Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43572 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"Game industry?" She wasn't aware of any place called that. It would be a pretty strange thing to call a place too. Sounded like something someone made up. "Nah. Can't say I've ever heard of it before. Must just be a thing from where you're from."

Despite that she tried to look somewhat optimistic. "But if you need any help finding a place to stay or anything I can help. Most people won't mess with me and I know of a few places. It's better to have a roof over your head and stuff before getting used to this."


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Sakura shook her head at Mordred's question.

"Uh-uh." She said in response to her question. "I've played enough games to know the basics of controls, you know. Do you have any change? Or does this place use tokens?" She asked, ready to go gather change while Mord explained the basics to Breeze if they needed some.

Auspicious Breeze

"Hmm!" She looked at the controls and tilted her head, a little confused already. "I guess one of you is gonna have to show me what to do, then! I'm in your capable hands." Cute girls' capable hands were always the best kind. Even when it wasn't, well, literally!


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Sakura Matou

Soon after that, the car arrived at the drive-through of a McDonalds. Sakura kinda knew that it probably wasn't the of ideas to eat shitty fast food crap while she was pregnant. It certainly wasn't healthy or nutritious in the slightest, but damnit she was hungry. She rolled down the window and spoke into the intercom, ordering her mean, a large double-quarter pounder meal with a large chocolate milkshake for the drink. That should be enough. Probably.

"Do you want anything?" She asked, turning to Ron. "It's my treat. Consider it an apology for dragging you here with me."


Sure, he didn't get anything out of stuff that wasn't meat anymore... but he could still taste it. And sure, it was processed stuff and never tasted as good as what he hunted himself. But it still tasted good.

"Well, maybe a vanilla shake then?" Also you couldn't hunt milkshakes. Too bad he couldn't have the chocolate one with his digestive system being how it was now.


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He was looking back and forth between the pudding and herself. This wasn't good, all her plans would be ruined, RUINED. "Whoa whoa, hold your horses. I'm not a thief. As the heroine I can't have these lies told about me, people will totally stop believing in me. You believe in me, don't you Gaddy?" Her pleading voice would reach him even if she had to climb a mountain to do so. Neptune wasn't a villain!

She walked next to him on the way to his so called abode. The purple haired goddess did wonder what kind of place the Angel lived in. Calling it an abode might mean he's really modest and then it turns out it's huuuuge, and filled with weapons, because he's secretly a leading a secret organisation that's working to save world secretly.


Even if the mountain was the height difference between them? Well, time would tell. Briefly. "Of course; you appear to be more of the sort of woman to persuade and cajole rather than burglar in order to acquire what you desire." As in right now. His expression took the form of a grin, and then with a plastic bag in one hand and another hand free he led the way back to his domicile.

It was modest, by his standards. It was what the humans of the United States had deemed an apartment, a larger one by their accounting, and at first glance it would seem utterly mundane. It was only as one looked past the kitchen and reclining room that they would notice the oddities. The walls mounted with firearms and blades of all sort in the bedrooms, the closets full of long coats and... ah, Lucy had left some of her clothing in a pile by the laundry bin. Of course.

"Not quite up to the standards of where I dwelt in my own world, but it has sufficed for the past few months of my residence in this place."


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And so the tall creeper of an Angel brought his nefarious plan in motion by bringing the heroine into his fold. In other word he invited her to his mundane looking apartment. Or at least normal at a first glance. On a second look once you got past the kitchen it was filled with weapons hanging on the walls, yup a secret base, Nep was always right.

"It totally looks like an awesome base!" The purple haired goddess went straight for weapons hanging on the walls and took down a broadsword. Swooshing sounds were made as begun swinging it through the air. On the surface it might look like she was just haphazardly swinging it around, but if viewed closer you could see she was switching from stance to stance at a fast pace while also making sure not to hit anything.


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The ice mage already undertook some preparations for the so called hunt, even if she had a lot of skepticism in her about this whole 'vampire' threat. If vampires existed, they could not be too competent as monsters, that was her assumption. So she simply looked for clothes she could change into, as she deemed her magic a sufficient tool for the potential threat she could encounter. Blue jeans and a black T-shirt she bought for herself were simple but enough for the trip. But she had so much spare time, what she could possibly do to kill some? She had no company, the boss wouldn't let her work more, and she was already full. What else was left for her than aimlessly wander?

So she simply walked around bored without any aim, but attentive to what was going around because maybe something interesting could happen or some threat rear its head and try to mug her or eat her. After a long walk she noticed a girl wearing something that resembled a peculiar hat from  a distance and accompanied by some kind of moth that didn't look a natural animal. Then what else she could be if not some foreign wizard with a strange familiar? The hat clearly was the sign.

"Uh, hello..." She approached the strange foreigner as she had nothing else to do. Those Southern wizards were often eccentric, so who knew how she would act. In an awkward attempt of a small talk, Anastasia asked the obvious question. "Is this your familiar?"

Oka Kurosawa

Oka had been wandering around aimlessly training her pokemon, catching rare ones as they appeared, while she waited for a call from Jin. She hoped he'd finish up soon. Maybe she should have gone to helped him after all. She was sure he was ok, but if she was there they could've wrapped things up in a jiffy, she was sure of it.

The teenaged girl was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized that anyone was approaching her until she heard a woman's voice.

"Oh, Hi." Oka said, looking up at the newcomer. "Um, I guess that familiar isn't really completely incorrect, but they're really more like my friends." She responded, giving Wormy an affectionate rub at the base of his wings, causing him to make a contented chittering noise.

"My name's Oka. What's yours?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Game industry?" She wasn't aware of any place called that. It would be a pretty strange thing to call a place too. Sounded like something someone made up. "Nah. Can't say I've ever heard of it before. Must just be a thing from where you're from."

Despite that she tried to look somewhat optimistic. "But if you need any help finding a place to stay or anything I can help. Most people won't mess with me and I know of a few places. It's better to have a roof over your head and stuff before getting used to this."


"Oh. I see." Noire's response was curt and stilted.

Alright, so I'm not even on Gameindustri anymore. That's important information. I should ask some other people later, just to make sure I'm not just getting information from someone crazy.

Then Noire turned her attention to the girl's offer. While getting a temporary place to stay would probably be a good idea, this girl gave her the heeby jeebies. It probably wouldn't be the best of ideas to hang around with her for too long.

"Ummm..., thanks for the offer, but I think I'll have to decline. I'll uh, be fine on my own. Trust me. I couldn't impose myself on you, it just wouldn't feel right."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I have some coins in my wallet. And there is an ATM nearby. If I run out of cash, I will just withdraw some money, and buy something to get some change. I got you all covered." Mordred wouldn't invite them here if she was unprepared.

"Do you want to watch me and Sakura play first or do you prefer to learn through experimenting with controls?" She asked Breeze. "Don't worry about dragging us down in the game, it's just something for fun."


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"I'm Anastasia." The tall girl introduced herself to the woman with weirdly colored hair. She must have been a wizard, then. It just looked like some result of a minor magical mishap. In some backwater villages peasants would flee from her, and in the most isolated ones they would probably burn her on a stake. She called those familiars friends, but she guessed they were still familiars. The fact that they looked unnatural remained.

"Huh, you do look quite young for someone who has a familiar. You must be good. Are magical beasts like this your specialty?" Anastasia didn't bother to introduce herself as a magician. Maybe the very fact that she recognized them as familiars would be enough. Knowledge on them was restricted for the majority of mundane people.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 09:15:27 PM by Kat »


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She grinded her ass against him in appreciation as she felt his bulge grow further. A flush spread on the blonde's cheeks as he kissed his way down to her breasts. It felt good, better than she had expected. But this wasn't quite enough, he was still fumbling around with her bra strap. And she did want to show Medaka how to get someone going. 

"Mhmmm....Good boy, but there is still more is there not? I want it soooo bad and I know you can do it~

Umbra of Chaos

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That didn't seem really smart but Jasey knew a no when she saw one. Still, it would be kind of a shame if Noire were to die. She didn't seem that bad. So Jasey did take out her phone and pulled up the current map of the Nexus. "Well, I'm not sure how good you are at memorizing but here. You should at least get a general idea of where you want to go regardless of whether you can take care of yourself or not."

Then she just handed the other girl her phone as she kept talking. "You should stay out of all the areas highlighted in red. They're pretty dangerous. Gangers, monsters, and whatever are around there. The green places are the ones that take in strays every night, but they fill up kinda fast so you wanna get there early. And my number is 666-732-9811. If you run into some real bad trouble just call and I'll try to make it as soon as possible."

Umbra of Chaos

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And then after bursting out of the ground in a grand display Oren slipped beneath the surface once more. Like a shark. A land shark. Dun dun dun. Dun dun dun. The sounds of an earth dragon trying to keep a beat didn't resound well through the earth as she followed her enemy from below. Then as she neared the surface she simply swiped up with a claw to slam the woman away.


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Sakura Matou

Soon after that, the car arrived at the drive-through of a McDonalds. Sakura kinda knew that it probably wasn't the of ideas to eat shitty fast food crap while she was pregnant. It certainly wasn't healthy or nutritious in the slightest, but damnit she was hungry. She rolled down the window and spoke into the intercom, ordering her mean, a large double-quarter pounder meal with a large chocolate milkshake for the drink. That should be enough. Probably.

"Do you want anything?" She asked, turning to Ron. "It's my treat. Consider it an apology for dragging you here with me."


Sure, he didn't get anything out of stuff that wasn't meat anymore... but he could still taste it. And sure, it was processed stuff and never tasted as good as what he hunted himself. But it still tasted good.

"Well, maybe a vanilla shake then?" Also you couldn't hunt milkshakes. Too bad he couldn't have the chocolate one with his digestive system being how it was now.

Sakura Matou

"Alrighty." Sakura said. "And one large vanilla milkshake please."

With that, they drove around the drive through, picked up their food, and continued on their way to the other place. As she sucked voraciously on her straw, she took a break to ask Ron a question. "So, are you interested in seeing the other location I can rent?" She asked seriously. She didn't want to waste his time after all.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Short guy+Medaka

Jason's lower body tightened a bit in response to her ass grinding on him.  He felt an overwhelming lustful energy coming up on him.  However, it was her next line that set him off.  "Mhmmm....Good boy, but there is still more is there not? I want it soooo bad and I know you can do it~"

Just then, he unclicked her bra and tossed it to the side, causing it to land on Medaka's face.  He then pressed his lips against her nipple, teasing her a bit.  Then, he looked up at her brillent golden eyes.  "Take off my pants then," he said, his voice neutral.  It wasn't nervous anymore, but it wasn't confident yet.  Then, he began licking the outside of her breasts, slowly moving inwards to her nipple.  Once his tongue reached it, he dug into it, hoping to take advantage of the sensitivity.

Meanwhile, Medaka licked her lips.  There was something erotic about watching someone have her way with Shinobu, the smell of her body on the bra didn't help either.  Still, she could be patient and wait her turn.  Out of curiosity, she reached down and touched the thin piece of cloth covering her hole.

It was wet.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 03:05:48 PM by yinsukin »


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Lord Julius didn't see it that way. The lawlessness of Nexus was something he couldn't tolerate, but at the same time that didn't frustrate him. He saw it more like a worthy challenge that he possibly couldn't tackle within his lifetime, but there was no reason to not try. "There is no need to apologize. Your frustration with the state of this city is understandable. But there are enough people with golden hearts who will make a difference if they work together. It will not be easy, we might die of old age before the victory is achieved, but it does not mean we should not try." As Julius talked, it dawned on him finally that they were here for a reason. "Oh right, yes, we should not make them wait for us." Saying that, he followed after Sakura to meet her husband.