Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42705 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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With an ear-splitting roar Oren smashed her way through the building. With a toss of her head she sent an assortment of a furniture and part of a wall hurtling towards the swording lady. Then she just smashed her way down through the floor and slipped into the ground. Vanishing without a trace under the ground.

As Oren swam below in the ground she waited. Patiently. Like a hunter. The best hunter!


With a sigh the blue eyed girl relaxed on a bench at the mall as she rested her head on another girl's lap. Ah, shopping was so much harder than she remembered! More than a dozen shoddy stores with shoddy crafters. Consoling her, the other girl ran a hand through her hair.

It was only a slightly strange image. Lucy looked nice and all, but the other girl looked rich. Everything from her blonde hair and green eyes to her silk dress, jewelry, and designer shoes screamed money in a way that nothing else could. She probably had her bottled water air lifted from a private spring and her dress woven by an army of mind controlled spiders bred for silk. Mammon could look rather pretty when it wanted to. 


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Right, Rikuyo was pretty ignorant about stuff like this. Good thing he was here. He held a hand up to lecture like one of his teachers did back in high school. "You do know what phones are, right? You can talk to people far away who has another phone by pressing a sequence of numbers. Normally they can be hard to move around, but cell phones are ones that can work almost anywhere and last longer when you use them away from home. Most people have them. I don't because I keep losing my pants, but I'm weird like that."

He'd broken too many phones for it to be worthwhile. Speaking of pants, where did his wallet get to? He looked around for that and saw it, relaxing which unwittingly let Medaka put all kinds of weight down on him. He took a moment to adjust. "Urk. Uh, right. Anyway, let's split up and look. We can meet up back here once we have everything we need to find this guy. You go find what I need to sniff him out, then once we're close enough you can pick up on the details."


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Vanguard raised an eyebrow and while his smirk was one of contempt, for the first time there was attention in his look. He was curious, perhaps even intrigued.

"Freedom? Aah, how tempting... But I refuse. I don't care about empty promises, your honeyed words are wasted on deaf ears. I am just a boring little man, such wonderful gifts would be wasted on me." He said condescendingly. Indeed, it was quite intriguing how one could be this stupid.

No, he would never accept. How could he? If he was to gain this freedom, it would be with his own two hands. There was one who had made such promises, displaying wonderful charity and such. Perhaps this magician would find her skewered corpse rotting somewhere in his castle if he looked hard enough.

"But one can always use a friend. Right?"


The dark lord's steps echoed throughout the eternal plane of darkness, sending avalanches of calamity upon the poor innocent soil beneath his feet. The devastation sent upon the innocent critters squirming below was such that it dwarfed the great apocalypses, showers of nuclear hellfire poured upon the innocent grass and it was no more- but less tidy grass.

Such a being would surely summon forth great calamity, perhaps even the end of the world. Terror and bloodshed would crush one another until nothing but despair remained. But not today, for the dark god had a job to do. And nothing would stand in his way.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted before him, shaking the earth and almost sending the shadow deity stumbling down in surprise, shock and amounts of fear as generous as salsa in a plate of nachos. Luckily he was wearing brown pants.

The demonic deity turned around and stared at the spectacle, a massive dragon sinking into the bowels of the earth, roaring with all its might while a warrior did battle with the beast. It was, it was...

It was just like his japanese anime!

But right now, Methuselah did not think of that, because he was too busy hiding behind a tree with his boots shaking. Damn, why did this have to happen to him? And why now? Calm, down, it is just a dragon and a legendary warrior, there is no need to fear. They aren't such a big deal anyway, this is nothing compared to marriage! You are a god, a mighty god, a powerful god! They are no match, so act like one and have them grovel before your dark powers as they mewl for mercy!!!!

Methuselah trembled and slightly poked out of the tree, pointing at the warrior and squeaking with all its terrible might.

"H-hey, please stop this!"
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 03:19:13 AM by francobull3 »


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Sakura brought her hand to her mouth and giggled at Breeze's enthusiasm. "You certainly have your priorities straightened out, don't you? Your mind runs on one track, and that track happens to be cute girls, right?"

"So um. Do you really think I'm cute, then?" Sakura asked, suddenly blushing and looking away.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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He gave her a teasing smile in response to her cheeky comment. "No I don't need take you as an amateur....your cooking will speak for itself. So, how long are you planning to make me wait?"


Just as she was about to respond to Medaka's question she was interupted, by the fight crazy woman. She withdrew her hand and stepped back from the werewolf as clothes appeared on his body in a flashing light. "That is because he is a poor man who cannot pay his own debts." She turned back to Medaka as she considered what she should say. Thinking back on that meeting there was something familiar about him. "I had felt like I had met him before, but it was different. He may not look the same."

Oka Kurosawa

Oka opened her mouth to speak just as they heard a loud "ding!" from the kitchen. Her open mouth morphed into a grin, and after pecking her boyfriend on the cheek, she pulled him into the kitchen with her.

"Now~" She sang out to him as she pulled out the poffins, shaking her butt at him simultaneously. She then turned around and plucked one of the concoctions out of the pan, holding it in front of his mouth.

"Open wiiide~" She said to him with a cheerful expression. "They're best when they're fresh out of the oven~"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

Relius finally returned to his seat near the table.  It seemed as though the two were reaching some sort of partnership.    Sparks flew as Relius continued to work, patching up minor damages and attaching the new parts.  For a moment he perked his head up, finally looking at Willam over the body resting on his table.  He was waiting for his response to Vanguard before he continued.

Medaka Kurokami

As Ron bent down to get his wallet, Medaka found herself stumbling a bit.  However, she managed to balance herself by pressing her chest agianst the werewolf's back and wrapping her arms around his upper abdomen.  Then once he regained his balance, she went back to her normal position.

"Where are we going Ron?"  She asked with a sort of playful curiosity.


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"Hey, why aren't we goin' to my shack in the woods. Ya gotta pick up this phone! And set up this." She pointed at out at the TV set she carried along. "Do me a favor, ya can do it quickly, right? I brought ya food and drinks after all."
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 04:14:19 PM by Kat »


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Lorenzo Remei

During his many years of travel, Lorenzo had learned that there was no sight finer than that of a beautiful woman, except a beautiful rich looking woman. There was something very fascinating about how gold shined under the sun that never gets old. Oh, who was he kidding, he just liked the feel of coin in his pockets, BWAHAHA!!

That aside, what truly caught his eye- socket was the other cute girl, tall and slim like a ship paddle. How odd, he could always tell apart women simply by their clothes, but he could've sworn he hadn't seen such a flower before. People now days sure had some strange fashion trends, but when it came to the women he didn't mind one bit.

So he copped his blazing head cooly and posed, displaying his blazing crotch in an imposing posture in order to assert dominance. Indeed, when it came to the secret arts of seductions there were steps that you could not forget! He was a pirate, and not just any pirate. Lorenzo Remei, the greatest who ever lived, died and came back to life! BWAHAHAHA!

How strange, she looked so young and refined like a noble, yet her hair was shining white and silver. He had noticed how some lads and lasses wore strangely colored wigs, could this be one of them? Perhaps that cute little hat wouldn't be the only thing he'd steal, but even... her heart.

The pirate had walked up to the two girls finally close enough to catch the thinner one's attention and knelt. That is, if it takes being close to notice a burning pirate skeleton. Then, he flicked a playful finger-bone on her silky hair. Despite the fact it was burning, the fire did not spread, and it was not even remotely painful to the touch.

It was more like being stroked by a gentle sun beam, or a pleasant warm bath. But without the slightest hesitation or even a chance to question his perverse intentions, the fiery pirate tugged at a strand of hair slightly.

"Heh, what a lovely silver. Kinda makes one jealous meself, if I pulled one off and kept it would it upset you cute bird?"
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 09:20:44 PM by francobull3 »


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Interesting. most interesting. That he would speak of friendship yet mock me behind my back. Now would be a good time to reveal it, if only to see what kind of reaction he would have.

"So you left a corpse in the castle."

Throughout their conversation, the dark mage had been cautiously probing Vangaurd's mind. He wasn't viewing anything that was buried deep within the man's psyche. No this was a technique he developed against people with powerful minds. The downsides being that due to very nature of it he could he only pick up on surface thoughts, and even then it was only scattered pieces. Not that it would matter as he could sense that this was an immensely powerful mind.


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Sakura brought her hand to her mouth and giggled at Breeze's enthusiasm. "You certainly have your priorities straightened out, don't you? Your mind runs on one track, and that track happens to be cute girls, right?"

"So um. Do you really think I'm cute, then?" Sakura asked, suddenly blushing and looking away.

Auspicious Breeze

The former gladiator blinked at the question, wondering what a 'track' was here but kinda getting it. Cute girls were important, so she concentrated on cute girls and helping them be safe and happy. It was just kinda how things were! Speaking of which...

"Of course I do! You've got these great eyes, and this long purple hair, and you look curvy and sweet but there's a bunch of hard stuff under there making you strong and cool too!" Auspicious Breeze nodded to herself while counting them off on her fingers. "So you're definitely super cute."


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Medaka Kurokami

As Ron bent down to get his wallet, Medaka found herself stumbling a bit.  However, she managed to balance herself by pressing her chest agianst the werewolf's back and wrapping her arms around his upper abdomen.  Then once he regained his balance, she went back to her normal position.

"Where are we going Ron?"  She asked with a sort of playful curiosity.


"Hey, why aren't we goin' to my shack in the woods. Ya gotta pick up this phone! And set up this." She pointed at out at the TV set she carried along. "Do me a favor, ya can do it quickly, right? I brought ya food and drinks after all."


Well, Rikuyo made her point well enough. He might not be able to get her cable what with being in the middle of nowhere, but it'd be something. Ron sighed and chuckled, patting Medaka like 'you're okay there' out of instinct. "Well, guess we're going to find that phone and hook up Riku's new television. After that we can search for the guy, figure out where he's been. Lead the way."


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Vanguard frowned as his blue eyes met the mage's purple ones. He had felt a strange sensation ever since the mage appeared in the laboratory, but he couldn't quite pin point it. He had been skeptical at first, but this was the only explanation. But to think someone would invade him like this, how laughable. There are limits to how much you can insult a man's pride, boy.

Vanguard paused and thought before speaking.

Oh? Interesting. So Relius was correct, but I must say your technique leaves much to be desired. If you could truly read my mind, you would know the corpse wasn't left by me. It's quite pathetic, really. That you would show such a valuable card so early, it makes me wonder. Are you a sheep in a lion's clothing, or a lion in a sheep's.

"Perhaps. But enough of that. What i need is very simple, and surely a man like you can consider such an ordeal." He said in a more respectful tone, and for the first time callled him a man instead of a child. Was this a veiled insult, or did that mage somehow earn Vanguard's respect.

No one would ever know.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with my goals, I have no issue working for you. Perhaps it might even relieve some boredom from this dull citadel. A relationship of mutual benefit would be desirable, don't you agree? To make an enemy of a potential ally, it would be the height of foolishness. Which is why I will help you, and you will help me, perhaps without even knowing. But tell me, what is this job that you wish to offer me?"


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Relius Clover

The scientist returned his head to its original position as he continued to work.  There was nothing of importance that he needed to add to the conversation at the moment.


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He spat out the burning hot poffin that his girlfriend had stuffed into his mouth. Rushing over to the sin, he opened the tap and started gulping in some cold water. Pulling up he sent an angry glare towards Oka. "Hey what was that for?"


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No. Not my precious. His precious. Ic cream was stolen from him by the forces of evil. Oh what a cruel world.

"Blurgh." He pulled away from Oka as she shoved it back in his mouth."I just wanted some didn't even give me some of yours. This is the worst day of my life."


"It looks like I'll have to teach you not to be so sinful Shirou. You have to repent, understand?" She glared at him suspiciosuly. "I see. You have been possesed by a nefarious demon. I must exorcise you before it's too late." She grabbed hold of his head shaked it slightly. "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; begone from this world foul demon."

Shirou Emiya

"Aggghhhhhh!!!" Shirou yelled out in pain as he was 'exorcized.' He collapsed down to the ground and fell limp for a minute, before he 'woke up' and grabbed Jeanne into a hug. "Thank god you saved me!" Shirou exclaimed, suddenly standing up and picking her up with him. "I'll need to reward you for your kind deeds."

"What exactly would you like, milady?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end