Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42806 times)


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Lorenzo Remei

Aw hell no! Now both his arms were gone, that guy was scary strong after all. Damn, damn damn- tch, his skull was blown away by the impact. Grining from ear to ear, he 'felt' the cranium smash against the floor. What a shame, just as he was starting to have fun. But at this rate, he'd really die...

Lorenzo didn't need bones, or heads, or anything. As long as the flame burned strong, it was enough to keep him going. He couldn't die, because he was immortal. An endless solitude was all he was left with.

But he refused.

Even without a skull or arms, his body moved with ferocious might, using the man's size, momentum and position to land a powerful knee in his gut. At that moment, the flames in his body, or rather the flames that were his body, intensified and focused on his knee to deliver a concussive charge of fiery energy to blast him back.

The strongest flames roared , sending the familiars crashing on the alleyway to ravage every nearby power-line, sending sparks fly in order to drown the earth around the pirate in a sea of flames. Wild fire cracked and spiraled around the remnants of his vessel, the skeleton that anchored him to this world. The familiars flew towards him and were absorbed by his own spirit, imbuing the flames with life and shaping them into a mighty body of flame.

His right arm, if it could be considered such, was more akin a blowtorch, a blade of fire capable of cleaving metal. But amidst the hellish fire and shapes, it looked human, and perhaps even lonely. Lorenzo kicked the demonic blade back to his foe, and just when the flames reached their apex he roared.


And with a savage downwards slash, Lorenzo poured every nearby flame towards his foe. The wave was unlike anything in the world, it was pure fire like a burning comet shooting towards the angel. putting his everything on the line for a final attack...
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 03:45:52 AM by francobull3 »


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Rin smiled at Joe and said, "Well, where I come from, if I told you, I'd be forced to either kill you or wipe your memory.  So, you'll just have to keep guessing until I feel comfortable to tell you."


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Medaka Kurokami

Shinobu's calm assessment caused Medaka's muscles to relax.  This isn't something to worry about, at least not yet based on her tone.  The elder vampire leaned closer, until they were almost touching. "Just how are you planning to deal with this? It seems likely that the battle maniac may try to kill him, I would not trust her to respect your wishes. I know what she is capable of."

Medaka reflexivly grabbed her arm, the one Rikuyo decapitated in their fight.  "Well the issue is more that I did not assert my wishes.  And while I do prefer the direct approach, I have a feeling that it would only lead to a fight."  She said, closing her eyes to help herself think.  "However, she has the ability to take on the form of any animal.  She will likely find him first if we cannot locate someone with some sort of super sensory powers."

The young vampire opened her eyes.  "He uses magic of some sort.  Perhaps a mage knows where he is.  I wonder if that couple would be able to track him..."  She said, half thinking aloud, half replying to Shinobu.


Joe laughed awkwardly as he finally took the keys from her hands. “Haha.. At least that means your giving me a chance.”

Oh god please don’t actually be a succubus.  I was just sad!  I didn’t actually want this!  He thought, screaming within the confines of his own mind.  As he thought that, he finally caught a glance at her legs, complimented nicely by those shorts.  Eh.  Dying sounds alright.

He looked down, finally getting a good look at the keys.  There were three there, one for the wheel, one for the lock blocking the keyhole for the engine and one to actually ignite the engine.  He unlocked both of them and placed the final one inside the keyhole for the engine.  With a swift turn, the boat revved up.

Joe looked back at his passenger with a smile.  He raised his fist and pumped it to emulate pulling a rope that activates those old timey boat horns you see in Mickey mouse cartoons.  “You ready to go on an adventure?”  He announced playfully.


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"Hm, you are certainly sure of this, huh. What am I to get for this job, Mr. Clover?"
The doll asked in a similarly theathrical fashion; whether he was humoring or mocking the dollmaker was hard to tell, as a conversation like a stage play unfolded itself in the moldy halls.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 02:47:58 PM by Sinib »


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Relius Clover

“Well of course, you will be paid handsomely. If you succeed, you will obtain the opportunity of future employment.”  Relius responded, not making any changes to his nonverbal cues.


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The alley had become a crude facsimile of Hell in the time it took Gadreel to regain his footing and prepare to counterattack against his armless, headless foe. And yet, before he could disrupt whatever the skeleton had in mind Dainsleif was being flung back in his direction and all of his focus had to be redirected for the purpose of not being cleaved in twine by his own sword.

It gave the pirate time to prepare, and left the exile standing alone with one and a half arms against a titanic inferno. There wasn't enough time to close in, and Lucy was behind him. He couldn't just avoid the blast without putting her at risk. But, he would not lose.

I am the Wall of God.

He hurled Dainsleif back through the wave of fire with absurd precision, that it might cut a path of least resistance at the point where the blast would impact him. Incidentally, it would sever the pirate's spine. With the damage minimized, and his opponent likely down, the angel held out his arms and embraced this terrible fate to spare Lucy from it.

It hurts. He couldn't shrug off this pain. His nerves were being seared away, his skin charred down to the thick layers of his muscles and bone. His long, lovely hair caught flame and burned away. And yet, I live. For his efforts, Gadreel took less than he should have from the attack. Out from the flame he stumbled, his skeleton exposed in places where muscle was too thin to take it. His clothing was but crumbling tatters, and now it was he who burned.

A rattle escaped his scorched throat as he poured more of his celestial energies into his flesh, reversing as much of the damage in the most important places as he could. The exile could walk all too soon. He marched through the flame and the pain to destroy his fallen foe's earthly form.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 05:19:25 AM by Aiden »


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No way she could sneak around with a guy screaming after he got hit by a baseball bat. Oh well. The darkness worked both to her advantage and disadvantage. She had to rely on her ears, but they were in same boat. Shock tactics would work here well. Grasping the shotgun as a makeshift club, she swinged it around in an arc trying to smash gangers with the butt of her weapon.


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Sweet berries, of course something like that. Because who uses sugar? "Food from my homeland? I kinda just ate whenever I had time, So I don't really have that many favourites." He answered her as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "The just kept sending me around and that was when I wasn't drowning in work. Being here is like a vacation in comparison to that."

Cherry Lover

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As they walked along the road, searching for a good place to eat, Rider heard someone walking up behind them, muttering to himself. To her concern, he seemed not to stop or attempt to move around them as he got closer and, worried for Sakura's safety in this dangerous city, she turned around at an obviously-supernatural speed, preparing to step between the two. Before she could, though, the man seemingly realised his error, jumping backwards and excusing himself. Relaxing, Rider listened as the man began a discussion with Sakura, before introducing himself as "Ron" and suggesting they go to a "Halal place" that he knew.

A look of confusion came over Rider's face for a moment. She'd never heard of there being such a thing as a "halal restaurant" before. The Islamic world was large and varied, with many different types of food available. The only things she knew were consistent was an avoidance of certain types of meat and alcohol. However, the former did not really bother her and, whilst she usually did like a drink with her meal, right now she knew Sakura was not drinking, and she didn't want to upset her master by drinking in front of her when she could not. So, the idea didn't sound bad. Still, some clarification would be useful.

"What sort of food does it serve?" she asked, curious.

"I'm Rider, by the way, and this is my friend, Sakura", she added, remembering to avoid confusing him by referring to Sakura with her true title. "Nice to meet you."


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Shirou Emiya

If the woman had been expecting him to blush or act embarrassed, she would be sorely disappointed. He lazily wrapped his arms around her midriff and nodded affirmatively. "Of course, it's a rare honor to have the chance to sodomize a saint, after all." He said matter of factly, hoping his confidence would throw her off.

"And on top of that, you did want to know who had the better ass, didn't you?" Shirou teased her. Something felt off, though. She felt... extremely light for her size, and he wasn't sure why. Or maybe it was Sakura who was heavy... probably best not to bring it up, however. If the news leaked to Sakura who knew how she'd react.


He was good, but he wouldn't be able to talk over with mere words. She smiled lewdly at him, trying to egg him on. "Then why don't you come and get it, you don't seem to eager to take it....or could it be you want me to do it? How naughty, wanting a saint to sodomize herself." She slid her ass back and made sure it grinded against his hard dick through their clothes. "But it looks to me like you're ready to burst right now~"

Shirou Emiya

Shirou let out a short gash as soon as Jeanne began grinding her ass against his rock-solid member. "You wouldn't exactly be wrong." Shirou admitted, longing for her to unbutton his pants and allow his cock to be free. He was about to lift her up and do it himself, it was starting to hurt.

"Surely, a saint of your caliber wouldn't leave such a good young man as myself to suffer, right?" His words might have been teasing, but his body told a different story. He wanted to take her or her to take him. He didn't care. He just wanted it now.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"He is not using magic."

Shinobu decided to give her a hint with her sudden statement. It wouldn't do for them to run all around the city for something that wouldn't work. While Rikuyo's superior senses would normally she got there first, in times likes these one could benefit from sidestepping the problem.

She once more wrapped her arms around the younger vampire's waist, this time her arms snuck under Medaka's clothes as she started rubbing the lower end of her back absent mindedly. "I think we should stop searching for him and let him come to us, you would not believe how effective that is.....How about going to the mall?" She met the younger vampire's lovely gaze as she said the next thing. "You can even dress me up in cute outfits if you want to."


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Medaka Kurokami

As Shinobu snuck her hands under her waist, Medaka’s heartrate increased.  As she listened to the vampire speak, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was talking from experience or boredom.  Logically, it seemed pretty nonsensical.  If he didn’t want to be found, why wait for him to show up?  While they do instruct children to wait for their parents by staying in one spot, Medaka never had that relationship with Toe or Theodore.  She almost always had to track him down herself. The only difference between then and now is that he seems almost impossible to track now.

The young vampire smiled, happily getting lost in the blond's gaze.  “Alright.  Although, I don’t think it matters what outfits you wear. You'll always look cute.”  She said earnestly. 

Yes, it doesnt make much sense.  But that is why its the best option.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 12:50:27 AM by yinsukin »

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As the fight continued, and the flames intensified, and the blood and pain flowed in earnest blue eyes watched impassively. Then she held out her arms as if she was being dressed, and at once all of her Messengers were pulled back into her body. Then she spoke. "I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and she was given a crown, and she rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest."

With every word she was dressed in her symbols of authority. A crown of burning glory appeared upon her head. A shining bow with a quiver full of light appeared upon her back, A robe whose hem was dipped in blood covered her clothing, and on it was inscribed in a text older then man, Lord of Lords. King of Kings. Finally, there was a mighty war horse. A kind whose like was not seen in this modern world.

So she mounted Victory, as was fitting, and looked down upon all that she would survey. All that fought to claim what was already taken. Foolish. The horse snorted in mutual understanding, and it moved forward. Wherever its hooves met the ground cracks appeared, heralding its approach.

They passed the angel, and with a hand bright like the stars she grabbed his shoulder. The heat of her form charred his flesh by proximity, and where her fingers touched skin melted and bubbled. "Angel. You are no longer needed."

Then they continued, but this time she took her bow and fired an arrow. Then another, and another. Arrows flew impossibly fast from her endless quiver. Wherever they hit came pillars of light. Burning, triumphant columns that could not be passed. Proof of her dominion. And hardly a moment had passed before leaving the alley was no longer a viable option. '

Victory never changed the calm pace of its trot. "Skeleton, come forth. I will speak with you."


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"Of course I am, the cutest of them all! Hahaha" The blonde vampire laughed it off cheerfully. "Come one what are you waiting for?" She suddeny began moving, pulling the vampire by the arm. "Are you waiting for me to carry you? Sorry, but I will not do that even if you beg for a thousand years. "And for the record, when someone lets you do that. You are supposed to make them regret it by putting them in the most embarrassing outfit you can think of."


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Lorenzo Remei

Gadreel charged bravely against the flame's assault,much to Lorenzo's surprise. Even with such healing powers, a normal human would be carbonized. Then again, neither were human now were they!?

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! THIS IS FUN, GADREEEL!!!!!" He roared, summoning forth more flames, nurturing them until they became terrifying beacons, sundering and melting the earth beneath the mage.

But suddenly, a glowing white light shined as magnificently as the sun, blowing the flames apart with a command. What!? He thought, blinded by the pure light and incredulous. A surprised chuckle escaped him, so it was her. It was only fair, this fight had always been for her sake, it was only fair for the woman to seize her own freedom.

If anything could be said, it was that at that moment he loved her, and as the light faded he saw her and found her beautiful.

"Skeleton, come forth. I will speak with you."

Lorenzo felt a chill run down his cracked spine, and he could no longer move. A hail of arrows shot past him, summoning pillars of light more magnificent than anything he'd ever seen. It was the same as the beastly creature that slew his comrades, the black knight that annihilated his ship, the empress that crushed his pride. His flames stopped moving, as if time halted at the sight of her conquest. Was his body, his soul, frozen by fear once again?

No. Unacceptable, inadmissible, to live shackled by fear? Never again!

He could never look down again, for the sake of the ones he lost he would reach for the skies and seize all. Power, glory, happiness, status, money, women, eternity! To bring back someone that you’ve lost, or to protect the world. These are all common things people want. Things that their hearts desire. Greed may not be good, but it’s not necessarily bad either. Everyone wants something they don’t have.

Broken, he should not be standing. Even more absurd was that he still lived, that he could still glare at the angel, the demon, with such intensity. He would never despair, nor would his desire fall here. The fire beneath them swirled and danced once more, weaker yet more courageous than ever before, following the pirate's steps. Burning bones that had been broken and torn from him came rolling back to him in order to reform his appearance.

A shallow action, his bones were anything but fixed, but the fire maintained them into shape. Shattered as he was, this skeleton should fall apart with a mere breeze, and yet he stood up to the conqueror as an equal. Grinning as always, his broken skull was once more crowned with his hat. And he spoke.

"My name is Lorenzo Remei. Remember that, little lady."