Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98558 times)


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Impressive. He didn't yell out in pain, perhaps this would still prove to be interesting. She smiled back with fake innocence, the attention she got felt great. She didn't even mind him hiding his name right now, she would find out in time, no doubt about it.

"I guess I can try some" she took one out and put it in her mouth, then she leaned forward while looking at him expectantly.

Too easy.


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Olga Marie

Olga sighed, really annoyed at how bad her lucked had turned out to be. Of course everybody she met didn't have particularly useful information and seemed to be a newcomer just the same as her. "Of course I'm stuck here, we already figured that much out. All I can do is pray that nothing too terrible is going on back home." Olga sounded worried and deeply disturbed by the possibility it wasn't. "The only good thing I can see about this is the opportunity to learn more about this place and about exotic magics."


"Well, look at the bright side! If there's a place where you can start fresh, you won't find any better than here." He said with a confident wave of the hand as he showed off the entire city. Honestly, most people bitching about their home or whatever were either pussying out or straight up lying.

Being taken in the Nexus was the best thing that happened in his life in a long time. Like hell he'd be able to get someone so stuck up in their ways that they ran away from such a golden opportunity.

"Well, you know what, I got a deal for you. See, I'm kinda working part time here and surveying the city. It might take a while, but I wouldn't mind sharing my intel with you. Different locations, which places to avoid, quick routes.... yknow. Heck, I could map it for you, free of charge."

Olga Marie

Olga raised her eyebrow. "So what's the catch?" She asked with a small chuckle. After all, there always was one.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The pirate laughed and threw his arms in the air. "There is none. I get to talk to a cute lass I like, and you get to have information. Isn't that what you'd call a win-win?"

The bird took a dive and began spinning in the air, but even while it descended the pirate grabbed her close, preventing her from falling.


Oh please. Now that was just desperate, as if he could say no to those kitten ears of hers. "Yes, yes. Fiiine, you win." He chuckled before taking a lighter and lightning her smoke up with a pleased grin. He seemed to be in a particularly good mood just having company, interesting one at that.

"Good grief, that old pervert is unforgivable, keeping a beauty like you to himself."

Another puff of smoke filled the air, though it was his this time.

"Knowing him, our good friend must have been as vague with you as possible, but looks like he wasn't kidding. You're certainly dressed for the part, a true natural if I ever saw one."

Despite his imposing stature and eccentric demeanor, his words were as friendly as they got. It was seriously odd to think that someone like him would associate with a cold and conniving man like Vanguard.

"So, how good are you with cameras?"
« Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 12:20:41 AM by francobull3 »


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Medaka frowned and said, "That is not acceptable.  What if I died?"  The rough fast paced walking caused her body to bounce up and down.  She tightened her grip with her legs, both in frustration and for her own safety.

Cherry Lover

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Rider sighed at the way the girl was looking at her. It was obvious that she'd completely misunderstood what the servant meant.

"Just because you can use your abilities, that doesn't necessarily mean that the gods must be powering them. This place is unusual, it draws in people from many different universes, all with their own rules. How they all fit together is a mystery.

Perhaps your gods do have power here. I do not know. But they are certainly not the same as the gods I knew, or the god your servant worships, or the gods worshipped in many of those temples you saw. The people here worship thousands of gods from thousands of different worlds, all of which work in different ways. Your gods may live in the Aether, but the gods I knew lived on a mountain. And your servant's god lives outside the world entirely. We all know different gods and our abilities run on different rules. It's just part of the unusual nature of this place."

Then she turned to the servant, a quizzical look on her face.

"I don't understand why you are so accepting of this. Does your religion not teach that your 'God' is the only true god? How can your beliefs be compatible with what your master is saying? Or what I am saying, for that matter."


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The maid immediately got into a violent cough upon getting the cigarette lit. She took it out of her mouth with her right hand. "Hauu... I didn't know it felt like that." She softly complained.

"Oh I'm so sorry mister uknown~" Molly turned her attention back to him. "He didn't tell me anything even... even after he almost broke my arms, he just sent me home with a phone and told me to dress as best I could..."

"... Are... are you going to punish me?"

She didn't even lie and look how she made it sound, she could almost fool herself.


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"So, you request that I become a mercenary to pay off the rest of the debt?" Julius said as he looked over papers. Unusually, he paid attention to whole agreement instead of just skimming it through like the majority of the people. It felt like a job for a graverobber who stole bodies for the practicioners of medicine to study. They gave him some freedom to choose 'targets', but reserved a right to designate whom he would hunt down. At the same time, the agreement assured him that they wouldn't choose harmless targets. He raised a brow at the clause about targets with a secure place within their living locale. If somebody was evil, he would strive to bring them to justice no matter how well they were integrated in the community.

In other words, he would have to tarnish his honor a bit to avoid tarnishing his honor even further. So he just signed the agreement with a sigh.


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"Hah! As if I could do such a thing. Easy there, eeeasy..." He slapped the poor girl a few times on the back to get all the smoke out of her system. Sheesh, she shouldn't act so cocky for a first timer. Considering his own constitution, that was relatively strong stuff.

"There you go. Don't push yourself so hard, we have a show to run. So, as I was saying, cameras. We have a few, and a studio already set up. Bossman's expecting you to give us a show, get the people riled up for this upcoming tournament and such. No script, he seemed to be confident in your ability to improvise, though we do have the information pamphlets available already." He raised a finger as if he suddenly remembered something.

"But before that, would you care for a tour? Just to get a feel of the place, makes the performance all the more natural for the natural beauty. "


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"You say that but there's so much weight behind your slaps." She jokingly complained, the smoke did clear out of her but man was it some strong stuff, just what was he made of? Even more proof that the people who associated with the metal man wasn't ordinary.

"This place certainly does look impressive enough to act as backdrop for my radiating persona." Something so arrogant was casually stated by the cutesy catgirl maid, oddly enough it didn't even seem out of character. For some weird reason that you couldn't quite put your fingers on, it felt right for her to say that.

"But like you say I'd like to get more intimitely familiar with it and the crew. That way I can more easily bring out all it's good points to the forefront, if it has any that is. Getting little me to promote this place almost make you think you got something to hide... Well then lead the way!"


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"Ther is no one to be seen here." A soft voice was heard from the other side of the closed door. It was obvious this person had no intention of opening up for them any time soon.

Sakura Matou

Sakura responded with silence, simply inserting her copy of the key and unlocking and then opening the door. The purple haired girl walked in with confidence and a brisk step, quickly finding the girl she'd been talking to in the kitchen. Sakura smiled sweetly at the blond. "Hello, we talked earlier. I'm the owner of this apartment, and I was wondering if I can have a moment of your time please? I know you must be very busy, but this is quite important." She extended her hand for a shake as she spoke.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Why wouldn't I be inside a dumpster, especially one I live inside? It's rather cozy, and doesn't smell too bad since I had an elemental hose it out. Nice and safe and dry." Trivek said. He examined the strange girl a little closer, focusing on the floating bug-thing behind her. It looked rather... fluffy. "I'm Trivek, Guild Mage of the Izzet of Ravinica. I would invite you inside to talk more if you're looking for something, but it'd be a little cramped. So I suppose we can just talk like this. And stop screaming please."

Oka Kurosawa

"You um, live inside there?" Oka sounded more confused than scared now. It seemed like a rather cramped and small place to live inside. Wormy bumped into her, reminding her of her manners. "Oh! Um! My name is Oka, professional pokemon trainer!" She exclaimed, reaching into her pocket for a card to give him briefly before deciding against it. After all, somebody who lived in a dumpster couldn't possibly afford to buy anything from her. Her mind quickly returned to the question of the dumpster, however. "Wouldn't you rather live somewhere else, you know, not in a dumpster in some random alleyway?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Now aren't you cheeky. But if you say so..." He extravagantly checked over his biceps, as if to confirm her statement. She did seem pretty great, a little too extravagant for his tastes but hey, beggars can't be choosers. He had an eye for this sort of thing, so he could tell she was pretty strong, maybe even stronger than himself.

No wonder he put him in charge of keeping watch over her, she was the sort of thorny rose you didn't want to lay your eyes off of for even a second. Honestly, just the sight of her cheerful innuendo was enough to send a chill down his spine, the sort of chill that made his constant smile even wider.

"Heh heh heh, now then, let us go. The sooner we get this over with, the more time we'll have for our little showtime." And with that, the two departed into the coliseum's gates.

It took a fair amount of minutes, but by the end of it they had covered most of the perimeter, from the halls to the stadium itself, to the barriers, and even the different facilities. There was a cafeteria that had been already staffed and equipped with state of the art technology, and a spa area where participants could rest. It was the sort of thing five star hotels dream of having. Even the medical room, with advanced magi-technological facilities and tools, would be able to heal practically any injury short of dismemberment. It was utterly surreal, no one would be able to build such an amazing stadium alone, even a monster such as boss.

He had to have a secret helper of sort.

The thought of it made him smile internally. Old man sure knew how to run a show. He made interesting things happen, that was why he stuck with him in the first place. But it seemed that he might have gotten a bit too greedy, he wasn't sure if he could keep up...

"Well, that's pretty much it." He said with the same good natured tone as always, stretching his tired arms back before letting out a pleased yawn. "And of course, due to your position, you get this VIP card that lets you use any of the facilities free of charge without having to participate. Here."

He handed her a platinum card of sorts, which was supposed to be inserted in the different terminals near the facilities in order to allow her instant entry and access free of charge.

"Anything else you wanna ask? It's my job, so don't pull back the punches."


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The place much like her guide was huge, like way huge. It was also really modern and filled with fancy high-tech stuff and weird arcane things. She praised it in moderation as to not make it seem she was too awed by it. Truthfully she wasn't but it was fun to pretend to be something you are. Now that might sound contradictory but that's just how it is sometimes.

Molly snatched the card from him happily with some weird victory dance going on there, darting back and forth in precise rhythm. "Not really, you just want me to sell the idea of this place. I'm actually a bit disappointed, I was expecting something alooot harder, but you take what you get eh?"

"Well I do have question..." She adopted a thinking pose, a finger to her mouth. "Are you as big downstairs as overall?"


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"I think I was in more of a danger of dying than you. I don't regenerate, so I will have to recuperate at slower rate. In fact I'm not unconscious yet because I'm in my true form. I can't exactly black out if I'm exactly made of flesh and blood." She probably wouldn't get up after getting cut in half like Medaka. She had really potent regeneration for a vampire.


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There was a flat silence, and incredibly awkward at that. One couldn't tell if he was about to burst laughing or collapse in sheer disbelief.

"That's not the kind of video we're trying to shoot maam." He told her very flatly, very politely and professionally. Totes. He'd be lying if he didn't consider whipping it out for the hell of it, but boss would give him an earful if he ruined her clothes before the shooting, and the momentary satisfaction wasn't worth all that trouble. Still, he couldn't help but laugh at something so bold in the end, before slapping that back of hers silly once more.

"Now get to work you silly pervert. I'll be having a drink at the spa; all this walking made my feet sore and my throat parched, hehehe."
« Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 02:38:34 AM by francobull3 »