Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43442 times)


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"Of course, the heroine always knows the way! It's left here!" She boldly said as she lead straight into a narrow alley. "Oops, it should have been here, my pudding radar couldn't be wrong, that's impossible...." She turned to him, looking pretty upset at things going the way they were. "Hey Gaddy, maybe you could lead instead, it looks like I was kinda wrong..... teehee."


It was then that the fallen angel struck with his wicked intentions. And by that, I mean he took advantage of the opening Neptune left for him. "You did not know the way... I begin to doubt your heroine status." Still, the smile on his face smoothed out the jagged edge of what could have been a harsh rebuke of some sort coming from another. "Very well. I shall see first if I can reverse our current state of being lost..."

And lo', he could indeed. For he already knew where they might seek pudding. Whether or not it was to her liking was... well, they would find out soon.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Forest of the Present

Forest shrugged as Malcolm started to laugh at her.  The little wanker was thinking long and hard about this, and she didn't want a group of wanna-be Buffies or Van Helsings sniffing her out.  At least part of her didn't.  Part of her did, to end her misery in a flashy blaze of glory, a story for the ages, a true warrior's death.

That bone deep weariness was gnawing at her; always lurking just beyond the surface and ready to make it's presence known. 

She watched Malcolm's antics and didn't even have the energy to snort at him.  She could hear his thoughts, but she wasn't going to tell him his admittedly wild jump of logic was right.  She wanted to kick them both out.  Anastasia seemed like a decent enough sort, but the urge to kick Malcolm to see how far his tiny body would fly was rising.

"You're being pretty illogical. A monster that would just suck blood would probably sooner or later end up starving instead of thriving. If I was a monster, I'd eat my victims whole. And a monster wouldn't be vulnerable to common herbs. That's just plain silly. Didn't they teach you that it is Demonsbane that wards off monsters and evil spirits? Forest's just someone who is allergic to some food and doesn't have any tan. By your logic I'd be a vampire too, I don't tan even if I walk around a lot in the summer. It's either the case or you're one of rich folks who don't work from dawn to dusk like my parents."

Forest blinked at Anastasia and then nodded.  "I don't tan.  It's from my mum's side of the family.  Also, my previous job kept me at nocturnal hours," Forest said with a shrug before looking at Malcolm.

"And only an idiot suckhead would say,'BWAAAAAH, YOUR BLOOD IS MIIINE!!'  Only newbies sound like 80's Saturday morning cartoon villains."


Rin eyed him with a chuckle.  "Hey the boat ride would have probably been fun if that ridiculous loser hadn't jumped on board," Rin said with a chuckle.  "It was the most creative date that I'd been on."

It was true.  Most dates with other magi involved a stuffy dinner at an over priced restaurant with bland food.  Then it became a discussion that was more like a business proposition than a romantic interlude.  As far as dates went, Joe's choice had been the most creative and exciting.

"Actually that was pretty fun too," Rin said with a chuckle before eying him.  "So, are you sure you want to reveal you weaknesses so soon to me?"


Gabriel raised his eyebrows as Annabeth undressed him with a pouting, yet undeniably sultry look.  He resisted the urge to arch once he was free of his clothing into the pleasant, mechanically chilled air.  There was a sharp pain as he bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing at Annabeth's reaction to his state of undress.

She began to stroke him, slowly bringing him to attention as she teased him.

Gabriel grabbed her hands and lifted them away from him as he looked into her amber eyes.  He found himself intrigued in their contrasts; he was moonlight pale and she was a dusky bronze, even their eyes contrasted.  "Ah, but you followed my commands, which means I'm already taking the lead.  I wonder if you'll do everything I say," he said before leaning forward to kiss her.


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"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He sighed in exasperation. For a simple joke, these gals sure were getting all uppity about it. He rubbed his forehead like he had a headache, then turned to Annie.

"Look, how many times do I need to tell you this isn't your back home until it sinks in that skull of yours? Jeez, I told you, this isn't your world. I really suggest you forget whatever you've known till now, it might just make it easier for you."

Well, if she was so stubborn it wasn't really her problem. He warned her, so at this point his conscience was pretty clear. If she didn't listen, she might just die or get turned, either way it wasn't his problem. Though he'd honestly rather have the latter, at least that way he might get paid.

He didn't really think she was a vampire either, you'd need to be pretty stupid to hang out during daytime, or crazy strong. Either way, as long as he wasn't contracted it wasn't his business if you were a bloodsucker, a human or a leprechaun. He wouldn't go out of his way to attack a monster unless he got paid for it, besides he had enough blood pumping action packed adrenaline for the day.

Malcolm sipped his cooler, glanced passively at the surrounding decor, then turned to the blondie brat.

"So, how long have you been in the business?" He asked, sort of intrigued.


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She wasn't ignorant that she ended up elsewhere, but she simply couldn't take Malcolm's claim seriously. Those vampires didn't sound like something she would found believable. She knew of monsters so vicious that those vampires would have a problem competing with them for food if they really existed.

Forest sounded as if she also believed in their existence. "Huh, do you believe in them too? Honestly, if you're all so insistent that they exist, do you have some proof? I would even want to see one myself if you can introduce me to a one. If I see such a 'bloodsucker', I'll take my words back." Anastasia asked, not really interested about how long Forest had been in the business.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Forest of the Present

Forest relaxed slightly and inwardly agreed with the little fella's berating of Anastasia.  Not that she'd tell the little peck out loud of course, but she knew all too well the horrors that lurked Nexus.  That this place was nothing like the world you were from and you couldn't apply logic to a lot of the things that lived here.

Like the differences in the variety of vampires here.  Liam was shocked to find out how old I actually was and still acted so human, Forest thought.

She listened to Anastasia's words and resisted the urge to give her a demonstration right now.  "It wouldn't be anything to get proof actually.  Just one problem; it's day.  Leeches are generally nocturnal, with a few exceptions.  At night it wouldn't be anything to show you a vampire."

Then she looked over at Malcolm and answered, "Not long.  This is my first place."
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 06:20:46 PM by Elf »


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Since he was done with his drink, he directed all of his attention to listening to her speak, making contact with her shining sapphire eyes.  Still, it was hard to maintain contact with those compliments.  So instead, he focused on looking at her nose to maintain the illusion of engaged conversation.

Yes!  I didn't lose her there. he thought cheerfully.

Joe reciprocated her chuckle, scratching the back of his head.  His was a bit more awkward than hers, mostly because he couldn't really tell if she was joking or not.  "Yeah well, ive always thought its best to establish trust at the start, otherwise you end up getting into weird romcom style drama," he said with a smile.  "Besides, I have a feeling it doesn't matter too much anyway."


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"Hmm, okay. It shows." He replied,his curiosity satisfied. Then, he turned to... the other one.

"Aren't you being a little stubborn here?" He frowned, finishing yet another glass of slightly alcoholic juice. "Well, whatever. I guess I could show you a bit later." He shrugged nonchalantly, a little annoyed but not enough to care. "You might be sorry though, are you really sure? It doesn't take much to take the word of us experienced folk."


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka folded her arms, nodding at the two's assertions.  "Mmm hmm" Medaka felt her own excitement rising with Shinobu's.  If things go as she expects, this will be a spectacle to behold.  She turned her attention to Shinobu, awaiting her answer with eager anticipation.

There was no stopping the high she felt at this moment.


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"Is that so? Then sure, introduce me to one when it's night. If they're really a threat, don't worry, I can handle myself. I'm used to fighting stuff like werewolves and other dangerous monsters." Sometimes robbers in the city weren't human, so she didn't get rusty here.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial
Forest of the Present

Forest felt her urge to punt the little peck rising once again.  I'll just have to remind myself to kick lower than normal to make sure to hit the wanker.

She looked away, suddenly that bottle of orange flavored vodka on the wall was very interesting.   Mainly it was to hide her grin before looking back at Anastasia.  "Werewolves are a rotten lot, rather like a boil on the arse.  However, they're strong and generally heal very fast.  Vampires, while not as strong, have other tricks up their sleeve.  Like charisma.  They'll get you talking and relaxed and BOOM!"

She clapped her hands hard before leaning in close.

"You're on your back with their fangs in your throat."


"It does though," Rin said as she pointed at Joe.  "It does matter!  You're exposing someone to someone you've just met.  You don't know!  I could exploit you or . . . you need to be more careful!"

She frowned with a sigh.  Poor guy didn't know the dangers of being so open with a mage.  While Rin wouldn't really exploit him, someone else would.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 07:06:11 PM by Elf »


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Joe's eyes widened as his body leaned back into his seat.  Wow she does care... he thought as he stared into her strangely passionate eyes.

After she sat down, he regained his composure.  "Well the way I see it, you have had countless opportunities to kill, brainwash or back-stab me," he said with a smile.  He looked into her eyes and said,"If you wanted to do something to me, its probably already done.  Besides, I can't imagine why anyone would want to exploit me, unless they want to rob me or something."

He began fidgeting with the empty cup he was holding, all the while maintaining his eye contact.  "I still think your a good person, mage or otherwise."  Then, he smirked.  "Besides, what would you do to me anyway?"


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Malcolm Kimberlee

"Yes, yes, I already said that." He rolled his eyes, though he did start to wonder. Maybe she was a vampire hunter herself, in that case this could not stand. If it came to that, he might have to kill her. Vampires, monsters and whatever are fine within reason, but competition is bad for business.Especially when a certain someone apparently had the monopoly already.

"Werewolves, vampires, demons, bah! Magi are honestly more troublesome. Having your spine broken is one thing, but being dead beats being lecture material. Trust me, I'd know."

Malcolm smiled smugly, and suddenly his tone of voice changed like he was imitating some sort of parody of british royalty. His ears had already started to turn red after a while, but there was no mistaking the alcohol in his breath.

"The Kimberlee lineage is one full of history and tradition. The association looks quite highly upon progeny of our blood. The brightest scholars and researchers of the americas all came from out prestigious family. As heir, I- pfffft! Haha, okay, okay, that was too much! What a joke, huh?"

He took another bite of pie, but just after he swallowed, he looked a tad bit different, perhaps even solemn. It was the sort of biter smile you'd expect from someone who was used at laughing at life.

"Honestly, I couldn't stand it." He said, suddenly very seriously. He just toyed with his fork while rambling, as if bored. "It was dull. Every day was the same boring routine; lectures on theories I didn't want anything to do with, social visits with family I couldn't stand, parties with no one I cared about. I just wanted a little excitement. Something dangerous. I hooked up with the Enforcers. Spent quite a few years doing jobs for them. Made a lot of coin, but I didn't care. I didn't really need it... I was running with them because it fit, made me feel alive."

Malcolm sighed and just laid back on his chair, blonde hair was covering his eyes by now, but there was some hesitation to his story.

"Well, after a while my father caught on to what I was doing. He confronted me one night and gave me a choice. Either leave the family, or he'd have me stored in a jar of formol. Gave me a day to say my goodbyes to everyone, not that I really cared... Well, between odd jobs and the usual enforcer work, can't say I ever had nothing to do. One of my jobs involved capturing some apostle researching on parallel worlds, was about to get him when there was some sort of magic accident, and that was it. I've been here ever since. And you know what? Despite what I left behind, I don't regret it one bit."
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 07:50:18 PM by francobull3 »


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"Kyu!" The eevee shouted as again, he jumped up into the air, and caught the stick gracefully. Or so he wanted to. The stick broke in his mouth, as he landed on the ground unsteadily before he stood up and shook his head in confusion, not understanding why the stick had been thrown so much harder.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Well, I would wish you luck with that but I suspect you don't need it. With magic, and all." Ron smiled, and turned his attention momentarily to the balcony again. He was going to have to get used to that, he could tell. Then Sakura said something that would be absurd coming from anyone but a pregnant woman. "So soon? Well, I guess it couldn't hurt..."

Sakura Matou


As if to answer for her, her stomach suddenly let out a loud grumble, causing the girl to blush slightly in embarrassment. "Well, uh, let's get going then!" She said, suddenly standing up and almost gliding out of the apartment. Something about how she was moving would seem off to an obvserver.


Ron was a really good observer. It came with being a werewolf, especially since he'd focused on his wolf senses from the moment he'd gotten into the apartment. That way he could sniff out and listen for any discreet nastiness that even Sakura might have missed. You never know when some of the contractors around here were gonna cheat you...

That's why you hired long-time locals, preferably. They had ties to keep them honest.

But enough of that. Once they were in the elevator he had to ask. "Are you alright, Sakura?"

Sakura Matou

"Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah!" She said, suddenly dropping to the floor and walking normally. No way she was going to tell him she was actually just being super lazy and wasting prana by making herself levatate a bit. Rin would probably chew her out about how she shouldn't waste prana and other such nonsense. That doesn't matter when you have unlimited prana. She thought to herself, annoyed at the thought of her sister's miserness.

"Anyway, let's go!"


"... that was pretty cool." He had to admit he was jealous. Just a little. Sure he could do all kinds of things, but hovering wasn't one of those. Well there's no use crying over what you don't have, so he just shook his head and followed on after her. Knowing his luck something was going to come along and get them both in trouble.

Might be fun. Or they might just get fast food like normal people; that'd be nice too.


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"Is that all....very well, my name is Shinobu." As the vampire spoke she began removing her jacket followed by the shirt she wore under and then finally her pants. Until she was only left wearing a pair of matching black lace underwear that did little to hide her generous assets. Shinobu's golden eyes were almost sparkling now from her pent up emotions, emotions that were about to be set free.

The blonde then went down on all four, her joints becoming incredibly tense as she looked like an animal about to pounce on it's prey. "So tell me... where, where do you wish to do this?"