Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42841 times)


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The amusement in the immortal's eyes wasn't dulled in the slightest at her reply. If anything it brightened a little.

"Ah yes, where are my manners," Michael said, shaking his head seemingly in disappointment in himself. He could practically feel the hostility boiling off her like steam, the care she took in getting better footing bringing some slight hope to the immortal. Perhaps this would make up for having to entertain Newface while she'd had her duel. On the other hand, perhaps it would be more amusing to let her go along, collect some more data along the way. Speaking of Newface, his little show with the obvious concentration and the incantation was a curious one, but one that the immortal was willing to let take a backseat to the more immediate concern.

"My name is Michael Koridae," the immortal continued, offering her a deferential nod, "And to whom am I offering this introduction?"

I've almost forgotten how refreshing it is to be in a place that doesn't know my name.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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The repairs of the castle were going along just fine, all that remained really was to figure out what kind of defense system to put into place. That could wait however.  The dark mage had other matters to take care of right now. The message he had sent might have been picked up the police or one of their affiliates. He wondered if they would be able to figure out it was him, probably not with how incompetent they were.

Which is why he found himself in this place. A nice place downtown that served cold beverages. Despite the fact it was only just past noon the mage was enjoying a fine bottle of red wine.

"Here's to my imminent victory."

He raised his glass into the air, saluting himself before finishing yet another one.


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Out of all possible locations, he did not expect to meet her here, even less now. He had simply come in order to look for more clothes, but it seemed he had stumbled on his unleashed pet and the infuriating thing. He passed by without much interest or regard at first, but as he tried different coats on, their senseless yelling began to get on his nerves.

His breathing and presence concealed, the next thing they knew he had stepped behind the poor Medaka only to mercilessly whack her head with a nearby cane.

"This is a shop, not a barnyard." He commanded sternly, yet there was more pressure in that than if one was to sink under a thousand tons of water.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 03:03:35 AM by francobull3 »


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"Chivalric orders that I am familiar with, even those religious, never implemented such vows. If you wish your identity to remain secret, I assure you I won't breach that subject." It would impolite to not respect such vows after all. "But as we talk, your quarry may get away with crimes and atrocities it committed. Hopefully we will catch in time before it causes any further harm."


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It was a blessing that it was so dark here. Hits from clubs and punches didn't faze her in slightest. While for instance Martha was known for her great strength, Petra's endurance was remarkable even among her fellows. So she had no problem with taking hits and retaliating like a human sized juggernaut, smacking them more with the butt of her weapon. After all, who could see her?

Somebody was shouting in the distance, but she couldn't make out what they were shouting about. And she was busy dealing with small fries now anyway.


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“Well im glad kicking you left such a good impression.”  Joe said sarcastically.  Wait, did he just declare himself Captain? He noted to himself.  Then, he turned to Rin. “As far as im concerned, this is still a date.  Rin, you want to spend the day looking for treasure?”  He asked politely.  However, he gave her a look with a very different subtext. 

Please don’t leave me alone with this guy.


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Rin listened to Lorenzo rattle out the treasure before chuckling.  She had access to wealth greater than that before looking back at Joe.  "You know, we could just drop him off at the dock and continue on our date, you know," Rin replied with a shrug.

"Chances are this treasure isn't even real."

Cherry Lover

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A look of concern came over Rider's face as the sky suddenly and inexplicably darkened.

What the hell? she thought, knowing that such an obivously-unnatural thing was almost certainly a sign of something bad to come.

Before she could ponder it further, though, she noticed alarming signs in her master. Whilst Sakura was doing a decent job of covering up her panic attack, seemingly enough to fool the other man present, Rider knew her too well not to notice. Worried, Rider looked at her with concern, only for the sky to clear and, with it, Sakura's panic attack. Still, regardless, Rider was worried, and she sent her master a mental message.

Sakura, are you OK? she said, her mental voice full of concern, taking hold of Sakura's hand in a reassuring manner as it was offered.

Meanwhile, Sakura, laughing nervously, suggested they move towards the restaurant, a suggestion the man responded to by finally explaining what food the place actually served. Rider hadn't really eaten kebab all that often, but she knew that, whilst there definitely were some extremely cheap versions, there were also genuinely nice kinds. She hoped the restaurant they were going to served the latter....

"OK, let's go, then", she responded to the man's comment, following in the direction he was pointing at a normal human walking speed.


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Even if the incident had lasted only for few moments, there was a good reason to be concerned. She wasn't neither as carefree as the two nor she could just ignore that as an Enforcer. So, she called her friend in the police to ask her if she knows anything about the possible cause of that. Mordred excused herself and went outdoors to phone Noel.

Auspicious Breeze

She glanced in Mordred's direction when she noticed her getting up. The former gladiator's lips pursed together when she saw her leaving to do something outside, and for a moment she worried. Then the airplane came and she was going "aaahhh" and oh gods that was delicious.

"Haaah, at least this city has something delicious like this going for it~." The smile would not end at this rate! But her mind kept going back to Mordred there. "Ehh... hey, Sakura. Do you think Mordred is upset at me?"


Sakura shrugged at Breeze. "I don't see why she would be, unless you did something to annoy her before I met you two." Sakura answered honestly. "Open wide~" Sakura said as a heaping spoonful of ice cream came hurtling at Breeze at frightening speeds.

Auspicious Breeze

Before she could say anything else she got a mouth full of delicious cream. "Aahnn! Mmm..." If Sakura wasn't careful she'd end up hitting Breeze's teeth or something! Ah well, she'd just reinforce her teeth so they didn't get knocked out if that happened. No big deal, really.

She smiled around the spoon and pulled her head back. "Well, I know she doesn't get along that great with my other girlfriend - they know about each, don't worry - but she's never said anything about being bothered by it. Am I being dumb?"

Then Breeze shook her head. "Ahh, sorry! I shouldn't bother you with my problems right now. Forget I said anything."


Sakura shook her head a flicked Breeze on the forehead. "Well of course she's annoyed about that! She might be hiding it from you, but any girl would be upset at having to share her man or woman, Breeze!" Sakura said as she began to berate her. "It's just common sense!" She wagged the spoon at her friend. "You need to make a choice!"

Auspicious Breeze

Ah! That was a real hard flick! Breeze rubbed at her head with a pout while her eyes followed the deadly spoon around. "It's not how it worked back home..." she mumbled, her face all red and warm from embarrassment now. "I guess I just thought it was okay as long as everyone knew and said it was fine. It doesn't work like that here, huh?"


Sakura shook her head seriously. "No, of course not. I'm sure it's a big sore spot for Mord. She must care about you alot to still be with you!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo gasped in sheer, complete and utter horror.

"M-mutiny!? BWAHAHAHAHA!! How dare you, rebel scoundrel!!" He roared, shaking his fist at the girl in defiance. "But I shall not leave, not without my treasure!" Suddenly, he took a smug stance and crossed his arms condescendingly before booping her nose.

"The treasure definetely exists. Think about it, with my great wits and experience and your ability to breathe underwater, I shall be filthy RICH!!!"

Malcolm Kimberlee

"Sure thing jeezer." He quipped before flicking the pen back at him. He closed his eyes and dozed off, his two tailed mouse familiar watching over him in a hidden corner. If that old man or anyone tried to do something funny, he'd scream and that would be the sign for him to pull the trigger.

Sweet dreams.

Malcolm groaned after the quick power nap. The light of the clinic room was just as blinding as the first time, but for some reason it all looked less blurry. He didn't feel as drowsy, and for some reason his body itched all over for a good stretch. Huh?

Malcolm didn't notice it at first, but he was moving his toes around. Looking down under the sheets quizzically, he noticed his legs were now... fine. He smiled and, for a second, couldn't help but laugh.

"Hah!" He touched his face, then his legs. "I did it, I've gotten through it! Hahaha!"

He jumped out of the bed and put his arms aside like a posing sentai, looking at the mirror. Yes, he could move alright, perfectly even! His clothes and belongings must've been somewhere around, his rat familiar must be searching for them as he thought. Good, let his little pet cause a little commotion, fufufu.

With that, while the staff was distracted by the commotion of a small rat, he had taken his clothes and Betsy before leaving. This whole being beaten to shit shtick made him hungry...

« Last Edit: December 05, 2016, 07:00:56 PM by francobull3 »


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"Abduction, huh? Sounds less like a delivery mission... But well, you can tell me all about it afterwards. I do need some... insurance, however. Would'nt exactly want to blow up the hospital not knowing why."

The doll inquired further, aware of the dangerous nature of the mission.

Looking at the back of the leaving warrior, Coppelius shot him a defiant look; 'I know that all too well', he thought.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2016, 03:54:57 PM by Break »


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The amusement in the immortal's eyes wasn't dulled in the slightest at her reply. If anything it brightened a little.

"Ah yes, where are my manners," Michael said, shaking his head seemingly in disappointment in himself. He could practically feel the hostility boiling off her like steam, the care she took in getting better footing bringing some slight hope to the immortal. Perhaps this would make up for having to entertain Newface while she'd had her duel. On the other hand, perhaps it would be more amusing to let her go along, collect some more data along the way. Speaking of Newface, his little show with the obvious concentration and the incantation was a curious one, but one that the immortal was willing to let take a backseat to the more immediate concern.

"My name is Michael Koridae," the immortal continued, offering her a deferential nod, "And to whom am I offering this introduction?"

I've almost forgotten how refreshing it is to be in a place that doesn't know my name.

Muramasa Katase

She took a moment to swipe herself through the air so that her blade might be rid of the clinging remnants of cut shadows. With that necessary tithe to cleanliness taken care of, the demon's puppet introduced her. "I am Muramasa. Why are you here?"

He had an agenda, and she was somehow being factored into this. But Muramasa Katase was nobody's pawn. Not unless there was something in it for her, and she had the power to leave at any time.


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Joe clenched his fists as the pirate poked Rin on the nose.  As the pirate went on his rant, Joe positioned himself beside her, securing his rightful place.  Even though the pirate was probably crazy, the idea of treasure was an appealing one.  Still. there was no reason he and Rin couldn't go look on their own.

“Yeah but whats to stop us from just forcefully throwing you off?”  He asked flatly.

Umbra of Chaos

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So she proudly led her angel around towards a store. Absolutely shameless too. Lucy didn't even offer him his coat back. Instead, she just began to talk as the walked. "You know, you don't have much utility, Gadreel. Any of the angels from home could have dressed themselves real easy even if they were fallen."


Mrrg. She didn't have to go outside. That's what she had the vitamin D supplements for! Well, sometimes she forgot to take those, but she usually got them regularly! Especially since Emily was around to remind her in case she forgot. Still, it wouldn't be too bad. Having her hand held was pretty nice too... and just a little embarrassing.

Her face was a little red as she said, "But it doesn't really make a difference, does it? I mean, whether we do something inside or outside in public."


Hmm. What was that? Some plant thing? Well, whatever it was Oren was avoiding it. She just had to take the long way all the way around. Well... this was actually starting to become unfun. All this intruding and high ground cheating. Bleh. But! But this black shadow person thing needed a talking to.

A good distance away from the guy but still within his line of sight the upper half of Oren's body emerged. She raised two clawed fingers and pointed them at her eyes before pointing them back at him and slowly sinking back under the earth. The message was clear.


There was something rather strange and uncomfortable in Paladin's chest at the responses of the other two. He ignored it. There were more important things to focus on, like the enforcement of the law! "No matter then! It was merely idle curiosity on my part. Now then, if I were to make an assumption on the nature of what we're hunting my first thought would be a demon or a creature bearing an especially potent curse. Either would be capable of creating a being with vampiric attributes similar to the one that I fought previously today, and whatever power was used to do it still hangs thick in the air..."

He trailed off rather than continue speaking. His gaze was almost glued to a house as flickers of light appeared inside it and a small, dainty orb floated into a window. "It is almost definitely a demon, and it's baiting us. Or it is exceptionally stupid, but I doubt such a thing could occur with a creature powerful enough to form the beast I've seen. We must be rather cautious. In my experience it is best to accept such invitations, but I have rarely done such a thing with people outside my order. If you wish to go in for the kill immediately I will not begrudge such a choice."


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When Lorenzo "booped" her nose, Rin expected it to burn, but his burning fingers were just warm.

She blinked and almost smiled as Joe came to her defense.  It was cute in a silly, sweet way.  She nodded in agreement and said, "And what makes you think I can breathe underwater?  I can do a great and many things, but never said I could do that."

She leaned forward, a smile crossing her face that didn't reach her eyes.  "Also, next time you touch me without permission I won't be so nice about it."