Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43648 times)


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Oh, great, the giant lizard was about to disappear once again. Her timing was off. After all, she planned to land on its back and break its spine. But as she dropped towards the ground, she got hit by some kind of an attack. That brat pulled off something. Rikuyo felt as if something held her and tried to draw and quarter her. Her bones creaked, but she exercised her own strength, backed by her aura, to break away from what held her in one place. Her aura burned with a crimson color as she severed herself from those invisible arms.


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If she was trying to blow it off by looking cute, she was trying it on the wrong guy. The dark mage had been around long enough to see through such transparent coverup tactics, however he didn't particularly feel like calling her out on it. Besides she was decently cute after all.

"There's nothing wrong really with how you're dressed, you're not wearing that mask anymore. The miss behind me is dressed like an idol, albeit a cute one." He turned to said twintailed black haired idol. "Maybe you should let go of that man, he looks like he wants to run home."

Umbra of Chaos

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The dragon resurfaced as Red momentarily restrained their attacker, and she immediately took advantage of it. Oren launched herself through the air with a might claw raised to bash the the lady down onto the dirt where Red could collapse her arms onto her.


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The psychic child staggered and nearly fell on her knees when her branches were broken off, clutching at her head as if something was drilling inside her brain. No, it was fine, she was fine. The enemy landed right in front of her, she didn't even notice or care how it happened. Right now, nothing existed except the enemy, and the fact she was in her range.


Red grit her teeth, and bigger than ever before, seven branches reappeared right behind her in the blink of an eye, shooting down on the one who hurt her friend with unbelievable speed, each individual branch enhanced by the proximity and carrying enough force to crush steel. 

She hit her over and over, and over, and over and over and over and over again, using every last drop of her psychic energy in order to destroy her as the entire building trembled as if overtaken by an earthquake, until the very ground they all stood on shattered, sending the enemy's mangled remains crashing down the crater into the apartment beneath them.


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The monster hunter waited on the couch, picking up errant sounds flitting and floating through the apartment, the sizzle of flesh against heated metal, a heated conversation drifting up from downstairs, a faint rattle of some unknown machinery tucked out of sight somewhere, and countless other little things drifted in. Xarrest buzzed in her head, not bothering to use words to communicate her boredom, instead letting the shadows in their shared mind flicker languidly.

Before long, the familiar scent of charring flesh registered, Adjutor laying there for a few moments more before opting to investigate. The monster hunter got up from the couch only with great reluctance, leaving the curious softness behind to make her way back into the kitchen to find the lizard-woman staring at a pan with a slab of fish in it, it's bottom having been cooked brown but the woman seemingly not ready to do anything.

"...Say, do you think you could use some help?" the monster hunter asked, not entirely sure whether she should've remained silent about her concerns but deciding that it was too late now.
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Over and over, Rikuyo was pummeled by many invisible arms. The trashing she received was quite serious. Mangled limbs, fractured skull, broken ribs. Normally a person shouldn't be alive after such a trashing. But they made three mistakes. Firstly, the redhead could regenerate from such beating. Secondly, her body was thrown away enough far from them so that they couldn't capitalize immediately on their success. And the last but not the last, they made her really, really mad. Yup, she was going to pay them back and savour that. Her limbs twitched as she recovered and her head mended itself. She got up, touched her bloodied face and licked the hand clean from the blood. The savage gleam in her eyes and her predatory smile conveyed her feelings without words. She was about to show her challengers the wrath of a god that once roamed the Pangea.

Rikuyo switched into her swifter, golden haired wolf form that wasn't as physically strong as her the wolf form she usually used. It hearkened back to more lithe and agile ancestors of the wolf.

Umbra of Chaos

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Hmm. A quick exercise of her earth-given senses told Oren that the lady was still alive. Oh well. She was just too much of a slippery thing to pin down and tear apart forever. So she just tossed Red back into her mouth and dived straight downwards with all her speed.


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S-shit! He was caught, dammit, this was bad, terrible! He didn’t care if the masked freak was a girl or whatever, but this was not the time for not being able to run away. Damn, at this rate, he’d have to shoot his arm off…

“H-hey, let go! I got nothing to do with this.” He said with a shaky voice, his face as pale as a ghost.


So the girl just went to each stand and ordered what was probably her own weight in fried food and other unhealthy things that amusement parks sell in droves. And then she started to stuff her face incredibly fast. She didn't even bother saving any for Michael.

She ate like someone who really understood what it felt like to be starving.


The teen at least managed to look a bit ashamed. Like a puppy that had been kicked in the side or something. But she got over it anyways and looked at the other guy. He seemed kinda... clever? Intelligent? Something like that. He got that she wasn't just being intimidating.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with my clothes. Besides, if I wanted to actually kill someone I would have appeared right behind them or above them. I wouldn't just appear a couple feet away and just walk menacingly. And, well, death is kind of a joke. At least to me." She shrugged her shoulders.


If she was trying to blow it off by looking cute, she was trying it on the wrong guy. The dark mage had been around long enough to see through such transparent coverup tactics, however he didn't particularly feel like calling her out on it. Besides she was decently cute after all.

"There's nothing wrong really with how you're dressed, you're not wearing that mask anymore. The miss behind me is dressed like an idol, albeit a cute one." He turned to said twintailed black haired idol. "Maybe you should let go of that man, he looks like he wants to run home."


Noire let go of Malcolm suddenly as she realized he was trying to leave. "Oh, sorry." She told him.

"And um, idol...?" Noire asked uncertainly as she turned to William. Well, the idea certainly appealed to her, she loved cosplay, and showing it off would have been fun and getting paid for that even better, but...

"I'm Noire." She suddenly said, offering him her hand. "What's your name?" The girl looked a bit shy, looking slightly away from his eyes.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 12:38:08 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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She had seen Noel fight before. If Erica was to win then closing distance would be of the utmost importance. So the Spirit Vessel launched herself forward straight at the blonde as part of the Mantle morphed into the Needle and released a flood of projectiles at Noel.


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The purple leaned into his embrace, pushing her large breasts against him as she met his gaze with curiosity. "No there's also this handsome and horny fallen angel guy who keeps touching me in suggestive ways but never goes for the prize. Now I don't really mind that but really Gaddy, if you're that interested in me there's no need to hide it~ Having one Noire is enough, I wouldn't have time to tease them all. Hehehe..." Neptune laughed a bit at the absolutely amazing joke she had made.


"We were in public." As if that explained everything well enough. "And while I care little for such things on my own, I would rather not offend the delicate eyes of the humans around us if I can avoid it." Not that there was anything aesthetically offensive about either of them, but humans were strangely fixated in this era on obscuring sexuality from their young offspring.

He was a considerate traveler in their lands.

Then again the young goddess had a point. The reasons to hold back weren't here anymore, and now that he could gently place the sword she'd picked up back down... well, he was a fallen angel for a reason. He would have to ask who this 'Noire' was later after he came up for air.


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That coward. Fight against her when it's good for her, but get away when it's not so convenient? It had been a while since he felt such a contempt towards anybody. Using cunning was fine, but just backing away from a fight like that not. The struggle was an important part of the nature. The prey struggled to survive, hunters struggled to chase down the prey and those on the top of the food chain still struggled to keep their dominance. If Rikuyo picked a fight against Oren against her will, she'd have some understanding for her trying to escape, but she challenged her and couldn't just go and quit without being an utter coward.

The atmosphere in the street was thick from the tension as Oren roused Rikuyo's anger. The golden haired fighter jumped high into the air, and charged a powerful attack into the direction of Oren. Before Oren would bury herself too deep, she would unleash her wrath!

    Celestial Wolf Star

Rikuyo screamed with fury as she released a potent beam of chi towards the land dragon. As she no longer needed her agility, she transformed into her red wolf form, amping its power as much she could without driving herself into complete physical exhaustion. Her form that surpassed gods would be wasted on such a lowlife after all.

The tip of the energy beam took shape of a raging wolf's head, swallowing everything in its path.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 02:55:39 AM by Sinib »


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Tch. How inconvenient. She barely destroyed the obstacle that threatened to crush her and that lowlife's puppet rushed into the fray to catch her off guard. She called out mentally to Katase to summon one of her puppets for a brief moment so that Mitsuba could buy a little time to get away from Ignis through her propulsion.


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Gabriel chuckled to himself as Annabeth made her hasty retreat.  Part of him wanted to wait for a little while and then shadow by her side, just to see her reaction.  You know, it would be fun to do, just to push her buttons.

It wasn't as if he had anything better to do at the moment, and it was a pleasant distraction from his increasing worry about this godmother's increasingly black mood, which he couldn't honestly do anything about. 

So he pondered what he should do next while lacing up his shoes.


"You know what?” Joe said, looking back into her face after Rin kissed him.  He lightly scratched his cheek.  “My apartment is nearby, why don’t we get you some clothes.  I umm… think I like that outfit too much..”

Rin frowned and looked down at her tank top and shorts.  "Wait, you're getting excited because of my workout clothes?" Rin said before a devilish gleam appeared in her eyes.

"If you're excited by this, then I don't know if you could handle how I normally dress."


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Wow, bullshit. Surely there was something abnormal about her Pokemon, the more she observed it. Maybe just her society is in huge denial about their nature. Do they even mistake daemons, nature spirits and apparitions for something else and classify them as Pokemon? Honestly she wouldn't be surprised at all.

Her Meowth got off-guard as it got repelled by the forcefield. The watergun sprouted the feline mercilessly right into the face. Would it get up after such a blow?

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Sakura and Shirou

Shirou looked at the man with confusion.

"No, just Shirou is fine", he replied. "There's no need to be formal."

Meanwhile, Sakura, still stroking and cuddling the happy creature, responded to Julius' question with a smile.

"Of course you can stroke him", she replied.