Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98597 times)


  • Moon Cancer
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"I think I was in more of a danger of dying than you. I don't regenerate, so I will have to recuperate at slower rate. In fact I'm not unconscious yet because I'm in my true form. I can't exactly black out if I'm exactly made of flesh and blood." She probably wouldn't get up after getting cut in half like Medaka. She had really potent regeneration for a vampire.


Medaka sighed.  "You may be right, but its the thought that counts," she said, wrapping her arms around her neck.  Her body relaxed a bit as she continued.  "But, at the very least you understand team work rather well.  And while it may sound strange, I am happy to be deceived this time."

What she would not say was that she knew the entire time, at least, that she was being lied too.  However, it was her absolute trust that overpowered her doubt.  At least, thats something Zenkichi would say.


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A surge of electric aura flowed through his body, causing sparks to dance across the sidewalk.  With one mighty strike, he sunk his hand into the concrete of the side walk, letting out a proclamation with all of his might, as though it were a deceleration of war.


With one mighty thrust, he flipped the concrete, intent on knocking the fair maiden and her friend over.  His form blurred as it spun into a standing position, the electric aura charged through his rock hard abs and strong thighs.


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"Yes," the priest said with a nod.  "There exists only a single god in my religion.  However, he speaks through others, even potentially other strong beings.  The sudden knowledge of the multiverse does not change this fact.  It merely increases his domain."

He felt the need to interject, if only to ease her confusion.  However, he preferred not to talk unless it was necessary, so he let his master continue the argument.


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Oka Kurosawa

"Well, can you throw a ball and catch pokemon?" Oka asked him. I could use someone chasing after easy low level stuff so I could focus on chasing rare and expensive pokemon." Oka said with a smile. "That said, I'm positive that you could find a job if you actually looked for it. Mages are quite useful, you know."

Trivek scratched his short beard. "I certainly can throw a ball. As a wee lad I was a favorite in the steamvent rounders games..." His eyes misted over for a second before snapping back. "But I do not know about catching these poke-e-mans you are talking about. But a job is a job I suppose."


"No no no no no, no no no, no. No." Oka shook her head emphatically at him. "There's more to it than just tossing a pokéball at the pokemon. There's a technique—an art..." Oka looked up and smiled as she remembered the words of her grandfather. "It's a living. A lifestyle. You have to feel it inside of you; the feeling of being a trainer..."

Oka snapped back to reality from her nostalgic fantasy and handed him a lonely, teensy pokeball. It wasn't anything much at all, really. She wouldn't mind if he took it and bolted. Not like they were even particularly useful.

"You need to weaken a pokemon first, before you throw the ball. If you just toss it straight away they'll just break it in all likelihood and you'll waste your opportunity. You have magic right? Why don't you use that elemental thingymajig you mentioned?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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A surge of electric aura flowed through his body, causing sparks to dance across the sidewalk.  With one mighty strike, he sunk his hand into the concrete of the side walk, letting out a proclamation with all of his might, as though it were a deceleration of war.


With one mighty thrust, he flipped the concrete, intent on knocking the fair maiden and her friend over.  His form blurred as it spun into a standing position, the electric aura charged through his rock hard abs and strong thighs.


Sakura grabbed Rin and jumped up into the air, and then created a platform in the air and dashed away, ending up just out of reach of this madman.

"What the fuck are you talking about now?" Sakura swore angrily with a stomp that shattered the stone underneath her feet, an intricate network of cracks erupting outwards from it, still holding onto Rin just in case she needed to dodge again.

Damn, I really wish that she wasn't here, it'd be so much easier...

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


  • Moon Cancer
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That still did not change the fact that his obligations amounted to collecting corpses so that someone, presumably a researcher, would cut them open. He gave the institution a benefit of doubt for now, and assumed they wouldn't stitch them together and animate them to create a blasphemy against God and the natural order.

The nobleman nodded as he was offered this contraption that many people owned these days. "If I run into more threats like the one that landed me in the hospital, then probably you should expect putting me back together. Did Irene share information on whom we encountered, ma'am?" The police maybe knew, but it still didn't change the fact that others also should be warned about that sorcery wielding criminal. The hospital as well could be the next target.


  • The God Tongue
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"Can't say I have." He answered with a cocky shit eating grin. "You sound pretty confident. I was getting tired of shitty puppets by now. I could use the taste of a real woman." He relaxed in the hot bath and gulped down a large drink himself in pretty much an instant before raising the glass.



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She matched his raised glass with her own.

"And you think I'm gonna be that woman just like that? If anyone's confident it's you." She stood up as she spoke and removed her uniform with practiced ease before slipping into the bath.

The maid then removed the two pieces of cucumber from his eyes and met his gaze. "Where shall I start?"


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The man whistled the moment she removed her uniform, as if saying that he liked what he saw. Could he even see through these two slices of vegetable? Honestly, the thought was rather eerie.

The girl reached for the cucumbers, but all of a sudden her hand was stopped as if it just hit an invisible wall.

"If you do that, you won't like what you see." He told her with the same calm attitude and smile as always, but despite that his words felt tense, as if he truly meant that. He stretched his arms and neck before spreading, taking even more space.

Luckily, the bath was massive in its own right, more than enough for more than one Blackmore.

"The back shoulders would be a good start. This cramp is absolutely killing me. So, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do when you're not bring cute?"
« Last Edit: September 01, 2017, 03:45:53 PM by francobull3 »


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Getting evicted would be problematic or at least for it would be for her cute servant, she seemed to have grown a liking to this place. So for her sake the blonde vampire supposed she could deal with this isuue seriously just once. She sighed loudly and took a step back.

"I have never actually seen the contract, this was originally the place of a woman who looked strangely similar to you. They took me and my... friend in, but then they managed to return to their world through ardous means. It seems they forgot to fill us in on the housing matter." She  informed the mortal about the situation as calmly as she could.


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He stopped her from removing the cucumbers, how curious. She'd have to look into that later. But for now she didn't feel like making a big issue out of it. Seems like she had no  choice but to get it his back.

"What I do... What I do...." She begun her massage as she spoke, not holding back one bit she gave his back a treatment that should put you in jail on brutality charges.

"... If I find someone interesting then I reel them in....  Until they are completely taken by me. And then when they are completely relaxed,  kill them."


  • The God Tongue
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"Pffffft, hahahahaha! That's an interesting hobby you got sweetheart." He laughed it off as if he just heard a joke and just laid back further, letting her fingers do the work. God, this just felt too goddamn good. She was seriously wasted on bossman Van, but hey, whatever floats his boat.

He just took an entire gulp of a nearby bottle, not even caring about its context. It could be bleach for all he knew, but you'd need something ridiculous to even phase his stomach at this point. Most mundane poisons had no effect on his superior physiology. His grin was wider than ever, almost mockingly so.

"That shit won't work on anyone but regular people though. Normal assumptions won't fly when directed at someone beyond human. How would you manage to kill say, a God?"


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She crossed her legs as she sat, addressing him with a flatter note to her voice. "She described your assailant's traits when you came in. From my estimate, power like that is unusual, but magic is mostly not in our field."

If it was magic and not a demonstration of unique traits of a divergent humanoid, but merely looking at the state in which the man before her had arrived was inconclusive. The woman who accompanied him was, for the moment, a more interesting subject. The doctor tapped her chin and continued, "We've sent a note to security, so it shouldn't be a concern. And the police has heard something from someone by now, I'm sure."
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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That was clear as day, was he a simpleton or something? She thought as she kept up the brutalization of his broad back. "Same way as any other man~ You just keep hitting them until they are dead. And if that doesn't work you hit them some more." She pushed extra hard against his back to empasise the point she was making. This was really turning out to be fun.

"Should I move over to the front?" She'd been going at his back for a while now and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't iterested at getting a glimpse of his front as well.


  • The God Tongue
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Hah, he liked her, and he liked the way she was thinking. Well, he almost felt like telling her it wasn't really how it worked, speaking from experience, but crushing her hopes like that might be too mean. Besides, going any further and he'd be worried he caught something from that old man.

"Yes, yes. Just do your thing." He took one of the bacon shrimps on the platter and gobbled it down in one go, crunching the shell and everything without a care in the world. "You can help yourself if you want, you know?"