Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 124800 times)

Cherry Lover

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Sakura was about to respond, to inform the man that she had, in fact, already handed one thug who tried to rob her over to the police when she saw a blur flash in front of her eyes, the man addressing her again as the blur materialised into a large blonde woman.

Looking at the girl, Sakura noticed a familiar-looking red ribbon in her hair and, quickly, realised her own hair was now untied. Immediately, the polite smile on her face turned into an angry frown as she realised what had happened.

"Hey, give that back!" she said, obviously annoyed. "It's important to me, it was a gift from my sister."

Whilst she hadn't ever really repaired her relationship with Rin, the ribbon still reminded her that her sister did care for her or, at least, had once. It was the first gift she'd ever had of real meaning, the only thing of real value she'd had during most of her time with the Matou. It meant a lot to her, even more now that she knew she would never see her sister again, and she was not willing to simply give it up to some thief.


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Sakura was about to respond, to inform the man that she had, in fact, already handed one thug who tried to rob her over to the police when she saw a blur flash in front of her eyes, the man addressing her again as the blur materialised into a large blonde woman.

Looking at the girl, Sakura noticed a familiar-looking red ribbon in her hair and, quickly, realised her own hair was now untied. Immediately, the polite smile on her face turned into an angry frown as she realised what had happened.

"Hey, give that back!" she said, obviously annoyed. "It's important to me, it was a gift from my sister."

Whilst she hadn't ever really repaired her relationship with Rin, the ribbon still reminded her that her sister did care for her or, at least, had once. It was the first gift she'd ever had of real meaning, the only thing of real value she'd had during most of her time with the Matou. It meant a lot to her, even more now that she knew she would never see her sister again, and she was not willing to simply give it up to some thief.


"Huh? Why should I care about stuff like that?" Rosa asked the purple haired girl as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "This ribbon's mine, so please stop trying to take it unless you have the ability to do so."

Her glowing blue eyes flashed menacingly at her. Even if she did have pretty hair she wouldn't hold back.

Suddenly, she looked up at the giant. "So why are you so big, Giant?"

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Joe lowered his eyes at her comment.  "Yeah well, I did grab your.... boobs," he said, bending down to pick up the strap on the bag.  Those were probably the biggest breasts he had ever felt and they were so... firm, despite being so big.  After a second or two of strain, he slung the strap over his shoulder, thus lifting the bag off the ground in the process. Thankfully, that moment of strain tucked the big guy away and loosened his pants.

"Besides, its gone now." he said.  I wonder if Rin would be angry or proud.... he thought.  She wouldn't doubt me if she could see that!  A satisfied smile crept onto his face, even as his feet staggered moving him to the door.  It would be rough carrying all this baggage, but he could do it.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura glared angrily at the blonde woman, finding her attitude to be utterly despicable. How dare she act as if she had a right to just take whatever she wanted.

"My sister gave me that", she said, angrily, before calming herself and turning to a more pleading voice. "It's the only gift I ever got from her before I was sent away. And she's in another dimension now, so I'll never see her again. If you want a ribbon then I will buy you a ribbon, but, please, just give my ribbon back."

Then she turned to the giant.

"Can you help me, please? That ribbon is important to me", she said, pleadingly.


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The giant looked incredibly amused by the two, not that he ever didn't look unamused. In fact, he might just be enjoying this. "Hehe, what can I say? I tend to sleep upside down a lot." He said, his tone making it hard to tell if he was joking or serious. And then, he heard something wonderful, something very interesting. He might just kiss this newcomer on the cheek, she was seriously a really big help.

"That sounds important. Is your sister's gift worth so little you'd ask me without offering anything in return?" He answered her with the smuggest of expressions.

Cherry Lover

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Sakura's eyes narrowed. Whilst it was understandable for someone to want to be compensated for difficult or dangerous work even in aid of a good cause, the fact that he had not seemingly even considered helping her just because it was the right thing to do did not say good things about who he was as a person. Further, the manner in which he said it and the fact that he had approached her in the first place indicated that he probably already had something specific in mind, which may not be something she would wish to do. Nevertheless, she did need his help, so she was willing to at least find out what his terms were.

"Well, what do you want from me in return? I get the impression that you have something in mind", she said, obviously somewhat suspicious.


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"Lorry you're alive!" The purple haired goddess exclaimed as if she hadn't even noticed that he was there until now, or alive for that matter. Not that he was alive, making her statement even more ironic.

"Nevermind that, why are you standing like that, we're going down now." Indeed as Neptune spoke, they'd reach the height of their ascent and from the top there was only long fall awaiting. In an act of unprecedented kindness, the likes that could only be called a miracle, the goddess of Planeptune acted out of her endless kindness and pulled him down. An act which would surely save the skeleton from the certain tragedy of falling off.

Unfortunately that means she ended up hugging him, oh well, she could just count that as his free friendly hug of the day.


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The blond picked up the other bag with casual ease as if taunting him and begun walking out. "In the end it worked, and you also landed some hits on me, pretty impressive for a human."

His struggles almost made her laugh but she held it in as they made their way outside where a cab was now waiting for them. "How far have you gotten with Rin?" She suddenly asked him.


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Leo I

What? Again?

A successful strike to the head should have caused a temporary blackout or some other form of truma.  Yet, this man was able to cushion his fall to the ground, in a split second no less.  Just like before, it was as if what he was striking was not an actual body, but some sort of hollow shell.

There was no time to think.  The spear struck him with an unholy level of skill.  While the pope was able to move his body slightly, as he was on top, the blade struck him in the stomach.  Blood seeped from his body as he slowly slid down the weapon's shaft.  Master, my stratagy has failed.... I am sorry... he sent to Anastaisa.

As he stared down the devil's guard, his cold glare finally softened.  His body which had been forged by his own will weakened, submitting to death at last.  It was inevidable really.  This was an uphill battle, one that he knew he might not have a chance of winning.  What was a mere priest to the forces of the devil?  Yes, this was the natural conclusion to a predictable battle.

In the end, it seems I have grown arrogant. It seems my faith has amounted to nothing more than a flashy circus act.

My faith?

A young Leo clasped his hands together in prayer in front of a large painting.  It was the one that depicted Micheal casting Lucifer into the depths of hell.  A radiant light flowed into the cathedral, filtered by the decorative glass paintings.  That mosaic of color struck the painting with a holy grace, giving each figure its own color.  By gods grace, Micheal's figure still shone with different shades of orange.

What does one do when surrounded by the shadows created by gods light?  In the real world, angels do not descend from the heavens to vanquish our evils.  Oh how I wish it were so.  If god could dispatch Micheal himself to vanquish Rome's evil, then perhaps the people wouldn't suffer so.

Then he heard a voice, a whisper perhaps.  Your words are heavy with kindness, but void of any wisdom.  Angels do need not exist in the world of man as it is today.  Evil no longer exists in an external form, but rather the weakness of the human spirit.  Only through faith is the evil of the heart clensed.

A bolt of energy shot into Leo's body, as if he was revived by god himself.  The man gripped the blade with both hands and grimiced with all of his might.  The pain welling up through the shock in his belly was unimaginable.  "AND I TOLD YOU, GOD ALONE IS THE GUARDIAN OF LIFE AND DEATH!  YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE!"

Friends, family, master, servant, wealth, fame, power.  All of these things are eroded to nothing eventually.  In the end, there was no true threat besides the evil of the heart.  In that moment, it had been vanquished.

He inched himself closer, putting one hand over the other as he pulled himself closer.  "My faith shall overcome!"

There is one more, he sent to his master.  There is one more thing I have yet to reveal to you.


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Medaka Kurokami

After a minute or two she realized something.  She was in her own house!  Why bother getting dressed!  She simply put on some sweatpants and walked out of her bedroom with nothing but a bra on.  "Shinobu!  Did you enjoy your walk last night?" she asked.


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Joe groaned audibly at Jeanne just picking up the bag like that.  It was pretty hot to be around a girl stronger than him, but it didn't help his pride right now.

Joe sighed and said, "Well, to be honest not too well.  I mean, I think I am getting through emotionally but... I don't know... I think she thinks im too much of a coward or something, like I can't handle the mage culture that surround Sakura and her."

He looked at the cap, and dropped his bag with another sigh.  He moved to the trunk of the cab, opened it up, then returned to his over sized bag.  After another strained lift, he lugged the bag over to the taxi.  Unfortunately, he was having trouble lifting the thing up high enough to put it into the trunk.  Damn it! I think I overstuffed this thing!


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His cold eyes narrowed. In the end, his faith and struggles amounted to nothing. Impaled and hung towards the heavens, the puppet of God shone with otherworldly radiance under the sun. Even in death, he was showered with the light of the gods. But they would grant him no salvation, the dead had no need for such a thing in the first place.

And then, a miracle happened. As if brought back to life, the phantom gripped his blade and roared a declaration that shook Vanguard. His  eyes widened, and without even realizing it he took a step back.


Could it be that that man had made him feel fear!? No, impossible! Absurd!! This notion was nothing more than rubbish, but for a second he felt that if he did not deal with that man adequately he would be the one to perish. Despite having no life, his metallic body instinctively chose the path of self preservation and dispelled his weapon. That was all.

With a swift motion, he grabbed the holy man's face and ruthlessly charged without a shred of hesitation, as if he was possessed by the devil himself. He ran with the wounded man's face in his hand and slammed him straight into a pillar, causing fire to erupt from the holy man's back as his limbs burned away into ash. There was no escape, no mercy in his grip, nothing but wrath and desperation.

But at the last second, he let go. In that moment, a second miracle occurred. The servant had been ravaged, his body close to complete destruction.

His grip was enough to crush metal like a vice, and with no pity he threw the body out of his way. Despite the moment being short, it seemed to stretch forever as if time was frozen. Or perhaps Vanguard himself was frozen.

His face was hidden from that man, all the holy man could see was his back. The only thing that could be heard were his solemn words.

"Your faith was superb. If your strength was able to match it, you would have been able to best me."
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 04:37:35 PM by francobull3 »


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He clearly now learned that his opponent was willing to use her whole body in a fight. She would even bite him if she had such an opportunity. His own strength was still no joke though, and her regeneration considerably struggled against the wounds he had inflicted. This shaped to be an interesting fight, and honestly the redhead had now the sort of spiritual tunnel vision that she would ignore fights going on elsewhere even if she could sense some of them. In spite of the headache from his knee ramming into her jaw. Ouch.

However, there was still a clear difference. She could recover from his unarmed blow faster than he could recollect himself after tail whack. Ah, so close! She thought as she managed to step back just in time, the blade barely connecting. Some blood has trickled from her chest (and her shirt got ruined), and while it was miniscule amount, I guess this wound would keep bleeding for a while.

Umbra of Chaos

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She took the water bottle, unscrewed it, and chugged the thing rapidly. "Oh man, I really needed that. Was kinda thirsty. Check your bag again now." And sitting in it was a completely new 5 dollar bill for acquisition. Deal complete!


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"Occasionally, I wouldn't mind it if that was what you were planning to order." She leaned forwards and rested her head on her hands while her breasts got squished against the table making her already impressive cleavage get even deeper.

She observed Marie who was fidgeting nervously with immense interest. "Tell me Marie, why is it that you make me wear this very revealing dress and then don't even have the decency to gaze upon me. Am I that unappealing to you?" She asked seemingly serious.