Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52517 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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"No... It's sometimes different! Depends on how I'm feeling at the moment. And if you let me get a crack at the head of yours I could give you the sensations of eating so you could enjoy it. It'd be fun." One of her Messengers crawled onto the table with a mischievous glint in its eyes on cue.


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"I'd rather die." He told her flatly. "Say that again, and it'll be your head I'll be cracking." With that, he slammed his hand on the annoying little pest and turned it into a puddle on the table, though it didn't stop it from moving around, much to his annoyance.

"I just don't get it. Why live as a human when you are so much more? Why the false modesty? I'm sure someone with your guile could rule a planet, let alone your power. Your lock has nothing to do with it, but wouldn't that manpower benefit yor ends more?"
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 02:55:12 AM by francobull3 »

Umbra of Chaos

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She shrugged her shoulders, almost as if bored by the idea. "I had deadlines to make and actual jobs to do. Why would I make a sandcastle when I know the tide is coming to wash it away? But know, well, things changed."

A golden Messenger popped up, the jingle of coins in its step. "There are things I want which I will keep."


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"That completely depends on the type of meat. Red wine is quite disastrous in combination with fish." The blond servant smirked at her master as she realized something amusing.

"You don't drink wine very often do you? Don't worry I'll teach you all about the pleasures of excessive consumption. We will not rest until you acquire acceptable tastes." She laughed heartily at that.
"So mind telling me why you have that?" She suddenly asked Olga.


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This was starting to feel excessive, the questions just went on and on. Shinobu sighed as she answered the next one. "I do. It is why I look so dazzling despite being over 500 years old." She stood up and flipped her lustrous golden hair, inadvertently revealing her pointy ears as she did it.

"You do not look too bad yourself for a mortal, it shows you are taking great care of yourself."


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The maid watched with rapt attention as the fight unfolded. To be fair it didn't look like much of a fight and more of an ineffective one sided beatdown. Neither side was backign down. There wasn't really anything she could do to interrupt at this point, now without risking getting hit by that black miasma.

As if to mock the giant's efforts, the fishman stopped his relentless beatdown at last. But the respite was short lived. "You fool. This is the end!"

Sushimoto reached through the miasma as if it wasn't even there, the black sludge doing little else but irritating his skin. With unprecedented speed, he grabbed the giant by the neck and piledrived him through the ground, the water evaporating where his body was dragged.


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Jeez, this is why he hated taking the front lines. This was just ridiculous, just how durable was this bastard? Just because his body was special didn't mean this didn't hurt like a bitch. His attacks took time to charge, or to aim, or to hit. But he had lived for too long already, time was the one thing he had. And his time... was up.

The temperature and energy quantity skyrocketed even further beyond. No, this was more than that, the miasma all but vanished and was replaced with a burst of violet light.

Six Seconds Fatman
Dark Impact.

Suddenly, a massive point blank beam slammed right into the beast and shot him straight out of the sewers with explosive heat and force, turning all the water in its path and proximity into a sea of fire. Not a single creature could survive a direct dark impact, there wasn't a natural substance that could retain its shape unscathed from this attack. But that damn freak managed to touch him directly during his charge up, so he thought it would be better to switch up the playing field.

He chuckled painfully while the beam drilled the monster straight up into the bright city, feeling the sweat drip down his forehead, or was it blood? Heheheh, he couldn't tell. Something that lived in the darkness all its life would be blinded once he walked out of it, he should know that better than anyone. And he wouldn't be able to do anything as long as he was in the air.

He ignored his bruises and bloodied body, his bones felt like they'd break, but he could still move.

So while the fishman was still flying, his foot slammed on the ground and he jumped out of the sewers through the hole, kicking off an energy barrier to gain even higher ground.

"You know, despite my massive strength, I'm better at ranged fighting." He bantered as he closed the distance with his own leap, covered in wounds and bruises but baring the same smile as always before he kicked the beast with a monstrous kick filled with foreign energy.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 02:05:22 PM by francobull3 »


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Olga Marie

A faint red blush sheepishly graced Olga's cheeks when Saber called her out. "Well, it's not as if I'm completely inexperienced in it but…" Her words trailed off as she realized her tone was betraying her entirely. "Thank you. I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun learning."

Then, Saber asked her a quite personal question. It wasn't as if she minded answering it or was even particularly embarrassed by talking about it though. "Well, for the same reason guys use them." She answered with a coy smile, only the faintest blush on her cheeks as she spoke. "I wanted to have some extra fun with a girlfriend and I decided it was convenient so I kept it."

"Why, are you interested in it?" Marie prodded Saber with her elbow teasingly.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"Adequate for people of my size, but I see you needed to modify it for your purposes." The Unchained remarked as obviously the original kimono didn't fit her size in a certain area. "I'll recover a bit more and switch to my human form. The stabbing should be repaired by now, all I will have to deal with is the blood loss."

Just a little while and she could go change, pick up a sword and not have to go around in that attention grabbing form. Good grief, if it was her previous world, somebody would had pursued her by that time.


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The skeleton's jaw was gaping, without him even realizing. This whole display turned him completely speechless.


For some reason, he wouldn't look at her. He seemed extremely flustered. Crap, she really was a goddess. And he had been so rude too, would she smite him down as punishment for that? Crap...


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The man of steel nodded. "Good. Wanting means you're still alive, the moment you stop striving for something your story will end." He told her sternly. "Self serving to the very end, huh? ...There are worse ways to die." He praised her calmly.


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Oh, right, that presence felt quite Abyssal. She did not live through an era where any full blown incursion threathened the material plane of her world, but she heard stories, read arcane books on the topic and had to tackle with lesser Abyssal creatures. The sensation was enough potent to send shiver through her spine, but on another hand she had some hope. In neither the recorded history nor in the oral knowledge passed through aeons there was a mention that a truly divine being, no matter their alignment, ever manifested fully.

"I'm aware how critical situation seems to be, but it's not completely hopeless. While I'd like to rely on a support of an army now, maybe we could compensate for the shortage in manpower with a plan." No matter how powerful Leo was, having an army to absorb an onslaught of a potent Abyssal creature was to her knowledge a cold, but pragmatic strategy. "What's your plan, then?"
« Last Edit: September 16, 2017, 03:49:20 PM by Kat »


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Medaka walked over to Mitsuba, her eyes filled with curiosity.  "So what exactly is this form?" she asked, circling the girl in order to take her in from every angle.


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Leo I

The priest looked around, trying to hone in on the source of the energy.  In the end, it wasn't the energy itself that gave their position away, but the strange sight of an older man dining with a little girl.

He turned to his master and said, "We have two indispensable tools on our side right now, the element of surprise and preparation.  I believe the source of the disturbance is coming from that girl down there by the restaurant.  I am strong but I am not as fast as is ideal for this situation.  If you can create a construct that would allow me to double or even my velocity, I may be able to strike without opposition."


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"Nice, you undoubtedly deserve the title. Just through looking at you I know you'd be quite high in the divine hierarchy back in my place!" She didn't lie, it was rare to see that much power condensed around somebody. So her praise was genuine and deserved. "You look striking and classy too. I guess Planeptune must be really fancy realm as well."

Divine realms often reflected their gods, so she had reasons to have positive expectations. Wyrm's realms were pits of corruptions, Weaver's domains were unimaginative, stiffling places to the point you could die of boredom and Wyld were... well, drop a gallon of acid and that's how Wyld dominated place can look like.