Rin watched as Jeanne approached, being intimidating in only the way that a Servant can.
I'm sorry, but compared to Saber Alter, you're not that scary, Rin thought as she listened to the blonde Servant's words. If Jeanne thought Rin would cower, simper, or even apologize at the might of her sheer holiness or whatever, the Ruler Servant was mistaken. Instead the young magus held her ground, even put Joe behind her just a little bit.
"Fine, then I'll just be aggressive about it. I'm trying to have a date here and I'm kind of really bloody tired of people interrupting it to 'check' on me. Sakura knew why I hadn't shown up for dinner. Did you ask her, or was she the one who prompted you to come and check on me?" Rin said as she folded her arms over her chest.
The cadre of Servants and Emiya-kun, all on Sakura's side, was one of the biggest annoyances in Rin's existence. Stuff like this was one of the reasons she really didn't like associating with them, well, that and this version of Rider was really creepy. And Rin was pretty sure that Sakura, Jeanne, and Emiya were in some weird Ménage à trois that she didn't even want to get into the logistics of.
"I don't think so, but she does sort of look like Jason from the Friday the 13th movies, but female and kind of hot so I figure it's better just to lay down some ground rules for house guests," Forest answered with a shrug.
Then she eyed him, waiting for the fall out and blow up that was to come.
Rhiannon would have blown them off by now, probably looking for something new to kill, Roderick thought as he looked between the two other women. He envied his twin sister's freedom to go around and just be herself. Which meant killing undead things because they looked like people so that was okay for them to die (Rhiannon liked animals over people, and the cleric of her group wouldn't have approved of Rhi being a serial killer).
Roderick didn't have the luxury of indulging in the destructive power of his magic right now, and he felt he was being looked down upon at the moment.
"That this was a dimensional convergence, and currently it traps everyone it pulls into it's domain," Roderick said in a wooden voice.
Gabriel looked at the werewolf and pointed at one of his pointed ears. "I assure you, these aren't a by product of someone's fetish. I can sense things. Don't tell me I do not smell . . . different to you," he said as he met the werewolf's eyes.
Maybe he is new to being a werewolf so he hasn't gotten a hang of his senses yet, Gabriel thought.
He did add, "And no, Annabeth did not give away her location. That was something I was able to find on my own."