Shirou

Should I come in now? Sakura heard Rider ask, and was about to respond when Shirou surprised her.

Shirou smiled at her and held her shoulders, tucked one arm under her legs and picked Sakura up, cradling her to his chest., causing Sakura to squeak. His smile broadened at the adorable noise his beloved made. “Where shall we go, my princess?”

‘S-s-senpai!” Sakura blushed madly before laughing. “Upstairs, to our room!” She relished saying those words. Our room. His and hers.

Shirou smiled and nodded, lifting her up and giving her a kiss on the forehead before walking up the stairs with Sakura in tow. He ignored the odd-sounding giggles she was making, writing them off as simple excitement. After all, he was as excited as she was, and with good reason. She certainly was rushing it, but that was fine. Their plans had been ruined by her disappearance, and this was perfect.

"Sure, you can come!" Sakura said joyfully.

As soon as they got to their room, Shirou carefully placed Sakura next to her plush, which he'd carefully placed back on her bed. He was happy to see her ignore it and sit up instead. "You look happy." He blurted out without much thought.

"Well, of course, how could I not be? We're finally getting married, Shirou! I'm so happy I could burst." She pulled on Shirou's arm, and waited for him to sit down before continuing. "Can you imagine a more amazing day?" Sakura asked him. Shirou thought for a while, deliberating.

"I guess you're right, Sakura. Today's been pretty amazing."
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 02:53:25 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"My strength comes from being a vampire of great experience" the blonde vampire said as she took the samurai's hand and was pulled to her feet. "And no I do not believe milk actually works that way or have I been missing something?". Shinobu kept eyeing the silver haired man as she said this thinking that his blood would probably be really tasty if his body was in such a physical state.

"The key is calcium, lots of calcium. Oh, and I run a lot whenever Jump is on sale. Dunno, maybe I should try harder, but nah, actually training would be just a bother. I cannot get stronger without going bald. Like that guy in manga I read.", he explained to the vampire who was eyeing for some reason. "What's the matter, do I sound funny to you? No, I'm completely, absolutely serious."