Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54490 times)


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Muramasa Katase

He was insulting her? Calling her a child? Her mounting sense of disbelief and fury began to cut through the pure precision of her killing intent. It was starting to become something else because, how dare he?! Her words escaped through Meti's lips. "You've just been beaten down so much you can't even accept your own nature anymore!"

That had to be it. It had to be the case. They were swords. Killing is what they were meant for. They could be other things too, but that was at the center of their existence and anyone who said otherwise just wanted them to hate themselves!


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Auspicious Breeze

Some fresh air ought to do us some good, Breeze thought to herself. She wanted to talk to Sakura anyway after everything that happened before. Not like, necessarily about that but just in general. It was getting really dark out too, which was nice in the warmer summer weather.

Mordred and Oren could probably use some more time to do stuff together since they seemed to be getting closer, anyway! The Solar did her best not to think about what she'd get up to with both of them later on... fufufufufufufufu~.

It wasn't working so great.

But hey, at least they were out and about. Breeze turned to Sakura. "I wish the buildings weren't so high here. You can't even see the sun set right..."


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    • The Law Unto Herself Chronicles: A JukePop Serial

"I might have to keep that in mind, but Sakura would suspect something was up if I just went home and told her I wanted to 'move in with you'," Rin said with a sigh before slumping forward.


"I just don't like being forced down unexpectedly.  I tend to react badly to it," Forest replied before letting Marcus go.  She stood up and stepped away from him.

Then she tilted her head at him and said, "Everything I just did didn't require supernatural strength.  I do plan to teach you, but it won't be entirely fun and games."

She held her hand out to him to help him up.  "And what do you mean don't hold out on you?"


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She kept running through the forest with the werewolf flung over her shoulder, it wasn't that she thought that man would catch up to them, she simply wanted to create as much distance between them as possible.

Eventually she happened upon something she hadn't been expecting. Hot springs, their were hot springs here. Intrigued by her be discovery, the blond vampire approached them. Ah yes this would be perfect, just perfect for what she had in mind.

Shinobu moved forward and then dived into the pool of hot water, dragging Ron along with her.


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Her master without a doubt had some equipment she shouldn't have, the proof was undeniably shoved against her. She didn't pull away from the hug though, Grigori was dfinitely up to something, goading them on like this. "Tell me master, who is responsible for that? Are you harbouring naughty thoughts about us? How very awful of you, I'm so ashamed to have a master this perverted. It truly saddens me , that this fate has befallen me." She didn't sound very genuine as she complained about her current predicament.

Olga Marie

Olga raised her nose at them, her cocks twitching against Saber's belly. "I was, is that a problem for you? I find them very convinent myself. And is having a shameful master really that big of a problem~" Olga asked, pressing herself up against Saber some more and rubbing her self against her for a single moment.

"Will you have to punish your disgusting master...?" She asked apprehensively, as if she wanted such a thing to happen.

The girl shivered as she spoke. She sounded almost mad with desire.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The priest took a deep breath.  No, not yet.

"Yes," he said, nodding in agreement.  "If there is no grail, meeting with another master may help us fill in the gaps. It would also explain why I did not receive information on this city upon my arrival here."

God speaks through signs.  Perhaps he just needed to decode his next message. 


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Joe frowned and said, "Yeah... although it can't hurt to try right?  Besides, if I can work up the courage to at least ask, so can you."
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 10:36:37 PM by yinsukin »


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"Only as eager as one can be when faced with an opportunity like this." The maid said and followed Liam around the corner to the building housing the very dubious liquor store. Not feeling like there would be much point in observing it from the outside she went in, the most violent way she could, by kicking the door off of it's hinges sending it crashing into the room. Unseen by the common eye was the whispy whiteish aura covering her outstretched foot. She lovered it and stepped in through the ruined doorway.

"Ohhh.. what a really nice place you have here~" Her sweet voice did not match the threatening demeaner she excuded, it was a sickening contrast, perverting the very nature of her being.


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Before her attack could connect, her world went white, most of her vision completely blanked by heat and light. The response from the burning skeleton was beyond her expectations, or perhaps simply outside of her single-minded calculations to begin with.

Irene was caught in the devastating wave and swept away like a pebble in a tornado, torn like a ship in a whirlpool by the polar opposite of a sea-bound hurricane. What was left of her landed a ways from Lorenzo with a dry smack, like a kicked piece of coal, and looking very similar to boot.

Searing pain flooded the vampire's senses. Over half of her body had been swallowed by the intensely destrutive wave, consuming skin and muscle, leaving meat carbonized and bones charred, and pieces digested in the flames outright. The pungent smell of cooked flesh filled the hallway alongside the smoke.

A blackened something equally marked by the blaze clattered to the ground next to her prone form, but Irene did not even notice.

Her clothes were torn, burned to ashes or singed at best, as was her hair. Even her deceptively resilient scarf had caught aflame, losing a big piece of its length. Though the bone of her face was partially exposed, her eyes glowered with savage fury that knew no words to articulate its motions. Sparks lit from her grinding teeth and her claws dug trenches into the burned floor.

Irene writhed, threads of trembling flesh forcing themselves to congeal from the wounds even as her blood boiled, leaving fine trails of reddish mist to rise from the undead's frame. It didn't matter how much this was pushing her recovery ability, it was unacceptable. She was not done yet, and would not be done. Hellish refusal to resign burned hotter than suffering of this level. She could block it out, and her inhuman brain supported that decision.

And yet instinctively, she began to focus on repairing what was left of her blackened lungs.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 12:42:02 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Lorenzo Remei

The pirate watched impassively at the destruction around, then noticed the boy. Just before he could do anything, he held his hand out and spoke gravely, ordered him with fierce authority that made his flames look like embers in compare.

"Stop, Mason."

As soon as he said that, the ground beneath the boy crumbled. The butterflies he had released hadn't been sitting around doing nothing, he had already considered the possibility of him interfering. With the ceiling of the floor under the boy shattered, Mason would fall under, only to be cushioned by the rubble. At the very least, the wall of flames he released around his opponent and him once more would completely split the kid from this fight.

"Heh, you're amazing. I didn't think you'd actually make it. But that was crude, even with your crazy strength you should've known better than to come at a swordsman bare handed." He scolded her, but there was no disregard for his opponent in his words. On the contrary, he had nothing but the deepest respect towards this stranger who kept fighting so fiercely, not only as a warrior or a pirate, but as a man.

But it was strange. With her body like that, all it would take would be one more shot to finish her off. Whether she was alive or not didn't matter in the slightest, he was only asked to deal with her. While he was cocky and confident in his abilities, he wasn't blinded by arrogance, he simply refused to take the victory laying bare before him. It's almost like he was striking up a conversation in order to buy time. Almost like he was letting her regenerate.

"I guess in this sorry state, you'll hardly be able to touch me. Looks this is the end of the line, huh?"

He took a combat stance, ready as ever. If this was simply misguided chivalry, he would certainly know better than to give up a decisive victory, even against a woman. But strangest of all were his words that he whispered to her, low enough that no one could overhear as they came right through the embers that surrounded the girl.

"Listen. I'll give you a single chance. The next instant we clash, jump to the right. My attack will fly right past you, use that chance to get in close and blow me away as far as you can. I won't get up for a bit after that. Surely I don't have to tell you what to do then."

Even the most hard headed would be shocked by these sudden words? Just what was that pirate planning? Was he serious, or was this simply an attempt to deceive her and make sure he would not fall into a trap? These questions meant nothing, in the end, only one thing would determine the outcome of this fight.

Would she trust him or not?

Umbra of Chaos

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"I can make portals now! I, uhh, don't really know where to though." She wiggled her hands and then pressed her fingers against the empty air. Then they seemed to encounter some... resistance? Space distorted around her fingers in a rather disconcerting manner until a black outline formed.

In the house a handful of insects dropped dead. A idly made paper crane Liseth had made fell into water. One of her scented candles was snuffed out. And then reality peeled open, like fruit. A gate to another world, wild and fantastic. A dangerous and glorious hedge right in the middle of the room.


She buckled against the force for a moment, but she flawlessly broke the greatness of the strike with a redirection of the blade. It cut her flesh but such a thing was closed quickly. Meti was unphased even as her barely escaped her counterstrike.

Her blade divided the thrown object at her in half, the two pieces slamming against the wall and leaving more damage as the two fighters danced their ways up to the rooftops. "I make no excuses. I kill. It is the only way to perfect the cut. Until death is as natural as breath."

And she finally reached the roof, her blade ready to fight back against another assault.


Oh? So was that the kind of person that the other mage was? A hand ran through Olga's hair as Grigori gave the familiar an inquisitive look. "Your master appears to be a glutton for punishment, Brutae. Are you sure that it would be correct to give her what she wants?"


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Marcus looked away, his eyelids lowering and his curving into a frown.  He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and said, "Sorry, your right.  I should learn to control myself."  Admitting he was wrong was hard, especially with how often he threw his weight around but maybe this was why he always lost.

Or maybe he was just getting used to her.

As he prepared to answer her question, his face hardened.  His eyebrows came down, transforming his defeated frown into a passionate but bitter glare.  "I mean don't hold back.  I want to know everything you know, learn tool you have ever used.  I want to be able to win next time," he said, still laying down on the ground.  He stared at her outstretched hand, wondering if he should take it, wondering if he should trust her anymore than he already has.


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Antonia San Nicolas

Antonia scratched her chin, not entirely sure whether she can fulfill those two requirements. She was a high ranking officer, but even she had superiors who she had to listen to in fear of getting ejected. But as for the "team" part, well, that could use some work but its not entirely impossible. She answered yes on both accounts and then her mouth broke into a smile.

"I assure you, I won't be easily killed," she answered, flourishing her fans again. She was just ever so slightly perturbed by Noel's pistols, not because of their size but because of their impracticality, but Antonia shrugged it off. Whatever works for her. Though, she wondered what Erica would be doing. Was she going to be a part of this brawl or a spectator?

She took the initiative and moved first, dashing towards Noel, swinging behind her, and preparing to deliver a blunt blow to Noel's back.

Noel Vermillion

Noel gracefully lept up into the air, dodging the attack and let out a volley of bullets, flying backwards from the recoil as she did so. She wasn't really aiming to hit her, more to test her ability to dodge. Interspaced at the end of her volley was an explosion that seemed to spawn right on top of the other girl.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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She kept running through the forest with the werewolf flung over her shoulder, it wasn't that she thought that man would catch up to them, she simply wanted to create as much distance between them as possible.

Eventually she happened upon something she hadn't been expecting. Hot springs, their were hot springs here. Intrigued by her be discovery, the blond vampire approached them. Ah yes this would be perfect, just perfect for what she had in mind.

Shinobu moved forward and then dived into the pool of hot water, dragging Ron along with her.


He came back to consciousness when his face hit some really hot water and it went up his nose and he gasped and choked and coughed to get it out. He was flailing around a bit in the not-too-deep springs while his senses got overwhelmed by salts and strangeness. Ron couldn't figure out where he was, or what had happened, at least not until he stopped panicking from that.

And then it made no sense, because the last thing he remembered was he held himself over the edge of the spring was...

"Okay, either I had a really weird dream after I went nuts, or..."

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A thoughtful look came over Rider's face as she considered the girl's request. Certainly she had no desire to fight them, but she was not convinced Sakura had any interest in meeting them.

"My master is unlikely to be interested in discussing the Grail War", she replied. "It's not something she would be interested in getting involved in even if it did exist."

"However, I will ask if she is interested", she added. "If not, then I am not currently busy, so I can provide you with what information I have."

Sakura, I have met another master and servant who would like to meet you, she sent over her mental link. Should I decline, or would you be interested in talking to them?