Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43705 times)


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"Sushi hmm.  Well, I might have to do that for you if you continue to be in my good graces," Rin said as she started laying out ingredients.

Schrol looked up at Joe and titled his head in a meaningful manner.

"This isn't a feast.  It's a proper meal," Rin said with a grin as she went to grab some rice as well.


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He called this a 'mere grudge'? He was the one who wanted to steal Muramasa away. She had enough of this man's bullshit. Her against his puppet succeeded, so Mitsuba exploited her chance. It wouldn't be a manner of execution that Muramasa would desire but she ought to be careful and not storm him head on. Thus, she took another gamble. This trick could attract attention of things with whom she wanted nothing to do but a potent distraction could tip scales into her favor. Thus, she used her Exploit to stage an accident. Usually fatal for mundane people, but some of people were somehow protected by the fate even if they didn't deserve such protection at all. This scum most likely belonged to such an category.


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The man bit his lip as he listened to the skelleton's passionate words of motivation.  Yeah this had to be a dream.  He probably went over to his freinds house after the match, got drunk, passed out and now he's having some sort of weird sex dream.

Then, there was only one thing to do.

The man looked down at his crotch, staring at it with strange concentration.  GROW!  GROW!  I COMMAND YOU TO GROW!  The tapped out appendage followed his mental signal, growing with adequate strength.  Although, for some reason it felt sore.

Medaka didn't really care what the two were talking about.  Instead, she was fixated on Lorenzo's flamming rod. She reached down and tried to grasp it in her hands.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 10:52:48 AM by yinsukin »


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Rikuyo listened to Costin's rant. It was a pretty longwinded one. First, she didn't see why women had to be extempted from a killing list. They were a proof that strong women existed, and in the survival of the fittest women had to also do their best of perish. Though, she would agree about the children, there was so many worthy targets who were adults so she could wait until the prey reached
maturity. Also, she was a murderer either way. That excuse of not going after 'mundane' folk was pretty flimsy for Rikuyo. If they fought back against her for whatever reason, it would just be an insult to not reply in kind. And sometimes it was fun to compare how an old fashioned violence would fare against new toys that the humanity invented. This rant was getting tiring for her as well.

And then Costin did something that demanded a payback. Stealing her ice-cream like that was a no-no. So she had to teach her a leason. Rikuyo temporarily transformed, her monkey tail hidden by her dress. Such clothes weren't her style but it was honestly handy that Costin likely wouldn't notice. She attempted to snatch her ice-cream with her superior reflexes and agility.


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Costin blinked in surprise. Crap, she was fast, it took her a moment to realize what happened, and then the horror finally dawned on her. How dare she snatch her ice cream, even if she technically did it first, she would pay!

"Hey! You litle thief!" She suddenly yelled in outrage, grinning from ear to ear with the giddies mischievous grin she could muster.

Without warning or the slightest shred of mercy, she planned the ultimate ruse. Her face turned shocked, almost like she just saw a dragon or something, and she pointed outside her window.

"Huh!? Wussat?"


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Marcus cringed as he stared at the rubble.  He turned around, his eyes widening once more as he gazed on her healed hand.  He walked towards her, his steps soft and delicate even as his shoes clacked on the ground.

With a sudden jerk, he reached out and grabbed her healed hand.  Well ill be damned.  It healed.  After examining it for a few seconds, his head tilted up to face her.  His mouth twisted into a wry smile.  "Your being awfully nice to a guy who just punched a crater in your wall," he teased.  "Being a vampire must be pretty lonely."


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"Huh, do ya really think I would fall for such a cheap trick? Ya take me too lightly..." Really? She wouldn't really fall for such a simple distraction. She had to try harder.

"Oh, yeah, I don't entirely agree with ya, but whatever floats your boat. So, what we gonna do? Do you know someone we should target first?" Rikuyo got down to the business as she still held Costin's ice-cream bowl hostage.


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Aw, it didn’t work. What a shame, she really wanted to test her new metal bat. Oh well, hm, her question was an important one though. Man, what a pain. She scratched her head, trying to figure out something.

“Nope, I got nothing.” She finally sighed. “Well, hopefully someone strong. Just ripping weakshit fodder to shreds gets old pretty fast. That’s like, doing all the work myself. Love is all about giving and receiving, you know?”

Pondering some more, she put a finger on her chin before falling back on her bed, then she stretched as if she was making a snow angel.

“Hm, you said you knew some people who were fun to fight. Got any ideas?”


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"Oh, if you want to fight some vampires, I know a few. There is Shinobu against whom I fought once. To be honest, I lost against her, so I'm not sure how well ya would do against her, she grows back her body faster than you. But she turned a quite strong human recently, her kid could be a fine challenge. There is another vampire I know, but she's a loser who relies on mind reading. No honor and dignity." Rikuyo's mood soured noticeably when she remembered Forest. Even worse than that stick wielding guy. "There are also Elites or how they're called. I wonder if the name is just for a show or if they're really strong. So many choices, but such a short night..."


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Jeanne flicked Sakura's head gently as the purple haired woman leaned too close to her in some attempt to pull a joke on her, not happening on her watch. "I'm not telling just yet, you'll have to wait and see Sakura. Could it be you're that anxious over it?" The blonde servant teased her back as the two of them made it down the hallway.

Sakura Matou

Sakura deftly dodged Jeanne's flick, almost as if she'd been expecting it. She smiled, and the giggled. "I'm not anxious at all, not one bit. I was just curious. You did say that he was grabbing your ass like a voracious animal, didn't you?"

"It sounded like you were enjoying it, you know. What would your followers say to you if they heard about this scandalous conduct?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Relius Clover

The girl did not respond.  Hmph.  Now I am beginning to crave Vanguard's company. The scientist thought to himself as he let out a sigh.

All of the sudden, several large boulders fell from the sky.  As Relius looked up to adress the threat, he noticed they looked like pieces of the now destroyed Cafe.  With a powerful leap, he jumped backwards, using his ars to propel him farther back.  He tried to make it look natural but if the assassin girl was extremely familiar with magic, she might notice the feint glowing residue coming from his cape.

"So was all that talk of covering mere posturing?"


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Was this their chance? Anastasia decided to gamble the outcome of the duel on this golden opportunity. If Meowth could counterattack effectively, it could deal a pretty serious blow to its opponent. "Alright! Turn around and counterattack it! I count on you!"

Oka and ze Pokeymanz

The Meowth scratched at the opponent in lieu of a better command. The Wooper cried out, and looked sad, but remained awake. "Good job Wooper, just a little more! Water gun!" The pokemon blasted meowth one last time, knocking him out.

Oka pressed a button on her pokeball, returning Wooper to its home.

"You did well for a completely new person, you have a good knack for strategy." Oka said, complimenting Anastasia.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Costin hummed affirmatively and listened along, taking in all the information. She knew about the elites, but she wasn't really interested in fighting them. Last one who went after her started out mildly interesting, but then he just had to make it about justice this, justice that. Seriously, why put ideals into what was just supposed to be a fun hobby?

Kinda made it awkward when she ripped his eyes out of their sockets and ate them right in front of his comrades. Almost made her feel like a bad guy!

Well, that mind reading vampire sounded like a total bitch, so it's not like she didn't get where Rikuyo's sourness came from. Why bother mind fucking someone when you can fuck their brains with an axe? Oh well, at least the other two sounded interesting, she might just give it a shot some other time. Maybe, just maybe one of them could satisfy her.

One out of two aren't such bad odds when it comes to this. With that out of the way, she sighed and looked back at the clock. Still too early, huh?

"It doesn't matter if it's short." She said nonchalantly, letting some of her boredom slip through. "Trust me, after you've lived a hundred years, you learn that  an hour more or an hour less isn't that big of a deal. It's not about how much time you have, but how you spend it."

She smiled the sort of smile that makes a smile worth protecting, and suddenly she rolled back to her friend in a sudden motion, clasping her hand between her hands and locking eyes with her.

"Let's make the most out of this wonderful night, okay?"
« Last Edit: March 08, 2017, 07:25:18 PM by francobull3 »


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What? A goddess. That was absurd, there was nothing abnormal about the twintailed except maybe for her sense of dress. He took a step closer to Noire as he begun questioning her. "You, a goddess? Do you have any proof of that? Cause you seem to be just a bit too weak and well normal for that." If this proved to be true.... Well there was a lot of things that could mean. Things which would change his plans. His attention had now shifted entirely to the self proclaimed goddess to such a degree that he did not even take note of the coward fleeing the scene.


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Huh? Was it really that weird? Sure, she hadn't believed Neptune, but that was because Neptune was nothing like a real goddess! It didn't make sense! Still didn't, to a degree. Neptune and Plutia acted so un-goddess-like that it got infuriating. She didn't know how Histy could bear it.

"Not right now, no. Nobody believes in me here.  In order for me to access my powers, I need share energy, see the problem? I'll be happy to show off my CPU form once I gather some shares. It's like magic but instead of mana it runs on the beliefs of others." Noire explained.

She instinctively leaned back a bit. He was getting a bit close. She didn't really want to ignore Jasey, but this intentness was... just a little bit unnerving. Especially without her powers. She felt vulnerable.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end