Author Topic: CE 3.0 2017-2018  (Read 117719 times)


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The girl was certainly skilled, but she clearly lacked imagination.  In order to dodge all of them, he lifted the front part of his bike up and jumped, allowing him to preform a flip by starting from a wheelie.  With the extra strength, he was able to spin several times before landing on the ground perfectly.  This riding ability sure was nice.

"You know, I didn't think id ever race a dominatrix on a bike, but this is pretty fun," he said, speeding ahead of the woman.  Thanks to the fact that she had slowed down to attack him.  The plan worked surprisingly well.

"I'll see you at the finish line!" he cheered, disappearing in front of a truck.  It wouldn't be long now.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 12:28:09 AM by yinsukin »


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Relius Clover

Relius placed a hand on his cheek and frowned.  "Rip off your arm and eat your fingers," he said casually.  "Do this and you will have passed the prerequisite to earn my loyalty."

If it turned out she had regenerative abilities, he would have to come up with another test.

Umbra of Chaos

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Hmm. Was her Master under the belief that she was one solid structure? Still, it was not her place to question. Simply to obey. So Orianna grabbed her arm and it popped off with ease. Then she raised the hand to her mouth and popped off each finger with her teeth, swallowing them whole.

"Is there something more you require of me, Master?"


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Relius Clover

Interesting, the design is based on detachable parts, he thought to himself.  He began to think about how this could add diversity to his combat abilities, drawing from her design.  He realized he made an assumption, that a doll created to replicate the imperfections of humans would also contain pain.

"Cough up your parts and answer me this.  Do you experience pain?  As a thing containing the properties of a soul, do you fear death?"

Umbra of Chaos

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She held out a hand in front of her mouth and gagged, each time forcing out a finger. Orianna attached them back to her arm before fixing that as well. As she did so, she considered the question. "I do not experience pain. There is a sensation when I sustain damage but it is simply something to keep track of my status."

"As for death... I only fear dying without a Master to command me. It would be a meaningless thing otherwise."


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Relius Clover

How quaint, the girl seems to only fear dying with no purpose, he thought.  However....

"This means that anyone can be your master," he said simply.  "I require a doll who is loyal only to me, even in death.  I desire my position as master to be absolute.  My plans may require me to go beyond the limits of life and death.  Moreover, what is to stop you from merely betraying for another master?"

Normally the scientist was not so direct.  However, what was important here was not the truth, but the choice of words.

Umbra of Chaos

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Her eyes widened for a moment. But dolls were not creatures of hesitation, and Orianna was an exemplary doll. Then Orianna bowed her head deeply. "If your designs stretch beyond even life and death then I would gladly serve you until the last vestige of your will for this world has vanished."

"And I only ever serve one master, Master. It is in my design."


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Saber crawled out from under the table a few minutes later, having gotten what she wanted. Right in time too as the food arrived just a short moment later. It was better than she had expected, in fact it was quite delicious and she had a hard time hiding her satisfaction with the choice of restaurant. Not that she was particularly trying to, but it washed away any semblence of a sour mood she might have presented earlier.

"Do you usually eat in places like this Marie?" She asked her master between bites of the tasty food.

Olga Marie

Olga looked extremely contented as she answered Saber's question. "Mmmmm, not as of late, no. This is probably the first time in a year or so?" Olga sounded unsure about the exact timeframe but quickly moved on. "Anyway, I haven't because I was super busy running Chaldea. There aren't any fancy places to eat there."

"Did you, back in your first life?" She quipped right back. She was wondering how often she'd spent eating army food or whatever.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Oh, geez. Master was so peeved! It was kinda funny but at the same time she didn't particularly want another punishment. They could be fun but some variety was good too! So the Messengers all shaped up, slipping back into their mistress as she stood straight. "Of course, master. As you will."


"Okay, okay, I guess I'm still a little wet too so this should help..." So she walked up and put her still slightly pruned fingers against the bug pokemon.


Wormy made a purring noise at her, inviting her to pet him more. He basically had the gist of what was going on so it was important for this girl to know what he was capable of.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura walked right into that one, it would be so easy now to abuse the situation and get back at her for not taking bringing her with her earlier. It was so perfect, the perfect way of having revenge on her, on both of them. Well not revenge, revenge is bad after all. Perhaps it would be better to call a lesson. 

She slinked in behind Joe, hugging him tightly as she used his larger frame as a shield against the not so evil witch in front of them. "She's right you know. The truly evil one is none other than me. I ensnare all my victims like this. You sealed your fate when you groped me earlier Joe~" Ah yes payback was truly sweet.


Between Sakura's poorly acted cartoonish laughter and Jeanne's over the top confession, Joe couldn't help but cringe.  Even with the nice warm feeling of Jeanne's arms wrapped around his belly, he couldn't help but feel that distressing pressure that comes from being made a fool.  Ok.  I can play along too!

"But Jeanne...." he said.  His voice had a fake meekness to it, almost as if he was being sarcastic.  "How could you?!  You come into my place, destroy my apartment and tempt me with your body!"  He closed one eye and glanced at Sakura.

Oh man.  Im joking but its actually true.  What the hell am I going to do?

He reached over and grabbed Sakura's hand.  "Oh Mrs. witch.  Please punish your servant before me.  I promise I won't resist!"

Sakura Matou

"What are you guys talking about, this groping thing? What happened?" Sakura's voice was measured, but it was clear she was suspicious and upset at the prospect of the worst possible scenario. However, none of that showed when she responded to Joe. "Alas, I'm incapable of such an action." Sakura made a flamboyant gesture at the air. "While she may be called my servant, it's really just more of a term to classify her than an actual position of subservience. In her case, anyway. Our relationship is more one of mutual benefit than anything else."

Sakura had fallen into a lecture, unwilling to go along with the charade any longer. She just wasn't feeling it any more.

"So, the tour?" Sakura asked him.

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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Sakura internally sighed at the girl's actions and words. She was clearly not the most stable or reasonable of people. However, precisely because of that, she knew better than to contradict her. After all, she could not survive the sort of abuse that had been inflicted on the man. So, a little reluctantly, she agreed to the girl's statement.

"Yes, of course", she said with an enthusiastic tone, hiding her nervousness.

Yet, despite her nervousness, she still desired to have her ribbon returned. She didn't really trust the girl to follow through, and she didn't want to waste money buying ribbons only to find her own was not returned.

"Can I please have my ribbon back?" she asked, remaining polite despite her well-hidden annoyance.


"Later, later." Rosa waved dismissively at her. "Good things come to those who wait, you know. Stop being so impatient."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end

Umbra of Chaos

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He was pretty warm, so Rebecca didn't mind obliging the brightly colored insect. "So, how I suppose you catch the pokemon with the same kind of ball that Wormy came out of? And I would guess that either works instantly or you whack them about a bit until they go in."


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He was pretty warm, so Rebecca didn't mind obliging the brightly colored insect. "So, how I suppose you catch the pokemon with the same kind of ball that Wormy came out of? And I would guess that either works instantly or you whack them about a bit until they go in."


"You gotta give them the old one two punch!" Oka started punching the air excitedly with her fists. "Otherwise they'll probably be able to break out of the ball, especially if they're strong."

[5:20:13 PM] francobull III: "I fuck dead animals"

francobull3 - Today at 10:15 PM: when will skeleton bullying day end


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The ice mage woke up in an unfamiliar location, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling for a split moment before she processed everything. The mental link with Leo was gone? Did he perish in the battle that ensued? She wouldn't be surprised, the enemy didn't look someone who would take prisoners of war, if you could imprison a spirit, of course.

Anastasia honestly didn't know how to feel about it. Technically Leo followed his own judgement and the roles were reversed. But he seem to have miscalculated the forces he faced. Maybe she should have taken initiative and assumed leadership. However, she had no guarantee she would make a better decision than a man of a higher station who was more experienced than her. Either way, someone who technically followed her died on the battlefield. But she couldn't cry for him. She was that used to the hardship that she and others around endured she couldn't express her sadness in such a manner. The years she had spent as a supernaturally powered soldier left her a wreck like that.

"So we failed that mission, then." She muttered to herself with a deadpan expression on her face. But the world still existed. Someone at least seem to had stopped the threat, though she didn't recall the details. She didn't know what to do next, so she didn't get up, resting her body until she would recover. The question though where she was still remained unanswered. Who bothered to rescue her  after the battle concluded?


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Steps echoed outside the unfamiliar room, lingering like a rhythmic percussion. Before she could plan her next move or anticipate, the door slid open with little to no sound, revealing an old man in a white doctor's coat and pristine nurse carrying a platter of all sorts of food assortments. The sterile room was immediately filled with all sorts of smells from what could only be described as a complete breakfast.

She laid the silver platter on a table next to her.

"Hello, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked kindly.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 08:30:00 PM by francobull3 »