Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43388 times)


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Gojira's patience was running out. A frown was forming on her lips while she tapped the counter with her claw-like fingernails, waiting as the butcher hurriedly stuffed fish into a bag. 'How much longer is this going to take?' she thought.

Within a few days of arriving in this city, Gojira found this butcher shop, the Catch of the Sea, which apparently got its stock from the local fishers. She quickly whipped the owner into shape, intimidating him into paying her weekly "Tributes" in the form of several bags of seafood. This week, James is taking too long, and the dinosaur-turned-human is getting hungry. Her stomach growled, souring Gojira's mood even further. "Hurry up," she growled, allowing smoke to escape her mouth to further emphasize her shortening temper.

"R-right!" James stammered as he shoved the last fish into the bag, which was promptly snatched from his hands by Gojira. "That'll be forty-six dolla-"

Gojira was already stalking out of the butcher shop. The man sighed in defeat, muttering "I guess I'll also put that on your tab..."


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In the days since she'd ended up in this strange place, there had been a lot of stuff to get used to, and not all of it in the way she'd expected. First, there was all of this shiny new...electronic stuff. She was still getting used to that word. Xarrest had been fairly unconcerned about it, though the propensity for lighting places came as unpleasant news to the darkling. On the bright side, she'd found a reliable source of good seafood in the form of a nice, if harried, butcher who got his stock from the local fishers. Of course, one of the things that hadn't changed were that there were still monsters to hunt, and still people willing to pay, barring anything the hunter could loot from their lairs. With some fairly steady income, she'd managed to rent out a decent apartment and keep herself in relatively good shape.

With her morning run completed, Adjutor made her way towards the fish butcher shop, intent on picking up today's breakfast. A tracksuit had proved sufficient in the warm spring weather, the hunter catching her breath as she drew closer.

Hmm, you think we should try making that new stuff?

Sushi? Don't-

Whatever else the darkling might have said, however, was cut off as they bumped into the woman leaving the store. The hunter's eyes widened, thoughtmetal flashing out with the speed of thought to catch the other woman's bag in case it fell.

"Ah, sorry about that," the Hunter said, looking up at the taller woman. Significantly taller. Wow.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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So the hugging continued. She should have gotten used by now that Breeze just attracted more women into her presence, as if she generated her own gravity. She also had to tolerate her polyamorous attitude to relationships, though as long as Breeze was devoted to her enough when Mordred had free time then the changeling was okay with that.

"You're are really lavish with praise..." Mordred commented, fortunate that her skin was already so red that nobody would notice blushing. "But if you met me half year ago, you wouldn't get to see me like that. I took that form after I ended up here. It's still sometimes odd for me to walk around with a tail, but I'm getting used to it."


"Well, I'm so glad you did! That tail is the cutest little thing!" She exclaimed releasing one arm leaving her easily lifting the two up with one, and reached down to feel the tail, stopping only a few inches short. "So uh, do you mind me feeling it?"

Auspicious Breeze

This was so weird. Someone was stronger than her! And lifting her up like this! It was kinda cool. "It's so scaly, but... it's really cool."


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Did she look like some pet? The changeling was not sure if she should let Sakura touch in case she squeezed it, however, Sakura asked nicely and it would be unfriendly to just shun her like that. "Okay, but don't do something clumsy, just because I have a tail it doesn't mean I can grow it back..."


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The Unchained's paranoid nature was strong enough to always suspect that something wouldn't go as planned in a fight. Thus, she wasn't caught off guard completely by that man materializing something out of nowhere. She reflexively attempted to move out of the way of the projectile, the spear grazing her thighs. No matter how strongly her body was reinforced, it was still made of flesh and blood and so she felt pain as well. Naturally, her face somewhat showed that she really felt it. Otherwise, her enemy would suspect that there was something more than human about her if she simply ignored the pain.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2017, 11:19:43 PM by Kat »


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Muramasa Katase

The sword diverted some of her demonic power to Mitsuba's wound, replacing one of the inner layers of skin with a phantasm of her own. It was a quick patch over, but that was all such a minuscule injury required. More important was that cheap knock-off spear that appeared out of nowhere. She could cut through steel like butter, so it was going to break.

break it! break it!


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Lorenzo Remei

"Yep, I did say said that."

Metaphorical sparks flashed across the boat while Lorenzo met the vampire's icy stare with his own. Was he simply oblivious to the impending doom that girl would bring upon, or did he simply not care? Probably the latter. The two looked like they were about to jump at eachother's throats and have an epic fight, Medaka intervened.

Lorenzo paused for a second, thought, then raised his arms dramatically like some showman.

"Why, my little Medaka, Everywhere!"

With that, the ship slid back from the broken door before bumping into it again. Whoops, uh, he could fix that. Probably. Don't walls grow back like arms anyways? Trying to shake it off the wall and rubble, the edge of his ship finally unjammed itself and the fiery ship took flight. And this is how Shinobu and Medaka prevented an armed robbery.


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Relius Clover

The assassin was fast, although not as fast as the dolphin.  Her speed allowed her to dodge the attack, despite him getting the drop on her.

He retracted the puppet limb into his cape.  Then, he stepped forward, transitioning into a sideways standing position.  As he came up, he flourished his wrist upward, as if grabbing a cup of fine wine and holding it aloft in the air.  A circle of light appeared below him and a giant puppet hand in the form of a fist spawned, attempting to follow up the strike with a fist to the center of her body at an upward angle.  If it landed perfectly, it would knock her into the air.

Umbra of Chaos

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"Oh really? Then you should cook one. We can go raid another fridge too! Ready?" The girl shifted back into a Lycan and reached to pluck the little girl up and take her on another morally dubious adventure in pseudo grocery shipping.


The aura that the older immortal was giving off didn't hamper Meti at all. All that it did to those who would notice was cause the smallest shiver of utter delight as the blade that was forced down tilted and carved straight through the ground.

Seeing the attacks incoming she merely mirrored her opponent. Meti hopped a bit as she threw her sword down, and the strike aimed for her neck crashed into her side. Being distracted by pain was for flawed weapons. So instead she laughed. A light, melodious thing as she flowed with the strike and her ribs cracked.

She flipped in the air, catching her other blade with her foot as well while pulling her first one back. Then she initiated a flurry of blows. Each one lethal as her swords danced towards their target, every counterattack met with her blades switching between her limbs. And when the hands supporting her were threatened she simply flipped back up again, attacking even in the middle of her movement as she shifted from up to down. Her already impossible to read movements became a blur of wild movements as she struck, every blow filled with lethality yet capable of retreating the moment the tides changed.


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He pulled Emily with him, away from the embrace of his maid. "Why don't we let that remain as a surprise for when we arrive, I think you will find the scenery much more soothing."

As he gently pulled Emily with him, he also adressed his maid directly to her mind. "Is there any reason for why you chose her beyond her pretty face Lucy. I expect a satisfying answer."


Neptune awarded the tall man with a bright smile for his answer as she took the time to pick her swords up and put them back in her inventory. It would look like they disappeared into thin air with no tell of how she performed this trick.

"Oh yeah I enjoyed that too Gaddy and don't think I forgot!" The purple haired girl came closer and closer until she was close enough to grab hold of his shirt, which she did in an attempt to try and shake him. Despite her best efforts, she only succeded in banging herself against him. Her eyes never faltered however, as she kept going.

"I remember it clear as day, how you promised to buy all the premium pudding in the store to celebrate our friendship!"


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Sakura stared at Ron's face, taking in his body language and noting that he was still hiding stuff from her. No matter. Not for now, anyway. They'd only known each other for a few hours, being too prying would be highly inappropriate and rude. She'd only act if she found out about him being abused like she was suspecting.

"Well, I'm really glad you like it!" Sakura said with a smile. "How do you feel about 1200$ a month, utilities and internet included?" Sakura asked him, sitting down on the couch. She was clearly exhausted right now and needed to sit down. Could probably do with a small snack as well.


Well, on the one hand that was a lot of money. On the other hand that was everything included and Ron wasn't exactly the sort who would pay taxes now that he had superpowers anyway. Or before, even; most of his income had always been off the books. And it wasn't like he needed to worry about medical costs; his body handled everything on its own.

So after a few moments of counting things off on his hands and doing the math he started to nod a bit. "I'm definitely liking the sound of it. The look of it is nice too."

Ron noted she looked a bit tired, so he had to ask. "By the way, not to pry, but how far along are you anyway?"

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Too exhausted to help dig the graves, Sakura instead watched them as she rested, feeling a little guilty that she had been unable to help. At the same time, she silently grieved for the dead. She wasn't really religious like the other two, but she still hated to see people die, and was upset at their loss. Still, she was used to grief, and soon recovered from her sadness, instead listening to their discussion once more.

"Yes, we should be glad that that foul creature is gone", Sakura replied to Paladin. "As much as I wish we could have saved those people, we should be grateful that there will be no more victims, at least."


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Forest in the Present

"Onions and in that family can cause a reaction, which includes garlic, chives and what not," Forest said with a shrug before chuckling, "I'm just glad I'm not allergic to fruit or nuts.  It's not a bad allergy, but an annoying one.  It's gotten better as I've gotten older."

Which was a partial truth.  Onions and what not didn't bother her, but her garlic sensitivity went down during her existence.


Gabriel smirked, enjoying the show and as Annabeth draped on him.  He ran his hands up and down her back and tilted his head.  "Undress me now," he said in a velvet laden voice.


"Honestly, if I was at home, I wouldn't have gotten on that boat with you," Rin said with a shrug before taking a drink.  "And if you had found out, I probably would have scrubbed your memories, but I wouldn't have let you get that close in the first place."

Forest of the Past

Well, this is interesting, Forest thought before eying the four trembling guards and what was presumably the big bad in the background.

She sent to Liam, Maybe we can try diplomacy first.

"So, we're at a bit of a Mexican Standoff here," Forest said with a smile, "Would you like to try to talk things out, or will this just dissolve into gratuitous violence?"


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Malcolm Kimberlee

Malcolm only plaid half attention to their conversation, instead focused on eating the pie as greedily as a shitty bastard like him could. He did  look back up to her quizzicaly for a second though, only to focus back on the important, delicious matters.

"Wow *nom* so you're like *munch* a vampire or something? *chomp* That explains the windows. *eating noises* "


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Munch, munch. Even if Anastasia ate the pie like Malcolm, she seemed to intently listen to Forest's tale, staring at Forest with her dead fish eyes. Allergic to certain herbs? Pretty specific, but really nothing to be concerned about. If she was allergic to more unusual plants, then maybe she would somewhat suspect her of being a striga that skinned the woman and wore her skin to pretend to be a human. But why would a striga run a tavern. How silly. Likewise, Malcolm was talking about something called a vampire. What did he even mean?

"Huh, a vampire? I don't really understand what you mean. Is that another weird foreign word of yours?" She turned to Malcolm, expecting his answer.