Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43556 times)


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Medaka Kurokami

"Hmm," Medaka hummed aloud, nodding her head to both Shinobu and Lorenzo's comments. 

Once they were done talking, she stood up and slowly began walking to the edge of the ship.  As she approached the side of the boat, she reached into her cleavage and pulled out a cellphone.  "Oh you were right Shinobu, he did message me," she said with a weirdly mischievous smile.  "However, we do not need to worry about texting him back.  It will be much more fun to surprise him."

With that comment, she broke into a sprint, generating a small blast of wind as she accelerated.  With a small leap, she crossed the side of the ship and landed on the concrete.

"It seems we passed his home a few minutes ago."

She bolted down the street, passing several blocks in a matter of minutes.  She stopped in front of an apartment building, several stories high.  "He should be on the top floor," she announced, turning her head to Shinobu.  "How should we go about this?"

Short perv

Jason stretched his arms and let out a yawn.  He had just awoke from a nice midday nap.  It was his day off after all, why not nap the day away?  He reached for his nightstand and picked up his phone.

Hmm, she hasn't texted me back...  He thought to himself.  Maybe all of this was just some sick joke.  He wouldnt put it past the blond to do something like this.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 05:19:44 PM by yinsukin »


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"No, there is no need. I can handle it myself." Right, it shouldn't be a problem for her to find something on her own. Since it wasn't the night yet, and there was no reason to idle in the bar for the rest of the day, Anastasia left the bar once she was finished with the pie. She thanked Forest for her patience, paid her a lot for enduring Malcolm and asked her to contact her if she either changed her mind about joining the two on the hunt or she had any problems of magical nature like a poltergeist activity. She would probably meet Malcolm in the same neighborhood where the bar was once the sun set.


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He wasn't entirely convinced, but if she really didn't want to tell him then who was he to force the point? Ron made himself relax then, and nod to Sakura. Soon they would be there, she would have some food, and he would know what came next. Besides, he was curious to see what a drive-thru window was like when you had a chauffeur.

Sakura Matou

Soon after that, the car arrived at the drive-through of a McDonalds. Sakura kinda knew that it probably wasn't the of ideas to eat shitty fast food crap while she was pregnant. It certainly wasn't healthy or nutritious in the slightest, but damnit she was hungry. She rolled down the window and spoke into the intercom, ordering her mean, a large double-quarter pounder meal with a large chocolate milkshake for the drink. That should be enough. Probably.

"Do you want anything?" She asked, turning to Ron. "It's my treat. Consider it an apology for dragging you here with me."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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What a damn coward. Rikuyo could understand not tackling her head on, but running away from the fight like that without even trying? That just made her angry. She turned off her lizardish form and became a monkey tailed human again. The clothes that she stole from the owner of the van got destroyed by the previous transformation, and all she had on her right now was ripped jeans and bandages that covered her chest. So an angry half naked half monkey was loose and chasing Oren.

"I'LL FUCKING BREAK YOU!" Oddly enough, the anger made her sound more coherent than usual, the hick accent largely absent. She was faster and more agile in that form than Oren, so she steadily closed the distance between the two as the chase went on.


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"Yep. Pretty positive. I can get a second opinion if you want." Then reality Shifted. It distorted. Something unknowable and vast reached upon the gap between worlds and... and massive spider popped into existence on top of Jasey's head.

"We don't have any goddesses or anything, right?" The massive arachnid made a loud chittering before shaking its body. "Nah, it doesn't think so either. Oh, right this is Spider. It reminds me to do my duties and stuff from its other world place thing."


"Eep!" Noire exclaimed before she was able to continue her line of questioning. The lack of a goddess could wait for now. There was the more important question of what in the world was up with this girl. Why was she ok with having a giant gross icky spider sitting on top of her head. And what did she mean remind her of her duties? Was this spider like a giant gross Histy or something?

"Ummmm, ok." Noire said. "That was weird." She wasn't really sure about this girl. She seemed kinda weird.

Well, maybe kinda was an understatement.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"It's simpler than you think. You put a coin into a machine, and it lets you play games which look like a painting where figures are moving and you can actually control them with buttons. You'll get used to it in no time." The changeling explained as clear as possible. To be honest, she wasn't some expert in videogames, but this looked like a chance to get back at the two and probably outcompete them at games given their lack of experience. This would make her feel a lot better after that nearly disastrous eating contest.

Auspicious Breeze

"Huuuh. Are you sure that isn't magic? Because that sounds like magic." Then the former gladiator shook her head, grinned, and grabbed both of their hands'. "Well whatever it is, it sounds like fun too! Come on, let's go while the going's good!"

Huuu. There's a lot of boys at an arcade, huh? Not that it was a reason to cancel the outing, but Breeze hadn't been expecting it when they went on through town. Oh well, she was here to have fun with Mordred and Sakura, not meet new girls! At least, that's all what she told herself as she took in the sight after Mordred found the place for them.


They arrived at the arcade videogame place. It was filled with coin-operated machines but many of those would seem so alien for Breeze. Maybe just to ease her into whole thing, she should pick something with a premise clearly familiar to her. There was this arcade game that Mordred didn't recognize in her previous world, but which wasn't something unique. The game featured a wide roster of warriors from all around the world and eras, archetypes that you could pick and play to fight through hordes of enemies in a co-operative mode for up to 3 players. Players also could potentially fuck over each other when trying to seize a particular power up, something which added spice to the gameplay. Also ostensibly at the end of each map, a boss awaited.

"I guess we could play this, it's called Monster Crashers. It's a pretty simple but fun game, just pick one of warriors and we could plow through hordes of monsters showing up on the screen. And then defeat the big one at the end of each stage. Though I guess I should instruct you how to play it, Breeze. You heard about arcades, Sakura, so I guess I don't have to explain basics, then?"


Sakura shook her head at Mordred's question.

"Uh-uh." She said in response to her question. "I've played enough games to know the basics of controls, you know. Do you have any change? Or does this place use tokens?" She asked, ready to go gather change while Mord explained the basics to Breeze if they needed some.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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His maid diligently kneeled before him and went to work, pulling down his pants as she begun licking on his hard length all over. Some odd women appeared as she did so and began making out with the redhead. How odd, the mage wasn't aware they could take on humanoid forms. He'd have to look into that at a later time.

Lucy's teasing soon ended as she slid him into her mouth all the way down, not even gagging as he entered her throat. The dark mage looked almost bored as she went to work, bobbing her warm wet mouth up and down his length.

"So you can take all of it. I was honestly expecting more than a mere deepthroating from you Lucy. Your skill isn't that impressive." He grabbed her hair as he lectured her, forcing her mouth all the way down and holding her there.


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The monster hunter cocked an eyebrow, still being in the process of getting used to the flood of new stuff, though something mundane like that would be fairly easy to adapt to. The woman was kind enough to give her a decent lead to go on anyway, so Adjutor simply nodded and followed the woman to her abode. The Monster Hunter had a few questions for the lizard woman, but decided to hold them until later. That said, there wasn't anything too strange with the building itself once they got inside. Another one of those strange magic-less scrying screens hanging from the ceiling in one corner, but not much else aside from that.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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He was looking back and forth between the pudding and herself. This wasn't good, all her plans would be ruined, RUINED. "Whoa whoa, hold your horses. I'm not a thief. As the heroine I can't have these lies told about me, people will totally stop believing in me. You believe in me, don't you Gaddy?" Her pleading voice would reach him even if she had to climb a mountain to do so. Neptune wasn't a villain!

She walked next to him on the way to his so called abode. The purple haired goddess did wonder what kind of place the Angel lived in. Calling it an abode might mean he's really modest and then it turns out it's huuuuge, and filled with weapons, because he's secretly a leading a secret organisation that's working to save world secretly.


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Her urge to destroy the man also did not just cease with the man's disappearance. Surely she wouldn't just let him skulk away. Neither she assumed he died in the building. Once the dust settled down enough, she would float over the site and blast or cut down any sign of life she would detect. Better to be safe than sorry.


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Lorenzo Remei

Woah, amazing! Lorenzo thought when he saw Medaka leap from his ship, soaring in the sky like a magnificent bird before landing flawlessly. Well, he couldn't let his friend down now could he? The pirate took a deep breath and came to a sprint himself, leaping off the ship and performing a magnificent somersault with surprising agility before landing like a cat behind Medaka.

"Ta~daam!" He cheered, standing up and holding his non broken arm high in the air like a champion. Then, he realized he was behind Medaka. "Oh..."

Well no matter, being the first place of second places is still being first place!

"He should be on the top floor," Medaka announced, turning her head to Shinobu.  "How should we go about this?"

Lorenzo thought about it for a bit, wondering on what to do himself. Decisions, decisions, decisions. SO many choices, so little time. Not for him though, he had all the time int he world. Bwahahahaha!


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The relatively short walk was uneventful, albeit with a lot of people staring at them. A quick glare from Gojira quickly sent the passerby's on their way.

Upon entering the lobby, the Monsterwoman glanced at the counter - a man wearing sunglasses was there. Joshua. Even though she couldn't see his eyes, the rest of his face showed that he had already heard about her...hydrant tantrum. It matters little to her. Gojira led the hooded woman to the elevator, feeling Joshua's gaze following them.

Thankfully, there was an elevator waiting for them. Gojira pressed the button for the eighth floor once they entered. "So," She quietly began once the doors slid shut, "I don't think I got your name."


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She followed her blue haired minion easily as she leapt of the ship and began running past the city blocks. Keeping up with this was rather easy for her after all. The skeletal captain seemed almost proud of getting there in second place. It wasn't like they'd been seriously racing to begin with.

"He should be on the top floor," Medaka announced, turning her head to Shinobu.  "How should we go about this?"

"We break in of course~" She responded with an ominous grin. That was the easiest way after all.

The blonde vampire simply begun running like a blur, scaling the wall in a single breath. Her goal was simple, get to his balcony. Lo and behold as she arrived, she noticed that he had left the blacony door open. Maybe he wasn't expecting someone to come in six floors up. Shinobu stepped in to his apartment. It was rather bland all things considered, although she could hear faint sounds of movement a distance away.

As she drew closer to what she now assuemed was the bedroom, she peeked in and noticed the short man from earlier. He was looking at his phone with a disapointed expression.

Not wanting to waste this golden opportunity to surprise him, she moved as quietly as she could to the opposite end of the bed from him and slowly sat down on it. She leaned forwards and very carefully made her way over towards him on all fours, until she was right behind him.

"She did not respond on purpose."


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The lobby was a fairly uneventful place, with only a man in odd black glasses staring at the lizard woman in a vaguely disapproving manner. She didn't pay much mind, of course, and Adjutor soon found herself distracted as well as the lizard-woman led the way into a smooth metal box. The monster hunter's eyes darted around the confines of the box, feeling rather uncomfortable about the box seemingly closing around her. Then she had to suppress an undignified yelp as the box suddenly jolted upwards before moving along at a smoother pace, Adjutor's heart racing a little as they climbed the tiny shaft in a small metal box. Then the woman's request registered, the monster hunter starting a little.

"Ah, right, never got around to that," the hunter said, "Name's Adjutor. So, who are you?"

Definitely not your best introduction.

Most of them aren't in small metal boxes, so quiet, you.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Ever since the incident at the water park, traffic had been a little more difficult around the city. Still, life carried on for the most part, the citizens of Nexus city were of the enduring sort. One man in particular carried such weight, he was used to struggling and witnessing struggles. Such burdens meant little to his back at this point, so he was able to walk with his head held high.

He was walking through an intersection, minding his own business, when he noticed an old woman struggling to walk along. He only glanced at her for a moment, but while his eyes were indifferent he felt some sort of sympathy for this plight. No, perhaps not something so sentimental, pity would be a more fitting word. He didn't think anything of her, but he saw little reason to hasten his pace, even when the lights were turning yellow.

But suddenly, there was a roaring sound of working motors and fuel burning. Without warning, a car dashed past the street, racing forward as if escaping from a pursuit. The thief's car had no regard for the people around it, or in front. The old lady had already been left behind, even if the driver tried to avoid her it would've been too late. It drifted along and lost control, moving at incredible speed as if it was meant to crash in the poor helpless woman.

A loud crash boomed like thunder in the middle of the street, but not a hair of the old woman was touched. The car miraculously stopped in its tracks, the only sound remaining being the shocked silence of the witnesses and the incessant grinding of wheels on asphalt. He looked down for a second, and suddenly his eyes flashed with something. His gaze averted to the driver, piercing him with a hollow gaze.

Without a word he raised the vehicle up in the air with his arm, muscles nearly tearing out of his coat. There was no emotion in his eyes, but there was a tinge of anger in his voice, metallic and cold like a sharp knife.

"Now look, you've gotten my shoes dirty. How are you going to apologize for this inconvenience? Mhhh?" His grip tightened on the car, crushing and deforming it around the area. "Then again, even if I broke all your bones and wrapped them on a wheel, that wouldn't compensate for a tenth of the annoyance I feel at this moment."

The thieving driver struggled and screamed, backing away as if trying to run away, but there was no escape. What the hell, what was that monster!? D-dammit!

Vanguard laid down the car upside down with as much regard as one gives to garbage littering the street. Let the commoners deal with the crimes of the commoners, his job was done. He turned to the elder lady and smiled. "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes. Thank you kind sir." She answered weakly, as surprised as everyone else by what just happened. He laid a comforting hand on her trembling shoulder, and while his eyes could normally be described as ominous there was a strange kindness to them.

"Shall I escort you to the other side of this road, madam?" He asked her gently, to which it took her a while to digest before she nodded. With hat, Vanguard adjusted his glasses and walked along the lady, arm in arm. The street light might've been red for them, but not a single vehicle dared cross the street until the lady reached her destination.