Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98673 times)


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"I honestly think my location could be compromised. If my roommate perished to an enemy, then the enemy could search through my place. I'll inspect it when I recover, but for now it's risky" Mitsuba explained as she was paranoid about it. As usual. 

(The talk thus far happened more or less, but we never entered Medaka's apartment. They're in a simple hideout owned by Mitsuba that was closer than Medaka's apartment. Mitsuba needed to take some break because of her damage and they could go to Medaka's apartment later, maybe.)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 09:58:34 PM by Kat »


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"Haaaah... you sound like you're enjoying this." He grinned from ear to ear as he slowly began thrusting into her, holding her like an obscene cock-sleeve. His massive dick was slowly stretching her drenched pussy into an 'O'. When he grew bored of it, he spanked her harshly before lifting her up by the ass, gradually increasing in tempo.

"For a maid, you are very indecent." He quipped in-between thrusts while his free hand slipped across her wet skin, settling for her breasts.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 10:17:46 PM by francobull3 »

Cherry Lover

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Rider gave the girl an amused smile.

"Well, I will admit that I haven't really made much of an effort to understand this place", she replied. "However, it certanly does not work in the way your world does. My master's magic works in a dierent way from yours. Although, curiously, you do seem to be compatible with our magic, since you are able to support a servant. You must be powerful, too, to be able to support one without the help of the Grail."

Then she turned to the other servant, still smiling.

"Indeed, there is no reason or us to fight, and friends are always good to have, especially strong ones. I have no issue with your religion, as I said, my master is a Christian too, and she is like family to me", she replied.

"If you're expecting to convert me, though, you're wasting your time. Even my master cannot manage that, and I would do anything for her. My past life has, unfortunately, left me with nothing but contempt for the gods, and I simply cannot reconcile what I know of the gods from my time with the claims you make about your god", she continued, a hint of bitterness in her voice at the mention of the gods who had treated her so horribly.

Then Rider had a thought. The man was dressed in the outfit she knew was usually associated with the Pope, so he was probably an important man in church history. She was sure Jeanne would be interested in meeting him, and Sakura might be too, but it would help if she knew who he really was.

"I understand if you don't want to answer this, but would you be willing to tell me your real name? You seem like an impotant member of the church, and, if so, my master and her.. friend mght be interested in meeting you as well", she said.


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It was a small comfort that day to the officer of the law that the man sounded both uninjured and steady. He quickly confirmed his name - very common, if he did say so himself - and address before proceeding with his questions.

"And you're not injured anywhere, they didn't take anything by coercion or force, or cause major damage to your place? Also, can you describe them and any abilities they showed in detail?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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"Oh pls you fucking love it." She somehow managed to squeeze out in between a loud string of moans. Hard length abusing her faster and faster while his hands went for her breasts, they could barely fill his large hands as he played with them.

 He was using her body as a toy and that was quite exciting, more exciting than anything she'd experienced since she got here, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough. Maybe some motivation was in order. The maid smiled madly.

"Will you stop with that lame pace and wreck me. Or are you too much of a pussy to do it?" She taunted him while not giving a shit about the position she was in.


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The man kept thrusting without a care in the world, but something about him changed. He took note of what the maid said, and for the first time ever since she met him, he wasn't smiling.

"You know, you might die." He told her completely casually, not with concern as much as a matter of fact as he thrust at a fairly normal pace.


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"Oh man," he said.  "What other toys do you have?"

He took another look at his phone.  Seven more minutes.  The talk of the heated tub was not helping.


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The pirate was wrong.  There was more ice, far more in fact.  As she got just within punching range, she coated the ground in another sheet of ice.  Still, it didn't seem to matter to the pirate.  He bounced around, moving along the rubble with a strange amount of grace for a walking skeleton.  However, he never accounted for her precision.  She reached out and grabbed him by his boney rib cage.  Then, she activated her magic, encasing him in ice.


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"Well, you saw the garage, even though it's only a fraction to the collection I had at home," Forest said with a scowl.  "And weapons.  I could arm a small third world country if I wanted to."


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Shit- !

The moment her hand came in contact with him, frost grew at the edges of his body. Before he could freeze, a gigantically potent burst of fire erupted from his body, shooting him away from her. The blast pummeled straight into her, with waves of heat so intense breathing them would kill any normal human. Looking at how the ice evaporated instantly, there was no doubt it was his hottest spell yet.

And yet, he couldn't burn her. He wanted to fight her, he wanted to beat her, but he didn't want to lose her. Because of that, his flames that could melt steel could barely sear into her flesh.

The pirate zigzagged at blinding speed under a trail of fire, only to land atop the roof's ledge, blowing all ice away with a burning blast. His sword whipped in the air as he resumed a stance.

"Are you hurt?"
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 02:09:47 AM by francobull3 »


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"Jesus," he said, eyes wide with energy.  "No wonder your a lonely mess.  Id be bored and horny too if I had everything and more provided to me like that."


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Forest lightly slapped Marcus's shoulder.  "I've worked very hard to have all the stuff I have you know?  You know how many monsters and what not I've had to kill over the years to amass that kind of wealth?  Not to mention investments and all that kind of twaddle."


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Marcus shrugged, clearly not considering it all that big a deal.  "You know, if I lived that long, I probably could have gotten rich too."


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Hazel spit out her cigarette and took a deep breath, pushing out all the smoke in her body in one motion.  With one mighty leap, she chased after Lorenzo, with a speed that far surpassed what she had been putting out before.  That allowed her to catch hold of the ribcage and slam him into the ground.


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Forest chuckled, shook her head, and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.  She eyed him and said, "You might think so, but I've known a couple of immortals who cannot manage their money at all."

He's not immortal.  If this becomes anything, I'll have to watch him grow old and die, unless he asks me to turn him.  Which I don't think he will, she thought.