Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43703 times)


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"Uhhh, whom do ya mean? Pals who are guys? I think there was a lots of them. Let me remember, I've been around for quite a loooonnnggg time. With some break. I mean, I was born a spirit, then I got stuck in this body, and apparently it has been thousand years since I reincarnated. But it's weird, I don't remember how exactly that happened, it must've been some memory loss." Rikuyo explained to Costin, still not exactly understanding what she meant.


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The vampire blinked and burst into laughter, giggling in her pillow as if she heard something really funny.

"Sorry, sorry. Jeez, you're kinda clueless. I'm talking about b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d-s. Y'know, guys you dated, or screwed, or both! C'moon, surely someone with your looks would've wowed all the guys out there."


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"Ohhh, right! But, does my previous life count? You see, spirits ain't too consistent about that. My Ma who fucked my Pa then was a father to some of my half-siblings. Honestly I don't really remember exactly whom I was originally. But yes, my first 'boyfriend' was one of my half-brothers. I'm pretty sure though we switched roles at some point." Rikuyo casually talked about having fun with her close kin like that. "But now I'm a human, a girl, and I'm into guys. I think I could transform maybe but I simply don't feel like it."


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Costin's eyes widened up and she gave Rikuyo an odd look. Even by her standards, this was a little much. Torturing and raping others was okay, as was self mutilation, maiming and auto erotic asphyxiation. But this sounded like some really sick perverted shit. Didn't she have a bit of modesty?

Even she would think twice before feeling up a family member.

"Wow. That's pretty messed up." She said casually. "I mean, even if it's just your half-brother, sheesh... Oh well, not that I can judge."

And all this talk about spirits and past lives confused her honestly. Well, she could be some god or something, or she might just be crazy. Either way, she didn't really care, she looked strong and like to eat people, and that's all that mattered.

"Besides, there's no way you'd be human. I mean, normal people don't just transform like that, not as far as I know."


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"I've a body of a human, unless I transform. I guess I'm both a human and a spirit, in a way. I don't think I'm really inhuman, to be honest. Some humans are born hunters. And vampires are dead humans who still walk, basically? I think somebody is a human as long as they have something human about them. So yeah, I'm a human, just with a soul of a spirit. Or a god, somebody could say. It's not like it's something grand. An old tree can be inhabited by a god." The redhead explained. Being human was not about a morality or being completely mundane after all.


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Now, the poor vampire looked painfully scared, like someone who just realized there was a bomb about to go off right in front of her. Honestly, she didn't mind bombs blowing her face off, at least compared to rants.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, you're gonna give me a headache." She whined. "I really don't care if you're a god or whatever. Well, hmm, I never did try to kill a god. I wonder if they bleed nicely like other humans."

The poor vampire was now busy thinking herself, wondering on the possibilities. Argh, now she was giving herself a headache. She shook her head and chuckled, there was no point in ever questioning it. It didn't matter if you were a god, a monster or a human. She'd kill them all the same.

"Well, your turn. You got a question? Shoot. We got some time till the sun sets." She said with the most adorable smile.


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"Huh. Do ya want to fight me, then?" Rikuyo asked a simple and quite obvious person. "I'd be really happy to accept the challenge, but I thought that maybe we should paint this city red first together. Ya know, it's rare for me to find someone who shares similar interests. A lot of people just hold back themselves, as if they were afraid to cross some stupid line."

Really, even so called 'monsters' were sometimes so restrained that it was quite unbelievable. Maybe they should show them their place together.


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The girl's pillow covered her mouth, so Rikuyo couldn't see the expression of her mouth. It was a terrifying smile, with teeth as sharp as a knife bared as if she was about to jump at Rikuyo and rip her throat off. But  no matter how bloodthirsty her smile was, nothing, nothing could ever match the killing intent in her eyes.

It was just like two red knives stabbing the girl over and over again, you could almost feel it like a tangible aura. A murder of crows flew away immediately, as if fearing for their lives. To say the air was cold was an understatement, this murderous intent was something that was beyond any mortal creatures, an irrational desire to kill and maim and destroy without discrimination.

She didn't even need to ask. Her answer was as clear as a sea of blood. Yes. Yes. YES!!

"Fwahahaha! I like the way you think. Yes, let's paint the whole night sky with blood. I can't wait!"

She inhaled a good deal of fresh air, then rolled her way out of the bed, holding up a finger to Rikuyo. "Wait a sec." Then, she walked down the kitchen, opened her freezer and readied two glass cups, filling them with her favorite brand of ice cream. She shook the can of whipped cream and put some on both cups before topping it all off with some syrup.

Nothing wrong with a little treat after all that. Two cups and a spoon in hand for each, she walked back to her friend and handed her one.

"To our new wonderful friendship." She said with the most sincere, wonderful smile.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 08:33:45 PM by francobull3 »


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Joe followed Schorl to the table, sitting down right next to it like it was a person.  He moved his butt around in the seat until he felt comfortable.  Then, he flashed Rin a giddy smile and said, "Oh no, I would die without my sushi."

He rested one elbow on the table and extended one hand to Schori.  "If I didn't know any better, Id say you were preparing a feast," he said, maintaining his stupid grin.


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Maybe Rikuyo couldn't see the facial expression hidden behind the pillow, but she could feel her murderous desires so clearly. It's been a while since she met someone with such a sharp urge for a murder. She felt so fortunate that she met she actually bothered to pretend in order to lure a certain weakling into a trap. Without that, she wouldn't end up in that back alley and wouldn't draw her attention. Honestly, if their genders were opposite, this could have been more than a friendship, Rikuyo idly thought.

Then, her new friend brought some ice-cream to celebrate their meeting. "Oh great, another vampire I know is just obsessed about blood and doughnuts. You like more variety, don't you?"


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Costin put a finger on her chin and smiled teasingly, like if she was thinking aloud.

"Mhhh, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't." She said with a devious smile. "I'll be honest, I'm a picky eater. I mean, just because I'm a homicidal maniac doesn't mean I can't have standards."

Suddenly, she raised her finger and put it right in front of Rikuyo's face.

"One! I don't believe in killing women or children. Kids can grow to become strong warriors worth killing, while women can give birth to strong warriors. Two, I can't stand the taste of mundane civilians. They just taste so bland, going after some average schmuck without any will to fight is no different than drinking piss. Three, no soldiers and policemen. Like, you know, just going around killing some schmucks is all fun and games, no biggie, but there's no reason to go after normal people defending their country and homes. Sheep just following orders and trying to protect themselves aren't that fun honestly. Doing something like that would just make me a murderer, yknow? Of course, it's fine if they take the first shot."

She stretched back and groaned a little, like all this talking was making her a bit tired. Honestly, she wasn't used to chatting this much, it was good to have someone with whom she could talk about this sort of stuff. She was really glad she hadn't killed her just yet. She sighed and carried on, like she was talking about the weather.

"Well, killing anyone else is fine. It sounds restrictive, but there's lots of people practically asking for you to bite their face if you know where to look, especially in this city. Though there's one type of meal I just can't resist, the sort that makes me feel all tingly inside." Suddenly, her eyes and smile turned more bloodthirsty, happy, as if she was recalling a fond memory of a kill well savored.

"Y'know, the meat that I love killing the most, the ones that really make me jazzed. They never see it coming."

With that, she swiftly struck her target and took a big spoonful of Rikuyo's ice cream, teasing her like she planned this prank all along.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 01:51:53 AM by francobull3 »


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"Right, right, it's not a disaster." She petted Breeze on the head as she was in panic over what she should do next time. "You can do over again, and do better next time. Should I join in? You might get bored if you play alone, right?"


Sakura, who had been silently enjoying the show of Breeze learning how to play arcade games, finally moved into action and "gently" (not really) slapped Breeze on the back. "It's alright. You just died and got a game over. If you insert another coin likeso..." Sakura said and inserted a coin into the machine, causing the game to resume where she had been previously. "It starts right back up. Pretty neat, right?"

Auspicious Breeze

"Uuhh...." Well, the petting did make her feel better. A little bit. Breeze couldn't help but pout for a moment though. "I guess... wait, you mean more than one of us can play?" That made her perk up to think about. Also the cool thing with the coins Sakura was doing! "Ah, thanks! Come on, can we all play together then?"

Three girls was better than one!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 01:34:29 AM by Aiden »


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She glared at him a bit as he chuckled at the effort she had put in. Just because he was a dirty cheater with no air meter. She'd show him not to mess with the goddess of Planeptune. She just needed to find a game first.

The thing he said at the end though, was nothing unexpected, still she wasn't really comfortable heading down that route just yet. "I appreciate it Gaddy, but I just can't do it after one little date.... Tehe." The purple haired goddess made a really silly face as she said so.


Immediately, he stopped pushing. Mostly. "You are a marvel of mixed messages, miss." His words had nothing to do with an appreciation for appealing alliteration. None whatsoever, truly. "And yet, I shall concede... for the moment." After stealing one more peck on the lips. "Starting now."

As for games, well he certainly did have a television and what appeared to be some form of cabinet inside the stand on which it rested. He said nothing about the odd systems of entertainment that had been deposited there by Lucy over the course of months on some occasions in which she dropped by (frequently).

Umbra of Chaos

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"Quality? Hmm. I don't think I've every encountered a quality kill before" Which was true in a sort of sense. There had been ones that put up just a bit more of a struggle. Kind of creative too. Some people could really think outside of the box when they realized guns didn't work, but in the Nexus there was all kinds of hassle.

"So, uhh, sorry again about the whole scare thing. Most of the people that I know are pretty fine with a jumpscare every once and a while. Not really used to other people's take on it." The girl scratched her chin for a bit before shrugging.


As the needles failed to do much of anything at all Erica simply switched them back to the Claws. She continued her rush until the array of lasers came flying at her, but she dashed to the side. The Spirit Vessel didn't slow down in the slightest as the attacks pierced through black afterimages and instead began to use the Mantle to defend against other incoming attacks.


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The dark one's face flushed like a tomato when she suddenly grabbed his nose. "Erm, o-okay. If you say so!" He tried to muster, and perhaps even succeeded. He looked away, gazing down at his own two feet, then looked back at her, his tone and expression suddenly more serious.

"Still, I am too weak. Combat isn't in my nature, nor do I have any interest in power. However, I need to become strong if I want to protect anyone."

His thoughts trailed back to the earlier clash his previous self had against that girl. It wasn't solely about keeping the city safe from such outbursts, but as long as she roamed free and unchecked, he wouldn't be able to find peace.

He smiled and rose from his place, putting the sandwich bag in a nearby garbage bin. Then, he turned to Rafalia.

"I have fought little in the last few hundred years. Would you humor an old god's request and spar with me? I find that I have yet much to learn."


Now Methuselah was speaking of matters which she knew as duty. Matters she had not attended to - not needed to attend - for a span of time which seemed longer than the melancholy it brought her. But a tree did not forget the shape of its rings.

"I will let you know, though I am rusty, I have not gained any mercy." She folded her pack of treats up before stuffing it inside her uniform jacket and coming up next to the dark god without a single rustle from the grass.

She leveled a dark gaze at him, flipping her twisted blade around her left hand like a master larcenist. "Lesson number one," she began, letting an anxious smile grow from her lips. "In a true battle, there is no surrender and no escape. You will suffer defeat before dishonor."

With a chuckle, the Warmain's knife disappeared into her sleeve, and she spun around Methuselah to jump on his shoulders. "But this is secondary to purpose. And to what is at the heart of war. When you must continue, retreat, but die for the cause before living in shame. And leave no arm or comrade behind."

She petted his hair again, like a mentor acting motherly over the face of a devil. "Now, as you think on that, let's go find a better place for this."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 03:46:59 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts