Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52464 times)

Umbra of Chaos

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There had been a small lapse in their conversation for a bit. Then everything exploded! Her plate, her glass, her utensils, even her table! Oh, and her. That wasn't really important though. Getting hurtled down to the ground didn't hurt that much, and anything that did bother her she could heal up nice and quick!

But, well, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that someone had just interrupted her meal. So she reached out into the air, hand open, and waited for what was hers.


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Sera found herself immersed in the aura of this woman, even despite the fact that she still thought she was strange.  The outstretched hand seemed like an offering from an angel.  "Ummm.... o-ok," she muttered.  "B-but you don't know this place either!"

At the very least, she was really pretty.  She was tempted to look inside her soul.  It was probably beautiful.


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This city was a load of bullshit.

At this point point he'd beaten up five ordinarily blunt thugs, left some kinda fight-happy troll hanging from a lamppost by his shirt, totaled a TV from a store front against some freak trying to throw lightning at an unarmed person, and he was still no closer to cracking this. Sure as hell didn't seem like his world though. The streets didn't look like his city, and monsters (they seemed different too) didn't do their thing this openly, even if it was relatively low key. He could've asked the pretty police officer, but she had a mind to be the one asking questions, and he didn't want to ruin his impression with the law so soon.

Where those last two things were concerned, you couldn't make an omelette without breaking some eggs, but if the eggs fell on the floor then you wouldn't have anything to make an omelette, and starving was bad if that was a bodily concern you had.

All this before lunch, too. Waste of a morning, but at least it wasn't boring.

And speaking of... that redhead running past like a cheetah on caffeine sure didn't seem like your everyday human. There's a thought, better than bothering some random person off the street who probably found him intimidating anyways.

Grinning wolfishly, Raikou kicked off into a run after her, and his heart followed shortly. The furnace in his chest roared, sending power flooding up his limbs, and he closed the remaining distance in a burst of acceleration.

"Yo sis," he called out, stepping in front of her and kicking up a cloud of dust in the process. "I'm new here. Mind if I ask you some questions?"
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 03:28:38 AM by YOLF »
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Joe's eyes widened at his retort. Wow hes so cool! he thought, squealing internally like a child.  That cop was either really confident, really strong or really good a bluffing.  Still, he couldn't help but wonder what issue's Blackmore had with the law.


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Blackmore (past)

"Yes, yes. I haven't heard that one before." He rolled his hand like he was quite literally too old and tired to deal with such spiels. "But how do you expect to deal with people who can turn you into hamburger? Hasn't the thought that you might just be on the losing side ever cross your mind?" He pointed to the detective, smiling all the same but genuinely curious in his words.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 04:19:23 AM by francobull3 »


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This was starting to feel excessive, the questions just went on and on. Shinobu sighed as she answered the next one. "I do. It is why I look so dazzling despite being over 500 years old." She stood up and flipped her lustrous golden hair, inadvertently revealing her pointy ears as she did it.

"You do not look too bad yourself for a mortal, it shows you are taking great care of yourself."

Sakura Matou

The girl's ears by no means went unmissed by Sakura's eyes. Oh, so she's an elf. Sakura thought with a nod. That explained a whole bunch, really. Even the mortal comment at the end. Elves were supposed to be immortal, right? And be all superior and haughty and stuff. All the puzzle pieces had fallen into place, and Sakura felt quite smart. She also rather appriciated the compliment.

"Oh, thanks." Sakura said with a smile. "I work hard on my looks. Sometimes it feels as if my husband doesn't notice me, so a little affirmation is nice. You look gorgeous too."

Sakura then noticed that she'd recieved a text from Joe, of all people. She quickly looked at it and saw it was him asking her for help. "Where are you?" She wrote back to him quickly.

"Sorry, that was really important I respond to. Do you have any further questions for me?"
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 03:44:38 AM by Sinib »

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The detective stared flatly at him for a moment, inhaling deeply of his cigarette. He was on the losing side from the start, and giving up never crossed his mind from the moment he fell from his chains.

He blew smoke out of his mouth to the side, and straightened his lips into a thin smile. "Do you think I do this to be on the winning side?"
[13:38:37] Helligator: Depends on the god, but gods by definition in Nasuverse are strong because they have divine authority.
[13:38:48] Kat: Even the toilet god?
[13:38:56] Helligator: No one worships toilets.
[13:39:00] Helligator: Don't be a shitlord.

[04:32:08] Helligator: I can't make dragons in power armor like this

[19:50:12] francobull III: [...] why are you being all assive aggressive?

[23:32:37] Helligator: use the narrative as a means to convey an interesting story and cool conflicts with the openness you're allowed
[23:32:43] Helligator: not to CHEAT stories and conflicts


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Blackmore (past)

"Heh! I see, I see! Fine, have it your way. You know, I don't mind stubborn idiots like you. They make the world interesting..." He chuckled to himself, but all of a sudden he was interrupted by a notification. Oh my, so quick? He was almost tempted to snatch it and answer himself. Another time maybe.

"Oho. You might want to respond to that. Welp, it was fun catching up, but I'll see myself out. And next time, please think a little more before you speak. It'd be bad if people got the wrong idea, hehehe."

He turned his back to the window and looked down at the city. Beautiful, really, and all for him. Just the thought of it was enough to make him overfill with glee. But oh well, he'd have his fun later, surely. So he turned his head to face the good old policeman one last time with the same snide tone as always.

"Let's catch up sometime, detective." He told him as his body crumbled and faded away into nothing. The only trace left of him was a burnt up cigarette.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 04:18:42 AM by francobull3 »


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And there all the sublety went out the window along with the giant beam of darkness that exposed the sewers to ligth of day. Thankfully the miad had stayed clear of the blast area escaping without any injuries. Seeing them both leave through said hole, she quickly rushed after them and lept up onto the street.

It was complete chaos. Parts that vaguely resembled cars could be seen scattered around the road and on the sidewalks, the back end of a bus was almost tipping over into the half, the front end nowhere to be see, no wait it was further away. Assuming that uppside down long half melted roof section was it.

To say nothing of the bodies, cause there weren't many, intact bodies that is. There were a healthy amount of what rsembled blood stains littered among the wreckage. A few fleshy chunks could also be seen here and there and in distance faint cries for something. Some for help and others to just make it go away...

In the middle of all this carnage stood the Fishman. He looked roughened up, like he had gotten boiled alive. But despite that he was still standing somehow.

"Witness it, the sight of your folly surface dweller. This is where it all leads!"


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Woah, still alive? Just what the hell was he made of? And he blew his cover too in the heat of the moment. Despite the utter failure, he didn't stop grinning from ear to ear, as if this whole thing didn't matter in the first place. Even while his good friend was talking, the strange miasma was building up again.

"Yes, yes, how unfortunate. I think I'm about to cry." The ground beneath him began to melt from the sheer heat, though there was very little to burn at this point. "Well, it was fun. Good night sweet prince."


Just before he was about to fire it once more, he stopped and looked surprised for a second. Heh, you really are despicable.

Ultimately, he didn't fire anything. Instead, he melted the ground under him and slipped through the hole in order to flee. A projection appeared behind Molly, just for a second in order to relay the message.



No. Looking was bad. He definitely, absolutely wouldn't turn around! "I-it's very nice." He managed to muster weakly in his flustered state. "I mean, isn't it, like, embarrassing?"

He could never imagine wearing something so scandalous, even in his wildest dreams. Girls should be more proper, shouldn't they!?


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"What, do you have problem with her attire?" A skeleton getting embarassed by not completely covered up body? How quaint. The werewolf honestly still didn't completely grasp how some people got worked up over that. "Well, it's a bit hot here anyway, isn't it?"

The werewolf took off the upper part of her tracksuit, revealing her black sports bra. It's as if she tried to intentionally screw with him. Her bust was quite ample in this form as well.


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"Then I will be glad to assist you in this endeavor." Julius smiled politely, though he noticed that the girl was a bit upset when he mentioned that he dedicated himself to another God already. "I can show you the mall that already got attacked few days ago. If we're 'fortunate, we can find a troublemaker."

The immediate damage got cleaned up by Forest and others, but such traumatic and horrifying event must have left some supernatural scar in the place. Monsters were attracted to places marked in such way.


"Ok, thanks." Noire said, waiting for him to take her to the mall.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Minion A

"Agh!" the man cried out as his back struck a wall.  A wave of pain ran through his body, but he did not stop moving.  The second his back struck the wall, he slashed at the other shadow, freeing himself from the tedril.  Then, he rolled to the side, slashing at the tedrils as he moved.  Just as he recovered, he ran into the familiar that snuck up behind him.  There was not enough time to strike first, so he would have to wait for it to act and then counter attack.


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It could be fun, Forest sent back at Marcus when the driver started to show a bit of racism.

She tilted her head and added, He hasn't even noticed that I lack a reflection in his rear view mirror.


"And I could have easily repaired your clothing with magecraft.  You wouldn't have been naked for long if any," Rin said with a sigh as she lifted up her hand towards Sakura.

To the newcomer she said, "You should keep your pet on a tighter leash.  Or be aware that he wanted to sexually assault her."


"HHmmph. Let's go Rin." Sakura said, turning around and walking towards the girl, grabbing her like a princess and with one gigantic leap, jumped away, hopping along platforms she created in the air. "They were so creepy." Sakura said, shuddering.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe gave Blackmore a confused look.  I don't get it, he thought.  I thought he wanted to hurt me.  Was he really so petty and distrusting that he spyed on me just so he could lecture me if I lied?  When he thought about it, he really didn't know much about gangsters and Sakura seemed nice, if a bit too eager to flex her muscles.

He shook his head, at both the thought and Blackmore's suggestion.  "I.. probably shouldn't right?  Its....rude?" he asked, unable to understand the flow of this conversation.

And then without responding to him, the man left... or disintegrated, leaving nothing behind other than a used cigarette.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 06:02:04 PM by yinsukin »