Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42368 times)


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Honestly, she charged back there quite recklessly. If Medaka wasn't a bad fighter she could easily find several opening in spite of the overwhelming speed of her opponent. What was the point in taking her seriously from beginning? The point was having some fun and not an early victory.

So, though Rikuyo didn't blatantly let Medaka hit her, the vampire still landed a good hit. The force of the attack propelled her back into a parked car and broke several of her ribs. Nothing that she couldn't heal her, but the pain served as a good warm up. Would Medaka follow up on that attack and try to pressure her further while Rikuyo recovered from the hit?


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"Maybe it could be from volcanic activity? Maybe a chunk of buildings got here fresh from Pompeii or from any other Italian place near a volcano. I know people like settling near volcanoes because the soil is really good, but that's still quite irresponsible, don't you think? Fortunately we don't have a volcano here yet. That would be troublesome."

Lava flows, pyroclastic clouds and general chaos caused by the need of evacuation. This 'Nexus' wasn't large enough to accomodate everyone in safer zones.

"Hmm, maybe it was a public bath, see those marble basins there? Quite scandalous to bathe naked in the public, am I right?" She complained about their morals. If it was a private bath, then it was another matter. After all, if he took responsibility afterwards, she didn't mind bathing with her companion in private.


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There was a thought. Volcanoes erupting and burning everything down. "I'm noticin' a 'yet' in that sentence, Petra."

Of course, if it did erupt then it was God's will that they all burn and die. Not much a person could do about that. He'd rather it didn't happen.

"Tempts people to all sorts of indecency," he agreed with her. It'd make things real easy for him to feed, but tempting people to sin wasn't exactly his specialty. He was more into punishing than tempting. Of course, he'd facilitate the sin if someone tried to initiate...


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"That doesn't mean you should eat everything. It's not okay if you don't have any standards. You better listen to me and Sakura about cooking." Sakura seemed to speak with common sense at least about food. "I could then take you both one day to a place where they serve genuine kebab. I'll take a beef steak if they don't have lamb here."


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Medaka Kurokami

The kick connected, sending Rikuyo into a parked car.  The nice thing about front kicks is that the follow through effectively places the user in a half lunge, allowing Medaka to easily transition into a sprint.  She bolted into the street, leaving an afterimage where she once stood.  She stopped a few feet from the parked car.  Then, she glanced at the cafe behind her.  It seemed as though Shinobu and Ron were just playing, nothing that would hurt anyone.

The blue haired vampire took a deep breath.  Her body relaxed as she took a boxing stance.  "I am relieved.  I managed to remove you from the shop.  Now, I remember I promised you a sparring match.  I think this will be a good chance to get to know each other.  I realized it when we locked eyes before.  Your the type who talks best with your fist.  By the end of this, I hope that we can understand each other."  She said, finally returning to her usual friendly smile.

"Now, should I start or should you?"  She challenged, sporting a battle hungry grin.


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Henry Barthow

The trip back hadn't been noteworthy except for its constraining silence, but for this time the detective couldn't claim any flaw of his in social engagement. Presumably. It wasn't as if they had any time to talk once they checked in and delivered their report, because they had to prepare to pass it along in the meeting that had been called in a rush as a reaction to the terrorist attack that had been at the head of his partner's information; due to its proximity and amount of active agents, it was decided the forces to deal with the emergent problem would meet at their police station. Which brought them here.

The makeshift conference room was bustling with impatient cops and enforcers alike, who didn't have enough chairs to go around. There were less of them than he thought there would be. But you couldn't walk around without foldable chairs clacking against each other, and in an affair like this there were no few people who wouldn't sit still even with the sargeant glaring daggers at them and a strike leader (for some reason in full assault armor) barking for order in court. Only a couple of seats (discounting those who were just standing against a wall or doorframe) had freedom to swing your arm, and one of them was occupied by an armored stone warrior with an eternal cold flame burning in his eyes. An elite. The other was his own, due to the chair on his left being passingly empty.

Mechanical buzzing made Henry lower his head, scampering his gaze from the returning Noel, who awkwardly tried to make her way to the third row of roughly even seats, while their superiors immediately went back to talking again. After assessing the damages and primary consequences of the initial attack, it had been her role to present her experience with the perp. With the danger of the assignment contextualized to the best of effects as possible, it was determined what each group's place in the coming operations would be; police would primarily handle investigation and PR, and the enforcers would be ready to respond to a follow-up attack while "developing countermeasures". That part was so padded and obvious Henry's stomach grew more bitter than the last coffee he'd had.

He glared at the drone that nearly gave him a haircut as precise roles began to be doled out to squads, and the duo of him and Vermillion was confirmed for interrogation of the other direct witness of the target's abilities.
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Okay, that's bullshit!

Still, Ron never did quite know when to quit. Not without a bigger beating than this. So he didn't; he just grew bigger, immediately, and then suddenly Shinobu couldn't even fit her legs around the bear-sized behemoth of fur and muscle pressed up against her anymore. The red killing haze descended over his senses, and Ron knew he would only have a dozen or so seconds to take her on at full power before he lost all control.

It felt great.

With a careless disregard for his own body the werewolf buried the claws of his free hand into Shinobu's back and used his now-superior strength to tear her off of him. His neck closed, and he immediately moved to try to bite her pretty little face off to take back what she'd taken from him.


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"Doesn't this place have hotsprings in that mountain range? Who knows, maybe we're on a top of some warm spot. We never can know if we don't actually are above a future volcano." A scary thought, but not impossible. "I guess public baths are still better than not caring about hygiene. Unclean lifestyle just invites disasters like plagues and other health hazards."

But they were on date, so they should talk more about each other. "So, do you have any hobbies? I enjoy fishing a lot. If you're interested, I could teach you a thing or two."


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Hobbies, hm? What could he say that wouldn't be off-putting? Well he couldn't tell her that fishing wasn't really his thing. It wasn't even that it was dull, it's just that it was really simple for him. He just had to order the fish to get in his net. Besides, "Heh, last time I went fishin' I fell off the boat."

"Well, I do a few things to keep in shape," Liam admitted to her after a moment. He clenched his left hand, let the blood flow through it through whatever dark sorcery the Lord had given him to let it happen in a dead body. "Boxing, for one. Get a couple fellas together, ya got a good time going. Baseball's another."

Baseball bats were great for cracking some knees.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2016, 03:46:10 AM by Aiden »


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"I never played baseball, but I'm not unfamiliar with boxing. In fact, I think I'm pretty good in my weight class." The thing is that she really couldn't tell him that she was pretty good for a former Servant, so it was fine if he thought she was quite for a woman of her size. She probably could knock him out if he annoyed her. Better for him if she doesn't have to put that assumption to test. "I also practised fencing when I was younger."


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He chuckled along with the masked man for a moment and then he pulled something out. A dark flash was emitted from his palm and then it was there. It was a blueish looking crystal ball. He tossed over it the masked man. "Use this to communicate with me. It's a communication device that will lock onto me, you only need to hold and think about talking to me, the magic I put in it will do the rest. Oh and I charged it pretty well so I reckon it'll last a few months, don't worry about it running out or anything.

He turned around and headed for the exit. "Until later Relius Clover." His robes fluttered as if struck by the wind, despite them being inside. Perhaps it was the faint dark aura around him that was causing the phenomenon. Regardless only the faint echoes of the former Saint's foootsteps could now be heard in the lab as he ascended the stairs.


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"Never played baseball? Oh now we gotta find some time for that, Petra. In fact, oughta pick up a new bat sooner than later." Really, an athletic young lady like her never played baseball? Bah, young'ins these days. He tapped one of the slightly melted pillars with his shoe. "So bareknuckles, or gloves?"


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"Bareknuckles. When a burglar or mugger picks on me, I don't have time for putting gloves on. I just deck them right in the face." A simple solution for such problems. And she knew how to control her strength to not look unusually good when fending off criminals. Werewolves, vampires and other abnormal hoodlums would be more troublesome to encounter. After all she would have to use more strength. "And sure, I could pick up baseball in spare time. Sounds simple enough as far as I know."


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Methuselah looked down on the two like a disapproving mother looking at two kids bickering. His flat glare was like a darkness that could cast a shadow upon darkness itself, hollow emotionless eyes just like those of a soldier who witnessed the horrors of a nuclear winter with his very own eyes.

Even without looking any more malicious than a flat stare, it was honestly more horrifying than before, somehow. He wasn't doing anything wrong, it was just kinda creepy to stare like that, it was just disapproval.

"Hey, please stop."

For a moment the air grew quiet. It seemed that man was most scary when vexed like that, like his gentle side could be even more unsettling than a demon if rubbed the wrong way. But his look relaxed as quickly as it tensed and his head darted to the backroom, where the coffee machine was located.

"So juice and coffee, no sweetener. Got it!" He puffed his chest like a jovial giant, ready to fulfill his duty in an almost military and dedicated way. With that he walked in, hand in his pocket to make sure he didn't lose his wallet. Phew, that was close, but they'd probably get along.

They'd better.


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"Shoulda guessed you were the scrappy sorta gal, the way you handled that trespasser." The vampire grinned at the memory, before the more abnormal bits caught up to him and he shook his head. Moving past that topic, he knelt down to check the base of the pillars. "I wonder if there's anything underneath? This one's not gotta base to it, and I can't find it pushing on the soil all that right. Course, soil's plenty freezin'..."