Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54461 times)


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Lorenzo Remei
"I guess in this sorry state, you'll hardly be able to touch me. Looks this is the end of the line, huh?"

He took a combat stance, ready as ever. If this was simply misguided chivalry, he would certainly know better than to give up a decisive victory, even against a woman. But strangest of all were his words that he whispered to her, low enough that no one could overhear as they came right through the embers that surrounded the girl.

"Listen. I'll give you a single chance. The next instant we clash, jump to the right. My attack will fly right past you, use that chance to get in close and blow me away as far as you can. I won't get up for a bit after that. Surely I don't have to tell you what to do then."

Even the most hard headed would be shocked by these sudden words? Just what was that pirate planning? Was he serious, or was this simply an attempt to deceive her and make sure he would not fall into a trap? These questions meant nothing, in the end, only one thing would determine the outcome of this fight.

Would she trust him or not?


The rage of an extreme battle was still raging through Irene's veins as she forced her sizzling torso up from the floor, but the dissonant message carried by her foe's welcoming stance and whispered message might as well have been a bucket of ice dropped on her head. The pain returned to the forefront of her mind, but her calculating edge reasserted itself.

The vampire put her weight on her right foot as she rose, shakily. She could only cope to regenerate so much, and so her left side was little better than a cardboard cutout right now. Her mobility was extremely hampered. There was nothing to be gained from letting the other side entertain notions of victory or escape (at least based on what he'd seen). The opportunity that presented itself now, however, overturned that conclusion.

With her mindset rebalanced, her awareness shifted back into gear. Blood vessels stretched gruesomely from her poorly knit flesh, wrapping around the object she'd dropped and securing it back on her person.

Then Irene cracked her neck, readying her poorly balanced body for a burst of speed that would decide it. She did not even consider the idea that the flaming skeleton, this undead man, sought to end it by twistedly mocking her. His cocky earnestness and clumsy, bombastic fervor did not go unseen in their bout. And even if it was trickery, she was only going to get this chance once.

Although crippled, she dashed with feral dedication, beelining for him. The instant he made his attack, she would avoid it, and grasp the instant. Her left fist clenched in anticipation, and the air began to leave her lungs, or the better half of a single powerful one, in preparation.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 10:49:05 PM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Lorenzo Remei

Flames roared and danced madly around the pirate, coiling around his large frame like burning gears that ground the rubble into dust and released waves of intense heat scorching all over. Beasts of fire emerged from the embers, from large birds of flame to oxen and even sea life, all these creatures emerged from his body only to twist and contort into his blade, giving birth to three great white sharks.

It was so hot, so bright, that even looking at it was near impossible without risking blindness. The flames just crashed into one another like waves, wrestling like animals until his blade danced in the air, and when the girl came at him to strike, he responded with a charge of his own, running at her with zeal and fiery resolve.

"Let's dance, little lady!" He roared before thrusting his blade at her throat with full killing intent, signaling his creatures behind him to come forth and decimate her as soon as his blade struck true.


  • Sir Bonesington
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Straining her functional limbs, Irene leaped to the side in face of the intimidating onslaught. The blade missed her squarely, overextended into a piercing attack to end her life, with the burning hazards sailing by her with mad threshing, giving her the one instant she required.

The vampire stepped inside his open guard and took a sharp, resounding breath with what was left of her lungs. And a current of energy, as dangerous to her it was to him, rippled through her veins along her arm, focusing on her fist.

"Irene Maiden," she said in that brief moment, before throwing a final, empowered punch at his chest. The Ripple!

A wave of life energy struck Lorenzo with the puissance of the sun, golden sparks and burning force slamming into his body along with the physical force of the blow. Irene's fist pushed him away, bursting from her at the elbow with the remaining pressure she could conjure in her blood, just as it dissolved into nothing.

The vampire ran past him, leaping away and out of the building through a window, with faint expectations that wouldn't kill him. His mien left no doubt he was an unliving creature of some sort, but sunlight might not count among his weaknesses, with how he seemed at home with flames.

Even lessened, however, Irene held confidence it her art's ability to stun him.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 12:10:31 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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He dramatically raised his arm skywards as he made his demands clear as day. "Then you should order everything they have! Clean the house I say. You said you were going to pay for anything right?" Yes this was totally worth it, as for their drinks. "Maybe you even want some alcohol, I know you've been dying to try that out."


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And that was the cue. She pushed her master away hard enough to send both of the other tumbling to the ground in a pile, Olga landing ontop of Grigori. "Ah but you see Grigori, the truth here is that you are the sinful glutton of punishment. And you Master, you need to learn some restraint, I see now that I was clearly lacking in my instruction."

She walked around them as she lectured them. "Are you truly going to fool around with someone you just met? Can you even earnestly say you trust her? In truth, I expected more from the self proclaimed director of humanity's last hope."


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The blonde vampire laughed at his amusing struggle to get the water out. This sort of thing never ceased to be amusing. He appeared to still be disoriented judging by the question he then posed and she intended to draw full advantage of that. "You went into a maddening rage and tried to have your way with poor little me....." She tried to be as convincing as she could.

"... But in actuality, you got destroyed by an ancient warrior And I stepped in before you found yourself in pieces on the ground."


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The priest found himself walking towards the other servant.  "You have already been in a grail war?" he asked, the confusion clearly present in his voice.  Was the war already over?  That statement raised many more questions. 


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Hearing a commotion, the doll lightly tipped on his mighty steed's shoulder.

"Hey, sis, i do you know them? Think they're calling for us?"


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That was fucked up. She might have reaped countless lives over centuries, but wearing something that smelled of blood and looked like a crystallized blood. Not even some mass murderers had such unhinged ideas. Her mind was already thinking how to rid of that woman without breaking her cover.


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"Right, let's get to it. You first, right?" She asked as she was aware that Emily's business probably took priority here.


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Oh. She left...

The warrior didn't care in the slightest, though he did rub his chin to ponder on  what exactly to do next. Catching her wouldn't be an option, however...

Just before he could come to a conclusion, he felt a presence behind him. No, it wasn't quite right. He knew he was there from the beginning, the link was useful for things like that. You could say he only chose to acknowledge his existence.

"Of course not." He answered sheepishly before tossing him a curious blue orb, that of an older acquisition. He turned to the scientist he was already so accustomed to and gave him a curious look. "I tried to contact you prior, but you wouldn't answer. Did something happen?"


The girl grinned as she walked peacefully with her new bat. He looked pretty sturdy, this was surely her lucky day. However, before she could test him on the nearby trees, she heard someone call out to her.

She sighed, how annoying. The two reeked of familiar emotions, but she really wasn't in the mood for playing right now.

Just kidding.

" 'sup?" She asked the angry looking girl with as much nonchalance as you'd give to some retarded toddler, except toddlers are at least useful as shields. She looked more like the thing she'd bash the shield onto.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 02:32:04 AM by francobull3 »


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Antonia San Nicolas

This was going to be a fun battle.

Antonia sprinted across the the length of the building, trying to put as much distance from her and the explosion as possible to escape from the intense pressure and heat generated. She hated open field battles; too obvious and generally too dangerous since it left the threat of other attacks. But this was a different circumstance from the rest, and so, she obliged.

Once she reached the end point of the beginning, Antonia threw some of her arsenal of throwing knives at Noel and sprinted towards her.

Noel Vermillion

Noel shook her head. She'd just shown her ability to create explosions and she tried to put distance between them?

Noel punished the girl's actions by spawning nine or ten explosions all around her in rapid succession, blasting the girl towards the ground. Her barrier easily blocked something as mundane as knives.

Noel was not terribly impressed so far.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The scientist casually held up his palm to catch the orb.  "Interesting.  I never thought you were the type to take from little girls," he remarked, holding the orb up to the sky, as though it were a fine jewel.  His voice has that piercing over polite gradure that was typical of him, but you could tell he was pleased.  "This is quite the interesting find.  How on earth did you end up obtaining only half of this girl's soul? Surely there must be a story that accompanies the acquisition of this... thing."


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"Yes, and it is quite dull and boring. Haven't you learned that answering a question with a question is the height of baseness? Don't change the subject." He said flatly, as unamused by that man's antics as ever. Nay, perhaps even more so now.


Tch, too relentless. He wouldn't be able to use it under these conditions. But more than the situation it was their words that had the demon frown. He launched back, avoiding her range by a hair's breath. He knew these countless clashes would yield no fruit, but that wasn't his goal from the beginning. He just tired to split her from his friend so she wouldn't get caught in the crossfire.

Now, he could fire away freely.

He wouldn't be able to use it at full power, but he didn't care. He'd increase the distance while  relentlessly releasing his energy as waved of destruction to slowly chip away at her, maneuvering around and away from her at fantastic speeds, faster than the human eye could even recognize, and forcing her on the defensive.


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Relius Clover

"As impersonal as ever I see," Relius remarked, placing the glowing orb in his cape.  "You never seem to want to discuss your experiences.  If you are going to be so rude every time I ask, you might as well just allow me to see your memories so I can procure the more interesting stories for myself."

The scientist walked over to the tree that served as a vantage point for the blond vampire.  He glanced upward at the branch, checking it for any possible DNA samples.  "If you must know, I was working on something important."


Medaka sighed, relived at the sound of a voice coming from the body carried by the woman.  Still, she was clearly dangerous.  Even though he was acting calm, the man was probably in danger.  "What are you doing?!  Let him go this instant!" she demanded, walking closer to the girl.  With each step, her foot came down heavier.  Stress was compounding.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 03:30:29 AM by yinsukin »