Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117776 times)


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"Heh, you better not go back on your word!" He told Ellie with a wolfish grin before chanting. But just as he was in the middle of it, Nep started talking crap and completely got him out of the groove.

"Tch, don't interrupt me! Aaah, now I forgot where I was. Damnit..." He cursed, how impudent! It had nothing to do with practicality, this was about style.

He forgot where he was or what he said afterwards, not like it mattered. It wasn't about using a specific magical chant more than the ritual in the first place, the act of using words to empower his magic was enough by itself to force it out.

There was a sudden explosion of fire and light, blowing everything around the pirate away as a massive burning wreckage literally tore off the earth, sending the three flying in the air. Once the light was faded, the ship was already sky high, making the city look small in comparison.

For anyone able to sense magic, something like this was honestly scary, it was like being surrounded by nothing but mana, thick to the point it could take another shape. It was no different than being litterally in the mage's heart.

"Oof, summoning magic like that is easier said than done. You kids need to learn and appreciate the larger things in life." He grabbed a handful of popcorn from his bag before munching it down the endless inferno that was his burning stomach.

"So, anywhere you want to go?"


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Sera was unsure if she should mention if they just got here.  After all, it could make them more likely to fall to the pray of someone wishing to take advantage of them.  This woman seemed nice, but there was no reason to trust her.

Not showing even an ounce of suspicion in her movement, Sera simply drifted over to the redhead, placing her own body right beside Emily.  "Well we do need to get her some new clothes," Sera said meekly.  Her stutter was gone.


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 Oka Kurosawa

Oka led Rebecca out of the pool suddenly stopped, turning around to face her. "Before we go out and look for them, you'll need to meet my lifelong friend and partner!" Oka exclaimed, pulling a tiny marble from a belt on her waist, which proceeded to expand at which point she threw it, a beam of light coming out which materialized into an animal, Wormy! "This here is Wormy." She said to Rebecca, then turned to Wormy. "And this here, is Rebecca." The bug made a pleasant buzzing noise at her in greeting.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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"I wonder." He didn't seem to acknowledge William much, then again it was hardly special treatment. There wasn't a single person he didn't hold in some level of disdain. One might as well call it tough love.

"You're wasting breath. Why don't you get to the point?"


"Of course. But what kind of food? There is so much this city has to offer. You don't look like someone with very refined taste." He told her with a vicious grin. When they locked stares, it almost seemed like lightning was shooting out of their eyes. Or perhaps, in her case, it was literal.

"What about my good friend here, can she eat too?" He slapped the purplehead lightly on the back, but if she wasn't careful she might just plant her face on the ground. Then again, it was considerate for him to hold back.

Other times, he'd just snap their backs from the getgo. It was very vexing...

« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 12:39:32 AM by francobull3 »


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"Right on cue the master arrives well, everything went well in case you were wondering. Joe even managed to further blow up the apartment with the help of a few grenades." She put the bags down though.

"Beware Joe, beware of the gang leading witch whom wishes to feast on you. She now stands before you in the flesh. I ask of you, does she appear evil to you?"

Of course she made all of that up.


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Taking the redhead's approval as an affirmative answer to her offer, Nero swiftly turned toward the setting sun, pointing toward the horizon.

"Then, girls, onward! Follow me to new heights!"


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The servant merely flashed a devious smile at her master before waving the waiter, confirming that she was indeed done with ordering for the moment. She then glanced around the room to see if anyone was watching them, aparently it was not so as she then spoke to Olga. "Tell them I had to go to the bathroom."

Somehow the servant disappeared from her seat, no that's not quite what happened. In an impossibly fluid movement the blond had underneath the table and out of sight. "I don't think you wanted to finish from my feet and besides I really want an appetizer right now."


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Just on cue, Sakura appeared, in a strangely good mood for someone who was pregnant.  He flashed her a friendly smile and said, "Yeah thanks, but its ok.  I don't need the royal treatment, just a place to keep my stuff and an internet connection so I can research a new place.  I may be staying here for a little bit, so I want to carry my weight while im here."

I can at least do that, he thought, just as Jeanne spoke up.

With a sharp turn of his head signaling the quick rotation of his body, he turned to Jeanne and frowned.  "Hey!  Why do you have to tell her about that part!?  I didn't even get a chance to pretend to be cool!"

He would have given her more of a hard time, but her next sentence forced his mouth shut.  Wait what?  She....but I thought..... Wait, she never actually denied anything...
 so maybe...

He glanced at Sakura's peppy smile.  "I....don't think so," he said, as if he was asking himself the question even as he spoke.  SHIT!  I KNEW SHE WAS TOO CAREFREE SOUNDING FOR A PREGNANT WOMAN!


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Just on cue, Sakura appeared, in a strangely good mood for someone who was pregnant.  He flashed her a friendly smile and said, "Yeah thanks, but its ok.  I don't need the royal treatment, just a place to keep my stuff and an internet connection so I can research a new place.  I may be staying here for a little bit, so I want to carry my weight while im here."

I can at least do that, he thought, just as Jeanne spoke up.

With a sharp turn of his head signaling the quick rotation of his body, he turned to Jeanne and frowned.  "Hey!  Why do you have to tell her about that part!?  I didn't even get a chance to pretend to be cool!"

He would have given her more of a hard time, but her next sentence forced his mouth shut.  Wait what?  She....but I thought..... Wait, she never actually denied anything...
 so maybe...

He glanced at Sakura's peppy smile.  "I....don't think so," he said, as if he was asking himself the question even as he spoke.  SHIT!  I KNEW SHE WAS TOO CAREFREE SOUNDING FOR A PREGNANT WOMAN!

Sakura Matou

Sakura rolled her eyes at Jeanne's teasing comments. By now she was entirely used to her cute blond servant's antics. "Really?" She laughed at Joe's reaction through their mental link. "I really want to know what Rin told him and if he's just a super gullible guy."

And then, suddenly, making her most ominous face, shadowy marks creeping up her arms and face, she glared at Joe.

"Mwahahahahaha!" She burst out in exaggerated comical evil overlord laughter. "Yes, it is I, evil overlord Sakura! I'm the one that causes everything bad to happen in the Nexus! Everything! Even kittens and puppies getting kicked!"

And then it was instantly all gone, her cheerful smile back once again. "Did you really believe any of that? I don't have a gang or anything like that, silly. Don't believe any lies my sister told you about me. I'm quite harmless." Well ok that last bit might have been a lie but not like he'd know that.

"Let me give you the tour." Sakura said.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The servant merely flashed a devious smile at her master before waving the waiter, confirming that she was indeed done with ordering for the moment. She then glanced around the room to see if anyone was watching them, aparently it was not so as she then spoke to Olga. "Tell them I had to go to the bathroom."

Somehow the servant disappeared from her seat, no that's not quite what happened. In an impossibly fluid movement the blond had underneath the table and out of sight. "I don't think you wanted to finish from my feet and besides I really want an appetizer right now."

Olga Marie

"Of course." Olga said with a happy smile. She instantly knew what Saber was about to do and was quite pleased with the prospect of it. Her going under table confirmed it.

"I honestly wouldn't have minded since your feet were quite sublime, but far be it from me to deny my cute servant what she wants when she asks like that." Olga responded. She was glad Saber was under the table. This way she couldn't see how red her face was from the idea of her cum being called an appetizer. What she would be able to see now, however, was the size of Olga's cock. It'd put most men to shame and make them red with envy, and was twitching longingly at the lack of attention.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Cherry Lover

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Sakura found herself a little frightened and very annoyed by the girl's response. The creepy way in which she smiled did not give off a good impression, and her words showed absolutely no consideration of the fact that the ribbon was Sakura's and she had absolutely no right whatsoever to possess it.

However, Sakura was an expert at hiding her feelings, kept all of this buried, continuing to smile politely at the girl despite her annoyance and the pain she felt in her neck. Fortunately, she was soon placed back on the ground, reaching up to rub her neck as the two of them discussed the possibility of eating. Sakura was feeling a little hungry, plus she wanted her ribbon back and she also felt that annoying these people was not in her interests, so she decided she would agree to their suggestion even if she would perhaps rather eat at home with her beloved.

Before she could give a response to either of them, though, she felt herself slapped hard on the back. Fortunately, though, her balance was good, so she only took a step forward before controlling herself, rather than falling to the floor as a less-well-trained person might. Then, composing herself, she spoke.

"I could go for a meal with you, if you would like", she said, addressing them both, before turning to the girl.

"Could I please have my ribbon back?" she asked, politely. "I promise I'll buy you lots of ribbons if you return it."


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Rosa chuckled and suddenly violently shoved Blackmore's head into the asphalt, creating a small crater where his face met the ground. She then lifted him back up, murder in her eyes. "Care to insult me again, punk?" She asked him. She was too angry to bother responding to the girl's presumtiveness.  She needed to teach this idiot a lesson. Or two.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Good grief. He honestly didn't have it in him to resist, but to think she'd resort so quickly to violence. If this had been his old body, he'd probably be dead by now. Oh just how was he supposed to deal with someone like her...

"Ow ow ow... that hurt." He groaned, his face more like a hurt puppy despite being completely unscathed. "Fine, fine. You win. You're just too strong for me, I have no chance against you." He told her truthfully, though he seemed oddly content about it.

"How much delicious food will it take for you to forgive this punk?"

Damn, it was a shame. He liked the weight of his pockets, but even that wasn't going to last.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 11:22:53 PM by francobull3 »


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Black Heart

Black heart breezed through the enemies as if they were butter, blasting them away with her sword skills and fire. Within five seconds they'd all been completely dispatched by her sublime skill. She then burst into the office of the bad guy, ready to go.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Medaka betrayed her expectations somewhat and actually had some objections about doing even more than letting herself be drained by the elder. Maybe she should step in to prevent escalation.

"Alright, my bad, my bad." She raised her hands in a mock surrender and went out of hiding. "It wasn't my intention to observe you doing that, so you may spare me the spectacle."