Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98713 times)


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"Pants you say. That's a piece of garment only fit barbarians and their ilk. Rue the day you ever see me wearing those, on that day the waters of the Tiber will run red with the blood of tyrants." She answered Olga dramatically.

"I trust you will take heed of my words and not being something so unbecoming of a child of the wolves. Regardless, great things are to be expected in your choice and I await them in exaltation." It appeared the blond servant had gotten into a good mood. It did look like she genuinely appreciated her Master's concern.


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"I didn't fail to kill the girl, I refused to do it. Where's the honor in slaying a defenseless woman!?" He answered her, for the first time with an angered tone. Not that he was mad at her, mind you, simply at his pride being challenged so.

Well, he quickly recollected himself, and just like his flames his tone became nicer.

"In any case, this should be much easier. Oh, and don't worry. Just because I let her go doesn't mean I've stopped watching her. Just don't go after her unnecessarily, okay?"


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The blond lowered her eyes into a glare.  "Don't be a sexist prick," she said in a tone that was clearly annoyed.  "She was far from defenseless and furthermore, you disrespect me and the rest of our gang by letting her go.  Both she and this man are responsible for injuring me."

She sighed, thinking back to how old he must be.  "Look this one is a man, so you won't be able to pull that bullshit.  I'll take care of her in my own way."


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Despite her annoyance, he answered her patiently, as gently as a teacher, but he did not sugarcoat his words. He respected her, but only as an equal. Pirates did not believe in absolute orders, the only true loyalty was the one a man had for his own convictions. For all men are equal under the black flag.

"You are responsible for getting injured. I won't judge you, but I've fought more battles than you have and slayed more men than you've seen dead. With all due respect, the message was already sent. Further violence will only force her hand into going against us, are you aware of that?"
« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 01:57:40 AM by francobull3 »


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If that is what you feel is best.  However, know that I am already aware of her true name, regardless if she tells us or not.  In this context, she may interprate our action as a sign of distrust.

"I am sorry," he said, dipping his head a bit to show humility.  "If I had the chance to meet your master, I might have felt a bit better about it.  While I do trust that the grail war is over, something like a true name still somehow feels like personal information."


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Hmmm. They knew anyway and could develop a countermeasure in case the other Servant wanted to take advantage of Ruler's name. Maybe if they showed some trust, they could bargain with her master easier if they needed her assistance in some matter. Alright, I think I have an idea how to handle this.

"I think it'd be fair if exchanged our identity. What do you think about such proposition?" She addressed Rider.


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"Pants you say. That's a piece of garment only fit barbarians and their ilk. Rue the day you ever see me wearing those, on that day the waters of the Tiber will run red with the blood of tyrants." She answered Olga dramatically.

"I trust you will take heed of my words and not being something so unbecoming of a child of the wolves. Regardless, great things are to be expected in your choice and I await them in exaltation." It appeared the blond servant had gotten into a good mood. It did look like she genuinely appreciated her Master's concern.

Olga Marie

I'm glad that I'm not one to wear pants. Olga reflected on her good luck and solemnly nodded. "I figured as much. People don't really wear togas anymore, so how would you feel about a dress or a skirt? I think a nice red or hmmm, yellow one would suit you well. Maybe with a nice set of leggings as well." Olga held her chin as if she was thinking deeply, gazing at Saber and examining her. "Or maybe a fancy full body dress would work better..." Olga's gaze zoomed back to Saber's face. "What do you think, maybe we should just have you try a bunch of things on and see what you like."

Olga pointed at a pretty red dress that showed off the mannequin's legs and back. "Hmmm?" She asked her servant, raising her eyebrows.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"There is couch is the living room that you can make use of." She prepared some water for her guest and sauntered over to the living room not even bothering to check if the purplehead was following her. The blond vampire confidently planted herself on the soft couch herself demonstrating first hand just how nice it was.

Of course the vampire hadn't mentioned her name yet, that had been on purpose. She couldn't get over her habit of teasing people with information no matter how old she got. Not that she was old mind you, she was still in her best year and don't you dare think otherwise.

"Oh this human is interested in learning my name. Very well you may refer to me as Shinobu. If you are planning to undertake an interview of some sorts it would be for the best  to complete this as soon as possible. I grow tired of these matters rather quickly." She gave the landowner an expecting look, waiting for her to say her peace.


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Medaka sighed, remembering her encounter with the warrior in the mall.  "I tracked down the person who has my soul.  However, it doesn't appear that it was the same person who took it.  In any case, I have a feeling taking it back will be a huge ordeal.  Needless to say, your suggestion to train would be a great help in that sense," she said, staring off into the distance.  At this point, her mind was somewhere else.


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The skeleton had a good point.  However, she realized she was more upset about him blatantly disobeying her than the actual pragmatic choice of leaving the girl alive or dead.  When she looked in his memeories, she saw a killer pirate, not some softie who lets his targets live.  Furthermore, the fact that he didn't even try to defend himself from the "sexit prick" remark could suggest he already knows its bad.

"Why are you being so stubborn about this?" she asked, placing the cigarette back in her mouth and folding her arms across her chest.

Could it be?  Lorenzo and her had a fling during or before the fight?


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Was he one of her kind because he could readily change identities? Possible, but unlikely. Soul pacts took whole souls and erased a person from existence, letting a demon to step into their life. Pacting in just a part of a soul was unknown. One could trade memories and experience for benefits, but it didn't involve anything like souls in the exchange. "If we are to train together, it should be somewhere discrete. I really don't feel like exposing my true form publically unless in an extreme danger."


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The pirate crossed his arms and shook his head, as if he knew what she was thinking of already. Despite that, his voice was calm but stern.

"Because the price has been paid. She harmed you, and I returned the favor, smothered her with so many flames she looked like she was made out of charcoal. Further violence isn't necessary, but letting her live is beneficial for your name. It shows that you are tough, but you are fair. Do you really want to be seen as nothing more than a brutish killer?"


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Medaka's eyes widened for a moment, her gaze returning to the assassin.  "I understand, but if you are so concerned with that, wouldn't it be more pragmatic simply to avoid training?  I wouldn't want to put you in danger."


Hazel lowered her eyes at the pirate.  Is he making fun of me? she thought as she let her arms fall to her hips.  She sighed and said, "I'm running a gang, not a government.  As far as i'm concerned, it doesn't matter how we look as long as we get stuff done.  The people can see me in whatever light suits them best."

Then, she turned around and began walking towards the edge of the building.  It looked like Ryuji was still fighting.  "For the record, i'm only letting you off the hook for this because you promised to treat me with more respect from now on," she said, letting a puff of smoke infest the air around her.  "But know that when I ask you to do something, I expect it to get done.  It doesn't matter how stupid it is, nor what you think is best."


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"It's more pragmatic to not stagnate. I cannot afford a weakness in face of such opponents that we've faced today. Subtle assassination can only take you so far these days." Mitsuba stated the blunt truth. She had to keep up or she would get left behind even further. Maybe it was time to develop her Cipher further and unlock more of powers that were unique to her. Maybe sparring with Medaka over long periods of time would get her enough epiphany, a push into the right direction.


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The pirate sighed. Sadly for him, he wasn't picky enough to ditch such a sad pup, but she could use a lesson or two on warfare. Making unnecessary enemies was, frankly, not something she wanted or needed. But sometimes life is a far better teacher than a fiery spanking.

He threw his arms in the air like he had seriously just given up. Despite that, his tone was anything but cold.

"Welp, do as you wish. Just make sure you don't start crying when things go south. You've earned enough of my respect to make me want to bother a little, so a word of advice: If you spend all your time standing here and waiting, you might regret it once it's too late."

With that, the flames around him spread and swirled around him before he shot away into the distance like a burning comet.