Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43618 times)


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Huh, Breeze was not doing bad yet, but it was only a matter of time before she would learn firsthand that she needed some patience to get through further in this game. The goblin like fodder wasn't a real challenge as it was the first stage, but pits with spikes were. "Watch out!" Breeze's girlfriend issued a warning as Breeze got close to one of the death traps. A badly timed jump would mean falling onto spikes and losing, with the game resuming only if she inserted a coin again.


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"Then, shall I call you Mister Emiya?" Julius didn't really understand why Lady Emiya's husband didn't want to be called "Sir", but he learned enough of the local customs of the place that "Mister" was a polite alternative to calling somebody "Sir". Plus there was no point in arguing over that. This Pokemon creature neither looked like an animal he knew nor gave off vibes of a mighty supernatural creature who just pretended to look innocent in order to trick people. If that thing was a Satanic creature he would know it. So it was okay to pet it, he guessed.

"May I pet this exotic creature?" He asked for a permission first though. Even if it looked cute, he couldn't do it without asking its owners first.


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Aww, shucks. That's a bummer. Anastasia knew that people would murder for less, but such an incentive apparently wasn't effective in the world of Pokemon duels. They had to be shouted at like a bunch of peasant militiamen who barely knew to stab goblins with the pointy end of their spears. Note to herself: some harsh training routine was essential. Maybe with a fried chicken as the carrot.

"Forget what I said, bite it! That's your supper, the fried chicken will be your midnight snack!" Holding back wasn't an option, it was a battle after all.


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The redhead saw another opening to exploit while Oren was busy catching the kid and spitting up her back out onto the ground. The distraction served the purpose enough. As Rikuyo had the high ground would again switch back into one of her physically stronger forms and drop on the top of Oren's body,  delivering a powerful kick. She could have used her wolf form, but she could have used some variety this time. Oh, she had an idea! Maybe that weird horse with strips! Her muscles bulged once more, she grew a horse like tail and horse like ears, and her skin color looked now weird. Like, she didn't have any fur or anything like that, but she had black strips on her body as if she had some body paint.


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Bleh, now everything was wet and smelly all of a sudden, as if the dragon just caught her in its mouth. Suddenly, she was spit out, landed on the ground on her knees and covered with icky saliva all over. Ugh, she'd totally need to take a shower after this was all done.


She didn't even notice her twisted broken arm dangling like a pendulum, or maybe she just didn't care. She glanced up and noticed that pest was about to attack again, so te ground suddenly shattered beneath her as her branches reacted and shot upwards to catch and rip her limb from limb, moving quickly and spread far enough that suddenly dodging wouldn't be as simple and straightforward as something like a bullet.


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A closet? It was probably just Sakura exxagerating, couldn't have been that bad. Sakura did have a strange perspective on wealth after all. The blond took hold of Sakura's right arm as she begun leading her in.  "That's really generous of you, helping the poor in need." She then adressed Sakura's question, she wondered how to say. maybe she should just tease her instead. "Hmm.. maybe he did, care to try a guess?"


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Interesting, the supposed murderer pulled off the mask and revealed herself a young girl. A teenager most likely. He snorted as he heard her explanation, a valid attempt that might fool the mundane masses. He wasn't among them though. That had been some very real killing intent he had felt. Which meant she had either seriously been trying to kill the black haired girl with twintails behind him who he now knew as Noire, or she was capable of mustering such concentrated amount at will. Both of the answers were intriguing for different reasons.

"Nice attempt at deflecting there but there's two things that don't work out here. A: you're dressed as your typical horror movie killer and B: you were projecting actual killing intent. Which leaves us with the conclusion that you're either a bad liar or you treat death itself as a joke. That's pretty grim." He spoke with a serious but calm tone as he picked apart her statement.

The young man trying to run away was promptly ignored, he looked wholly insignificant.


Malcolm felt a bead of sweat drip down his brow. This was honestly terrifying, but sadly for her there was only one man in the entire universe who scared him, and it wasn't him. Feeling the rush of the duel, he readied his hand on his hip, more than prepared to draw his gun and blow that thing's head off, barely holding back a confident smirk.

But suddenly, there was a shadow that covered his line of sight, a terrible cloak fluttering to signal impending doom. Malcolm blinked once, twice, but it was only when he heard the voice that he reacted.

"Yes, good idea." He told the girl, turned backwards immediately and tried to take a run for it. D-dammit, he wasn't scared at all, he just remembered that he had a TV rerun to watch, nothing more!


Huh. A lot of stuff just happened. Unfortunately for the tiny one Oren was a massive creature of great strength and speed while she was just a tiny fast thing. Red kind of just bounced off of her scaly hide, but then the dragon snapped out with her maw and caught the kid in her mouth.

Then Oren landed back on the ground and spit the child back out onto the ground. Se tasted kinda nasty.


God, couldn't she just get a break? Try to make a scary atmosphere and all that happened was some random fucks ruining it. With a frustrated huff she popped off er mask and tossed it away. "You know, it's really hard to try and scare someone when people keep interrupting. Well, sorry, Noire. It was supposed to be funny but I didn't manage to pull it off. Whoops?"

 Magical Noirina, Student Council Vice President

Noire looked at Jasey, aghast at what she had done. That was super scary, not cool at all! They barely even knew each other, and now she was trying to scare her half to death. Plus, that form she had just oozed danger. She very well could be an actual murderer!

"What in the world were you thinking, you idiot!" Noire began to scold Jasey, lecturing her. "You can only pull that kind of stunt with good friends, and we just met! That was super uncool."

Noire then turned to look at William, and smiled. "Thank you for coming to save me." She said genuinely.

All the while, she'd gotten so caught up in the ridiculousness of the situation that she hadn't let go of the squirming coward of a man trying to bolt.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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S-shit! He was caught, dammit, this was bad, terrible! He didn’t care if the masked freak was a girl or whatever, but this was not the time for not being able to run away. Damn, at this rate, he’d have to shoot his arm off…

“H-hey, let go! I got nothing to do with this.” He said with a shaky voice, his face as pale as a ghost.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 05:25:17 PM by francobull3 »


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The dark one's face flushed like a tomato when she suddenly grabbed his nose. "Erm, o-okay. If you say so!" He tried to muster, and perhaps even succeeded. He looked away, gazing down at his own two feet, then looked back at her, his tone and expression suddenly more serious.

"Still, I am too weak. Combat isn't in my nature, nor do I have any interest in power. However, I need to become strong if I want to protect anyone."

His thoughts trailed back to the earlier clash his previous self had against that girl. It wasn't solely about keeping the city safe from such outbursts, but as long as she roamed free and unchecked, he wouldn't be able to find peace.

He smiled and rose from his place, putting the sandwich bag in a nearby garbage bin. Then, he turned to Rafalia.

"I have fought little in the last few hundred years. Would you humor an old god's request and spar with me? I find that I have yet much to learn."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 07:08:08 PM by francobull3 »


  • Hello Darkness my old friend. It sucks to be with you again.
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A couple minutes have passed. Surely the pan should be hot enough now? Gojira pressed her right index finger onto the hot metal. A hiss answered her question. Unbothered by the action, the she-monster set the pair of fish onto the pan.Taking a step back, she waited for the cooking process to finish.

And waited.

And waited.

Goira started tapping the counter as she watched the fish bake. While she could see the bottom turning brown, the top of the flesh was still raw. She glanced at the clock; only two minutes have passed. How long does this take?


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To her disappointment the man couldn't keep up and Medaka was now completely dominating him as she was bringing him to the brink of climax. Shinobu was just about to fix the issue when the door blew open revealing the undead pirate king in an outfit that was somehow even more outrageous than the last one. Her gaze shifted down in between his legs where she saw something completely unbelievable.

"What are you even...... That has to be the...." Her shocked expression faded as her grin returned. "Well that is just perfect. Medaka was not getting properly punished and here you arrive with the perfect tool for it. So get to it my dear Medaka~"


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Aww, shucks. That's a bummer. Anastasia knew that people would murder for less, but such an incentive apparently wasn't effective in the world of Pokemon duels. They had to be shouted at like a bunch of peasant militiamen who barely knew to stab goblins with the pointy end of their spears. Note to herself: some harsh training routine was essential. Maybe with a fried chicken as the carrot.

"Forget what I said, bite it! That's your supper, the fried chicken will be your midnight snack!" Holding back wasn't an option, it was a battle after all.

Oka Kurosawa

"Wooper, protect!" Oka yelled out in response to Anastasia's command. A few people had begun to gather around to watch all the commotion.

In response to Oka's command, the little blue pokemon instantaneously threw up a forcefield, blocking the enemy Meowth's offensive. "Now, counterattack! Water gun!" The wooper again spat water at the enemy, but would anastasia's meowth be able to dodge it?

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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So the girl just went to each stand and ordered what was probably her own weight in fried food and other unhealthy things that amusement parks sell in droves. And then she started to stuff her face incredibly fast. She didn't even bother saving any for Michael.

She ate like someone who really understood what it felt like to be starving.


The teen at least managed to look a bit ashamed. Like a puppy that had been kicked in the side or something. But she got over it anyways and looked at the other guy. He seemed kinda... clever? Intelligent? Something like that. He got that she wasn't just being intimidating.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with my clothes. Besides, if I wanted to actually kill someone I would have appeared right behind them or above them. I wouldn't just appear a couple feet away and just walk menacingly. And, well, death is kind of a joke. At least to me." She shrugged her shoulders.

Umbra of Chaos

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When Oren noticed all those arms flying up she did the smart thing and instantly dived back into the earth. She then darted away a few meters before resurfacing again so that she could see her enemy again.


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Medaka Kurokami

The door flying through his apartment paralleled the the climax.  A warm feeling rushed over Medaka as the fluids coated the inside of her body.  "I think think that was far more pleasurable the second time," she said, slowly coming off his rod.  She didn't get to finish.

She turned her head to face the bright light emanating from Lorenzo's skeleton pelvis.  It's very presence demanded her attention. Its nature grabbed hold of her curiosity.  Would it be possible to use it?  Well, there was a more important question.

Medaka hopped off the bed, landing on all fours.  She slowly crawled over to the great pirate, her face growing a bit more red as she approached for some reason.  When she finally got within arms length of his flaming manhood, she sat on her knees and looked up at him.

"Then, are you going to punish me?"


The pleasure he experienced (along with the door) was completely blown away at the man's entrance.  His head mirrored Medaka's own turn, except intead of a look of curiosity and fascination, he wore a look of sheer shock.  His eyes were wide, his mouth agape.

WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE!?  Did the whole damn stadium come to fuck me?! He screamed within his mind.

THe moment Medaka hopped off the bed, he pushed himself into a sitting position, where he stood in awe of the skeleton's flaming manhood.  "What the hell is going on...." he muttered.


As light entered Joe's eyes, he was greeted by Rin's adorably red face.  He pulled back and watched her adorable reaction to the necklace, his mouth unconsciously spreading to the edges of his cheeks.  Holy shit!  It worked!


As he reveled in the euphoria of his affection, Rin planted another kiss on his lips.  This time, he reflexively averted his eyes, looking directly at the ground.  As his gaze shifted, his eyes caught her breasts peeking out from her tanktop.  A familiar feeling radiated from his pants.

“You know what?” he said, his eye line returning to her face.  He lightly scratched his cheek.  “My apartment is nearby, why don’t we get you some clothes.  I umm… think I like that outfit too much..”

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 11:03:32 PM by yinsukin »