Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 52489 times)


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Medaka smiled, fascinated by the kind of exotic person Mitsuba was turning out to be.  Contrary to the assassin's hopes, she was far too excited to back down without a prompt.  "This is what you really look like?  Is that thing you do with human covers a technique or a feature of your physiology?"


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Rin didn't resist as Sakura picked her up and took to the air.  She settled in the other girl's arms with a frown, casting a look over Sakura's shoulder.  "Nexus is filled with a lot of dangerous elements.  The would-be-molester didn't bother me as much as his handler though," Rin said.  "He seemed to be the real power in the relationship, and I got the impression that he was just a flunkie himself."


Forest raised an eyebrow at Marcus as she could sense the driver's unease.

She bit her lip for a moment; teasing the driver could be fun, but she'd feel guilty about it.  She also had no desire to terrify the poor man.  Even though she disliked other vampires as a whole - individuals could be cool - but the prejudice they faced affected her too.

Instead she leaned against Marcus and slyly ran her finger up and down his chest.  "I think he's going the right way.  Don't worry him; sooner we get home . . ." She flashed him a little smile as she settled back in the seat, crossing her legs in a way so he would get a flash.  A reminder she wasn't wearing any panties at the moment.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2017, 06:32:09 PM by Elf »


  • Moon Cancer
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Tch, she wouldn't stop even if she explicitly told her to not bombard her with such questions.

"I've said before that it's my true form. Your short term memory is pretty wanting, isn't it?" She made another biting remark. "And yes, it's one of my traits to be able to assume human identity like this one. Satisfied?"

If there was an end to her curiosity, the Unchained hoped that they reached this milestone. Medaka should just let her recover so that they could go back to their place. She had this feeling that without exposure to her true form she would be less curious about it.


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Just as Marcus was about to respond, he felt a hand on his chest.  Fingers moved up and down, prompting him to shift his gaze to Forest, who flashed him a seductive smile.  Of course, his pupil's immediately darted down, catching her meaning.  While on head caved, another one rose, more than happy to take up her offer.

The driver took one last look at Forest through the mirror, only to finally realize she had no reflection.  He looked back, only to see the girl snuggling up to the man.  At least he knew that they were in fact a couple.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" he shouted.

"No, shes right," Marcus said with a sigh.  "She knows this place better than me."

The driver once again returned his attention to the road.  "Good," he said with a groan before whipering, "stupid vampire couple..."


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"Alright, I shall lead you there, then." Julius followed his knowledge of the city to bring Noire to the mall. Even after months it remained pretty ill-omened place. Sales dropped because weaker willed people started avoiding it and because the monster activity had increased in the area. However, its economic situation didn't become worse enough that it would bankrupt itself. In fact, some products started selling better than before, like guns and ammunition. It became a sort of informal hub for people interested in destroying monsters.

"If a monster attacks soon, then it will be a perfect occassion to have people believe in you." He cared not for fame, so he wouldn't mind if she even took all credit. As long as he could take the body and hopefully pay off his debt to Cheiron.


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Forest blinked at the driver's little protest and Marcus's reply.

Then she smiled and said, "I do.  I tend to make a mental map of every place I'll be for an extended period of time.  It makes driving quite easier."

She leaned up towards the driver and said, "Oh, he's not a vampire.  Just me."  She then settled back beside Marcus and sent to him, So . . . do you still want to mess with the driver?


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Leo I


His surprise attack was met with a fist and the resulting shockwave blew away everything in sight.  Once the dust cleared, all that was left was him and this strange man.  This was absurd.  Either that man was insanely fast, or he saw them coming the entire time.  In any case, he couldn't leave him alone.  He would have to count on his master to assess the situation and figure out a way to deal with the woman.  His priority now was to keep this man away from Anastasia.

There were no words, only the sound of the pope's legs launching him forward, destroying the ground where he once stood.  He grabbed hold of a overturned table and lobbed it at his opponent, a simple move to test his skills.  You would expect the fighter to follow up with a strike to the spot where the table hits and indeed, he did make the motions.  However, just as the table hit and just before the priest's strike would connect, he stomped on the tip of the sidewalk, causing the sidewalk plate shoot up like the light side of a seesaw.  Only then would the pope deliver a straight rocket like punch to his abdomen.

Cherry Lover

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Seeing that he was running towards the familiar, Sakura quickly caused it to grow to around human size, before ordering it to attack. As instructed, the shadow swung a punch at the man, whilst doing its best to keep out of the way of the sword that he was wielding.

At the same time, from behind him, Sakura launched more tendrils, attempting to wrap up his arms and legs to bind him. Several more of the tendrils aimed straight for the hand and arm holding the sword, intending to pierce it in several places and force him to drop the weapon. Then, just in case, she created several more very small shadow familiars, sending them to surround the man, intending to grow them to a more suitable size for fighting as appropriate.


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The driver couldn't help but be distracted by the pair of bare breasts approaching his seat.  His eyes locked onto her face as she corrected him before immediately returning to the road.

Meanwhile, Marcus smiled at her message.  Of course, he sent back.  So you have a better plan right?


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The titanic warrior read through the feints as if they were crystal clear. Concrete or wood couldn't hurt him, meaning that man's strike was yet to come. He burst into motion and shattered the ground with a dash as he caught the man's fist with his massive hand, deflecting the blow with a merciless gust of wind that boomed deafeningly, sending all the customers running away and breaking his opponent's balance.

He immediately followed up with incredible speed by twisting his body and delivering a merciless elbow strike to his opponent's plexus, shaterring anything in his path and sending splinters flying all over.


  • Moon Cancer
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Medaka frowned.  The remark pierced her impenetrable one track mind, causing her entire body to deflate.  "I am not, but I can see that my questions bother you," she said, her disappointment manifesting itself in a sort of pout.  "At least let me say one thing.  I think I like this form more than the other ones."


  • Mistress of Porn
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The blonde leaned up and kissed Marcus, tasting him before pulling away.  She then moved so she was on his lap, feeling his heated rod against her rear.  She then tilted her head back, giving him full access to her with his hands.

"Please play with me until I cum," she whispered in Marcus's ear, loud enough so the driver could hear it. 


  • Moon Cancer
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Running like a cheetah on a coffeine was indeed a good analogy for how the redheaded woman behaved. Swift even in her untransformed state, she ran towards her destination with blatant enthusiasm. That's how the promise of interesting fights affected her, she just couldn't contain herself any longer. Especially if there was some guarantee that her fight wouldn't be interrupted by pesky authorities. Hopefully.

She was so lost in her passion that she didn't notice that someone someone crossed her path until it was too late. She bumped into a man taller than her who wore sunglasses and whose hair color was... pink? Anyway, she stopped in tracks as her body hit him. Ouch.

She stood up and then started looking with a frown at him. "Yo, are you looking for trouble? You must be though to stop me like that."


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"Sorry to disappoint, but I enjoy the form I used when I met you more than this form. It's like one's favorite clothes. Maybe not the most lucky Cover, but I'm very used to living under that identity. When we meet your maker, of course I'll introduce myself in that form." She had no intent to parade around in her demonic form unless forced to.


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Marcus let out a pleasured sigh as he felt Forest's round ass against his length. His only regret was that he couldn't feel her raw ass thanks to the cloth covering his cock.  Even so, this would be worth it.

At Forest's comment, the driver jumped.  They aren't actually going to...

Marcus smile grew even wider.  "With pleasure," he said, running his hands over Forest's breasts.  He wanted to do it slowly so he could savor the driver's reaction. So he started by simply fondling Forest's breasts.  "Geeze, I already forgot how nice this feels.  They are so perky."

Meanwhile, the driver felt his pants tighten, a familiar excitement coming over him.  "Hey, no sex in the back seat!" he shouted, unaware of how red his face was getting.

Marcus flashed the driver his signature wry smile and said,  "Hey Forest, his face is red.  I think he likes it."  Then, he ran one of his hands down inbetween her legs, playing with her muscular quads before sliding three fingers inside of her.  "I wonder if he will like it more if you moan."