Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43740 times)


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Neptune pulled away from him with a smile "Hah you you're so a horny fallen angel." She then went straight for his television to look for any games he had hidden in his cabinet. She bent over further to have a better look, her clothes riding up over her butt to completely expose her panties as she did. Hah, he was a total closet gamer, GTA V, so they make that here too.

The purple haired goddess then suddenly spoke up as she was searching through his collection. "And just how many virgin goddesses have you banged on the same day you met them?"


"Well I did fall for a reason." He confessed that much easily enough, while idly taking in the sight provided to him for a moment while she ransacked his entertainment systems for her own amusement. She would find he had a number of games suited to multiple players as well by virtue of Lucy's continued frequent residency. Most of them were violent in some fashion; it was a quiet vice of his.

Her follow-up question was even more amusing though. And surprising. "A virgin? Truly? You are certainly a confident one if you have held such an Artemisian standard for so long as I suspect you have been around for." Though from what she had said it was more a lack of opportunity than anything.


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"Really?  Well, maybe I can drag you back home with me in exchange for that wall," he said with a chuckle.

Then, all the sudden, his smile faded. He took a big gulp of his drink and said.  "Where is this city?  It seems strange ive never heard of it."


Joe tossed the carrots in the wok and grabbed an onion.  As he took his first slice down the middle he said, "Well, you already know I like athletic gear.  But im also a fan of the librarian look."

He placed the flat half on the table and began delivering quick cuts to the vegetable. "Wait, so what do you like on men?"

Shoot!  Maybe I shouldn't be encouraging her to be thinking of other men.  He thought as the words escaped his mouth.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2017, 04:21:45 AM by yinsukin »


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest chuckled as well and replied, "Well, you could try.  This is Nexus City, and . . . it's a very long story.  It's nowhere and everywhere."

She sighed as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.  "Do you want the short version or the long version?"


"Librarian look?" Rin asked and then she giggled.  "That's more conservative than what I like to wear."

She fed Schrol a piece of shrimp and then looked back at Joe.  "Mmm, suits!  A well dressed man cuts a nice figure.  Jeans and baseball shirts are nice too."


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"Heh." She chuckled, finding her new friend more and more amusing by the second. But alas, she noticed something was amiss, like a great tragedy was about to unfold. Unwilling to have such a terrible thing happen to her dear friend, she pointed to the ice cream cups and warned her.

"Hey, you know, its gonna melt if you don't finish that quick."


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"No where and everywhere huh?" He pondered aloud.  He placed the now empty glass of whisky on the table.  "Well, ive never been a good listener, so ill take the short version."


Joe paused when she mentioned that her normal outfit is less conservative.  Now he was really curious.

"Oh nice," he responded trying to be nonchalant.  His 'other' head popped up between his legs. "I actually have both at home.  Although, in a large mansion like this, there are probably some outfits like that lying around right?  Maybe we could play dress up later."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

Forest bit her lip and refilled his glass.  Hopefully he's not a lightweight, but being slightly sloshed might mean he'll handle the great bloody bomb I'm about to drop on him.

Since after what Forest had dubbed the "Vermilion Incident", she hadn't gone out of her way to help newcomers in the Nexus after Gadreel.   There was no taking in foundlings like Saber, explaining things, and helping them get on their feet again.  Other than stealing from the mob after thrashing them, she hadn't really done any hunting either.

There was no reason to.  Or rather the underlying threat was obvious.  Keep this up and we'll find a way to end you.

"Nexus is a place between worlds, between realities really, and for some reason it sucks places, people and things here," Forest said in a somber voice, "And once you're sucked here . . . no one's found a way to get back home yet that I've heard of.  Kind of like Hotel California."


Rin gave Joe a Look when he suggested they play dress up.  Part of her cheered, thinking it would be fun, while another part warned her to slow down.  Even though stopping Joe from doing something she didn't want him to was a non-issue - she had a feeling even without using any magecraft she'd beat him to a pulp - him getting too eager could be dangerous.

"Kimonos are nice too, but they take a while to get on," Rin said with a shrug, "And I'm probably sure that none of my brother-in-law's clothing would fit you.  It would just be too big and that wouldn't be any fun."
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 02:53:44 PM by Elf »


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There was a pause, a second where time seemed to stand still.  Marcus stared at Forest with a blank stare, taking in what he just heard.

Getting stuck in some pocket dimension was fine.  That sort of thing happened occasionally back home but he can't leave?  What about all the friends he made?  What would happen to the world he left behind?  No... That wasn't what really mattered to him.

Marcus's head dipped downward.  He stared at his empty glass.  "Damn it... and I was just starting to enjoy life," he muttered to the glass.

He got up and walked over to a crow ornament at the edge of the bar.  He softly stroked the top of its head as if it were alive.  "So i'm all alone again."


Joe tilted his head at the look Rin gave him  He wasn't exactly sure what that meant.  Unsure of how to inteprat that, he turned his attention back to the onions,

"Wait, your sister is already married?" he asked, finishing all the cuts to the onion and tossing them in the wok.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 03:02:56 PM by yinsukin »


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Oh wow. This Noire seemed a lot more laid back. Jasey was pretty sure that if that question had gotten asked earlier the other girl wouldn't have been nearly as okay with it. Or maybe she would have. The teen really didn't know the other girl that well.

Jasey tilted her head a bit in a questioning pose. "So how strong are you now?"


The white haired goddess begun floating about a foot above the ground as she answered their questions. Interestingly enough she wasn't embarresed by his comment and even gave a concise answer. "That being so does not change them having a near perfect size and shape." He answered back.

Jasey did bring up a good point however, she did seem fairly strong. So he might as well try out just how strong. "Would you like to have a spar with me Lady Black Heart, you might serve as a nice warm up now." A slight smirk present as asked the question.

Lady Black Heart of Lastation

Lady Black Heart let out a spirited laugh at Jasey's question. "As I am now, I'd have easily defeated your other form without much difficulty at all. It takes more than that to overpower a goddess!" She boasted loudly, utterly unashamed of her self-aggrandization.

"And I would love to spar with you, William." She replied, reading her weapon. "We should start now though, I won't be able to maintain this for too long right now."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Vanguard was walking quite lightly along the city, seemingly taking a mere stroll as men of his age wont do.  His smile, much like his step, was quite at ease, as if his mind was astray and looming elsewhere. And yet, his eyes couldn’t be any more determined.

He did not imagine that little girl could prove so devious. To think someone would plot against him, could it be someone disliked him already? It could have worked, if anyone in this city could do it, it certainly wouldn’t be William, but her.

However, she had most certainly chosen the cruelest of handicaps. He wasn’t so kind as to gift a body and to expect nothing in return. In this case, her eyes and ears would do for now. Sadly, he didn’t plan on letting her know just yet. Besides, he had to say he was curious to see just how far she would go.

If that was her blade’s ambition, he would certainly welcome it with open arms and destroy it.


Ah, but before that, there were more curious happenings in this city, matters he ought to take care of. How deplorable, for him to have to come back and see her under this wretched form. Ah, but if he waited too long, he might not get another chance. His time was trickling down, wasn't it?

Well, it didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. As long as his goal wasn't reached, he wouldn't die. Of that, Vanguard was blindly certain to the point of delusion. Despite that, the possibility of him being defeated did not escape him. He was hard pressed, with his back against a figurative wall, and the meeting of that deplorable man only cemented this.

But it was in times like this that heroes would triumph against impossible odds. To do any less would be a mockery to all those who once and still believed in him. He couldn't allow such a thing now could he?

Well regardless, now was not the time to trouble himself with such affairs, so as calmly as ever, he directed himself to the manor where he once was summoned. It wasn't a bad time to meet an old friend.

"Fu fu fu..."


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"My followers....After I got burned, they started doing strange things. One of them lost his mind and starting using children as musical instruments. I'm sure that's not a story you'd like to hear." Jeanne answered Sakura after taking a moment to think. Having continued walking throughout, The two of them was almost upon the room were Shirou was presumably resting now.

Sakura Matou

Sakura shook her head. "No, I don't think I'd like to hear about that either." She wasn't a fan of child abuse stories, especially now that she had a child of her own on the way. No good.

Sakura then crept up silently to the door and cracked it, perking on her husband. Just as Jeanne had predicted, he was splayed out on the bed, snoozing away, presumably naked by what she could see of him. The thought of him naked made her smile and blush a bit. Sakura silently closed the door, turning back to Jeanne. "I think we should let him sleep. He probably had an exhausting day, hehe."

"Would you like something to eat? I can cook you up something nice!" Sakura said, hoping she'd say yes.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The girl's question didn't even give the slightest bit of pause to the immortal, though the question wasn't one he'd been expecting to hear so soon.

"You still have a ways to go before you would be ready for that," Michael said with a chuckle and a warm smile, patting Meti on the head, "We will discuss this once you've reached that point."

One of the rides screamed past them, metal on metal amidst cheers and cries of joy and terror alike.

"Now, if you hadn't eaten as much as you did earlier, this would be quite enjoyable, perhaps exhilarating even," the immortal said, "However, I'm hardly one to pass up on an opportunity, so you can see this as a test of whether you'll be able to keep hold of what you just ate."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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Vanguard finally arrived at the gate and took a deep breath. Well, here came the hard part. Glancing left and right to make sure no one was watching him, he finally reached for the gate's doorbell and rang it.

Now, don't keep me waiting too long.


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"Right, right, it's not a disaster." She petted Breeze on the head as she was in panic over what she should do next time. "You can do over again, and do better next time. Should I join in? You might get bored if you play alone, right?"


"Hey hey no fair." Sakura complained. "I wanna play!" She made a pouty face at Mordred. "Don't hog Breeze all to yourself!"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"So, let me guess, Pokemon vary depending where they live, right?" Anastasia made an educated guess. She had fought monsters, so she knew firsthand that some creatures prefered some type of environment over another. "I doubt we have time to go outside the city, but a city park would be a better place to spot more? If I'm not mistaken we could find one of those Woopers near a pond or a river?"

Umbra of Chaos

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"Yes, an idea such as that does sound prudent. This city is too large and diverse for any singular, stringent organization to keep the peace. The sharing of legitimate information is also a major priority. I would be honored to take part in such a group, but I must decline any official decision. Paladins are not to be beholden to any group, but if you ask for my aid at any time you will have it, Lord Julius." He nodded to emphasize his agreement with the idea.


Huh, so they were gonna fight? Cool. Spider popped in on top of her head again as she took a seat on the ground. "Hey, try to slow it down a bit at the end if you're really fast, alright? It's annoying just watching blurs or nothing whirl around."