Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42845 times)


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To Mord's disappointment, Noel didn't answer the call. Important stuff had happened and all she could do was to leave a message for her to see later. Did she forgot her phone or forgot to charge it. Whatever was the reason for that, she really wanted to talk about the incident. Now it would linger on her mind.

The changeling sighed and slowly walked backed to the restaurant. She wondered if the two were at all bothered by the sky suddenly darkening. "I'm back.", she announced.


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Seems like they mopped up those brigands already. Liam asked her to turn on the light, and so she proceeded to look for a switch. "There was someone screaming down there. I think we should check who is down there. And bash their face in if they're an enemy."

Obviously they couldn't ignore whoever was down there.


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He looked up at the sudden darkness and frowned. At first he thought it was some kind of eclipse, but it wasn't all that cloudy out and he couldn't find the sun at all. Was it some kind of magic? Why did it feel a bit familiar, like he'd been near something similar before? Before he could really work out any answers to his questions it ended, and he was blinking and turning his eyes down to avoid the sun. With a bit of frustration he shook his head and tried to put it out of his mind. It wouldn't be the first time the sky did something weird here, and there wasn't anything he could do about it.

"Ugh... yeah, yeah let's just get some kebabs." That being said, he made sure to point out the place as soon as he saw it since Sakura was leading the way, and oh that did smell good. It was the kind of place where you had to go up and order and then they'd bring it to your table. Everything was written on a set of chalkboards with the prices marked, behind the counters.

Tactfully, he didn't comment on Sakura's anxiety even if she reeked of it to his nose. He focused his senses back on the food. "I think I'll get mine as a chicken sandwich... but ah, I mean, ladies first!"


A look of concern came over Rider's face as the sky suddenly and inexplicably darkened.

What the hell? she thought, knowing that such an obivously-unnatural thing was almost certainly a sign of something bad to come.

Before she could ponder it further, though, she noticed alarming signs in her master. Whilst Sakura was doing a decent job of covering up her panic attack, seemingly enough to fool the other man present, Rider knew her too well not to notice. Worried, Rider looked at her with concern, only for the sky to clear and, with it, Sakura's panic attack. Still, regardless, Rider was worried, and she sent her master a mental message.

Sakura, are you OK? she said, her mental voice full of concern, taking hold of Sakura's hand in a reassuring manner as it was offered.

Meanwhile, Sakura, laughing nervously, suggested they move towards the restaurant, a suggestion the man responded to by finally explaining what food the place actually served. Rider hadn't really eaten kebab all that often, but she knew that, whilst there definitely were some extremely cheap versions, there were also genuinely nice kinds. She hoped the restaurant they were going to served the latter....

"OK, let's go, then", she responded to the man's comment, following in the direction he was pointing at a normal human walking speed.

Sakura Matou

I'm fine. Sakura said to Rider, emphasizing herself noticeable. She didn't like how Rider was so overprotective. Why couldn't she just let things slide under the rug and ignore them. She didn't have to react to every little hiccup, did she.

Bleh, anyway...

"Kebab sounds good." Sakura said with an only somewhat forced smile. "I've never had kebab."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka Kurokami

A foot came flying into Medaka's face, smashing it into the ground.  Blood poured out from her crushed nose and bleeding eyes as each strike pummeled her face more and more.  Finally, she was struck in the stomach, flying off into a clothes hanger.  Her blood soaked into the clothes that cushioned her fall.  She stood up and brushed her shoulders.  Her face fixed itself and her stomach slowly began to heal. 
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 12:24:51 AM by yinsukin »


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Auspicious Breeze

For once the Solar was quiet and thoughtful, and she didn't look too sure of herself now. Hearing all that from Sakura, who seemed like a nice girl who was pretty smart about stuff, gave her a lot to think about. Breeze didn't know where to go from there. Still, she managed to smile when Mordred came back to the table. "Welcome back. Is everything okay?"

Umbra of Chaos

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Lucy hummed loudly as she pulled him into a store and grabbed the first set of clothes she could get her hands on. So that's how they found themselves in a changing stall with a pair of underwear, jeans that were just a bit too tight, and a t-shirt with 'Satan's Temple' emblazoned on it.

The girl was holding the shirt up against his chest to get a feel for if it was just about big enough as she said, "You must really love humans, Gadreel. You must really want them too, right? Pure love and worldly desire are so difficult to keep apart."

Then, ever so slowly, she drew closer and pressed her lips against his.


Was he trying to dig after her? Wow. That was an all new kind of dumb! The dragon lazily swam closer and took a swipe at the black tendrils before pulling back. She repeated this again and again as she swam towards several of the intrusions in the grounds, the pipes that people were so fond of. They could break a looooooot of things if he kept going like this. There was this one, huge one that she was sure would get smashed nicely as she tried to bait the black thingy towards it.


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Rin blinked as Joe took her hand and looked into her eyes.  Heat filled her cheeks as she looked away and then looked back at him.  "Actually, you shouldn't even know.  If I was back home I would have wiped your memory," she said, speaking so fast her words ran into each other.

"Hell, I wouldn't even been on this boat with you if I was back home," Rin continued, gesturing at nothing before looking away.


Forest winched as she heard someone scream in pain above her.  She looked down at the four men tied and asleep at her feet, each one sporting their own embarrassing stains. 

I have no idea who's up there, but they sound like they're having fun and a bit more than these wankers.  Hopefully they're not wankers. 

I need something to go right for once.


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Joe raised an eyebrow as he watched the pirate fold his arms.  Why is he mad?

Then, he turned back to Rin.  She had a pretty cute reaction.  This time, when she said all those nasty things, it was a little less scary.  Either that or he had been through far too much at this point to care.

“Well you haven’t yet right?  That means im fine.”  He said smiling at her.  He held her small soft hands in between his bigger ones, clutching them close to his chest.  “Besides, this is a once in a lifetime meeting.  I think its worth it.”


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Lorenzo Remei

Damn, were they ignoring him now? How dare they, just because he didn't have flesh or a heart doesn't mean he didn't have feelings.

Heh, what a cute couple of lovebirds. Maybe if I could hold someone's hand like that too, it wouldn't be so bad...

"Hey. I'm over here. You know, I get the feeling you're looking down on me." He pouted, grunting in an annoyed way before walking around the couple. But for a second, the fire in his eyes changed and the pirate looked sad, genuine...

"I get this is a cute romantic day out in the sea and all, but still need your help. The treasure is underwater, there is no way for me to get a hold of it alone. I need it, please."


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"Well, you haven't met my sister and her . . . people yet," Rin said, more of a grumble as her cheeks continued to burn as she looked down.  She did smile up at him and tilted her head.  "I don't regret getting on this boat though."

She looked over at the pirate and said, "And what would you give us for our help?  We're not do-gooders who only care about others and not ourselves you know."


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"Perhaps being in public doesn't matter," Emily admitted, a thoughtful look coming across her face, "But the fact remains that some fresh air was long overdue, and these little outings are fun all the same."

With that, the changeling resumed leading Liseth to a cafe, soon arriving at the one she'd picked out last night when she'd decided that something had to be done. It was a quaint little place, nice and open, with plenty of windows to let the much-needed sunlight in. Thankfully, it wasn't too hard to find a seat, though it was with some curiosity that she noted that the place seemed to serve cold beverages as well as your standard fare, judging by the odd man with the glass of wine, the changeling making sure to choose a seat a fair distance away from the only person here who was drinking.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Lorenzo Remei

Damn! Greedy, stringy witch woman. Devil! She'd sooner bleed his heart dry than his pocket though.

"I did say I'd be willing to split it even lass. Don't worry, I'm a man and a pirate of my word. I get a dead man isn't the best a charming one like yourself can afford, but is my friendship worth so little to ya?" He asked with a peeved pout,kinda hurt in the sort of kicked puppy adorable kind of way.


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Joe laughed awkwardly. Wait does she know the mob or something?  What was with that delivery?  His expression returned to a genuine smile as he returned his focus back to that cute red face.

"Well you better.  If its worth as much as those stories, ill get to quit my day job."  He added, letting go of Rin's hand as he turned to face the undead pirate.  "So do you know where to start looking?  Or were you throwing that fire in frustration?"  He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

This guy better actually know what hes doing.


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"Well I am a magus, and one thing I believe in is equivalent exchange.  We rescued you, brought you onto this boat, and now you're wanting us to help you find treasure?  If you want to be my friend, you're going to have to give back," Rin said before folding her arms across her chest.

"And if it's underwater we should rent scuba gear."


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Lorenzo Remei

Lorenzo folded his arms across his chest to imitate the girl's pose. "Jeez, you're a cold woman after my own heart you know that? Fine, I'll have the honor to be your obedient servant if you so desire." He answered before breaking into a polite, surprisingly chivalrous bow.

Rising up curtly, he turned to face the scruffy fun looking guy and flicked a platinum chip to him. Hopefully he'd catch it and not, you know, let it sink in the water. That would be bad.