Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 98732 times)


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The girl didn't respond to any of the calls, even the smell alone didn't seem to be enough to wake her up. However, it did manage to leave her trashing the bed in her utterly barbaric sleeping posture, drooling with a wide sheepish smile as she dreamt of... whatever she could be dreaming at the moment. It probably tasted good.


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Medaka Kurokami

Medaka smiled, puffing her genrous chest out with pride.  "Well then, perhaps I can teach you some more straight forward techniques.  I am well versed in many techniques of many disciplines."


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Hazel turned her head back, if only to enjoy the spectacle of his departure.  "Thats mean," she said, her lips curving into a calm frown.  "You told me to cry more."

In any case, Ryuji's fight was more important.  He was the one most likely to die tonight, so she wanted to make sure she kept an eye on him.  That way, there would be no need to cremate another one.


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"But are you familiar with the swordsmanship? I consider myself a master, but I think there's still plenty of room for improvement. I mainly use a sword in my other forms, but unless I built up one of them to be stronger I don't think it will help that much against our opponent."


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Medaka Kurokami

"I am a master of kendo as well as a few other modern weapon based martial arts," Medaka said simply.  "I don't know what sort of weapon he wields, but coming at him with different styles may help throw him off."


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"I guess I won't need to teach you basics then, we frankly have don't have time for this. And speaking of time, I think I'm like half healed by now. I think I could afford changing into my human body without risking immediate hospitalization, but I'll ask first if you're not actually starving. I think I might be still bleeding after I transform. I'm just being cautious a bit, that's all." She must have spent quite a lot of blood on stitching herself back. "If you're not sure you can hold back, I will wait a bit longer so that I don't smell of blood."


  • Sir Bonesington
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He really wished there was substantial stuff to all this weird. What was he supposed to write down, that two unidentified perps were going around assaulting people's fridges?

"Doesn't sound like any kid I know of. Sometimes though, you get some really offputting spectres that only look like children." He tapped at his keyboard and narrowed his eyes as he continued, "And then after mooching off you they just left?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Without even thinking, Medaka found herself breaking into a smile, her fangs showing in earnest.  A small drop of drool trailed down her cheek.  "I am always in the mood for a snack like that," she said.  "However, I am still a bit, deprived so I shall wait until you are healed."


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Joe found himself scratching his head.  This all probably sounded absurd, like some sort of prank call.  "Y-yeah..." he said, stuttering at the start.


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"You're really indulgent, aren't you? Though this time it's understandable because you've probably burned through your reserves after pulling off such regeneration. Alright, honestly the blood loss you will inflict after I heal back won't be comparable to getting stabbed through stomach. And I guess I trust in your self-control enough that I'm sure you will not drain me dry." She probably would have to burn through her Cover to avoid death in such case. Even if she was very attached to her original one. Survival trumped sentiments.


  • Sir Bonesington
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The pause in the conversation, terse with hesitation, could have led one on Joe's end to guess that the detective was eyeing him with hostility through the phone. In truth, he was more blankly staring ahead, mind shuffling through his immaculate memories.

Henry blinked and directed his tired voice at the receiver. "Listen, I can send someone to look over the scene for ways to identify them, and I can talk to the patrols to watch out for your neighborhood. But not much else I can assure right now. Was there nothing else you can describe about them? Did they do the blunder of giving you names?"
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 02:32:42 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts

Cherry Lover

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Rider sighed at Ruler's response. Not that she could really blame him for refusing, but it did make it pretty clear that they didn't entirely trust her.

Before she could respond, though, the master spoke, offering to tell her servant's identity if Rider gave hers. Immediately, a frown came over her face. Her true identity was not one which people tended to view positively, and she would rather not reveal it.

At the same time, though, Rider knew that to not reveal her identity after asking for Ruler's would make them distrust her. And she also knew that, even knowing her true name, they were no real threat to her. However strong the other servant was, there was no way he would be able to defeat all three of Sakura's servants, and she knew her master would surely send them to assist if she asked for backup. So, there really was no reason not to answer.

"Well, my identity is one I would have preferred not to reveal, but I suppose it is a worthwhile trade", she said, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. "I will reveal my identity if your servant is willing to reveal his."


In response to Sakura's call, the white-haired girl began to toss and turn, but did not awaken. So, Sakura walked closer and spoke a little louder.

"Red, wake up!" she said. "Breakfast is ready."
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 03:06:13 AM by Cherry Lover »


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Morning, the next day

Julius woke up in his cheap apartment in the run down district, only half asleep due to the recurring nightmares he so often experienced and the inherent paranoia that there was always some evildoer out to either target people living nearby or avenge themselves. Naturally, after sleeping in his clothes and with his whip in his hand he really needed a bath, so at this point he needed to take a shower. Fortunately he could afford such amenity, though he saved money on the heat and usually just showered while the water was cold. After his shower was done he put the other set of his clothes and then he proceeded to manually wash the clothes he was wearing before. He actually didn't feel that it was particularly unbecoming for him to do his own laundry, considering his financial situation and the fact that he wanted to prioritize his obligations over making a fortune. A true knight had to be able to endure such hardship.

After he was done, he ventured out to pursue a suitable target in order to pay off his obligations. If he received a call from this Cheiron, then he would respond appropriately. He wouldn't complain either if he found someone to sponsor his idea of a hunter cell disguised as a gentleman's club. There was so much to be done about this city and he hoped he would found a person with fortune who would be inclined to bankroll his initiative. Then he would gather and sponsor likeminded people willing to fight for the justice and peace, in order to counter threats that none of them could take on alone.


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Morning, the next day

The werewolf woke up late in the morning, her biological clock waking up her earlier than it should. To her knowledge she had no particular duties today, so maybe be should could afford some more sleep. However, her pet cat was sitting on the top of her bed sheet and meowing at the short woman with disheveled hair. Seems like she wouldn't be able to sleep more at this rate. "Ah, knock it off, I'll give you the food soon." The werewolf grumbled as she got out of the bed, and put on her slippers. The pyjama wearing woman made her way lethargically to the kitchen where her feline 'lord and master' waited for his morning tribute. The small mutt routinely bullied by the cat waited humbly for her turn while the pet chinchilla was vigorously moving around in his cage.

"Man, bills for all that food are staggering." She complained as she opened her fridge. It was almost fully stoked with meat as she reached the point where only meat could really sustain her. The food that wasn't meat practically was limited to the food for her pet rodent. She fed all her animals (breaking up a fight between the cat and the dog after the cat deemed that he had to eat the dog's portion as well) and idly sat on the coach in front of the TV, munching on a piece of meat while flipping through the channels. Another rerun of a soap opera, some tournament announcement that honestly looked like a scam with that 'mystery prize', that homoerotic show about ancient Spartans fighting vampires and aliens. In other words, nothing really new. Maybe she was jaded about it since the local media industry wasn't as robust as in a large sized country.

After she was done with her daily routine of watching TV in hope of finding something new and enthralling (a feat in this city considering how the reality here was much more interesting), she put on her tracksuit to walk out her dog. Then she would come back to her apartment and then again go out to do fulfill her workout regime quota. Even if this more peaceful (from her viewpoint) age she couldn't afford to become rusty. Ironically the stronger her human form was, the stronger her other forms were, even if she originally didn't possess it. So some runs, then maybe hit up a gym, depending on her whim. Or maybe something interesting would distract her. After all she was tuned into perceiving the strange.


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"There is couch is the living room that you can make use of." She prepared some water for her guest and sauntered over to the living room not even bothering to check if the purplehead was following her. The blond vampire confidently planted herself on the soft couch herself demonstrating first hand just how nice it was.

Of course the vampire hadn't mentioned her name yet, that had been on purpose. She couldn't get over her habit of teasing people with information no matter how old she got. Not that she was old mind you, she was still in her best year and don't you dare think otherwise.

"Oh this human is interested in learning my name. Very well you may refer to me as Shinobu. If you are planning to undertake an interview of some sorts it would be for the best  to complete this as soon as possible. I grow tired of these matters rather quickly." She gave the landowner an expecting look, waiting for her to say her peace.

Sakura Matou

"Thank you, miss Shinobu." Sakura said politely as she sat down on the couch, resisting her desperate urge to slouch and relax into it. She instead maintained her perfect posture and brushed a stray hair out of her face. "I'll try to make this as quick as possible." Her tone masked her annoyance at how this woman was acting so superior to her when she was supposed to be the one asking for something, not the other way around. She took a sip of the water and began.

"This is a fairly large apartment, so my first concern is your ability to pay for it regularly. You'd be obligated to by the contract, of course, but I'm not the sort who takes pleasure in scalping people out of their money and making it hard to survive. Will you be able to make the payments on time? I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd be able to pay me for the first three months up front."

Sakura paused and took a breath, waiting for Shinobu to answer before she continued.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end