Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 42848 times)


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Even at the mostly harmless comment, Joe couldn't help but clench his fists again.  Stupid weirdly chivalrous pyromaniac.  I want to be Rin's servant.

Joe's palm opened, catching the coin.  He tried his best to examine the coin.  However, he was an accountant, not a pawn shop owner.  It was really hard to tell.  "Well this looks alright.  If we find more, its probably worth taking to someone who can appraise this."  Joe commented.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 05:27:44 AM by yinsukin »


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Oka Kurosawa

After Oka and Jin had finishing hanging out in the apartment and Oka had cuddled with him for a good long while, she'd decided to go play outside with her pokemon go get some work done.

So she'd left the apartment with a full bag and her full gangel of pokemon (minus drimblim and plus glaceon) to go exploring.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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This afternoon she was finally released from her duties. Or rather ordered because her commanding officer, or rather Manager as he insisted to be addressed, either didn't have money right now to pay her excessive overtime hours or because she punched that shoplifter so hard in the stomach that she released its contents on the floor. Either way, she was meant to take time off and return later. But what she was supposed to do with that free time? Still dressed in her employee uniform, she wandered without a goal.

After some time she encountered someone who stood out by the virtue of being barely over 5 feet. If you counted the hat. She couldn't help but literally look down on him, being a head taller. All those guns on him and peculiar clothes, to be frank she had never seen such a tall gnome. She had really no business in getting involved, but she still took a while to just stand there and scrutinize him, observing him with that vacant expression of hers.


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Malcolm Kimberlee

Malcolm was walking around the city, taking a stroll while making use of his fine new legs. His stomach was still rumbling, what a terrible feeling. But he didn't mind, he was fine and alive.

All of a sudden, the lonesome cowboy felt an uneasy feeling like he was being watched. He turned around and noticed some chick was staring at him. He frowned and turned back, trying to walk away and ignore it. After a few steps, just out of curiosity, he peeked back and glared at the sheepish woman staring at him with those dumb vacant eyes. His eyebrow twitched, the hell was her problem? Damn creep...

"Something funny?"


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Not even batting an eye at the sudden violence, the golden haired vampire had seemingly changed back to her regular clothes in the time it took for him to commence his beating of the poor young vampire. What she had predicted was now occuring right before their eyes. They avoided the problem so the problem came to them. Nevertheless, his acts of violence against her progeny wasn't something she could fully overlook, thusly she chose to reprimand him on his behaviour.

"Yet you are the one committing acts of assault in this normal shopping centre, where people are peacefully attempting to buy clothes. Oh and what is this I am hearing? Death threats as well. If anyone is distubring the peace, it is you ."


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Vanguard did not even look at the abominable creature, instead glaring at the beaten girl. Coldness, disdain, disinterest, disgust. It was as if all these different feelings had merged into his gaze, and yet he spoke softly.

"Perhaps. The truth is, I've been an emotional roller-coaster lately. I have no true reason behind my actions, I am simply an angry man lashing out on an innocent girl. You must excuse me."

With that, he walked towards the blue haired girl. In truth, hitting her had only made him angrier. Did she think he didn't notice? Her eyes had followed his movements, someone with her body and skill would have been able to react, to struggle. He recognized that all too well, he had seen it himself when he had taken its memories. She was the same as him, someone who held no regard for herself. An existence he could not tolerate, someone who tried to shoulder everything herself due to a foolish ideal. She would fail, as he did, because she did not wish to fight.

Isn't the disgusting look of an old mirror not enough a reason to break it? His cold hand lunged at her throat and grabbed it, holding her up high with crushing force so he could speak to her. The scariest thing wasn't his monstrous might, or the inescapable violence in his dead gaze.

But the gentle kindness in his voice.

"Where's your bark now? You're not running away, if you fought back this would hurt much less. Hiding behind a monster's back, playing to escape from your mistake. You have truly become pathetic, the form of a mongrel does suit you. But a dog needs claws and teeth, why won't you bare them?"
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 08:06:54 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka gagged as she was thrust into the air by the man's cold hands.  As she hung suspended over the air, she met his dead gaze with one of passionate defiance.  Just as his voice was gentle, hers was direct and strong.  "There is no reason for you to attack me, therefore I have no reason to defend myself."

She glanced at Shinobu.  "A dog's value stems from its loyalty and unconditional love, not its fangs or hunting ability."  She retorted, glaring at her attacker.  Once again, a mysterious creature sought to break her with her past mistakes.  Even if it hurt, it would not break her.  She had worked too hard in these last months, gained too much to break so easily.

Relius Clover

Relius gave the doll an amused smile.  "Of course not.  It is a simple matter of covering your tracks."  He said with a more lighthearted tone.  The moment he finished that particular sentience, his voice lowered once more.  His grin faded, returning to a neutral position.  "If you are caught, you must speak neither of this shop nor of me.  At the very least, I would hope you to be capable of such base loyalty.  If not, I will have to take.... precautions."  He said in a low tone.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 08:57:34 PM by yinsukin »

Umbra of Chaos

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Hmph. Well it couldn't be that bad. Okay maybe it might be, but if she only needed to do this to keep Emily happily it was worth it. It was a lot less nagging than when her family did it, and at least she could so things with Emily rather than just sit around and wait for everything to be over with. Even if she kinda wanted to finish that game first... Bah.

So she took her seat right across from Emily and popped a pill that definitely wasn't in her pocket before out onto her hand and swallowed it. Need to keep that vitamin D up or she'd get poked by her girlfriend again. Liseth then took a look around and saw some guy drinking wine. Huh. Weird.

Instead of paying attention to him or any of the other random bystanders she just began cracking her knuckles, neck, and back. She hadn't done it in a while and it felt really good.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 12:34:19 AM by Umbra of Chaos »


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Damn, now he was getting mad. This was dangerous, but he had only dug this hole to hide from the sunlight in the first place. Now, he didn't need to hold back any longer, as much...

الثدي غاضبة   الديك الصغير   الاكتئاب بالشلل     

Hiding in his little cavern, the tendrils spread further and further, overlapping like a forest of hypersensitive weakly tendrils, his eyes and ears spreading all over.

And inside that forest of darkness, he could see as clearly as ever, feel the slight displacements of the earth and every nook and cranny underground through the shadow while taking note of every bit of infrastructure. Foolish, he wouldn't touch these pipes, the one who would fall under the hammer of justice was that beast. But it was fast, he couldn't catch her with his dark wings, then he'd need to use other means...

الخصيتين الخبيثة الظلام - كريم فطيرة الشر في الحمار

Evil energy cracked around his dark form like lightning, slowly collecting and growing into pulsating orbs of unholy power while slowly rotating around him.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 02:10:47 AM by francobull3 »


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Seems like they mopped up those brigands already. Liam asked her to turn on the light, and so she proceeded to look for a switch. "There was someone screaming down there. I think we should check who is down there. And bash their face in if they're an enemy."

Obviously they couldn't ignore whoever was down there.


She found the switch pretty promptly, which meant now Petra could actually she the blood mess she'd made of her nice new shotgun. Oh, and the mix of men who were unconscious or groaning in agony on the floor. "Alright. Let's just tie up these bozos real quick."

He could hear her heart beat at this distance, and see and smell every drop of blood on every single person and thing in the room. It was pretty nice, but he could tell none of it was Petra's. She looked spotless. He knew she'd been hit too, because he could see in exactly the same amount of detail before the lights went on as after the fact. A person didn't take hits like she did if they were still a person. Well, a living person at least.

Liam was the polite sort though, so he wasn't gonna say anything around these guys while they were working on 'em. Later, maybe. Once they'd figured out how to get them held tight for the other cops, he grabbed his bat and made for the door. "Time to see if we need to beat more fellas in the knees then. Shall we, Officer Petra?" He grinned.


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Sakura Matou

I'm fine. Sakura said to Rider, emphasizing herself noticeable. She didn't like how Rider was so overprotective. Why couldn't she just let things slide under the rug and ignore them. She didn't have to react to every little hiccup, did she.

Bleh, anyway...

"Kebab sounds good." Sakura said with an only somewhat forced smile. "I've never had kebab."


He could practically smell the tension between the two of them, though he didn't know if that was a normal sort of thing. Ron had known them for all of two minutes after all. "Never? Well, crap. That means I have to pay for this time." He grinned, hoping to offset some of that with good news. Free food was definitely good, right?

It wasn't like he was short on cash after all what with actually working for a living. Part time. When he wasn't going around using his werewolf stuff to mug thugs and take their stuff. And then in they went, and the place wasn't that crowded for this time of day because of the creepy thing with the sky that happened. There was just one person in front of them in line. They could all just order at once since he said he was paying. Unless they wanted to make an issue of it. He knew some women did that.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 02:23:19 AM by Aiden »


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"Curiosity, for the most part," the immortal said, "Though coincidence was allowed me the opportunity. Of course, your skill was what kept my attention. It's been a while since I've met someone of your caliber with a blade."

Granted, I hadn't gotten around to starting up another swordsmanship school back home and none of the existing ones had put forth a particular interesting group, but that's besides the point.

That aside, her reply made the immortal wonder if she'd already caught on, the thought brightening that spark of hope Michael was feeling. All the same, he saw no reason to go out of his way to confirm this or otherwise overreach.

Muramasa Katase

The compliments calmed the Muramasa enough that she no longer felt compelled to attempt the murder of this 'Michael.' Still, she was not so easily pleased that she planned to drop her guard around him. Idly her puppet took note of the chaos happening on the street level below; that was reason enough to keep it up even if he were of no threat.

And this man was certainly a threat.

"So it was curiosity that drove you to attempt to salvage what remained of my duel? How thoughtfully selfish of you."

Umbra of Chaos

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Boring. Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring. Oren tore out of the orb of darkness and just went down. She surged away from the whole thing at remarkable speeds for a creature of her size as she composed her mental checklist of what she would need to do for the rest of today.

1. Find a nice spot to heal up.

She swerved a bit and moved horizontally a bit before continuing to move deeper.

Go real far down and get nice and warm with some heat and pressure.

2. Find Breeze.

Faster and faster as she slipped into solid rock rather than earth.

3. Buy some laxatives for Stick Man. Laugh at funny implication later.


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Lucy hummed loudly as she pulled him into a store and grabbed the first set of clothes she could get her hands on. So that's how they found themselves in a changing stall with a pair of underwear, jeans that were just a bit too tight, and a t-shirt with 'Satan's Temple' emblazoned on it.

The girl was holding the shirt up against his chest to get a feel for if it was just about big enough as she said, "You must really love humans, Gadreel. You must really want them too, right? Pure love and worldly desire are so difficult to keep apart."

Then, ever so slowly, she drew closer and pressed her lips against his.


"... I am not wearing the shirt." That was his first objection upon seeing the words on it. Not that he had anything against Satan; that was a Seraph who in the time Gadreel had known him performed his duties admirably and without any particular ire toward humanity. That it was his job to tempt and test them was beside the point, and that the legions of the inferno sought to pervert that duty into an instrument of humanity's degradation and destruction was their great wickedness.

He had managed to get into the undergarments before she insistently held the shirt up to him 'for reference purposes.' And admittedly, the exile did struggle at times with finding appropriately sized clothing. But that was not her true motive. His essence was restored fraction by fraction with every breath, but so too did his ardor rise. "There is little reason to..."

The angel allowed her to kiss him. He kissed back, briefly, despite himself. Then he flipped the shirt over Lucy's head to buy himself a moment to regain his composure. Also, because it amused him.


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Crap! She was way too fast, this was crazy!! There's no way he'd be able to catch up to her with his shadow, he had lost. But he couldn't give in now!

His balls collided one after the other, turning into a bigger, stronger ball of pure hatred, malice and evil. It cracked hard enough to burn, and he aimed at her general location. He had spent enough time observing, he wouldn't miss. Even if slowed and weakened by the earth, a direct hit would cause very heavy damage.

But at the last second, his hand twitched and he hesitated. No, not like this. Honestly, he didn't want to hurt or kill anyone, he just wanted to make sure the city was safe. This wasn't the way.

The orb flashed behind him and tore open, revealing a crimson eye shaped magical circle made of complex unreadable letters, each wielding a thousand hateful souls. Shadows erupted and twirled in front of him, spiraling across his hands like dark drills.


And using his immensely powerful beam of dark energy, he propelled himself like a rocket, digging the ground like a mole as he approached the dragon closer and closer. He had never done something like this, this was crazy! His face was being distorted by the pressure blowing against him, widening his cheeks and revealing his teeth as the force pushed his skin back.

He was going so fast and far he started to cry a little, or would have if he had tear ducts. He'd catch up to her in no time.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 03:31:44 AM by francobull3 »