Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 54416 times)


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"To be honest, I had expected it to be something more... obviously pernicious." He was not so proud that he would not admit to falling prey to false impressions. However, such places as this were almost inevitably magnets for unsavory sorts. "It would be disappointing were it not for this."

This, of course, referring to Neptune's alluring actions. Her caution was unnecessary for one as durable as he, even if he could not exceed her in raw strength while she remained in this form. Gadreel reminded her of both with a squeeze of his arms around her.

It appeared that whomever had reason to respond to Neptune's provocation was biding their time.


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For the first time since he arrived here, the old man smiled.  "That is a similar role as a master," he said.  "Although, I can imagine a court wizard has more of an equal standing with their... client?"  He wasn't entirely sure of the power balance or titles between mages of her world.

Then, he returned his attention to the purple haired servant.  "Even so, I believe talking to you will help me acclimate to my new role," he said, his smile fading into something more neutral.

Master?  Anastasia? he called out in her mind.  Thats right, she wasn't from his world.  She might not know how to respond.


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The goddess felt his firm grip on her back, she relaxed in response to it and allowed him to pull her closer. This was the kind of reaction she'd been goading out of him for a while now. Part of her was flushing from the embarrassment of leading a guy on like this, but it was just so exhiting too. She couldn't stop herself from doing this. And it didn't look like this patrol would bear any fruit at the moment.

"I don't think they're going to show themselves today, it would be for the best if we came back later when we know more. That said, do you want to go back and have some real fun?" she whispered to him, not really keen on their audience listening in on this part.


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Sakura only had one, very simple reaction to what Liseth said.


She did however, take issue with the policeman's insinuation that she did not take care of her tenants. Her brow furrowed and she looked visibly annoyed.

"Look, if something was endangering any of my tenants, I'd be the first to know. I make it a point to do so. I'd know before you people did, and take steps to alleviate it as well." She wasn't going to tell them how she did so, nor the extent of her knowledge. That sort of information came at a price.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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He picked some meat out of his teeth with his nail, uncaring of the shift in atmosphere. "Now that just isn't fair. Do I look that unfair? Everyone wants something. I want food, you want... interesting." He hummed. "Well, it's rude to say that kind of stuff out loud."

"You help me and I'll help you! Easy enough."


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"Tangled feudal relations are not out of norm. I suppose we could be each other's master and servant." Anastasia explained before she heard the voice again. What a conundrum. "Uhh, I actually cannot use telepathy. I think..."


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He narrowed his eyes at the awkward demeanor of the girl, producing a sound of skeptical scrutiny. "Um. I don't think I was that specific, have you... heard that kind of story before?"

Henry's suspicion had reason to fester when faced with that kind of unsubtle feedback, but it looked he wasn't going to be able to follow up on it just yet. His eyes zoomed back to the other woman, and he scratched the back of his head with a mild grimace.

"Look, ma'am? I'm glad to know someone's willing to go the extra mile for that, but I'm trying to do my job here, and your spoken guarantee doesn't give me any certainty people are actually going to be safe," he said, letting out a shallow exhale. "Looking after your own is all well and good, but we've got a lot more than 'our own' to worry about."

The detective covered his chin with his hand, blinking thoughtfuly.

"Though, if you make it a point to be aware, how did you not hear of these things before? I would think that," he spoke, pausing to reach into the papers he brought until getting out the two he was looking for. Henry cleared his throat, then continued. "A 'whole other housing block showing up attached to an empty house that was gone the next day', 'ten or so more doors than there should be appearing in my apartment hall' and some other things, would be reason to think something fishy was happening? Cause that just sounds plain bizarre to me."

What was frightening was known in Nexus City, and so what was unknown could only be more dangerous. That was the overwhelmingly grounded and cautious logic behind those last words.

He gathered the papers and dropped them on his own lap uncerimoniously. "Or do you have - do you know someone here who's an unsupervised inventor?"
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 02:16:41 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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The werewolf heard everything in that conservation. She couldn't exactly switch off her senses that were quite acute even without use of her Gifts to further bolster them. She'd just pretend that she heard nothing, absolutely nothing. But her another concern was the nature of this household. Ms Suzuko had this undead like looking man... speaking of the devil!

"Uh, alright." She had to look up at the man as she was sitting, she would have to look up anyway. Unless she transformed into over 7 feet tall wolf monster. Which would be bad for everyone around involved. So obviously that was out of question. But speaking of questions, she had one in mind.

"Are you by chance Ms. Suzuko's familiar?" She reluctantly asked knowing that it revealed that she was familiar with the supernatural. But she was quite adept at lying that she was a mage. Hermetic style of her ritual magic clearly wasn't something that people expected when it comes to werewolves.


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If his face had a recognizable biology, it would've expressed some slight surprise, but there was nothing to decipher in his skull, bare but for the eyepatch. Someone more familiar with him might have recognized the emotion from the glimmer of his eye and the angle of his head, though that was hardly a possibility for most people.

"No, no. Ms Suzuko is - well, the word does not do it justice but - merely my employer. You may have confused me for a risen servant or the like, but I am flesh and blood. Except for my face, as you can see," he said, ending his explanation with a chuckle. "Are you very familiar with the arcane? Not that it is difficult to get an idea while you're living here."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Well, I'm lonely here.  This place isn't my world or my home.  Back home I was like an orca in a small pond.  Here I'm a bloody barracuda in the Pacific," Forest said with a snort and a scowl.  "I'm lonely, bloody depressed, and too stubborn to get a therapist."

She felt her cheeks warm with borrowed blood and answered his last question, "No, I don't do the occasional hook up, but I'm randy a lot but that's what shower heads and whatnot are for."


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Marcus found himself wearing a big stupid grin as he watched Forest's cheeks grow red.  "Thats a nice picture," he said, allowing a pretty vivid picture of Forest masterbating to fill his head.

Shit she can see that! he thought as his face turned red.  Unfortunately, the image did not fade and in fact he ended up picturing himself popping up behind her, thrusting his cock into her in a surprise attack.  Unsurprisingly a bulge formed in his pants. 

Just then, Forest's words echoed through his mind. First, you need to practice control.

"You know, in my world, I was only ever strong once, when I was told to take down my future friend," he said, trying to keep the image away.  It distorted a bit as his his mind focused on what he was talking about.  "To be honest, I miss kicking his ass.  Its fun to feel strong."


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This defiance was intruiging and very refreshing, it only made her want him more, more. She wanted it all, consume him completely until not one drop of him remained, yes, that was what she truly wanted right now. If only he could turn that anger on a much more desirable target, a target like her. Then it would all fall into place bit by bit.

"But you have a monster right here in front of you. Do you not think I am responsible for her demise? Do you not despise me for leading you there?" She tightened her grip on him as the questions assailed him like the fangs of a predator. Their faces were almost touching each other right now, the blonde vampire encroaching on his space with every passing breath.

"I am the horrible monster that tore apart your life. Do you not wish to kill me right now and avenge her?" The final question struck like the sharp end of a blade.


That thought hadn't occurred to Ron yet. Not on his own. Not until Shinobu started talking about it. Then she was stronger than him and starting to crush his arms, and her words were beating on his ears like hammers. The werewolf's senses were overwhelmed by the scent of blood and salt and the memory of something other from right before she'd knocked him out before.

Right before that monster had taken Anne's soul. And hadn't that only happened because Shinobu had invited him to help her out? Because she'd thrown them both into a confrontation with that thing?

Ron's hands came up to grab at Shinobu's wrists. His fingernails were like claws digging into her skin. Stubbornly he pushed against her forehead with his. "You almost sound like you want to die. Like that would be too easy for you." Other things came to mind.

What was wrong with him right now?


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Forest felt more heat fill her cheeks as she got the rather detailed fantasy of her playing with herself, only to have it end up with Marcus "surprising her" by thrusting in her from behind.  She quickly looked away, trying to shut the image out.  It was one of the worse things about being telepathic; picking up all the random sex thoughts that people had or surprisingly vivid fantasies.

She could see him physically react to his own little private porno; the bulge in his pants very evident.

Then his next words cased her to blink and stare at him.

She gave him a little smile and said, "I"d rather feel loved than strong at this point.  Don't get me wrong; it pisses me off I'm literally so powerless here, but sometimes I just wish I could retire and take it easy for a while."


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Marcus looked away as she smiled at him, if only because he knew she was looking into his thoughts.  Damn, im not used to being off guard like this.. he thought, allowing his frustration to drown out the vision.

What really killed it was what she said next. "Sometimes I just wish I could retire and take it easy for a while."

He tilted his head and said, "Wait but what about the compound?  Your rich.  You don't have to do anything."


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"Huh, one would have it hard to function without skin and muscles on one's head." She scanned him with her magic detecting gift to see if he was not lying to her. In fact, he was right about not being an undead. But it was clear he wasn't natural, so to speak. "Yes, I'm a practicioner of Hermeticism. Hermes Trismegistus. Mercurius Ter Maximus. Thoth. There are many names for a figure whose traditions me and some of my peers emulated. At least indirectly. Some of practicioners of my art pay homage to Hekate, the triple goddess of sorcery. But they could be the same as far as I'm concerned."

She personally didn't care that much about the gender as some other Black Furies. Gaia, Helios, Luna. Weaver, Wyld, Wyrm. Ascribing gender to a Celestine was a folly committed by some of shifters.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 11:59:18 AM by Kat »