Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43063 times)


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"Are you the client I'm looking for?" Mitsuba asked the sole blond haired man in this whole establishment. She was pretty certain about following directions right. Even if they were something that would erase itself after reading, she would still memorize them correctly and follow their guidance.


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It was one of those quiet moments that, Ron hoped, made people remember that just because they were stranded in his home city that life didn't have to end. They could still make something of themselves and be happy. Not that he knew all the particulars of course. "So, how long have you two been in the city?"

Before they could answer that, the food arrived. Chicken dishes all around smelling of faint spices, soft and tender after being scraped to be put into the kebab. The man who brought it smiled an asked, "There anything else you'd like now?"

Sakura Matou

As soon as her plate was placed in front of her, Sakura began devouring her food as if she hadn't eaten in days. It was delicious. Only one problem with the meal. It wasn't big enough.

Rider, can you order me a second serving? She asked her servant, not wanting to take a break from eating.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

Relius raised his glass in approval.  A polite smile formed on his face.  "Congratulations my dear.  I am in fact the client you are looking for.  Please, sit down."  he said in a tone that was both polite and disengaged, as if he didn't actually care what she did.

In the meantime, he explicitly eyed the sword she was carrying.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2016, 05:08:51 PM by yinsukin »


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The blond blinked as Liam visibly flinched before he regained his composure.  "That... yeah, that'll do it. Think it might almost be too much for 'em. Almost," he said.

Forest shrugged and said, "I can do other things.  Hell, replace that with a six foot tall chicken and everyone would think the poor bloke is going mad.  In my experience, only show the illusion to a couple of blokes and then the rest have to deal with the aftermath."

She shrugged and pushed a lock of hair from her face.  "Or . . . we could do what I did in here."


"I think it'll be enough. I'll leave that up to you." Liam nodded to her, then placed an ear closer to the window. He could hear people milling about outside. "I think we got a couple fellas from a nearby building coming in to check. Now's your chance to do... chicken bird stuff."

Okay, so it was a euphemism. Sue him; that weren't any sort of right that she did in his head. Not that he held it against her, but it weren't right. Just the right sort of thing to do to these guys. There was maybe... three, four of them?


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"Are you the client I'm looking for?" Mitsuba asked the sole blond haired man in this whole establishment. She was pretty certain about following directions right. Even if they were something that would erase itself after reading, she would still memorize them correctly and follow their guidance.

Relius Clover
Relius raised his glass in approval.  A polite smile formed on his face.  "Congratulations my dear.  I am in fact the client you are looking for.  Please, sit down."  he said in a tone that was both polite and disengaged, as if he didn't actually care what she did.

In the meantime, he explicitly eyed the sword she was carrying.

Muramasa Katase

Mitsuba was difficult to interact with the way the Muramasa had become accustomed to over the centuries. Without a proper soul in her wielder Katase could not reach in and borrow her senses, or usurp control over her limbs. It was irritating to feel so confined, but the promise of bloodshed kept her still and quiet for the journey.

It was only as the demon sword began to feel the scrutiny of Mitsuba's potential client that she roused again. She could not sense the particulars such as gender. Her current wielder would pick up on the sword's suspicion.

it stares at us. does it know?


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The black man renewed his assault. Did that fool realize he actually would make more collateral damage than her at this rate? He wasn't the one who should have condemned her for that soda can dispenser if he was about to change the whole place into a pile of rubble.

Normally, that much of dust would effectively obscure one's vision, but she was accustomed to not rely on her natural senses, no matter how sharp they were, but perceive with her spiritual senses. Their duel turned into a stalemate as the girl evaded the black man's assault but she was unable to counterattack. Something had to be done to break the stalemate.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 10:54:47 AM by Kat »


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Not even where she lived people sat on counters. "Come on, do what the owner says. Those stools are there for a reason." If he would be too stubborn, then she had something in store to get him off the counter. Hopefully just chastising him would work.

Cherry Lover

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Rider was about to respond to Ron's question when the food they had ordered arrived, looking delicious. As soon as the plates were placed in front of them, Sakura picked up the kebab and began to devour it, obviously hungry. Rider, meanwhile, took her time starting on her delicious kebab, instead intending to answer Ron's question. Before she could, though, she heard Sakura's voice over their mental link.

Rider, can you order me a second serving? Sakura asked, obviously very hungry.

Of course, she said, glad to help her beloved master, before turning to the waiter.

"Excuse me", she said, politely, before pointing at Sakura. "Could she please have another one of those?"

Then, having done her duty as Sakura's servant, she turned to Ron.

"I've been here about five months now", she said.

Then, having answered his question, she was finally able to turn to her food. Picking up the kebab, she took a bite, savouring the delicious taste of the chicken, feta and garlic sauce mixture.

"This is delicious", she said in between bites.


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The waiter went off to get more food for Sakura with a, "yes, of course," and left the trio to their meal for now. Ron noted Rider's answer only mentioned herself, and not Sakura, which had implications he would have probably said more about if not for biting into his own chicken. Then he was struck by just how hungry he'd really gotten by now.

Taking that form he'd used against Shinobu, however briefly, had taken a lot out of him and he almost felt like he was starving. The werewolf was soon eating as fast as Sakura to get back some of that energy. He stopped only to have some of his drink, which gave him a moment to think and realize that Rider had somehow known what Sakura wanted without any words passing between them. Curious.

He waited for an opening where Sakura didn't look possessed by her hunger and said, "Huh. So you got here separately, then. To the city, I mean."


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Forest: In the PAST

"There's four of them," the blond said, sensing the gangsters as they approached before frowning.

She splayed her hands on the wall as she took a peek out of the window.  A grimace marred her features as she noticed the uniform appearance of the gangsters.  "They're like interchangeable toy soldiers.  Rightly disgusting, it is."

Then she focused on three of their minds, leaving Goon Number 4's mind untouched.  However, in the eyes of the three gangsters, they watched as their companion morphed into a six-foot tall fire breathing chicken complete with bone crunching sound effects.  She tweaked it so whatever move that Goon Number 4 made looked aggressive because becoming a six foot tall fire breathing chicken would piss anyone off.


The raven haired magus blushed as Joe let her go.  Then she eyed the young man who apparently did what passed as work around here.  One long finger pointed to the pathetic pile of bones on the ground.

"He's the pirate that attacked us," she said.  Then she bit her lip, fluttered her eyes and looked at Joe and then the teenager with wide eyes.  "It was so scary!  I thought we were going to die!"

Rin looked away, shaking her head before winking at Joe. 
« Last Edit: December 28, 2016, 04:23:07 AM by Elf »


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"Oh, I'm sorry, I had noo idea. Maybe you should write it down somewhere." He replied sarcastically, hopping off his butt to sit on the chair.

"So, got any drinks here or not? These pies won't wash themselves."

« Last Edit: December 28, 2016, 04:25:36 AM by francobull3 »


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Forest : Present

What a vile little wanker . . . Must be an omen.  One of my first customers is a giant fannybawbag.  Maybe it's a sign I should just sell this place and let someone else deal with it.

Forest bit a sarcastic retort on her tongue before forcing a smile on her face.  She gestured to the pretty much fully stocked bar and answered, "Of course I have drinks.  Even though I'm not officially open, my bar is still pretty much fully stocked.  I just need to know what you'd like, or would you like me to choose for you?"


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Rin transitioned from blushing to cutesy damsel disturbingly quickly.  Perhaps even more disturbing was the ease in which Joe was able to follow along. 

He pretended like he just realized what the skeleton was, widening his eyes to feign fear.  "Oh god!  That is the pirate!"  he yelled, pointing at the pirate as well.   "Quick,  get back!" 


Jacob jumped back a few steps after seeing the couples reaction.  "Wait really?"  He whipped out the walkie talkie and placed the speaker near his mouth.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2016, 05:40:34 PM by yinsukin »


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Rider was about to respond to Ron's question when the food they had ordered arrived, looking delicious. As soon as the plates were placed in front of them, Sakura picked up the kebab and began to devour it, obviously hungry. Rider, meanwhile, took her time starting on her delicious kebab, instead intending to answer Ron's question. Before she could, though, she heard Sakura's voice over their mental link.

Rider, can you order me a second serving? Sakura asked, obviously very hungry.

Of course, she said, glad to help her beloved master, before turning to the waiter.

"Excuse me", she said, politely, before pointing at Sakura. "Could she please have another one of those?"

Then, having done her duty as Sakura's servant, she turned to Ron.

"I've been here about five months now", she said.

Then, having answered his question, she was finally able to turn to her food. Picking up the kebab, she took a bite, savouring the delicious taste of the chicken, feta and garlic sauce mixture.

"This is delicious", she said in between bites.


The waiter went off to get more food for Sakura with a, "yes, of course," and left the trio to their meal for now. Ron noted Rider's answer only mentioned herself, and not Sakura, which had implications he would have probably said more about if not for biting into his own chicken. Then he was struck by just how hungry he'd really gotten by now.

Taking that form he'd used against Shinobu, however briefly, had taken a lot out of him and he almost felt like he was starving. The werewolf was soon eating as fast as Sakura to get back some of that energy. He stopped only to have some of his drink, which gave him a moment to think and realize that Rider had somehow known what Sakura wanted without any words passing between them. Curious.

He waited for an opening where Sakura didn't look possessed by her hunger and said, "Huh. So you got here separately, then. To the city, I mean."

Sakura Matou

Sakura continued her conquest of her plate, devouring all of the food on in and sucking it down the black hole of her gullet.

Thanks a bunch. Sakura said to Rider without even pausing.

Eventually her stomach calmed down, and Ron asked a question about when she got here, to this terrible place.

"I got here about three and a half years ago now. I'm practically a native at this point." Sakura giggled, belaying the resentment she felt about this place.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The most fabulous man alive was strolling down the street like he owned it. No. He did own it, the street, the buildings even the entireity of the Nexus was in his grasp. He wouldn't let such a small pesky detail as it being future tense stop him. The future was just a word for things he hadn't done yet because he was too distracted. Distracted by his own fabulousness, especially the hat he was wearing. Nothing could ever come close to touching the hat. It was the sum amalgam of all the hats ever made, it's magnificence can't be put into mere words, so there's no point in even trying. What was this fabulous man doing on such a sunny day you might wonder? He was barging into a nice restaurant he had found in his eternal quest for the greatest drink, but there was one issue...

None of this was true, except for the restaurant part.

"Alright listen up people! If I don't get the greatest drink this place has to offer within the next 2 minutes. This place will cease to exist on the maps!"


"Yes, though I'd like to still talk with Breeze about something before I go investigate what happened." Mordred explained. The sort of talk she wanted to have with Breeze was about something for her ears only.

Auspicious Breeze

She pointed to herself with a blink. "Me? Well, alright! What did you want to talk about, Mordred?" Of course she would listen to whatever Mordred wanted to say; she was always up for talking with cute girls, especially ones who were her friends. Even if she didn't really understand the topic she could ask questions or something.

She kinda missed the implication about this being a private conversation.


Sakura nodded at Mordred and got up to follow them. She wanted to see her new friend off after all. So she was all ready to go and hang out and do girl stuff, but then this big dumb idiot came in and started yelling up a storm, asking, no, demanding, the best drink this place had to offer.

What a jerk! Didn't his parents ever teach him not to yell inside! So rude.

Still, that was no reason for her to be rude in response.

So she walked over to him and gently tapped the man on the shoulder.

"If you want the best drink, you should get the super double chocolate-mocha milkshake. It's super good!" She gave him her honest advice.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end