Author Topic: Cross Effects 3.0 - June 23, 2016—April 02, 2018  (Read 43813 times)


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As Medaka let her words sink in, she lowered her hand to her sigh.  The second the pirate gave her that smart assed response, the young vampire shot him a glare.  "I am happy that you've come back to life, but are you really going to do the same thing again?!"  She yelled.

"Do you know how much I worried about you before?!  All you ever did was run off on your own!  I realize now I am not strong enough to protect you, but at the very least, I cannot let you leave knowing you will make the same mistake twice!"


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She jumped away just after he landed his second blow, putting herself in a ready position with her sword up.

Playing defensive now. Wrong move.

With that the dark mage charged right at her and swiped his arm right before he was within striking range from her.

"Darkness Slash!"

A giant wave of utter darkness shot forwards, the darkness consuming er entire field of vision as it assailed her.

Lady Black Heart

"Shit!" Black Heart exclaimed as the large energy blast came rushing at her. It didn't look like it was that strong, though. So she only did the reasonable thing in this situation. She charged right through it, slicing her way through it, and then charging at William with her sword, intent on getting a hit in on him.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 03:12:17 PM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Michael watched with some curiosity as the silent exchange between them continued, wondering for all of an instant if it would be useful to have something like telepathy. He could get a read off of Meti easily enough, all things considered, but Katase was a sword. There was about as much to read off of her as any other well-maintained weapon when she wasn't using a puppet.

Then what he could see coming off Meti wasn't so reassuring anymore. The girl was scanning the crowd that had stayed behind and had raised her blade.

Pantheon's sake, why here? Too much of a mess if she does it here. There's probably a few dozen fools recording this right now, not to mention any cameras focused on this area, on top of anyone who's called the cops.

The immortal allowed a sigh for all of a moment before he moved, staff flashing to catch Meti's sword arm as she burst into motion and pull her back.

"No, not here. It'll be too much of a pain to clean up afterwards," Michael said sternly, "Do it somewhere quieter if you must."
[8:49:50 AM] Daniel Mahan: He can still get RAEG
[8:49:52 AM] Daniel Mahan: Just better at not loosing his marbles over it.
[8:50:09 AM] Helligator:> losing his marbles over it
                                      I seeeee what you did there

[11:00:22 PM] francobull III: elf, will you do rin?
[11:00:33 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I would love to do Rin!
[11:00:39 PM] Jennifer Bratcher: I'd bend her over and . . .
[11:00:45 PM] francobull III: woah woah

francobulli'd - Today at 4:53 PM
i litterally
not penetration

Sakura Today at 7:09 PM
don't see anything that triggers my gm senses


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If Lorenzo was shocked, he was hiding it superbly well. Then again, his face or expression couldn't betray him in the first place. Of course, that didn't mean he couldn't feel in the first place.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember asking you for anything, especially not protecting me. It's the captain's duty to bear the weight of his crew mates, not the other way around! I don't remember promoting you, or would this be a case of mutiny? Bwahahahahaha!"

Suddenly, he laid a warm comforting hand on her shoulder, the sort you'd give to a dear friend.

"Jeez, you're so hopeless. I'll be fine, I just have some things to take care of. Being too good for your own good won't do you any good, you know? You have your path to follow, I have mine. Besides, apparently I don't die so easily. You're far more amazing than I could ever be, compared to someone like you I'm pretty useless."


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Medaka brushed off the hand on her shoulder.  Then, she cocked her own arm and sent it flying into Lorenzo's bony chest.  With a quick flourish, she wrapped the blanket around her naked form. A gentle breeze caused it to to the side, revealing her legs.

"STUPID!  IM NOT ASKING YOU TO BE BETTER THAN ME!  IM ASKING YOU TO BE BETTER THAN YOURSELF!"  she commanded, her voice ringing through the air like a feint echo.

The young vampire paused for a moment, glaring at him from above.  Then, all of the sudden, her face immediatly broke.  Her furrowed brows softened and her frown loosened into something more neutral, as though she were concentrating on something.  "If you can promise me that, ill let you go," she said softly.

Arch-Magos Winter

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The Nexus was a fascinating place. Large swathes of wilderness, unmapped frontiers, yet so familiar to home what with its neverending cityscape. Trivek closed the notebook after scribbling in a few notes about the variety of architectureal marvels he'd seen. The new pen, this 'ball point' he'd purchased after losing his quill and ink in a particularly embarrassing incident after he'd arrived in a closet (Terrible places by the way closets, even Niv-Mizzets had been a horror show) about oh, half a week ago. At least he'd learned what a cavity search was, thanks to the police force. Nice chaps, them. The Planeswalker snapped his fingers, a small spark of electricity arcing between them. Even more fascinating about being here was the lack of real connection to Ravnica he'd felt even when stranded on the island. He could still feel the rumblings of the mana he'd tapped into there, but couldn't manage to reach it. Curious that.

Humming to himself, Trivek clambered up onto the roof of a building near the forest, waiting for whatever the rumbling in the distance and what had caused the trees to fall to approach.


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The fist struck true and connected with his chest like a sledgehammer, sending him back on the floor like a floored sack of potatoes, though less nourishing. However, the pirate looked stunned, looking up at the girl who had just struck him so.

After he recollected himself, he got back up and wiped the dust off his coat, almost like he never got hit in the first place, or simply didn't care.

"You don't need to yell at me to tell me that, jeez. You really are a bonehead." He said in his usual carefree manner, cocked his own arm and sent a mercilessly gentle  pat on Medaka's head.

"Well, if punching me was all you were after, you could've gotten to the point quicker. Oh well, see ya. Let's meet again!"

With that, he waved at her with the usual grin on his face and walked away, wondering just why did his chest hurt so much.

Ah, I see...

In that case, he needed to become stronger, much stronger. If he could reach for what he was missing, he'd never lose again. Not to her, not to anyone else. But above everything, not to himself. Only then could he truly face her.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 07:59:49 PM by francobull3 »


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka smiled as she watched the back of her former companion fade.  "Good luck captain."

Even if I cannot join you on this journey, I shall forever be your first mate.

The young vampire turned around and began walking in the opposite direction.  She had a long list of things she had to do before she could join him.  Now that Shinobu was resting in her shadow, she can finally start preparations.

Umbra of Chaos

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The man nodded but there was a cautious tone in his voice when he said, "It is a fast approach yes, but I would caution you with patrons. They can be fickle beings, and it is more often than not that they attempt to misuse the institutions they support for their own purposes."

But that did not stop Paladin from giving the man his address in case he require it later. Then he departed, in search of the vendor of the creature that the couple had owned. It was not incredibly peculiar, but he could sense a strange potential in it.

Eventually he stumbled upon what seemed to be creatures similar in nature to the one he saw along with... another Sakura. Or at least someone who seemed remarkably similar looking. This was beginning to become disconcerting.

Yet nonetheless he approached the two and waved a hand. "Greetings, have you two seen any creature resembling this?" He held out his own rough sketch of the animal he had seen with the couple prior.


And so the creature sank halfway into the earth before quickly paddling her way towards the city. Despite the awkward sight of the dragon she was making incredible amounts of progress due to the immense strength of her limbs.

Then she spotted some human on a roof as they neared civilization. Clearly he had been waiting for them! So with a mighty leap she jumped onto the side of the building. Concrete cracked and the wall buckled under her weight and forced but she clung tightly to the side of the building.


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All of a sudden, dozens of chains and weapons made of shadow erupted from the darkness coating the forest, each  moving towards the fae to crush, pound and bind her. Even with her superior speed and agility, this would surely stop any lesser opponent in their tracks. However, Rafalia was no such thing.

In the blink of an eye, despite all the incoming dangers, she crossed the distance between the two and swiftly severed his stone arm from its palm up to the elbow. The god's incredulous expression only shifted to a more worrisome state when it realized what just happened.

He screamed, clutching at the split stump that was once his forearm and trying to keep the darkness from oozing out, nearly writhing in agony, wailing sounds that no mortal could conjure.

"Kh- Damn it..." He grit his teeth, trying to keep himself above the pain, floating away as quickly as he could.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 09:02:39 PM by francobull3 »


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"Yup, that's a lot of change. Should be sufficient." Maybe after they're done she should encourage her to put some of that into a bank. Even with a super strength, just carrying that much money on you all the time seemed to be quite inconvenient. She could have emptied space in her bag for something else if she deposited some of her money in a relatively secure bank. It's not like Nexus was a constant warzone. It could improve, but there were relatively calm places here and there.

"Maybe someone who is quite straightforward in a style. To be honest, you're playing the game for the first time, it's no shame at playing it safe for now. Maybe one of those sword wielding warriors?" Mordred pointed at the selection screen.


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"I think he's punished enough in our bouts." She responded. Then Sakura told her about the powerful presence she felt at the gates. With a powerful possible intruder at the gates it would be best if she secured the perimeter so no harm could come to her master. Yes that action was of utmost importance.

"If it's a heretic I'll smite him in the name of the Lord, Charge!" With that The blonde jokingly ran all the way to the gates leaving her master in the dust.


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As she emerged through the dark wave of darkness, she found herself charging straight into an empty street. When suddenly a voice was heard from right behind her.

"Darkness Slash!"

The former saint had immediately moved tho the side after his first spell. Using the fact it was obscuring her field of vision to move unnoticed in it's wake and thus passing her as she rushed right through it. Then he moved in behind her and used the same darkness move once more.


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Muramasa Katase

This time the demon didn't even have to impose her will on Meti: she'd made the connection all on her own! It was exhilarating, to feel her own instinct flow together into the girl's impeccably trained reflex without any clear line between where one began and the other ended. Katase wanted to follow through with it, to cut someone down and reap their soul, but...

accursed human

The staff-wielding warrior from before stopped them. This made the Muramasa irritated, and more importantly jarred her out of that promising harmony with Meti. "Must you?" The words slipped carelessly past her temporary wielder's lips, though nothing was stopping the swordswoman from speaking too now.


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The purple haired goddess snickered at him. Did he really expect her to believe that lame story. She could smell the make believe from a mile away. The best part was how he wasn't actually that at all. He was something else entirely.

Nevertheless she answered his question with as much cheer as he could muster, maybe she could get through to him by being genuine. "No not really, But I would appreciate it you were more true with you how ya feel and not covering it up and all."


It made her laugh, so this fallen angel would call it a victory regardless of its truth content. Gadreel just smiled at her response right up until she pushed the point a bit more stridently. It was difficult for him to determine what precisely she thought he was hiding this time. He had many secrets and had many feelings built up over the eons after all.

"I suppose I can accede to that much, Neptune. How about this: the winner of the first round gets to ask a question of the other?" Might as well make it entertaining then.