Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42260 times)


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"Nah, it's okay." Mordred put her hand on Sakura's shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "I'm sure Breeze also wants you to stay with us, right?"

And probably she also wanted to hit on her if she could, knowing her. Well, it was safer to bet that Sakura didn't swing that way than not. 90 % chance of being right.


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"I think we underestimated ourselves when we thought that we had to distract the swarm. And I underestimated you. My apologies for not taking you completely seriously when we first crossed our paths. I have full trust in your capabilities." The nobleman already corrected his view on the young lady, but some things need to be said. Without Kuro's keen eye and superior speed his plan wouldn't work out. "Shall we finish what we started? The monster might be vulnerable without its soldiers, but we should be still on guard in case of anything unexpected."


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The masked man froze for a moment at the comment he slipped. A smirk breifly passed his face as he took it in. Knocking people off their game is the best way to take control of the conversation and throught that the situation itself. Not minding the tension present, he simply nodded to the suggestion and followed the man to the back of the store, there was a shed there that presumably hid a secret passage.

"Why would you lay traps on path you often walk, that seems...a touch counterproductive." He spoke up, not yet divulging the true reason for his visit. Not that he had any plans to out here in the open.


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It was getting ever closer, about to catch up to the young girl and tear her throat out. But her arrow struck true, and the swarm bathed in the holy liquid just as predicted, catching fire as they went up in a fashion similar to fireworks.

She leaped at the Count as he approached, wrapping her arms around him as she gave him a massive hug. "Yeah I'm the greatest right? Thanks for the water, that was nice." She was bubbling with enthusiasm at his praise. "We'll just hit him hard for what he's done, can't go wrong there."


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Relius Clover

"Because with addition of traps the entrance becomes more of a maze rather than something so simple as a path."  Relius responded in a calm voice, not bothering to turn around.  "Any sad soul incapable of passing such a trial does not deserve to see my work without my permission.  I suppose that mans your the brash type who defends his home with threats and power."

The puppeteer descended into the spiral staircase hidden beneath the trapdoor.  Thankfully, the room where he had made Vanguards body was the first room you descend into, the center of the lab.  It was a large room, easily the size of a school gymnasium, with a table in the center.  There were all sorts of high tech computers, boosted beyond the technical limitations of this age.  At each corner of the room were doors leading to different projects that he had been working on.  The blood from the demon's corpse still covered the floor.  He had been too lazy to clean it up.

"I apologize for not having any chairs.  You mentioned you had a burning desire to change this city yes?  What is your proposal?  No.  What is your ethos for such a plan?"  He asked with visible curiosity.  His voice was calm yet strong, like a powerful river.



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He patted Kuro's head as if she was his younger sibling. He did have a younger sister that probably had to inherit his title now that he didn't return from one of his many adventures. Hopefully she was safe and married a responsible man that would take care of her in his place. "Yes, if we do our best such an evildoer won't prevail over us. Let us go there and show it its place now."


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The world over heaven

And so, the two entered the beast's maw. Despite the light from outside, the palace was entirely dark inside. But once they stepped in, something unnatural happened. With their backs turned, the door vanished, as if there had never been one in the first place. As soon as they entered, they had sealed their fate and plunged themselves in a world of darkness.

The world was different, colder, and pungent with a sweet smell of roses and honey so pungent it was enough to make one puke. Just what was this place? This was no building, you couldn't call this place human. Candles lit up by themselves one by one, illuminating their path like stars and revealing the contents behind the silky shadows.

The first oddity of this palace was its interior, more precisely its size. From the outside, this was an ordinary building, a mundane six story flat. Inside, the world and space seemed to expand beyond the horizons of its confinement. It was like a massive castle, with halls so large they could house hundreds of people.  There were staircases and ladders leading to different levels of this towering palace, but it was not made of brick or anything so ordinary.

One simply had to look around and touch to feel a soft, wax-like substance coating the inner walls of the world. No, it was more logical to say this wax was the world itself, like a giant hive one would have the misfortune of stepping into. Pink and purple seemed to intertwine and coil around into curious spirals and shapes, revealing hexagonal gaps willed with a pink, bright goo that seemed as soft as marmalade yet had the hardness of the hardest glass.

There were no windows, the ones from outside had to be an illusion, an elaborate delusion. Even with the dim candlelight, it was hard to make out the surroundings. For now, this lair seemed to be empty. If they were to find the source of this evil, they would have to search through and examine further, beyond the veneer of glass.


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He saw no need to comment on the masked man's guess about his opinion on traps, incorrect as it was. If you were going through the effort to place them, put them were you enemies would traverse and not yourself. While the man's idea had merits from a philosophical perspective it was utterly inefficient in practice. Not that he was entirely incorrect, making your opponent believe you possesed a power that you didn't was crucial to place them in check. You had to make them believe your weakness was your strength and your strength was your weakness.

While the mage pondered on the different stances one could take to the laying of traps, they had reached the end of the spiral staircase. It was a lab, filled to the brim with advanced computers, one thing did stand out though. There was blood on the floor.

A living experiment, and recently too.

Brushing off the man's excuse for the lack of chairs as inconsequential, the question he was of far greater concern. Naturally he couldn't spill the beans on his plan to man he didn't trust, but this man was too clever not to realize that fact. On the other hand he could give him the truth, a completely honest answer would be unnexpected.

"I want to kill someone." That was the answer he gave. It was short and it didn't truly answer the man's question. But in a way it did, the passion as he said it was undeniable, his will absolute. It wasn't an answer that would sway any common man to join a cause, but to those who were used to playing 'games' it was clear indication that he wasn't interested in the man as a mere pawn.


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Muramasa Katase

"If it does not, what will you do?" the demon's puppet asked with her interest only somewhat feigned, head tilted to the side. She did rather hope the alternative would involve more death than the current one. Not to say that the sword's spirit would seek to sabotage Mitsuba's efforts, of course. No matter how tempting the thought was.

Unless her fellow so-called demon did something to offend her.



He put his hand back on and tipped it to Petra as he bid her farewell. Back he went into the cold, bitter night that seemed full of strangeness that had nothin' to do with him. Leaving the little lady behind gave him some space to think where he didn't have to smell her, or see her, or listen to her heart pound in his ears. It gave Liam a little rest from the dark lust the Lord had given him in his damnation so he'd do his duty. Not that he needed the incentive, but it was considerate of their creator to put it in.

Not sure it'd be right to turn that one, was the sad thought that came to him in the time between meetings. Petra had some anger, and the drink could lead her to a bad end, but Liam was more fond of the punishment than the temptation. He wasn't gonna push the little lady that way just so he could get more vampires. Na, there were gonna be plenty of real scumbags out there who could be put to better use that way. Or he could just put commands in them after enslaving them with his blood.

He had options. A lot of options that had nothin' to do with hurting Petra. Now, if he was wrong and she turned out bad he could go right on back to that, so he needed to keep an eye on her. Besides, it'd been a while since Liam had gone on a date, and he did say he'd help with finding her a job. So he 'put in a good word' with some local officers of the law there. Good words buried deep into their skulls, waiting for the right situation to push them to do what he wanted them to.

So that was secure. It was just a matter of showing up in some nice slacks, a knee-length beige coat with a warm sweater under it, and some mittens. He didn't need any of it since Liam was dead as a caught snitch, but it made things convincing. He showed up ten minutes early, making sure he'd fed deep the night before so he didn't need to make any detours in that little window between 'wake' and 'date,' and grinned when he saw Petra there already. "Well, hope I didn't keep you waitin' long, Petra. You're looking quite nice tonight. Well, nicer."


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"Good grief. It seems I have much to learn about restraint myself." He said in a pitiful, ironic tone as he shook his head in dismay. Then, he handed her the money and the recorder.

"Very well, if you wish to kill me you may do so at any time. However, that will have to wait. For now, a basic contract will suffice. I need you to eliminate a troublesome element, the one you have heard a few moments before. There is no public information in my possession to track her, nor are there any pictures or description I can proide. However, it should be easy to recognise her once you find her. If you succeed, I will pay you in any way you may desire. That and, of course, the money you will gain from the contract. Consider this my gratitude for correcting my mistaken arrogance. You may use whatever method you see fit, and perform the task whenever it suits you. It can be tomorrow, in a week, ten months, even years. It doesn't matter to me, as long as the job gets eventually done."

The options and tools were there. By now, all traces of his smile were gone, a change that would have felt jarring if it wasn't so natural. My, don't glare at me like that. The choice was yours from the beginning, wasn't it? In that case, it's fine if I leave the rest to your abilities.

"So, is that a deal? Can you do it?" He asked decisively. There would be no turning back afterwards, but that was something they both knew.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 12:44:19 AM by francobull3 »


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Relius Clover

That simple statement told more about the man then any long speech ever could.  His words aligned perfectly with the ones radiating from his own soul. It is only then that people become truly honest.  True honesty has a level of charisma and trust, even if it only attracts the insane. So I have attracted another one of this type.  He pondered, thinking of his earlier conversation.

"You wish to kill someone?  Well I can't imagine you would need my help for something so trival.  The mere fact that you walked into a place such as this shows that you are more than powerful enough to end the life of most who are categorized as mortal.  Unless you are actually one of those fools who live life disregarding any semblance of danger."  He said, raising his arms in an exaggerated shrug.

"Tell me.  How exactly will this change this city?  Surely the death of this creature cannot be anything particularly significant."


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Guard Larry Whyte

That man was clearly dangerous as he wrapped his hand around the barrel of his gun just like that and shrugged off .45 bullets like that. They were likely in no position to achieve victory, the old veteran quickly realized. But they could still buy some time and play along until the back up arrived.

"If it's really something that dangerous, it's not a matter for amateurs who got somehow into graces of my successors. Enforcers are meant to deal with explicitly supernatural threats. I will inform them about this and send the nearest available person they deem to be able to handle this." Guard Larry Whyte was on guard in case the telepath tried something funny again. A couple of internal guards observed the couple from the second floor, ready to shoot if they behaved aggressively in order to stall them further.

"This is Whyte." The old man contacted nearest available outpost of Enforcers."I need back up. Please send anyone available, especially someone with strong mind. I'm aware of your situation, but the hospital may be threathened. I don't need to say that we cannot afford another one blowing up."


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Auspicious Breeze

She blinked at the heavy girl's question, then smirked when her girlfriend saw right through Breeze's heart. "Heh, Mordred knows me too well. But why would we want a cutie like you to go away, anyway?"

The brawler looked to Mordred as if to go 'you're okay with it right?' but as an actual question instead of assuming things. Okay, and maybe her eyes were just a little bit puppy but she couldn't help that!



Wait. She had a connection like that to call on from the start? Then why didn't she just open with that instead of going along with his own idea for ending the conflict before it began? He had no way to know she could do this, and now they were right off on the wrong foot with the security officers on site. They could have entered the hospital legitimately and performed an orderly evacuation of the relevant levels with that form of authority.

The exile was very composed despite his irritation with this development. Only one well conversant in the psychic arts would be capable of recognizing this uncharacteristic response. How unfortunate that the subject of this particular feeling was, indeed, a telepath.

Then again, he was more accustomed to a working environment wherein secrecy was paramount... he could have asked. That turned some of the annoyance inward. Some, but not all.


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Suddenly, Hazama noticed someone pass nearby. Even with his eyes closed, it was kind of hard to miss. The armored man didn't seem to have noticed him, on the other hand. Seriously, just how stupid could one be, to just stand there like an open target. It's like the ball flew straight into the pitcher, any more blatant and he might as well have a cardboard sign in big bold neon letters saying "hit me."

Well, even if he wasn't anywhere recognizable, he was still part of the NOL intelligence department. He was supposed to,... captain, right? Someone of his position should at least pretend to be civil. Either way, the big man looked like small fry, no harm done in making a trashcan useful one way or another. And maybe then, after he was done gathering information and fool around, he'd play kick the can a little.

That's pretty rich. He snorted in amusement. With that, he took light sneaky steps, like a serpent, and walked up the armored loser.

"Hey big guy, sorry to interrupt your important business. Would you be a good sport and lend me a hand?" He asked in a polite and formal tone, nearly condescendingly so.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:42:51 AM by francobull3 »


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A dangerous smile was given. This man homed in on the heart of subject like a guided missile. Yes, he had finally found someone useful, just to what degree remained to be seen. There was one thing that needed to be rectified first however.

"Power is not the issue here, I can indeed slay any mortal with ease." He smile faded as if a bad memory was being revisited. "This creature's demise wouldn't be particularly significant from this viewpoint, quite hard considering it's not from here" He let the implication of that sink in.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 01:55:20 AM by Thedoctor »